Shared posts

16 May 00:42

If You Knew Sushi Like I Knew Sushi

by Brinke

Usually kittehs EAT sushi. This time, they ARE sushi. This site is connected somehow. I think. Maybe. Lost in translation, we are. Gonna give these a guess- see hovers.

UPDATE: Tracked this back through several websites and found some more info.















~The Creditos~
1-6: Incredible Things.
7-14: Some website with a .jp domain I got no idea.
Originally spotted on the Internet.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats
12 May 14:38

A Half-Caff Kitteh If You Please

by Brinke

Purr-fect for your Sunday morning- a copy of the NY Times and a kitteh latte. “I found this on my local public radio’s web site. The latte artist is Kazuki Yamamoto, and it appears he provided the photos.” -Cuteporter Serenpoly.


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: kitteh
07 May 22:03

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,

by pyrit

“who is the… yadda yadda yadda.” (snarkiest of them all. Rolls eyes.)

Alicia D. is a huge fan of Cute Overload and Snow White. She tells us “…as soon as I came up with the concept of making a magic mirror I knew I had to make it! So this weekend I finally made my DIY project, and while photographing it, my kitty Henry jumped up to check it out…. And that’s when I snapped a picture of what I thought was the most clever way he could’ve told me how truly special he thinks he is! LOL I wish I was that witty to position him there but he totally did it himself.”

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
04 May 20:33

collegehumor: 12 Idiot Kids with Their Heads Stuck in Chairs If...


12 Idiot Kids with Their Heads Stuck in Chairs

If you ever need proof that humans are still, at their core, defenseless animals with poor survival skills, consider how frequently we get our heads stuck in chairs. Here are 12 Kids who didn’t realize that chairs are a place for butts, not heads, and paid the price for their mistake. 

As a child, sometimes you just have to put your head in a chair. It happens to the best of us

30 Apr 22:43

andrewwk: #partytip #andrewwk #partyhard


#partytip #andrewwk #partyhard

26 Apr 18:22

This Week in Performance Art

by Not That Mike The Other Mike


The Wilhelm Hibblethwack Alternate Alternative Theater (WHAAT) saw the debut of Toad Stapler Oilrig by The Babybrain Collective. In this 240-minute piece (excerpted below), a duckling is menaced by a pair of robotic sharks, symbolizing the dehumanizing force of Technology upon the Individual in Society.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Fishes, Kittens, Pups, What Is This I Don't Even
26 Apr 17:35

You’re Givin’ Me An Ack Attack!

by Brinke

Hi, I’m Pansy. Can I get personal for a moment? I’d like to…well, bring up a topic that….no one really talks about:


Today is National Hairball Awareness Day. We all tiptoe around this subject–well, some hoomins actually step in this subject. But hairballs are a continuing problem, and we’re here to address the issue. Click here to learn more, and thank-you for your support.


Pix submitted by Elizabeth S. Headline inspired by ONJ from Back In The Day.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats
26 Apr 13:12


by pyrit

Is ‘MooPi’ his title or the name of his moustachioed muzzlepowche?



Two and a half year old Persian, MooPi, is having a good moustache day, while Tomoko thinks outside the box, Irene Y.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
25 Apr 17:58

Bonus CO Repost AKA Ellie Audio Update—–By Request!

by Brinke

[Remember "Ellie" from earlier in the week? We had a request from "Petless in Puddletown" as follows:]

nn  bngbngb

Voilà, Ellie in all her purrrrrrrrrrrrr-fection. Turn it up a bit for the full effect.

Download: memo.mp3

From Cuteporter Lauren U.: “Here’s my 14 year old kitty, Ellie, de-stressing after a rough week in Watertown, MA. (We’re a little less than 1 mile from where they caught him.) She spent the morning fluffing her toe fuzz and promptly fell asleep purring.”


Filed under: Uncategorized
24 Apr 12:43

Cat Island in Ishinomaki, Japan

Cat Island

On the island of Tashirojima, the cats outnumber people, and the people like it that way.

It's no accident that the cats who inhabit Tashirojima, or what has become known as "Cat Island," in Japan have come to be the island's primary residents. Cats have long been thought by the locals to represent luck and good fortune, and doubly so if you feed and care for them. Thus, the cats are treated like kings, and although most are feral because keeping them as "pets" is generally considered inappropriate, they are well-fed and well-cared-for.

Despite this, luck and fortune hasn't exactly come to the human residents of "Cat Island." In the last 50 years, the human population of the island has dwindled from 1,000 to fewer than 100. As more and more people have shunned the island as it became dominated by felines, the people that have remained have become ever more protective of the cats. Currently, dogs are not allowed on the island to protect the well-being of the cats – and presumably any dog foolish enough to venture onto an island full of feral cats.

The cats may end up bringing luck after all, however. Tourism has been picking up as the island has become an attraction for curious travelers, thanks to all of those cats.

19 Apr 21:40

Ah, My Old Box…

by Not That Mike The Other Mike

Goodness, this sure brings back memories. I haven’t worn this box since I was a kitten. And look, it still fits!

Via aalien.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Boxhab, Kittens
19 Apr 18:13

Belleh Up To The Bar

by Brinke

I’ll have a couple of shots. No, make it seven. And none of that lo-fat stuff, either. High octane, please.

Submitted by Cuteporter Ray R.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats, Cows
18 Apr 19:38

Tumblr HQ office rule #1 if you sit on the cheeseburger chair...


Why don't I have a cheeseburger chair I am living my life wrong

Tumblr HQ office rule #1 if you sit on the cheeseburger chair you must dress like a cheeseburger

06 Apr 16:09

Caturday Emporium

by pyrit

~ Fine Purveyor of Cute Caturdays Since 2007 ~

The trusted choice for marmies and tabbies.

High quality kittens and floof.

A world of select wheeskaires.

and extraordinary kitteh bellehs for extraordinary snorgling.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday, Kittens, ResQte
05 Apr 20:36

Red Pandas in the Morning,

by pyrit

tail-ers take warning,

Red pandas at night, tail-er’s delight!

Bright-eyed PeoplePets,  and bushy-tailed Fiskfisk.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Red Pandas, Unusual Animals
05 Apr 20:35

Operation Frantic Friskies

by Brinke

“Now listen men. Here’s how we’re approaching this. Maximum stealth, just like that Zero Dark Thirty thing. The hoomin usually enters the kitchen at precisely 0800. As soon as he arrives, we pounce. You, from the living room. You, from the den. Each of you, from the front hallway. We mount our synchronized climb on the right pants leg.

Our objective? Acquire the nourishment with a minimum amount of casualties. Once we’ve secured the table, we use that as our base of operations. I know you’ll all do your best. I wish you all luck, and Godspeed.”

Sent in by Cuteporter James H., with original posting by KutePets.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats