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03 Apr 14:53

License To Kill It: Licensed Games That Do It Right

by Hannah Means Shannon

By Jared Cornelius

My article about licensing in games actually made me sad.  When I got my thoughts together on the topic, hundreds of titles came to mind that never lived up to their potential.  Good franchises with rich lush history and characters that were forced to languish in subpar titles.  Games that would never to be held up as a critical darling, only existing to be pointed to and laughed at.  I said it in that article and I’ll say it again, everyone who’s played a game can point to some awful licensed title.  Games like Maximum CarnageDragon Ball ZSuperman, hell anyone remember the Aquaman game for GameCube and Xbox?  But I don’t want to dwell on those titles, instead of focusing on the negative I thought it was time we talked about what licensed games do right and spotlight some of the all-time greats and some new classics that you can still easily play.

I’ve talked a lot about South Park: The Stick of Truth with good reason, it’s great.  South Park is truly everything that’s great with a licensed title, its authentic to the source material, it contains the spirit of the show along with a polish that shows the developers and license holders cared about how the game turned out.  Everything from the town’s layout, to the minor characters that inhabit the world, its little things like this that show care was taken.  Its little in-jokes, small collectables, and contextual gags show Stick of Truth has a bow wrapped around the final product that makes it wonderful, and it embodies what happens when licenses turn out well.  Clearly developer Obsidian and  South Park Studio’s had a similar vision and wanted to create something together that was not only fun but faithful to the world of South Park.  Ultimately that’s a huge part what makes good games, care.  If a developer doesn’t care about a title the game will suffer.  But when developers care and have a vision for a license then you’ve got a recipe for success.  The following games are some of the best examples of when licensed games follow the guidelines laid out above and come out great.

One of the earliest examples I could think of was Capcom’s series of Disney games.  Between 1988 and 1994 Capcom would go on to create some of Disney’s most beloved video games including DuckTalesDarkwing DuckAdventures in The Magic Kingdom, and Aladdin just to name a few.  Disney’s DuckTales is a great example of the quality right down to the people working on it, as beloved Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune would be a key member of the design team.  DuckTales put players in Scrooge McDuck’s spats and featured him on a globe spanning adventure looking for treasure.  The games featured some of the best 2D platforming of the time, with Scrooge’s pogo cane mechanic allowing for huge levels to explore including Transylvania, the Himalayas and the Moon.

DuckTales would become so popular that not only would it get a Gameboy port, but a sought after sequel and an HD remaster in 2013.  Even DuckTales soundtrack would be held up as an endearing quality with its iconic Moon level being covered by bands like The Advantage and Year 200X, it’s even got its own page on Know Your Meme.   DuckTales addictive gameplay and wonderful soundtrack would complement the popular Disney franchise to create a game that would remain a popular in the memory of those who played it.  While none of the other Disney titles would leave quite the legacy as DuckTales the NES catalog of Capcom Disney games were reviewed well at the time, sold well and are still remembered fondly.  DuckTales Remastered is currently available across Xbox 360PlayStation 3Wii U, and Steam.

I’ve given the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game a lot of flak, all well-deserved I assured you, but back in 1989 Konami would release one good Turtles game.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game was an utter smash success, walking into your local arcade or pizzeria and hearing that unmistakable theme song resulted in the loss of millions of dollars’ worth of quarters.  1989 was the same year as the disappointing NES title, and the arcade game was everything the NES title wasn’t.  The quality of sound that came out of the machine, the colorful and accurate look of the turtles and their enemies made the arcade cabinet completely superior to the home console version.  The NES title had been released under Konami’s Ultra line of games and while both were technically Konami products the arcade game would be remembered as the favorite.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Arcade Game would go on to re-popularize arcade brawlers in the 90′s with their other beloved beat’em ups, X-Men: The Arcade GameThe Simpsons Arcade, and follow up Turtles in Time.  Unlike the NES DuckTales game, there’s no one amazing designer who was credited as having worked on the game, or strict adherence to Ninja Turtle cannon, just a group of designers who did a great job with the material they were given.  Unfortunately, the original arcade game and Turtles in Time have been de-listed from the consoles, but X-Men and The Simpsons are still available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.


