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28 Jun 22:36

The sun gizmo in ‘Game of Thrones’ opening appears in Sam’s library scene

by Jonathan Keshishoglou

Warning: Like most of Twitter, this post contains Game of Thrones Season 6 spoilers.

The Game of Thrones opening, besides containing that epically snazzy theme song, can also include important information about the episode itself. 

Namely, it tends to list the locations that will appear in the coming hour (in Winterfell's case, it even shows who currently owns it). But until the most recent episode, "The Winds of Winter," there wasn't any sign the sun gizmo that shines in the opening actually exists within the world of the show. But there is now.

More about Television, Game Of Thrones Season 6, Videos, Video, and Viral Videos
28 Jun 22:16

Google launches new My Activity site, reaffirms Google knows basically everything about you

by David Ruddock


Google knows a lot about you - particular about the "you" on the internet. A new tool launched today called My Activity lets you get some insight on just what that information is - in a readable sense - by showing you your various web, Google product (including Android and Android apps), and search activities in a rather pretty card timeline. The site works on both desktop and mobile.

My Activity (here) shows all this information, but also acts a link hub for Google's various data-collecting services you can choose to turn on or off, such as location history.

Read More

Google launches new My Activity site, reaffirms Google knows basically everything about you was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

28 Jun 16:03

48-year-old Tony Hawk lands the 900 for the last time

by Brian Koerber

"Keep going until the wheels fall off."

Seventeen years after Tony Hawk landed his first 900 during the X-Games in San Francisco, the pro skater decided to attempt the trick one more time, at the age of 48.

Although Hawk is still an incredible athlete, he clearly took a beating while attempting to land the 900. 

After countless falls, Hawk finally landed the trick.

 After ripping off his gear he hugs his son Spencer and tells the camera that this will be the last time he ever attempts the trick. 

More about Tony Hawk, Sports, Entertainment, and Watercooler
28 Jun 14:17

Watching lightning strikes in real time is engrossing as hell

by James Vincent

Last week at around three in the morning I was woken by the loudest thunderstorm I've ever heard in my life. It may sound silly but it was a genuinely awe-inspiring thing: the lightning turned the room incandescent, the sonic boom rattled the window like cannon fire, and then left with a bass rumble like continental drift. Being dazed from waking up no doubt strengthened this impression, but it's still strange to think how dramatic and yet ordinary thunder and lightning like this is. Honestly, if you don't believe me then just look at this real time map of lightning strikes around the world.

Every dot you see is lightning, with the color indicating how recently it took place and expanding circles showing thunder emanating from the strike. (The sound of thunder itself is caused by the lightning bolt heating up the surrounding air, which rapidly expands and rushes out, creating an explosive shock wave.) You can tweak various settings on the map using the icons in the top right, and even download it as an Android or iOS app.

worldwide there are roughly 44 lightning strikes every second

And yes, it looks like a lot of lightning strikes, but even then it's not showing the whole picture. There are thought to be roughly 1.4 billion lightning strikes a year around the world, or around 44 every second. The vast majority take place on land and Central Africa and South America are particular hot spots. Unfortunately, the data used to make this map (taken from a volunteer network of detector stations) is mostly concentrated in Europe and North America. But it's still impressive

Still, it's fascinating to think that every second of the day around the Earth, there are dozens of lightning strikes sizzling the ground and dozens of thunder cracks splitting open the sky. And, there'll be many, many more people like me, waking up in the middle night and wondering: "What in the world was that?"

27 Jun 21:55

Wilderness Essays


Just bought one.

Sierra Club founder and noted preservationist John Muir knew far more about the outdoors than most of us ever will. With this collection of Wilderness Essays, we can at least...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
24 Jun 21:47

Trail Etiquette: 7 Tips To Keep It Wild

by Kyle Nossaman

From your local hiking path to the Pacific Crest Trail, hikers’ actions make a difference, good and bad. Here our thru-hiking correspondents offer pointers from their time on the trail.

setting up camp

The ‘Packing It Out’ project is not just about a few guys hiking and picking up trash. Its goal is to inspire others to clean their local trails and to educate people on what they can do to keep them pristine for generations.

Article written by Seth Orme, a ‘Packing It Out’ founder.

Paul “Spice” Twedt and I have been living in the woods quite a bit each year. The last three years in a row we have both spent more days sleeping outside than we’ve slept inside. During this time in the woods we have seen some incredible places and have had the opportunity to travel across a variety of landscapes.

But we’ve noticed a lack of trail etiquette. This week I want to call out some of the things we’ve seen, not to point fingers but rather inspire improvement.

Dedication To Good Trail Etiquette

Trail etiquette at its roots is founded on moral grounds. Add in a dash of style and you’re going to be in good shape.

snowman cairne

During long distance travel on scenic trails, your day to day actions can have little effect on you, but hugely impact the next person coming through that environment. You are just passing through that place. You don’t live there. You don’t see it daily. You experience it and move on, usually forever.

This is where trail etiquette becomes a critical player, because all those quick jaunts along the trail can really add up fast.

1. Get Educated

Leave No Trace does an amazing job educating others in this area.  Now pair this knowledge with the fact that you will not be the only one using the environments you pass through, far from it. In a given season thousands of hikers may pass through any particular area.

flower in the sierra nevadas

I like to imagine that my grandkids are coming to see these places I’m enjoying. Do I want them to have the same pristine and inspiring experience or does it really not matter? I think it matters. This trick always helps me keep on the straight and narrow. Once I put others into the equation and no longer see the situation as one that just involves me, I take more care to do things well…for my grandkids…and for you.

2. Stopping Along The Trail

Deciding to stop hiking for a break or for the night requires you to be diligent in your location selection. Stopping and exploding your backpack in the middle of the trail is poor form. I’ve seen this far too many times on this trail alone. Good form is getting off trail a few yards so people who aren’t stopping can come by without having to step over you or your things.

I always look for a durable surface like a big rock or bed of pine needles under a tree to take a break at. I’ll even sneak far enough off trail so nobody sees me. This can give others the feeling of being alone in the wilderness which is a rich and enlightening experience.

3. Cook, Camp, “Go #2” Away From Water

When it comes to stopping for the night, we all need water to cook dinner and re-hydrate. Make a point to get over 100 feet from your intended water source. Granted, you have to walk a little further to get water but you came out here to hike, right.

Laundry Day on PCT

This act works two fold. It helps prevent erosion along the riparian corridors that cradle that beautiful life liquid we call water. The other benefit is that it gets your poop further away from said source. Keeping the water source in good condition is always good etiquette. Pooping near your camp and/ or near a water source is poor etiquette. Just think about going over 100 feet for camp and an additional 100 feet away for that fecal matter. Easy, right!?

4. When Nature Calls

Human waste takes a while to break down, and while organic, isn’t natural in the quantity left by hundreds of hikers each summer. The worst thing you can do is try to be a bear and just crap on top of the ground. Take a moment to dig a hole at least 6 inches down. I personally try to go deeper. The goal is to tap into the rich organic soils below the top layer of duff. These rich soils will help break down our organic booty matter.

As simple as all this sounds, you would be amazed at the number of holes we have dug to burry other people’s shit, literally. This is easy stuff to do but takes a little extra conscious effort. Oh and be sure to either bury that toilet paper with your matter or just pack it out. Nobody likes seeing Sharmin blossoms. I promise, our grandkids will thank us for doing this.

Woof…now that we’re through that, dab some hand sanitizer on your hands and let’s move on. Remember, the leading cause of backcountry illness is fecal contamination. Nobody wants to have to leave the backcountry early because they got themselves or their friends sick.

5. Don’t Cut Switchbacks

Last week, I saw a number of long distance hikers moving as fast as they could down the mountain so they could get to town. As a result, they not only needlessly punished their bodies but most importantly, as they were cutting switchbacks, they ruined hours of work put in by trail crews.

hiking on the PCT

Switchbacks are designed to help make steep terrain manageable and prevent erosion. By cutting off the trail to get to the spot below for the sake of distance and time, the trail develops ruts that lead to washouts, serious erosion problems, and braided trails. Eventually, these can really scar the landscape.

Even cutting a switchback once, that single footprint, can enable the next guy to do the same. Then the next, and so on, until it’s a big old mess. Most trails were done right the first time. Let’s savor that walk into town. The burger and beer will still taste good, and our grandkids will be stoked when the trail remains instead of a huge washout.

6. Add Some Style To Your Trail Etiquette

Start by staying organized. It doesn’t matter as much in terms of the physical placement of things as is does the mental effects. It calms the mind and let’s you worry about other things like the present moment. My day starts with comb through my beard and hair. It organizes you and gives that dash of calm and collected style you’re beginning to embrace.

