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30 Jan 19:56

Lacy black dress

by Joanna Goddard

pretty, but the cheapskate in me shudders.

This past fall, we went to a meet-the-parents cocktail party for Toby's preschool, and, assuming that it probably wasn't that dressy, I wore black jeans and a black shirt and heels.

When we arrived, we got glasses of wine, nabbed some cheese cubes and said hello to friends. Then I surreptitiously scanned the room. The attire was mixed—some pants, some dresses—but my friend Jenny stood out in the most beautiful black lace dress with her hair tied up and barely any makeup except rosy dewy cheeks. I suddenly regretted being so casual! She looked lovely, and I promised myself that on the next occasion, I'd do it up.

So! Here we are: Alex and I are going out to dinner for my birthday this weekend. Inspired by Jenny's black lace, I scouted a few dresses, and liked this short one and midi dress, but at the end of the day, this beauty stole my heart. I'm excited to wear it on Saturday!

Have you dressed up lately? I do it so rarely, it's always such a treat.

P.S. How to keep the sparks alive.
30 Jan 00:16

Stories From Sunday School

by kayla aimee

Chalkboard Art Coffee Quote- Cute for a coffee bar!
For Christmas this year my dad made me this oversized chalkboard for my kitchen! I saw this coffee quote on Pinterest and thought it would make for fun chalkboard art.

I taught Sunday School this week, which also requires a strong cup of coffee because Scarlette is in my class, and one of the things I love about teaching Sunday School is that the kids always say random, hilarious things.

(Or they draw me random, hilarious things like pictures of Baby Jesus as Minecraft characters.)

This week one of the little boys asked me to draw him a picture of Jesus and I am not blessed with skills of art and so I just drew a little stick figure man with a beard. And he looked at it and then shook his head and said “That doesn’t look like Jesus. That looks like Kevin.”

I have no idea who Kevin is but apparently I am very good at recreating his likeness in crayon.

(Unlike some people I could mention. )

I usually start off class by going around the room and having everyone tell me something fun or exciting that happened to them that week. One of the boys told me that he got to go ziplining and I was exclaiming over how fun that sounded when he said very seriously “It was fun until I racked my balls.”

I had no idea how to respond to that. In fact, as a girl who did not grow up with brothers I had to ask J what exactly that meant afterwards. Then some of the other girls wanted to know what that meant and I got all flustered and decided to just totally change the subject and was like “WHO HERE HAS A PET? LET’S TALK ABOUT ANIMALS! TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR PETS SERIOUSLY ANYTHING WILL DO!”

A sweet little girl in a prim white dress raised her hand and said “Miss Kayla, we have a tarantula. We used to have a fish but it died and we had to flush it down the toilet and then we got another fish and it died too so we had to flush it down the toilet so we got a tarantula and sometimes it sits on my hand.”

And then another little girl screeched “WHY DID YOU FLUSH YOUR FISH DOWN THE TOILET!?”

Then Scarlette held up her paper and told me that she was drawing a picture of God, so I told her that I couldn’t wait to see what God looked like.

And she shrugged her shoulders and said casually “Well, actually God just kind of looks like a frog a little bit.”

I am very good at teaching Sunday School.

The post Stories From Sunday School appeared first on Kayla Aimee Writes.

Links may be affiliate or referral links, which helps host this site, thanks so much for your support in this way! Click here to read my disclosure and learn how you can use affiliate links to earn an income from blogging
Feeling chatty? Come hang out with me on twitter or facebook!
23 Jan 17:38

Friday Favorites #296

by (kaylah doolan)

that ladle is everywhere!

This vintage post office box mail cabinet is probably one of the coolest things ever. No idea what I would ever store in it but it sure is amazing looking. Merle's Vintage actually has an amazing selection of old container / storage things.
This desk is really slick looking but do you see the face?!
 (via: Habitables)
 Ah! Look at this pot holder!
(via: Modcloth)
A camera bag I certainly wouldn't mind adding to my collection.
 (via: Magus Leather)
 (via: Amelie Mancini)
This shirt and these jeans make one adorable outfit!
(via: Modcloth)
This marshmallow on a stick pencil and eraser is such an adorable idea.
(via: Animi Causa)
How adorable is this bowl!?
(via: Urban Outfitters)

Hope you have an awesome Friday!
22 Jan 18:12

"If I were going to die..."

by Jo Dee

this is so neat. also, i keep wanting to use the word amazing today. this is amazing. whatever, i don't have to pay a dollar, i'm not on the bachelor.

These things are not easy--sorting a closet full of memories.
Some people simply do it in a day.  
Some people never do it.
There is no right way.
There is no easy way.

I had tried to start on Christina's closet at our house a few times.  It was too much.  I did not know what was important.  If it wasn't important today, would it be important in ten years?  How do you know?

I shared some of these thoughts with Christina's good friend, Linsey.  She offered to help me over Christmas vacation.  And then Mandy, Christina's other childhood friend, joined us.  I knew that Mandy and Linsey would know the meaning and circumstances of so much of this stuff.  

Christina was a saver.  It didn't take us long for us to throw away old papers from chemistry and math. 
 Old cassette tapes--mostly gone.  
Mask from radiation treatment--gone!  
Textbooks from college--thrift store.  

But there were some questionable things.  
Do you save all the high school and college annuals?  
How about report cards?  
How many of these quilts and blankets do we save?  

Other things were treasures.  The college letters from her brother.  The Mother's Day Card she made me when she was six.  (Why in the world was it in her closet instead of mine?)  The list of character qualities she was looking for in a husband!  Her art work through the years.  Stories she wrote.  Journals and more journals.

But there was one paper that stopped us in our tracks.  We sat and read it aloud.  We found a paper she wrote for a 9th grade English class.  The title was,

"If I Were Going to Die, Would I Want to Know It?"

It was hand written.  She received a "B".  I suppose the grammar wasn't great.  The teacher (I don't remember who it was) said her conclusion was "OK".  I smiled.  

Here are a few excerpts.  

"If I were going to die, I would definitely want to know it...

A lot of people say they wouldn't want to know if they were going to die because it would make them depressed and not enjoy the last part of their life.  I disagree. I think people can have many things they would want to resolve or finish.  They maybe would do all of the things they've always wanted to do, because they want to get as much fun in as possible.

How would you like it if you were minutes from dying and you and your brother weren't speaking because of a fight you had?  But it's too late to talk to him because he left town that night.  If only someone had told you that you were going to die, you could have worked it out and died in peace, but now it's too late.

If someone wanted to see a certain movie or go to one last Mariners game, they could do those things, because they knew they didn't have much time left.  They could enjoy life to the fullest.

A person could also do some risky things that they've always kind of wanted to do, like bungee jumping or sky's not such a big risk.

You can see now why I'd want to be told that I was dying.  I wouldn't have to miss out on all of the stuff I've always wanted to do.  I could resolve my arguments with family or friends, and most of all just be prepared for my death.  Sure, I might go through some depressing moods, but I would say it's definitely worth it."

I would love to talk to this teacher now.  I loved Christina's conclusion.  I thought it was much better than "OK".  For a 14 year old, I think it was pretty amazing.  I am thankful that God gave her such wisdom at an early age and enabled her to walk it out so beautifully.

I think of the motorcycle she enjoyed for a short time between the first and second brain surgeries.  No time to waste.  She loved motorcycles.  She bought a FAST one.  It's not such a big risk when your days are numbered.  I remember when she told her oncologist about her new motorcycle and the nurse said, "Oh is that on your bucket list?"  We were a little surprised at the question, but Christina took it in stride and said, "I've loved motorcycles since I was about 12, so why not?"

I think of Christina's care in keeping her relationships healthy.  I remember her telling me about working to forgive someone who had hurt her in her last few weeks of life.  She said she couldn't afford to have anything ugly in her heart.

She had such a desire to live life to the fullest--miss no minutes.  She loved the last 5 1/2 years of her life.  She was thankful for every day.  Even the hard ones.  She fought for joy.  She left us so much evidence of her deep relationship with God.  She worked out so many difficulties on the pages of her journals.  Such deep struggle and most of the time ending with a thankful heart.  Oh, I love that example.  

Thanks to Linsey and Mandy, Christina's closet is sorted.  Several boxes stacked neatly holding things that we think Isaiah might enjoy someday.  We are wealthy in memories, and Christina has left us so many treasures.  

16 Jan 19:08

I Am So, So Sorry: 6 C-Section Cakes People Actually Ate

by Jen

these are horrific. and look at the second one!

I want you to know, minions, that this post is not my idea/fault. *I* didn't make it Cesarean Section Day, mmkay? And *I* didn't make/order/condone ANY of these cakes, NO SIR.