The original PlayStation was famous for many things and would help create franchises that still endure to this day.  Perhaps one of its best remembered titles was the original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.  The 3rd person extreme skate simulator became the leader of the pack by a mile at a time when everyone was trying to cash in on skateboarding.  Games like Thrasher Skate and Destroy and EA’s Street Sk8ter couldn’t touch Activision’s extreme opus.  Tony Hawk was given high marks for its authentic look and feel with a soundtrack that included such legit punk bands as The Dead Kennedys and The Vandals.  The game was over the top and didn’t care, players were performing Hawk’s signature 900 with glee as they smashed through windows and collected letters to spell out skate.  The games addictive score based one more run philosophy put developer Neversoft on the map.  At the time Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater was about as close as we were getting to games with a legit edge to them.  The game had a real punk rock attitude to it, and in part because it was developed by people who understood the skateboard culture.  The series would go on to spawn 16 sequels of varying quality and although last year’s HD port of the original received mixed reviews, Tony Hawks Pro Skater was huge during its initial run.  It left an important mark on skateboarding games that would be replicated, but never duplicated.  Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD was released last year on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 but you might be better off getting an original PlayStation copy from eBay.


The Star Wars franchise has had plenty of ups and downs, (Episodes I through III I’m looking your way.) and its history of video games has been not unlike the movies.  For every Episode I you have a Star Wars game you can point at like Masters of The Teras Kasi, a 3D one on one fighting game with characters like Leia squaring off against Boba Fett.  But then you have something more like Empire, in Knights of The Old Republic a 3rd person action roleplaying game that’s the DNA for Mass Effect.   KOTOR as it came to be known was created by now beloved developer Bioware  and was a system seller for the original Xbox.  The story placed you in the role of an amnesiac Jedi searching for his past with a colorful and memorable cast of recruit-able characters.  Set thousands of years before the movies, KOTOR had none of George Lucas’ stink on it and became the go to Star Wars fiction for fans.

KOTOR was one of the first games to feature and popularize morality systems in video games with your crew of characters becoming more good or evil as you progress.   KOTOR was reviewed incredibly well and scored an amazing 94 on Metacritic with no negative reviews.  The game put Lucas’s new trilogy in sharp contrast with more adult oriented themes including one of the first instances I can remember of a gay character in games.  The serious themes, huge universe spanning adventure, and surprising twist showed that Bioware had a better understanding of Star Wars than Lucas did.  KOTOR would spawn a direct sequel developed by Obsidian Entertainment and would ultimately lead Bioware to create their own sci-fi universe with Mass Effect.  For those wanting to experience Knights of The Old Republic for the first time it was recently released on IOS devices and is available on Steam.


The Aliens franchise has been made to suffer through so many bad video games, Colonial Marines was just the icing on a long rotten cake.  However there is one delicious ripe cherry topping that rotten cake in 2011′s Aliens Infestation for the Nintendo DS.  The 2D exploration shooter puts you in the role of one of several recruit-able marines and sets you loose on a xenomorph infested U.S.S. Sulaco.  The games feels a lot like Metroid both in tone and gameplay, with huge maps to explore, tons of weapons to unlock, and hulking xenomorph bosses aping Metroid’s iconic design.  The games tension is bolstered by the ability for regular xenomorphs to pop out at almost any time or place.

The game’s 16 bit-era graphics really do make it feel like the Super Nintendo Alien game you never got and feels very close in tone to Aliens.  Infestation does the Aliens franchise right by makes even the regular enemies feel powerful while they stalk you.  The game also features a perma-death for your characters, making it important that you take every enemy seriously.  Aliens Infestation was developed by the 2D wizards over at Wayforward in conjunction with Gearbox Software and received generally positive reviews, scoring a 74 on Metacritic with 1 negative review, 29 positive reviews, and 13 mixed reviews.  As a big Alien fan I was very taken with this game, fans of AliensMetroid or both should pick this up without question.  Aliens Infestation is still available on Amazon for about $10, so do yourself a favor and check this one out.


Batman much like the Aliens franchise, had to suffer through a metric ton of awful games.  With the exception of a few titles like the original NES game and The Adventures of Batman and Robin for Genesis and Super Nintendo, the Dark Knight has had some dark times in video games. (Batman Dark Tomorrow from Kemco go look it up)  But that would finally change with 2009′s Batman: Arkham Asylum from Rocksteady Studios.  Arkham Asylum would do everything you wanted from a Batman game, with elements of stealth, brawling, puzzle solving, huge boss battles, and incredible voice acting.  It’s not hyperbole to say that every element of Arkham Asylum was done with polish.  Batman’s stealth was among the best of the best, matching and in some cases better then games like Metal Gear and Splinter Cell.  The combat felt powerful, with it easy to learn how to duck and weave between punches but difficult to master, and puzzle solving worthy of the world’s greatest detective.  All this was bolstered by members of the Batman: The Animated Series voice cast with Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprising their iconic roles as Batman and Joker.

Rocksteady had a firm grasp on what made Batman cool right down to Conroy’s gravelly voiced Dark Knight.  The level design of Arkham was also a great part of the game with the interconnecting asylum feeling like a genuinely terrible place to be.  From its old catacombs to surgical theaters, the asylum actually felt like its own character.  Rocksteady was able to graft pieces of the Batman lore together that gave fans a definitive game version of the character, choosing a great voice cast and dark story, combine with fun gameplay and beautiful graphics.  Batman Arkham Asylum would be a critical and commercial hit selling over 2 million copies within the first three weeks of its release.  It would also go on to receive numerous game of the year awards and nominations.  Arkham Asylum would also score an overall 91 on Metacritic with and astounding 177 positive reviews.  Rocksteady’s Dark Knight success story would make them famous and Warner Brother Games division would purchase the talented UK based developer.  Arkham Asylum would be followed up with another critical and commercial success in Batman: Arkham City, and the Warner Brothers Montreal developed Batmanz: Arkham Origins that was not quite as well received.  All three of the Batman Arkham series of games are available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Steam.

You can take all these titles as one off success stories, or maybe the exception to the rule, but when I look at games like this, I see a lot of different factors.  I see developers and license holders working together.  I see designers coming up with fun concepts and licenses providing the perfect vehicle for awareness.  I see developers who are genuine fans of the license being excited to work on the property and do it justice.  I also see care put into these games, and developers who know if they produce something great they can write their own ticket.  I’m aware that there are a lot of different factors that help make or break licensed games, I know there will always be roadblocks and hurdles for licensed game developers whether it be money, time, care, or something else I skipped entirely.  The fact is licensed games will probably always be a spin of the roulette wheel but when we can identify and hold up those stellar titles and give the developers high praise we should, let’s forget the garbage and focus on the best.

So there, some good licensed games.  I enjoyed this topic quite a bit, maybe we’ll go pick out some of the best licensed games again someday.  I’d really like to hear about some of the best licensed games you readers have played, one of the comments in the last article made me think of picking up the Judge Dredd game.  Until next time keep your eyes peeled to Bleeding Cool for other stuff like Yee’s Company The Political Connection of Comics and Video Games, and my regular columns Typing on The Dead our Walking Dead recap, and Live(ish) From The Games Shop for the weeks new game releases.  Stay Gold!

Jared Cornelius is some guy from New Jersey’s coast who’s license to kill was revoked.  If you can tell him where to renew it contact him on Twitter @John_Laryngitis   

License To Kill It: Licensed Games That Do It Right

03 Apr 14:43

The Iron Titan by Creative Outpouring is available at Redbubble

The Iron Titan by Creative Outpouring is available at Redbubble

03 Apr 14:32

Aniplex USA launches their own Aniplex + Store

by Martin Siggers

Exclusive items are the bane of overseas collectors, forcing us through expensive and inconvenient proxies just to get the figures we want. But from today, those buyers after Aniplex's exclusive Aniplex+ figures won't have to suffer through all of that. That's because Aniplex of America have just opened up their own version of the Aniplex+ store.

This is no half-assed gesture either, as they've kicked off with pre-orders for both of Aniplex's current figures - the lovely Homura Akemi kimono version and the sultry dress shirt Saber, who only went up on the Japanese store a few weeks ago. Both are pretty keenly priced, coming in close to their Japanese value - $109.98/¥11,880 for Homura and $89.98/¥9,500 for Saber. It's not just America who benefits either - international shipping is available and the company says they'll ship to North America, Central America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. Orders are being fulfilled by RightStuf, with international (non-USA) orders costing a bit more due to the additional shipping.

Needless to say this is a big boon for figure fans. I'm a huge advocate of anything which makes figures more available for everyone, and this does exactly that. It's not just a toy thing of course (for example, the store is also currently selling an insanely expensive box of the third Madoka Magica movie) but as Aniplex seems to be committing to being a figure maker, it's bound to prove useful. Homura is available until May 7th, while Saber closes up a little earlier on the 22nd of April. Anyone who's been on the fence about them, does this help sway you?

[ Pre-order at Aniplex USA ]

Aniplex USA launches their own Aniplex + Store screenshot

03 Apr 14:31

Transform Your Closet With Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure at Isetan

by Boke Nasu

With its austere exterior and imposing designer goods on the interior, the Isetan department store in Shinjuku is an unlikely stop on an otaku shopping spree. But recently the fan's wardrobe has expanded beyond T-shirts and all-over print button ups. Ready for a magical girl makeover?

Hey, who let a cat in here? You'd expect tighter security from a place selling skirts with a price tag higher than my rent.

Luna! Of course she'd be able to sneak in. And if Luna's here, that means the sailor scouts must be nearby...

The Sailor Moon pop-up shop goes by the headline Girls Love Mode: Let's Prism Power Make Up, which rolls off the tongue as easily as the participating brands--Riccimie PREMIERE SALON, Honey Bunch and Secret Honey by Honey Branch.

DSCF7790.jpg DSCF7791 (2).jpg

The mannequins were showing off the sailor suit hoodies, chiffon skirts decorated with moon wands and hand bags emblazoned with attack names. Though my eyes were set on the pastel Pegasus t-shirt. I wonder if they'll release it for men?

But the crown jewel of the Moon Kingdom was this 100,000 yen Princess Serenity dress. Who's the lucky prince who gets to take her to the ball? For all you aspiring Tuxedo Masks out there, don't sweat it--I'm sure you can rent the tux.

Girls Love Mode: Let's Prism Power Make Up
Event dates: April 2nd-8th 
Address: 3-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
Isetan 2F
Hours: 10:30-20:00 
Official homepage:


Right next door there's a similar collaboration shop to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of Pretty Cure. That decade-wide gap makes them the little sisters of the sailor scouts which might explain why they get the best toys. Check out all the transformation tech from the series' history! Too bad the franchise is too new to have featured a Pretty Cure pager. 


You don't have to be an otaku academic to see the link between fashion and magical girls. Both involve costumes that let you transform into someone else, a desire that many of us never outgrow, be we men or women. Unfortunately with my five o'clock shadow all the heart-shaped gemstones in the world won't bring me back my youth. Don't let that stop you from trying! 

Event dates: April 1st-15th 
Address: 3-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
Isetan 2F
Hours: 10:30-20:00 
Official homepage:

Home Transform Your Closet With Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure at Isetan Be Cool Like Kaoru with the Haruyama and Evangelion Collection
03 Apr 13:26

ComicWalker App Adds Nagato Yuki-chan, Love Live!, Angel Beats Manga

Also added: Ro-Kyu-Bu!, works by Iqura Sugimoto, Shaa, Niku, Shiyotakon, more
03 Apr 13:04

"The truth about love is: it happens. A lot. It happens at appropriate times (like, when you’re in a..."



The truth about love is: it happens. A lot. It happens at appropriate times (like, when you’re in a long-term relationship with someone great), and also inappropriate ones (like, when you meet somebody at a party and have a weirdly awesome conversation and then make out in a bathroom). Love is just not all that concerned with appropriateness.

We have a mythology surrounding romantic love that says it’s a special, rare feeling, reserved for just a few people in your whole life. It says that love takes time to develop, and that the feelings you experience at the outset of a relationship are not love, but something else (“infatuation”, “a crush”, or my favorite, “twitterpation” (see Bambi)). It also says that love is generally constant and reliable, and that falling in love is A MAJOR LIFE EVENT, about which SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!…

….Imagine if you could say to a casual partner, “I love you. It’s no big deal. It doesn’t mean you’re The One, or even one of the ones. It doesn’t mean you have to love me back. It doesn’t mean we have to date, or marry, or even cuddle. It doesn’t mean we have to part ways dramatically in a flurry of tears and broken dishes. It doesn’t mean I’ll love you until I die, or that I’ll still love you next year, or tomorrow.”…