Finish up your dash of style with being clean. Take an extra moment to clean out your meal bowl and to tuck all the tangling things on your pack away. Failing to do even these two acts of cleanliness will always come back to bite you. I really don’t want to come up to in camp while your trying to clean the petrified oatmeal out of your bowl just to give you back your socks and headlamp that fell off your pack, again.

7. Leave No Trace And Strive For Excellence

sierra nevada

We are all just people and make mistakes. But if we strive for excellence, we’ll leave a marked improvement for the line of folks behind us.

Leave NO Trace. That doesn’t mean “leave a little trace.” Aim for none. Leave the trail exactly as you found it, or better, even picking up the trash that others left behind.

–Follow the crew on our ‘Packing It Out’ page. To date, the group has hiked 857 miles from the U.S./Mexico border to Muir Trail Ranch near Lakeshore, Calif. Connect with Paul and Seth on InstagramTwitter, and their blog.

The post Trail Etiquette: 7 Tips To Keep It Wild appeared first on GearJunkie.

15 Jun 17:54

Do digital artists want a dedicated knob for changing brush sizes?

by Paul Miller

I asked our resident artist, Dami Lee, about this BrushKnob project on Indiegogo, which gives you one big USB-connected knob for changing brush sizes. The gizmo also includes a button for switching to / from an eraser. Sounds like it would solve a big pain point for all those stylus users out there, of which Dami is one.

Here’s what she said:

"Hmm seems pretty unnecessary! Keyboard shortcuts are good enough."

So there you go. Nice try, BrushKnob, but Dami’s not interested.

08 Jun 17:17

Stomach-punching junk food art replaces logos with calorie counts

by Jonathan Keshishoglou

Junk food brands don't exactly love mandatory “nutrition facts,” which is why they usually hide all that health stuff behind flashy colors and logos.

But an Instagram account called Calorie Brands wants to bring those pesky nutrition facts around to the front of the box, creating tasteful art of food brands that replace the original logo with calorie counts. 

So you may be less inclined to buy a jar of Nutella if it was instead called "4520 Calories." Although these counts are for the whole container, not a single serving. Unless you eat entire jars of Nutella in one sitting, in which case you should talk to someone about that. Read more...

More about Health Fitness, Junk Food, Food, Art, and Instagram
01 Jun 22:48

No Signal, No Problem: Offline App Unlocks National Parks

by Adam Ruggiero

Is the visitor center open? What’s that statue? Where’s the bathroom?! All the info you need and plenty of extras are part of a suite of functions included in 59 new National Parks travel guides that work even with zero bars.

national parks app chimani

The National Parks app by Chimani is a virtual bookshelf that compiles interactive guides on all 59 national parks and 411 areas and points of interest – from Gettysburg battlefield to Old Faithful.

The 59 free apps, which launch today, allow users to navigate bike and hiking trails within parks, notifies them of nearby points of interest, and provides interactive icons for finding shuttle bus pickups, parking lots, camping supply points, and more.

Maps, photo gallery, trip planner, directions, and more

Plus, since the apps store data locally on your device and utilize your GPS signal, they will function when there is no cellular service available.

While app-based travel guides and maps are not new – National Geographic offers high-quality guides for 15 parks, and REI has a robust app we checked out earlier this year – the Chimani National Parks app has a comprehensive guide for all 59 national parks.

Chimani’s National Parks app has original written content, but the maps are completely open-sourced, so users can modify and update information in real time.

It utilizes the OpenStreetMap platform, an open source, open license mapping project that allows hikers, bikers, campers, and adventurers to modify the guides to reflect unexpected closures and changes within the parks.

If you’re planning on checking out any of the national parks this year, this app looks like a handy companion.

The National Parks app and all 59 individual park apps are free and available for download now from the Chimani website.

The post No Signal, No Problem: Offline App Unlocks National Parks appeared first on GearJunkie.

19 Apr 14:35

NASA releases glorious 4K footage of Earth as seen from the ISS

by Stan Schroeder

NASA is on fire: Shortly after releasing beautiful, high resolution footage of Aurora Borealis, the agency posted a 4K video of Earth, as seen from the International Space Station. 

Of course, to enjoy the video in all its glory, you should watch it on a 4K-capable monitor, and switch the video quality setting to "2160p 4K."