But now LOOK what these bakers are making me do! LOOK.

(Made by Darcy at Brown Butter Bakery who has an awesome sense of humor)

:head tilt:

Well, actually, that's not TOO bad. I mean, EW, yes, but at least they kept the gore to a minimum.


In fact, this next one doesn't have ANY blood! Yay!

And hey, perky nipples! What mom-to-be doesn't want her friends eating perky lady nipples at her shower? Besides all of them?


I feel I should warn you, though, that this next one is definitely crossing a line:

Not ready. NOT READY.


Just tell yourself this is a creepy old man poking his head out of sheet, and you MIGHT only scream for, like, a second or two:

Brb, still screaming.


But you know what we haven't had enough of yet in this post? Doll parts and drippy red syrup.


Ok, for realsies, folks, turn back now.

'Cuz you do NOT want to see this last one.

It's bad.

Real bad.

Why are you still scrolling?

Are you on a diet?

Out of birth control?

Do you ENJOY feeling queasy?

Well, ohh kaaaaay....

What's that? You want to ZOOM IN?

You sick, sick puppy, you.



"Thanks" to Jenn M., Matt R., Carl G., Anony M., Heidi D., & Amber B. for making me question all of my life choices up to this point.


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

15 Jan 00:01

How to take a (better) shower

by Joanna Goddard

i am totally going to shower by candlelight next time i get a chance to shower while jeff is here to watch the girls. that sounds extra relaxing. i don't even care that i won't be able to see anything.

Mornings in our house are, in a word, chaos. Toby requests both first and second breakfasts, and one-year-old Anton has a habit of galloping (literally galloping) up and down the hallway. Alex trims his beard while I try to jump in the shower for two seconds, but Toby often comes in to tell me I'm taking too long and he's still hungry.

So! This year, I'm rejiggering my beauty routine to feel a little more spa-like. Since your routine starts in the shower, I'm trying to up my game there. Here, we partnered with Dove to come up with simple ways to make the old daily shower feel more zen...

Shower by candlelight. Light a candle in the bathroom and turn out the lights. The flickering light feels so peaceful and calming and makes such a difference.

Scent your shower. Tie some eucalyptus branches to your shower-curtain rod for a sweet woodsy scent (Erica's awesome recommendation!). You can usually find them wherever you buy fresh flowers.

Watch the temperature. Hot shower water is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to dry, scaly skin. Tip: If your skin turns red, the water's too hot.

Use a moisturizing body wash. I've been using Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash during these colder months; their new formula is even milder on skin yet still creates a rich lather, and their moisturizers leave your skin softer and smoother after just one shower (such a godsend in the winter!).

End on a gentle note. After your shower, gently pat yourself dry with your towel, since rubbing can irritate skin and increase dryness.

What are your shower rituals? People can be weirdly specific about how they shower!

And today Dove is giving away an entire year's supply of Deep Moisture Body Wash. For a chance to win, please leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random tomorrow.
Update: The winner has been emailed. Thanks for playing!
(Photos and styling by Kate Jordan for Cup of Jo. This post is sponsored by Dove, a brand whose products I've used for years. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Cup of Jo)
14 Jan 23:04

Tomboy shirt

by Joanna Goddard

whoa whoa whoa, are flared jeans making a comeback? please say no.

Last night, I was lying in bed simultaneously watching The Bachelor and reading Atlantic articles when I clicked over to Madewell and saw this shirt. I felt like I was looking at my mom in the 70s. I have a photo of her wearing almost this exact same shirt, with messy hair and a middle part, standing on a sunny rooftop in England. There's something effortlessly lovely and relaxed about these types of collarless shirts. I'd love to wear this one all winter and spring.

Thoughts? Would you wear this?

P.S. It would look beautiful tucked into these.
14 Jan 22:14

Macy’s Museum Month : Half Off San Diego Attractions in February 2015

by Daytrippingmom


Start planning some weekends and trips down South. During the month of February, over 45 museums and attractions have partnered up with Macy’s to provide half price admission to visitors and San Diego Residents. To take advantage of this awesome promo, you must pick up a Museum Month Pass at any Macy’s store in San Diego, Temecula or Imperial Valley.  The Pass is free and one pass is good for up to four half-price admissions at each museum so you can take family or friends, too. Keep the Pass and use it all month long!

Here is a list of some of the participating museums. We had the opportunity to check out the Birch Aquarium Saturday,  after not visiting for a couple of years and had so much fun with the kiddos. Make sure to take advantage of this sweet deal!