The big advantage for the lover is that falling in love will feel less scary, life-threatening, and crazy-making. As long as love is theoretically reserved for people whom you want to date and possibly marry, falling in love will be confusing and dramatic. If we interpret this particular set of feelings and thoughts as an epic, life-changing event, we’ll have no choice but to get really, really attached to our beloved. We’ll throw a lot of expectations at them (“Love me back! Love me only! Love me forever!”), and feel hurt and resentful if the feeling is not mutual…

If love was casual, perhaps it wouldn’t collide into our sense of identity or our plans for the future at such high velocity. It wouldn’t feel so personal. If it’s not mutual, so what? If it doesn’t turn into a relationship, so what? I have feelings and desires all the time that go unsatisfied. Sometimes (okay, a lot of times), late at night, I want Chef’s Perfect Chocolate ice cream, but Creole Creamery closes at 10pm. Do I panic? Do I call Creole Creamery and leave a series of desperate messages? Do I curl into a ball and lament that without Chef’s Perfect Chocolate, I am a broken person who is not worthy of ice cream? No. I deal. I feel my feelings, whine a little if I need to, and go without. Like a grown-ass woman.

And here’s my favorite part: if love is casual - not something rare and dramatic and potentially painful, but something common and easy and mutually enjoyable - we all get to feel more love, and share more love.

Sounds lovely, right?”

- Carsie Blanton, Casual Love (via moonbrains)
02 Apr 20:23

I Put My Friends' Health And Wellbeing At Risk By Deliberately Deceiving Them! It Was Great.

by thingsthatareawful

Thatz Not Okay, Gawker, 31 March 2014:

I recently hosted a surprise party for my wife’s birthday at a restaurant where I invited about 20 of her friends and their spouses. It was open bar so when the party started I tipped the bartender big time and told him to make the women’s drinks really strong. The party was great but by the end most of the women were getting pretty sloppy. They were slurring as the would talk to me and a few even had to go to the bathroom to throw up. The next day a few sent me notes telling me what a great husband I was for throwing this party while also apologizing for getting wasted. I feel bad but I don’t want to let them know that I purposely had drinks made really strong for them. Is that ok?

I’m not sure I understand your question - is it okay to deliberately fuck with people’s drinks without their knowledge or consent and put them in potentially dangerous situations wherein they may or may not find themselves in need of serious medical attention that may or may not be forthcoming depending on whether or not the other people around them have had their drinks fucked with without their knowledge or consent?

Of course it’s okay - and it’s especially okay if they’re women, because literally no data exists that suggests sexual predators and rapists seek out people who are physically or mentally incapacitated, which means all you did was loosen up these floozies for the good time they would never have been able to have, had you not expressly manipulated a situation such that their expectations would be notably different than their reality. After all, it’s not like anyone ever in the history of humanity has ever questioned whether someone who had too much to drink deserved whatever other people actively decided to do to them while they were too drunk to consent, so you were just having a silly laugh with other people’s ability to gauge their alcohol intake.

What’s to feel bad about? Your wife’s lady friends did precisely what they were supposed to do - get wasted, then later apologize for it because getting wasted is unladylike but also a baseline social requirement for any woman who doesn’t want to be perceived as a boring-ass prude. It’s not your fault that they were too drunk to not do the thing you paid someone to make them too drunk to not do.

It’s not like you went around dropping peanuts into people with allergies’ food or anything — altho how funny would that be, bro? Next time lulz! Just kidding not really haha whatever other people’s bodies don’t belong to them lol.

02 Apr 19:14

Grade-school grudges go galactic in ‘Starpunch Girl’

by Chris Arrant

Grade-school grudges go galactic in ‘Starpunch Girl’

With more power comes more problems. Just ask Starpunch Girl, who’s in the middle of a battle to free her enslaved homeworld from the Black Hole Army. And leading that army is Blackhole Boy, a rival who going all the way back to grade school. Creators S.D. Lockhart and Narm started the series as a […]
02 Apr 18:45

Burn! Burn! Set your figures on fire with Tamashii Effect Impact Burning Flames Red & Blue

by Scarecroodle

[UPDATE: Tamashii Nations has posted additional images and additional retailers are taking pre-orders]

Bandai is giving fans even more ways to abuse their figures with the upcoming Tamashii Effect Impact Burning Flames, now available for pre-order. The flames are available in two color versions so if red isn't hot enough for you, you could always give blue a try.

These stand-alone accessories function in a manner similar to Bandai's soon-to-be-released ground pounding/wall knocking Impact Effects where the effects are broken into multiple parts which can be displayed separated or combined for one massively awesome effect. Both flame sets feature a colored translucent plastic and, although they don't look the part in the images, presumably use the same mold.

I'd like to say that it's hard to pick a favorite, but the red flames both look cooler (given the mix of red and yellow) and are more practical as far as effects go. That said, there's definitely a use for the blue as well especially where the S.H. Figuarts Lunatic (reviewed) is concerned.

The Impact Effect Flames are a little pricier than the previous Impact set as they have a US$22 list price and are slated for an August/September release. Now that the Flame Effects have been scheduled, I suppose it's only a matter of time until the Explosion Effects become available.

[ Pre-order Red Flame ver at Entertainment Earth | AmiAmi | Big Bad Toy Store ]

[ Pre-order the Blue Flame ver at Entertainment Earth | AmiAmi | Big Bad Toy Store ]

Burn! Burn! Set your figures on fire with Tamashii Effect Impact Burning Flames Red & Blue screenshot

02 Apr 18:27

Atlus and Index Officially Break Up

by james_fudge

In late February Sega announced that it would split Atlus away from its parent company, Japan-based Index. Sega acquired the original North American publisher of Tactics Ogre, Disgaea, Steambot Chronicles, Trauma Center, the Persona series, and many other popular Japanese games in September 2013 in a deal that cost the company an estimated $140 million.

read more

02 Apr 18:17

I’ll be part of the Sailor Moon art gallery show titled...

I’ll be part of the Sailor Moon art gallery show titled "Magical Girl Heroines: Sailor Moon and sailor senshi" at QPop on April 5th in Little Tokyo. This is the piece I painted with gouache and sumi ink. Come check it out in person and all the other amazing Sailor Moon pieces if you’re in the LA area!

02 Apr 16:31

To his friend...


02 Apr 15:58

First 4 Figures adds Zelda to their Legend of Zelda line

by Vanessa Cubillo

Yuuuck. Why are there so many bad Zelda related figures?

By popular demand, First 4 Figures is adding another statue to their Legend of Zelda line; Princess Zelda. Looking exquisitely beautiful, Zelda is designed after the official artwork for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. As part of their Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Master Arts statues line, Zelda is 17 inches tall and casted in polystone resin.

I don’t know if it’s the lighting in the photos, but I really like how this statue has a shine, especially on her jewelry. Standing on a base inspired by Hyrule Castle, this Zelda statue will be limited to 2500 pieces. Available in October, pre-orders are open now on First 4 Figures website for US$349.99. That’s a pretty hefty price, but I guess that’s what you get when a company goes all out. 

First 4 Figures adds Zelda to their Legend of Zelda line screenshot

02 Apr 15:54

gaysavior: m’lady you’re looking a lil more buster than...



you’re looking a lil more buster than wolf here, terry

02 Apr 15:32

Client: Can you change the phone number? Me: Of course. What number would you like it changed...

Client: Can you change the phone number?

Me: Of course. What number would you like it changed to?

Client: I don’t want the actual number changed, I just want it in lower case.

Me: I’m not sure I understand. Numbers don’t have an upper or lower case. They’re just numbers.

Client: It doesn’t look right. Just make them lower case and get back to me when it’s done.

The client hung up. I continued the work and pretended that conversation never happened. He never mentioned it again after that.

02 Apr 15:31

Client: Hey, while I have you here, this website I’m trying to get to keeps giving me an...

Client: Hey, while I have you here, this website I’m trying to get to keeps giving me an error. Do you know how to fix it?

Me: Sorry, that’s an issue that the people who maintain that website would have to deal with. You can try reporting the problem to them using their Contact link.

Client: I don’t see why you just can’t you just hack into it and fix the problem. I thought you were supposed to be this great computer guy.

02 Apr 14:37

Ninja Slayer Sci-Fi Novels by U.S. Writers Get Anime



"Bradley Bond & Philip Ninj@ Morzez's" story of salaryman who avenges his family's death
02 Apr 14:26

Crunchyroll: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Announced (Update)


And the manga?!?!?!