The footage was taken by the Epic Dragon camera by RED, brought to the ISS in October 2014. The camera is actually capable of taking 6K videos — that's 6,144 x 3,160 pixels — at 100 frames per second. We're not sure whether NASA took any footage at that resolution, but YouTube doesn't support it, and you likely don't have a monitor that can display it, so 4K (4,096 x 2,160 pixels) will have to do for now. Read more...

More about 4k Video, Iss, Nasa, Earth, and World
11 Apr 13:18

Explora Patagonia Hotel

Given its name, you'd expect the Explora Patagonia Hotel to give you both a stay and an education on the surrounding lands. And this all-exclusive getaway doesn't disappoint. In addition...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
11 Apr 13:10

Lytro's new Cinema camera could mean the end of green screen

by Pete Pachal

Lytro has only just begun its mission to become a leader in professional VR cameras, but it's already looking to disrupt regular film production, too.

The Lytro Cinema camera puts the company's fancy light-field technology into a normal film camera. To call the camera "normal" is really a misnomer, though, since the specs on this thing are anything but: It can capture footage at a ridiculous 755 megapixels per frame, at 300 frames per second.

But that's not what makes the Lytro Cinema special. By capturing detailed depth and direction information of all incoming light, the camera unlocks a host of abilities that can usually only be done with expensive post-production, if at all. Read more...

More about Light Field Photography, Filmmaking, Lytro, and Tech
08 Apr 18:29

Fat Vincent is an obese dachshund who's on a legendary weight loss journey

by Kelly Diamond

The biggest loser in this story is a brave pup named Fat Vincent.

Fat Vincent is a seven-year-old dachshund from Houston, Texas. Just eight months ago, the pup was surrendered to K-9 Angel Rescue after his owner passed away. 

Clocking in at 38 pounds, Fat Vincent was considered obese and had high cholesterol, back problems and difficulty walking.

With the help of the team at K-9 Angel Rescue and foster mom veterinarian Melissa Anderson, Fat Vincent started a diet and workout regiment to help him become Skinny Vinny.

Foster mom Anderson decided to start Vincent's exercise routine off in the pool, as the water would take pressure off his ailing joints.  Read more...

More about Exercise, Obesity, Dachshund, Adoption, and Weight Loss
06 Apr 21:59

Bicycle Speed Limit: Marin County ‘Common Sense’ Crackdown

by Adam Ruggiero

Marin County, the birthplace of mountain biking, is enforcing 15mph speed limits on trails using LIDAR guns and new tactics to slow riders down.


Fines and speeding tickets for mountain bikers could soon be real. The ramped-up enforcement, which began April 1, is taking place within the 16,000 acres of parklands in northern California’s Marin County Open Space District lands — vast, protected nature preserves lined with shared-use trails and dirt roads frequented by bikers, hikers, and pedestrians.

The move has been met with some media scrutiny and public pushback, citing the difficulty of maintaining 15mph, especially in the steep hills of Marin County. However, no tickets have yet been handed out, said Brian Sanford, superintendent of Marin County Parks and Open Space.

“We got some calls from people saying we were taking away their rights,” Sanford said. “We’re not taking away any rights; we’re enforcing the law. The speed part just hasn’t really been enforced before.”

Speeding Tickets For Mountain Bikers?

We talked to a handful of riders and residents in Marin Country for this story. The measure has been largely one of cooperation, we were told, between trail users and law enforcement, with the bulk of complaints arising from minor disputes over right of way.

“It’s pretty clear the increased enforcement results from a small, vocal coterie of elderly hikers,” said Gordon Wright, avid trail rider and owner of OutsidePR sportsmarketing in San Francisco. Wright lives in Marin County and has recreated in the wild lands there for years.

“Ironically, cyclists are by far the most accommodating user group — and likely the largest single user group,” Wright said. “Relations between law enforcement and the mountain biking community have always been pretty good, pretty respectful.”


As stated, for the time being, no tickets are being handed out along Marin County’s “fire roads,” 8-12-foot dirt roads designed for emergency vehicles that typically permit pedestrian and bike traffic.

According to Sanford, there are only verbal warnings as part of a two-month “education period.” From there, fines between $45 and $150 – before court fees – are possible for mountain bikers who break the 15mph limit.

As noted in some media, 15mph is slow in steep terrain and perhaps hard to maintain while coursing downhill. But Sanford, the county parks superintendent, noted a misconception that the enforcement is taking place on steep singletrack.