  • Birch Aquarium
  • Reuben H Fleet Science Center
  • San Diego Air & Space Museum
  • San Diego Botanic Gardens
  • San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum
  • Museum of Making Music
  • San Diego Natural History Museum
  • The New Children’s Museum
  • USS Midway Museum/Ship
  • and many many more!

To learn more about Macy’s mUseum Month head here.

19 Dec 16:59

An Interview With Scarlette: 20 Questions With My Four Year Old

by kayla aimee

you don't need to read this...i've just started following this girl's blog recently because sometimes she tells really funny stories, but her writing her daughter's toddler talk is OBNOXIOUS.


Photos c/o my friend Kaela B.

Every six months or so I ask Scarlette the same set of 20 questions. It’s so much fun to see how she answers them as she gets older. (Here are her answers at two years old and three years old!)

1) What is something that Mommy says to you? Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus!  You needa eat your begetables cause dose are a healfy food.

2) What makes you happy? You take pictures of me Mommy! I wike you take my picture. I take your picture now! CLICK CLICK.

3. What makes you sad? When I habba go in time out.

4. What makes you laugh? When Daddy tickles me! And one time I put your camera in my closet and dat was so funny. (This is brand new information to me.)

Scarlette: I be wite back, I pwomise. I just need to go scan dese at da scanning store. *runs off* “Hello, how much are dese? Twelve dollahs? Fank you.” *comes back in* Okay Mommy, I back!

5. How old are you? Free! No wait, I’m four! Am I going to be two on my birfday?

6. How old is Mommy? Firty one. (Correct.)

7. How old is Daddy? Fifty two. He doesn’t hab any hair. (Incorrect, but hilarious.)

8. What is your favorite thing to do? Ride piggy back on Mommy! And jumping on da bed. I love jumping on da bed. Not on da chairs. No. We do NOT jump on da chairs.

9. Who is your best friend? Hayley. Because I spended da night wif her last time. And Larry because he’s my best fwiend so I needa wite him a letter. Do you know where my cwaons are?

Scarlette: WHEEE! I’m going in my room to make some pasta! In my kitchen! Hmmm, let’s see what I can do.
KA: Wait! Come back, I have more questions!
Scarlette: Hold on, I’m making pasta, you needa hab some patience!

10. What are you really good at doing? Making pasta in my kitchen. And making cookies in my kitchen and I SMASH dem down wif my hand but not wif my feet! Smash, smash, smash. And I good at bwoing bubbles.

11. What did you do today? I made some pasta in my kitchen because Lucy couldn’t do it by herself. Lucy got a little bit of your picture and den she frowed it into da flowers! She was a good doggy because she was a good listener to me.

12. What is your favorite food? Pasta!

13. What is your favorite song? Hmmm. Christmas songs! Rudolph da reindeah! I like Rudolph because he likes people and he sits on a balloon and den it pops and it scares him! He has antlers and he talks in a microphone and he does sit ups like dis, watch me! (proceeds to do situps.)

14. What is your favorite color? Puhple. And white polka dots when dey are on puhple.

15. What is your favorite animal? I love Lucy! Lucy is an animal! She’s a doggie. Did you know dat answer, Mommy?

16. What did you dream about? I was dweaming about when I was a little baby. I was sitting on Lucy on da table.

17. What is your favorite toy? Well, da kitchen. Wif food. I need to make my pasta right now, are we done?

18: What is your favorite fruit? Lemonade!

19. What is your favorite book? If You Gib A Mouse A Cookie!

20. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Bubbles! Are we done yet? I needa go check on my pasta.

The post An Interview With Scarlette: 20 Questions With My Four Year Old appeared first on Kayla Aimee Writes.

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Feeling chatty? Come hang out with me on twitter or facebook!
19 Dec 06:18

A Plus-Size Woman Asked 21 Photoshop Editors Around The World To Make Her More Beautiful


what i learned from this is that it must be easy to be considered a photoshop "expert."

Marie Southard Ospina’s experiment for Bustle saw only three attempts to slim her down.

This is a picture of Marie Southard Ospina.

This is a picture of Marie Southard Ospina.

She's a plus-size Colombian-American fashion and beauty editor. In a recent post for Bustle, she mused on the nature of perfection.

