Shared posts

19 Jun 22:14

For my sister, in re: her recent FB comment.

by Leila

No, Treasured Sister, THIS is a Dawson Leery cross-stitch pattern:

Crying dawson pattern

And before you ask, the answer is YES. Yes, I have the pattern complete with DMC colors and symbols.

I am suddenly envisioning a set of the MOST AWESOME THROW PILLOWS EVER.

17 Apr 02:30

Comic book panels taken out of context

by Mark Frauenfelder

Panels 2 Ponder is a website that presents comic book panels taken out of their context, likely making them more enjoyable than the source material.


16 Apr 02:55

The Lancet: You do, in fact, know something, John Snow

by Maggie Koerth-Baker
The editors of The Lancet (the long-running British journal of medicine) issued a correction this week for several rude statements and a rather terse obituary that it published in the 1850s. All of these relate to John Snow, the epidemiologist famous for figuring out that cholera was spread by contaminated water. The trouble with this: Snow's evidence-based arguments stepped on the toes of a former Lancet editor who believed strongly that such diseases were caused by bad air — and who had, as a consequence, led an initiative to ban tanners, soap makers, and other smelly professions from the city of London. Snow had testified before Parliament that bad air could not possibly cause disease. A feud ensued.

16 Apr 02:49

Barbie without makeup

by Mark Frauenfelder


Barbie without makeup, Eddi Aguirre. (Via Sociological Images)