The dirt fire roads are the target. They are shared routes used by hikers, bikers, and others looking to explore the Marin forests and hills.

History Of Enforcement, Accidents

This all started, sadly, with an accident. In 2014, a nine-year-old  boy suffered what police described as “very significant” head and internal injuries when he was struck by a 31-year-old cyclist on a paved path. The incident captured the attention of Marin County residents.

In 2015, the Share the Path initiative was launched by Marin County, the City of Mill Valley, and the Marin County Bicycle Coalition to improve multi-use trail safety on paved paths.

Opinion: Bicycles Belong In Wilderness

Sustainable Trails Coalition seeks to permit other forms of human-powered trail travel in wilderness areas, besides just walking. Read more...

The elevated enforcement along the fire roads is new this year. Despite its efforts to keep mountain biking safe and enjoyable, the focus on keeping cyclists’ speeds down might unintentionally lead to further disputes in Marin County’s idyllic downhill spots, Wright said.

“For the most part, we’re marginalized to fire roads only,” said Wright of mountain bikers’ access to quality rides. “Keeping it under 15 miles per hour – especially when hikers or horses are around – isn’t just the law, it’s common courtesy and common sense. [But] there is a small group of mountain bikers who defy the fire-road-only edict and ride wherever they want.”

Wright continued, “If law enforcement is up on the fire roads with LIDAR, these cyclists are going to poach singletrack all the more, which is counter-productive to the very aims of the cranky hikers.”

05 Apr 13:56

Celebrate Spring With Amazon's Huge Outdoor Clothing Sale, Today Only

by Shep McAllister on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister to Deadspin

Now that it’s warm enough to go outside again, Amazon’s offering great deals today on outdoor clothes from Columbia, ExOfficio, Under Armour, and more.


05 Apr 13:43

5 must-visit destinations in Patagonia for modern explorers

by Cailey Rizzo

Patagonia's 400,000 square miles are home to some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes on the planet.

It's an ideal destination for adventure seekers and one of our top destinations for travel in 2016.

This expansive area of land, spread across southern Chile and Argentina, is too much to take in all at once. With that in mind, we whittled down Patagonia's vast amount of possibilities to five must-see destinations.

Now all that's left is booking a trip.

Puerto Madryn

Image: GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP / Getty Images

More about 2016 Destinations, Patagonia, Argentina, Destinations, and Travel
04 Apr 18:09

Refunded! Artificial ‘Gills’ Scam Comes Clean

by Sean McCoy

On March 25, GearJunkie reported on the Triton, the “world’s first artificial gills rebreather.” Our first post about the Triton “Gills” goes into great detail to explain why the company’s claims were simply impossible.

Triton Artificial Gills Scam

Today, Triton came clean and refunded nearly $900,000 to Indiegogo supporters. The company then explained in an update that the Triton will use expendable “liquid oxygen” cylinders to supply air to breathe.

GearJunkie had contacted both Triton and Indieogogo about the impossible claims made by the fund-raising campaign. There was no response from Triton, but Indiegogo did respond with brief messages.

Triton Artificial Gills Scam
Artificial Gills To Breathe Underwater: A Million Dollar Scam?

A new company promising 'artificial gills' to breathe underwater for 45 minutes has raised huge money on Indieogogo. But experts doubt it will work. Read more...

After a canned response, we forwarded our published story to a customer service team. On March 31, we received word that “at this time, the campaign is under review to ensure that it adheres to our Terms of Use.”

triton artificial gills scuba breath underwater
The Triton uses some kind of “liquid oxygen” cylinders, the brand says after refunding supporters

Today, Triton refunded its entire campaign proceeds (nearly $900,000), and re-launched with more honest information. It’s worth checking out the entire update, as the brand claims to have in some way created a tiny compressed air container and delivery system.

Here’s a bit of what the brand had to say.

“Since launching we have been protecting our proprietary technology because it’s so important to our success, but after careful consideration we think it’s important to share these details and clarify how the device works. Inside of each Triton, the artificial gills utilize ‘liquid oxygen’, which combined with the other components allow users to breathe underwater, which you can see in the video above. We will release more information about the ‘liquid oxygen’ cylinders and safety strap.”