Marie Southard Ospina /

I would be lying if I said I didn't actually care about how others perceive me. I select the photos I use on my blog or in my work carefully. I don't try to conceal my fatness or pretend not to have a double chin or anything, because I actually do like being plus-size, and I enjoy the wobblier areas of my body and my high-boned yet chubby cheeks. But I do tweak lighting. I do angle my face in the way I know will make it look more glamorous or beautiful or interesting.

She was inspired by two experiments – the first by journalist Esther Honig, who had her face photoshopped in over 25 countries to investigate beauty standards. Shortly after that, a biracial woman, Priscilla Yuki Wilson, carried out a similar experiment.

Ospina wondered: What would this result mean for a plus-size woman? As she wrote: "There are certain repeated phrases thrown around at women of size quite consistently: 'You have such a pretty face; if only you lost some weight.' 'You're pretty for a big girl.'" She added that "in countries like the U.S. or the U.K. being fat is (although quite common) perceived as an inherently negative thing."

So what would happen if a plus-size woman repeated Honig's experiment? Would they all, for example, try to slim her down? She paid 30 "experts" (their abilities varied) around the world an amount they set themselves (up to $30) to go to work on her picture.

And this is what happened...



India, like Sri Lanka, made liberal use of the airbrush. Ospina wrote that it gave her face a "softer, less angled feel".

Marie Southard Ospina /

View Entire List ›

18 Dec 18:00

Just received one of those amazing phone calls that you’ll...


Go Amy Poehler!!!

Just received one of those amazing phone calls that you’ll always remember. For a book from last year to even make the list is unbelievable. You guys are amazing, thank you so much. Just so thrilled by this.

16 Dec 19:17

Citation: Copier Abuse

by Kerry

hahaha..."hello, mr. copier!"

Alice in Fresno says that since this sign went up, she’s made a point of greeting the copier every time she passes it. The coworker who wrote it was apparently tired of hearing people cursing out the (stupid!) machine when it screws up (all the damn time!).


related: The printer doesn’t appreciate your tone.

13 Dec 21:43

Gift Guide Part #6: Your Gorgeous Best Friend Who Texts Every Morning, Holds Your Hand in Scary Elevators and Sneaks Wine into Movies.

by Joanna Goddard

hey cool, my mom got me that coloring book! i just need to get some fine pens to color it in.

Short pajama set, $97, because they're equal parts adorable and elegant, just like her.
Sexy winter nail polish, $20. (This color is pretty, too.)
Design-y houseplants, starting at $38.
Anti-stress coloring book, $13.46, because apparently they really work!
Japanese foot mask, $18.20, because OMG it's the most amazing thing. All my friends are obsessed with it. You wear little plastic socks filled with gel for an hour, and then five days later, your feet start peeling (stay with me here) and you're left with the softest baby feet. It's nuts/bizarre/hilarious/fascinating and will lead to 1,000 group texts.
Himelli mobile, starting at $25, to display on her bookshelf.
Blow dry thickening spray, $28, so she can get the perfect blow-out every day.
Made-in-America weekend bag, $99, for trips and sleepovers (you're never too old).
Bon Appetit subscription, $12/year, because the magazine is really smart and funny and surprising (even to a non-cook like myself). I always find myself dog-earing the pages.
Dog pillow, $30, to be her best friend when you're not around.
A print, $23, that's funny 'cause it's true.

P.S. More gifts for friends and the 2014 gift guide so far...

(Coloring books via Design Scouting). Tabs print via Diana)
11 Dec 18:33

Step 333: A small but kind thing to do for servers


interesting! i will use this tip tip.

If your tip is coming in a non-traditional way (cash, or you’ve split the bill down the middle but one person is going to pay the entire tip) it’s a very, very sweet thing to write “see other” or “cash” on the tip line.

People a) know you’ve tipped them and b) don’t get in trouble if they work in one of those nightmare restaurants where the boss checks the receipts to see what kind of tips they’re generating.

11 Dec 11:53

In order of increasing importance…

by Kerry

Our submitter says she spotted this request during a walk around her neighborhood in Oakland, California.

Do Not Feed the Squirrels 1. They may carry Bubonic Plague 2. You're making them dependent on humans 3. They bury your peanuts in my garden

related: How not to solve your stray cat problem

10 Dec 03:54

What are your favorite baby names?

by Joanna Goddard

I find it weirdly satisfying that Margot isn't on the list. It's a dumb satisfaction since Shaniqua and Apple and Taloolah aren't on the list either, but still.

Do you want to see the top 100 baby names of 2014?
Read More >
07 Nov 16:43

A Definitive Ranking Of The Cutest Baby Animals


baby animals turn me into such a girly girl.

It’s almost impossible to figure out who the cutest is.



Cute factor: They may be little troublemakers, but that bandit mask is pretty cute.



Cute factor: Okay, all that fuzz makes llamas pretty darn adorable. Plus, look at those snugglin' skills.

Flickr: tambako



Cute factor: Goats aren't super cuddly...but those adorable ears make up for it.



Cute factor: Maybe you can't snuggle up in bed with one of these little dudes, but those pink noses are still pretty damn cute.

Flickr: maryellen

View Entire List ›

07 Nov 16:42

This kind of attitude is what’s really scary.

by Kerry

haha holy crap how mean

Writes Derek from Ohio: “I found this on an anthropological blog I follow and thought it would fit great on your site.” I agree, Derek, I agree!

Due to the fact that people truck their kids in from other neighborhoods by the dozens, this house will no longer be handing out candy.   Thank you for ruining halloween for us and the children who ACTUALLY LIVE HERE.   Thanks for understanding.   Now, GO AWAY!

related: No candy go away!

extra credit: Do I have to give candy to poor kids? []

07 Nov 16:42

Wigwam Village #2

by (kaylah doolan)

there is a wigwam motel in san bernardino and now i really want to take jeff there just to mess with him

The main reason we actually took a detour to Kentucky before heading over to North Carolina? Wigwam Village! If you recall, back in June, Jeff and I actually stayed in one in Arizona. The one in Kentucky is the one I originally knew about waaaay before I even met Jeff, before I even moved to Cleveland, before I even drove! I had been wanting to stay here for so very long and now I finally get to cross it off my list.
Built in the 1930s + 40s, there were originally seven Wigwam Village locations. Now only three remain, each of which has been added to the National Register of Historic Places.

The first question everyone always asks when I say I stayed at Wigwam Village is "Do they have bathrooms?!" Yes, absolutely. Each wigwam has a bed, and bathroom, they even have cable tv and internet access. The base of each teepee is 14 feet in diameter, so it's kind of close quarters but perfect for two people. The teepees are by no means luxurious but they're still clean. I like to think of it like staying at your grandma's house. It's clean but it's outdated. The beds have nice old quilts, not crisp white sheets like at a hotel. The bathroom is incredibly tiny and the shower is even smaller (but, daaaang that water pressure was great!) Basically the gist here is that they're clean, and fairly cheap but I probably wouldn't stay there if it wasn't so incredibly kitschy. I am an absolute sucker for tourist traps.
It's way out of the way to go to Cave City from Cleveland before heading to Charlotte. It's essentially a huge triangle but when Jeff suggested we swing by I couldn't say no, especially considering it was our six month anniversary and I've been begging to go to Cave City for so long. He's super squeamish about dirty places, which is hilarious considering we're almost always in abandoned buildings. He's not a huge fan of Wigwam Village in that aspect, he'd rather stay at DoubleTree (and if he knew I was typing this he'd say it was all because of their cookies!), but the fact he suggested it for our anniversary is pretty darn sweet in my book!
Now with this one under my belt, I only have one remaining Wigwam Village to stay in, and you know dang well I'm chomping at the bit to get there. Like I said, they're not luxurious places by any means but an absolutely a fun place to stay!
04 Nov 17:42

Have a happy (Halloween) weekend!

by Joanna Goddard

i knew that was going to link to yes please. i bought it for my sister for her birthday this week, and i'm still tempted to buy it myself.

Boo! Are you dressing up for Halloween tonight? Toby will be a racecar driver and Anton will be a puppy. I'm so excited for trick-or-treating! I've also been reading this new book and dog-earing every page. Hope you have a delicious night (with lots of mini Snickers), and here are a few fun posts from around the web...

The Halloween candy exchange rate.

A good argument for taking a phone break.

Clever bike rack.

Unnecessary "quotation" marks.

Would you be friends with your mom if you were the same age?

5am flowers.

10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman. (Plus two quotes worth reading.)

And why catcalling is not okay.

How lovely is this California house?

Things not to say to a pregnant woman.

What beautiful wooden bowls.

Would you try a salad candle?

Made me laugh out loud.

Movies and their food pairings.

Plus, three posts you may have missed:
* Bringing your child's favorite book to life.
* Real actors read Yelp reviews.
* How to do a braided crown.

(Photo by Karen Mordechai on instagram)
29 Oct 14:26

Neighbors too loud? The Police can handle it.

by Kerry

This one speaks for itself, no?

Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take Is really audible through the floor. xo

(Thanks to our submitter, Bonnie in Edinburgh.)

related: A review of last night’s performance

23 Oct 23:39

10 pretty wallpapers

by Joanna Goddard

with as often as she moves, i'd say that's a little crazy.

Our new apartment has two tiny bathrooms—they're super bare bones, and only one person can squeeze in at a time. To jazz them up a little, I was thinking we could wallpaper them. But is that crazy in a rental? Here are a few pretty patterns...
1. Feathers 2. Sailboats 3. Mountains 4. Azurite 5. Flowers 6. Birds 7. Safari 8. Cities 9. Stripes 10. Marble.

Which do you like best? (I also love these 10 wallpapers for kids, especially the London gentlemen:)

(Top wallpaper by Calico)
22 Oct 03:04

What books are you reading this fall?

by Joanna Goddard

i'm fairly certain the level of twistiness and suspense would give you nightmares.

Two years ago, my friend Kendra texted me saying I had to read Gone Girl. But when I heard the basic premise—wife dies, husband is suspected, chaos, twists, suspense—I wasn't sure it was up my alley. I'm more of a Jane-Austen-comedy-of-errors-don't-look-at-my-ankle kind of girl.

But finally, finally, this fall I picked up a copy and OH MY GOODNESS I AM SO SUCKED IN!!! I cannot express how gripping and compelling the book is. I cannot put it down. I think about it all day long—during work, during the boys' bathtime, during dinner—until FINALLY I can climb into bed and crack it open. I know I'm the last to the party here, but if there's anyone left out there who hasn't read it, you have to. :)
What about you? What are you reading this fall? Any recommendations? I would LOVE to hear.

P.S. The scariest movie.

(Book photo by Yossy Arefi for Cup of Jo)
22 Oct 03:03

Funny mugs

by Joanna Goddard

hahaha...sometimes i wish i drank out of a mug because there are such cute ones. i love that shut up, mug one.

Hilarious. That's all.

P.S. Funny T-shirts.
07 Oct 22:40

“Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours.” — C. S. Lewis

by Molly Ford

I read the being a better friend article, and I agree with what she's saying, but I have to admit something: I don't love her writing. It seems like every sentence is trying to be deep and meaningful and poignant. I know she's like catnip for Christian women right now, but I'm just not a fan. Also, I think it's SUPER weird that she has a link next to one of her sentences that you can click to post the quote to twitter. Is that a normal thing now? Holy narcissism. :End rant.:

How to be Smarter: Surprising things that affect whether you get hired. [I thought the part about when to schedule your interview was especially interesting].

How to be Prettier: I am always looking for easy ways to remind myself to sit up straighter, and I love this idea: “A buddy and I agreed to send each other Gchats sporadically throughout the day that said nothing but ‘UNHUNCH!’ It works! For a little while, anyway.” — Great tip from this article with lots more research on the benefits of sitting up straight.

How to be (less) AwkwardLove this simple post about how to be a better friend.

26 Sep 22:28

Friday Favorites #279

by (kaylah doolan)

i like all of these things. and if that cat bridge didn't cost so ridiculous much, i'd totally buy it for you.

Such a cute brooch!
Love this patch!
 (via: Cat Rabbit)
 Do you know what this is? It's a SPICE RACK!! I literally don't think there could be a cooler one.
(via: Modcloth)
You guys, a cat bridge! I love this so much. I'm not sure how much my kitties would love this since it's not a box but I'd melt if I saw them in it, especially looking as relaxed as this little dude. 
Duck fashion show! I personally think ducks are super creepy but I can't resist any animal dressed up, and these ones do look pretty fabulous.
Certainly wouldn't mind snuggling up in this sweater.
(via: Modcloth)
 My goodness, this thing is straight out of my dreams!
Not sure how often I really need a pencil case, but this one is absolutely perfect!
 (via: Eva Karo)
Maiden Voyage Clothing is forever coming out with the best shirts!
What an adorable tea towel!
 (via: Confetti Riot)
I'm on a bit of a pillow kick as of late. How adorable is this one?!

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
26 Sep 22:25

A little gift

by Joanna Goddard

i'd be legitimately confused if i received that as a gift.

