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03 Jan 12:41

Every single DMCA notice filed against news site TorrentFreak in 2023 was bogus

by Rob Beschizza

TorrentFreak is a news site covering the copyright business. It's the frequent target of abusive takedown notices, even though it hosts no infringing material, and reports that last year every single DMCA notice filed against it with Google was fraudulent. — Read the rest

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01 Jul 11:55

Japan plans to land a human on the moon by 2030

by Rob Beschizza

Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced Wednesday that it plans to land an astronaut on the moon by 2030, joining China in a new manned race to space.

It is the first time JAXA has revealed an intention to send Japanese astronauts beyond the International Space Station, and it will mostly likely be part of an international mission, the agency said.

The announcement from Japan Wednesday is just the latest in a series of ambitious space exploration plans by Asian countries, with the increasing competition for space-related power and prestige in the region echoing that of the Cold War space race of the mid-20th century.

In December 2016, China announced plans to land a rover on Mars by 2020 as well as a manned mission to the Moon at some point in the future.

Pictured here is one of JAXA's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries rockets, via Danspace.

18 Oct 16:55

This Chart Shows You How to Silence Your Footsteps Like a Ninja

by Thorin Klosowski

This Chart Shows You How to Silence Your Footsteps Like a Ninja

We've all got reasons to creep around the house from time to time. Whether it's a sleeping baby in the next room or a sick significant other, sometimes you need to move as silently as possible. The Art of Manliness shows off how to walk like a ninja so you can move around swiftly—and silently.



16 May 20:14

How to Export Your To-Dos from Astrid and Take Them to a New App

by Alan Henry

When Yahoo acquired Astrid earlier this month, we all knew the inevitable was coming: The service would be shuttered and we'd have to go somewhere else. Thankfully, Astrid's developers have made it easy to get your data out, and a number of other to-do apps have rolled out the welcome mat for Astrid refugees with import tools that will get you up and running in seconds. Here are a few, and how to make the switch seamlessly.