Hirohiko Araki's long-running action manga began in 1987
02 Apr 13:51

Sir Patrick Stewart Tweeted A Bunch Of New NYC Tourist Pics He Took With BFF Sir Ian McKellen

by Rebecca Pahle

Brit Bros 4EVAR!!!

Enable JavaScript to check out our fancy slideshow.

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
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  9. 9. Taken on Coney Island's Wonder Wheel.
  10. 10.
  11. 11.
  12. 12.
  13. 13. "Last show done!"
  14. 14. Never forget. FYI, while at Coney Island the Sirs took a souvenir portrait that they had printed on three t-shirts. They’re auctioning those t-shirts, which are autographed, to benefit City Harvest. The image on the shirt (see it here) is not the now legendary Homies Forever pic, but we thought you’d want to see that one again all the same.

[View All on One Page]

Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen have been in New York for a few months performing Waiting for Godot on Broadway, and to celebrate the play’s closing night Sir Patrick tweeted “outtakes” of the pics he and Sir Ian took while palling around the Big Apple. None of your fair Mary Sue writers ran into either one of them on the street while they were in town (though this did happen—be jealous), but looking at these pictures has far less potential for embarrassment than an in-person meeting, so I’m good with it.

Previously in Sirs Patrick Stewart/Ian McKellen BROTP

(via: The Frisky)

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02 Apr 13:49

It’s National Sourdough Bread Day – Head to Disney California Adventure Park for the Real Deal

by Pam Brandon

We don’t really need an excuse, but National Sourdough Bread Day is a good reason to head to The Bakery Tour, hosted by Boudin Bakery at Disney California Adventure park, where just the aroma of freshly baked sourdough makes us happy – 10,000 to 15,000 loaves are baked here every day.
Sourdough Bread 1

Guests at Disney California Adventure park get an inside look at how bakers take the ingredients from dough to delicious on The Bakery Tour hosted by Boudin Bakery. (It’s self-guided, and you get a sample of the bread that started more than 160 years ago in San Francisco.)
Soup Bread Bowl

Then head across to Pacific Wharf Café and order a freshly baked bread bowl filled with all sorts of delicious ideas – if it’s early, order the egg-and-bacon boule served with fresh fruit. For lunch or dinner, clam chowder, tomato bisque, broccoli and cheese or a seasonal soup go in the scooped-out bread bowl. Or go the green route with a Chinese chicken salad or a Sonoma chicken and apple salad.

“Our ‘mother dough’ base comes from the original dough first nurtured by Isadore Boudin in 1849 in San Francisco,” says Disney Chef Juan Mendoza. The Boudin family found that the wild yeasts in the San Francisco air imparted a tang to their traditional French bread, creating the unique “San Francisco sourdough.” And the Boudin Bakery at Disney California Adventure park receives new “mother dough” directly from San Francisco every three to four weeks.

“We use about 1.5 million pounds of flour a year,” says Chef Juan. “And it’s a combination of ingredients: well-balanced flour, water at the right PH, temperature, moisture, mixing and fermenting for 16 to 20 hours — plus a touch of passion to make every loaf perfect.”

Actually, any time you get a taste of the tangy, chewy sourdough at Disneyland Resort, you can bet the loaf came from the Pacific Wharf bakery, says Chef Juan. Restaurants in both Disney California Adventure park and Disneyland park, and in all three hotels place orders daily with Mendoza’s team. And you can always pick up a loaf ($4.99-$7.19) to carry home.

It’s National Sourdough Bread Day – Head to Disney California Adventure Park for the Real Deal by Pam Brandon: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog

01 Apr 20:51

Live-Action "Kenshin" Recast for April Fools' Day

by Scott Green

Takeru Satoh might have been using his official site to blog about the tremendous effort taken to film this summer's Rurouni Kenshin - The Kyoto Fire and The Legend's Conclusion. However, the star is out. After hitting it off with the director, the part of political assassin turned wandering swordsman Himura Kenshin will now be played by Kumamon, previously best known as the mascot of Kumamoto Prefecture.


At least for April Fools' Day...





Meanwhile, an English-subtitled trailer has been posted...


via SASAKI_Hisashi


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

01 Apr 20:34

Best Comic Book Covers Ever (This Month): March 2014

by Andrew Wheeler

That Zero cover is just yes.

Tea parties. Spaceways. Rooftops. The best comic book covers of March 2014 take us to some strange and familiar places, and introduce us to new Fables cover artist Nimit Malavia, upcoming cover talents Pascal Campion and Emily Hu, and the latest striking creations by Francesco Francavilla, Mike Del Mundo and more.

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01 Apr 20:32

New Vertigo Series 'Bodies' Promises Four Artists, Four Detectives, Four Time Periods

by Matt D. Wilson

DC can't get enough of the number 52; Vertigo is really into the number four lately. Not only is the upcoming quarterly anthology CMYK based on four colors, another new series, titled Bodies, will feature four different detectives solving a murder mystery that runs through four different points in London history: 1890, 1940, 2014, and 2050.

The Si Spencer-written, eight-issue series will also feature four different artists: Dean Ormston, Phil Winslade, Meghan Hetrick and Tula Lotay. They'll each be covering a different time period. The series kicks off this summer.

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01 Apr 19:04

Second Season of Mickey Mouse Shorts Will Debut in April

by Amid Amidi
A second season of Mickey Mouse shorts will begin airing April 11th at 9pm (ET/PT) on the Disney Channel. Each new short will be available the day after its cable premiere on WATCH Disney Channel,, iTunes, and YouTube.
01 Apr 19:03

Ai Mai Mi TV Anime Gets 2nd Season


I . . . don't know if I want to watch this or not?!

Main cast, staff to remain the same for Ai Mai Mi ~Mōsō Catastrophie~
01 Apr 18:13

It Took Me Almost the Entire First Season to Understand the Space Dandy Ending Theme

by sdshamshel

Episode 1 of Space Dandy made an impact by killing off its main characters. In episode 2 they were back, and I think everyone (including myself) took this as a sign of the show not treating death or continuity very seriously. Supporting this is the fact that many episodes after this had odd, seemingly irreversible turnouts, like the zombie takeover of the universe, or the Redline-esque galactic race leading into time travel.

At the end of every episode there’s a catchy ending theme (by the singer of the Mawaru Penguindrum openings) which talks nonchalantly about the quantum physicist Hugh Everett III and the confusion caused by his theory of… parallel universes.



01 Apr 16:19

How to Buy Ebooks From Anywhere and Still Read Them All in One Place

by Eric Ravenscraft

How to Buy Ebooks From Anywhere and Still Read Them All in One Place

Most ebook sellers try to lock you into a particular ecosystem. If you don't mind buying from the same company every time, this isn't too bad, but you lose the ability to comparison shop, as well as making it difficult to switch apps. Fortunately, there's a way around this problem.



01 Apr 13:27












To make glutenfree, use a gluten free brand of powdered sugar.

01 Apr 13:26

Round Two! Disney Heroines As Street Fighter Characters

by Becky Chambers

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  1. 1.Belle Belle
  2. 2.Mulan Mulan
  3. 3.Aurora Aurora
  4. 4.Elsa Elsa
  5. 5.Lilo Lilo
  6. 6.Kida Kida
  7. 7.Minnie & Pluto Minnie & Pluto

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Last year, we shared the first batch of Mike V’s re-imagined Disney heroines. Today, some new challengers appear. I know Mulan’s the obvious choice here, but personally? My money’s on Lilo. Hit the jump to see our favorites.

(via Laughing Squid)

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31 Mar 19:44

Andrew DeGraff Maps Your Favorite Movies With Beauty and Precision

by Susana Polo

Enable JavaScript to check out our fancy slideshow.

  1. 1.Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings
  2. 2.Back to the Future Back to the Future
  3. 3.The Princess Bride The Princess Bride
  4. 4.The Shining The Shining
  5. 5.Wrath of Khan Wrath of Khan
  6. 6.Alien Alien
  7. 7.Breakfast Club Breakfast Club

We’ve featured the work of Andrew DeGraff before, the carefully arranged, graphically precise maps of character locations in Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and others of our favorite films. This weekend, however, he opened a show of new paintings in Los Angeles, featuring maps based a slew of other films, including Alien, The Breakfast Club, The Princess Bride, and a massive map of The Lord of the Rings. But if you want to see that one in beautiful high res, you’ll have to check out /Film.

(via /Film.)

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