My mom come to visit this past weekend—we miss her so much already!—and we wanted to send her a little gift for helping out so much with the boys, who absolutely adore her. For a thank you gift, I considered sending her flowers or brownies, but in the end, I stumbled on this baguette tray. Isn't it lovely? She and her husband love cooking, and I figured this is the perfect size for a baguette, or you could fill it with olives or nuts.
See the rest of the store here, if you'd like. We miss you, Mama!!

P.S. A mug to make her laugh.
26 Sep 18:53

Three fall outfits

by Joanna Goddard

i would feel SO frumpy in these clothes, but she looks so cute.

In the fall, as the air grows crisp and the days get shorter, it's always great to have those clothes you pull on again and again. We often spot our friend Gaby, a curator at Etsy, around Brooklyn wearing the most amazing outfits. When she came to our most recent photo shoot, we asked her to share the three looks she'll be wearing this fall...
Look #1: Mustard sweater, similar shirtdress, sneakers, similar tote

"My fall uniform usually includes a loose sweater; I like feeling comfortable. Even though I'm small, I typically avoid heels in favor of Vans or Converse. I'm always running around, and heels don't last very long on NYC concrete. I also kind of like being little in a city full of tall people."
Look #2: Plaid dress, sneakers, similar bag

"I love this dress because it's so easy. Dresses are great when you don't feel like coordinating an outfit in the morning. I'm not a morning person, so having to make decisions about my wardrobe can feel like a chore. Having a basic style formula has been really helpful for me."
Look #3: Skater skirt, sweatshirt, sneakers, necklace, similar bag

"I'm currently going through a skirt phase, but, specifically, I'm obsessed with this skirt. It's the perfect length and transitions from day to night. I'll usually add one of my favorite Academy necklaces and Young Frankk rings. I like neutral colors, like the stereotypical NYC girl. Think of Woody Allen movies before 1985: everything is either an earth tone or black. In fact, I'd say Diane Keaton is my style muse."

Thank you so much, Gaby! We love your style.

P.S. Six women's beauty uniforms, and how to tie a scarf.

(Photos by Julia Robbs for Cup of Jo. Interview by Caroline Donofrio)
26 Sep 17:29

Have a great weekend.

by Joanna Goddard

that day in the life of a ballerina article was fascinating.

What are you up to this weekend? We are having a little housewarming party tomorrow night (does anyone know any foolproof appetizers?), and I'm also going to spend lots of quiet time playing with the boys. Toby was a little overwhelmed at school this week—it's a lot for little dudes!—so we're going to play on the floor and just take it easy. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web...

Great tiny bathroom makeover.

The best way to reheat leftover pizza.

What a pretty wreath.

This new guidebook made me laugh.

Cozy sweaters for fall (I really love the blue one).

A day in the life of a ballerina.

Maps that will surprise you.

"Why I want my sons to see me naked."

Anthony Bourdain's brilliant travel tips.

How funny is this calendar?

At last! I got these fantastic tweezers and, after three decades, my brows finally look good.

What a touching story.

Iconic portraits recreated...with John Malkovich.

A baked potato party.

Finally, another BRAVO to the amazing women starting a revolution against campus sexual assault. (And what it's like to lug around that mattress.)

(Instagram photo by Seth Smoot)
06 Sep 16:03

I visited the Confident Children out of Conflict (CCC) Center in...


man. God bless this woman.

I visited the Confident Children out of Conflict (CCC) Center in Juba, a place where displaced children in South Sudan are given shelter, an education, affection, and a second chance. I was greeted by Cathy, the center’s director. She was very kind, but also a bit nervous about my presence. She’d been briefed about my interview process. “We can talk about happy moments,” she said. “But let’s not ask these children about their saddest moments, or times they felt afraid. Many of them were malnourished, abandoned, or regularly sexually abused. Some of them have witnessed extreme violence. When journalists ask them to relive these memories, it can set them back for an entire month. They begin to act out. Often their trauma is so bad, that when the children first arrive, they can be very hateful toward me. But I feel blessed by the hate. Because I know it’s part of the healing process. And if they need someone to hate so that they can heal, I’m glad it can be me.”

A few minutes after this conversation, a young girl walked up to Cathy, gave her a hug, and ran away. Cathy seemed quite moved. “That girl was very badly abused,” she said. “She’s been here for months. And that’s the first time she’s ever hugged me.”

(Juba, South Sudan)