“Note that the ‘liquid oxygen’ cylinders won’t last forever so we plan to make it possible for backers to purchase and exchange cylinders through our website. They will come in packs of 1, 3, and 5, and we’ll list prices as soon as they are finalized. We’re also working on a solution to make them refillable.”

You can read the full update here.

Honestly, the product might be pretty cool, but after the misleading beginning of the fundraiser, we’d be hesitant to support it now. In just a couple hours, the re-launched campaign has already reached $47,000, so apparently many folks aren’t concerned.

Regardless, we’re glad to see the brand step up and share some details about its product, whether it took media and platform scrutiny or not.

31 Mar 13:44

'F*ck Donald Trump' rap rips into you-know-who

by Yohana Desta

Donald Trump isn't welcome in Baltimore. 

The Republican presidential candidate is the subject of a viral new music video and diss track titled "CIT4DT" ("Choppa in the Trunk 4 Donald Trump") by young rappers Dooley, Tlow and Lor Roger. The song's message? "F*ck Trump!" 

The short track was uploaded Sunday and has since racked up over 60,000 views. The rappers tear into Trump, referencing his inflammatory comments about Muslims and Mexican immigrants, as well as uncomfortable remarks he's made about his daughter, Ivanka ("You say you'd date your own daughter/You a sicko!"). Read more...

More about Politics, Donald Trump, Music, and Entertainment
30 Mar 13:34

The Walking Dead Quitter’s Club season 6, episode 15: ‘East’

by Bryan Bishop

No show likes to troll its audience quite like The Walking Dead. Game of Thrones may kill off people you love, and Homeland may test your patience, but there’s something unique about The Walking Dead’s ability to get you invested, hold your hand through long stretches of dialogue-heavy character building, and then blow it all to hell. It’s enough to make you wonder why you’re watching in the first place, so during this season of The Walking Dead, we’re tracking our reaction to each and every episode, to see whether the show is giving us enough to keep going, or whether it’s time to leave the zombie apocalypse behind altogether.

Warning: There will be spoilers.

The metric we’re using is Quitting Likelihood. The QL score starts at zero — that’s when we’re all-in and there’s no way we’d give up — and scales all the way up to 100. At that point it’s just time to go watch some old episodes of Scandal.

Our Quitting Likelihood after last week:


The mystery open

The Walking Dead season 6, episode 15 promotional still (AMC)

Bryan: I’ve had an on-again, off-again love affair with this season’s cold opens, and this week we’re definitely off. Random shots of blood dripping on asphalt, blood dripping from a scary metal spike, all ending with a shot of Carol’s rosary… we get it, TWD. You’re teasing something bad. But almost as if showrunner Scott Gimple and the gang thought the audience was too simple to understand, there are some faint voices heard in the background. We hear Carol warning somebody to come out slowly. An unknown character says "yeah, I think I’m gonna pass on that."

I’m inclined to think that whatever cold open they actually shot for this week got cut in the editing room, because this one feels like an 11th-hour fix. It’s not such a big deal that it warrants a full 5-percent increase in my QL, but it’s enough for a bump.

QL Score: +2

The apple of arrogance

Bryan: Rick and Michonne are hanging out in bed, sharing an apple, when Rick comments that what the group has going — new battle-hardened Alexandrians, new relationships, and plenty of supplies — is a new highpoint. Maggie’s worried about the remaining Saviors mounting a revenge attack, Michonne tells him, but despite the fact that Rick has been bloody, brutal, and merciless in the name of making sure his people are always as safe as possible, for some reason he strangely doesn't seem vigilant anymore.

The ugly fingerprints of hacky storytelling are all over this one

"The world’s ours, and we know how to take it," he says, leaning back half-naked in his bad and eating his apple. It’s a bizarre shift, somewhere between arrogance and recklessness, and it has the ugly fingerprints of hacky storytelling all over it. Have you guys noticed that Rick is letting his guard down, now?, the show’s saying. I wonder if that’s going to be bad? While The Walking Dead’s never been subtle, it’s rarely this clunky.

QL Score: +5

Bye-bye Glenn

Nick: Watching Maggie’s despondent expression in the side-view mirror of a vehicle carrying her husband away from Alexandria was about as subtle as a barbed wire baseball bat upside the head. The two characters have each just endured a harrowing and life-threatening struggle while separated from the other. So I find it strange that Glenn’s first impulse here is not to stay with his pregnant wife, but leave the safe confines of the community in search for someone who’s actively trying to avoid being found.

The Carol search party, which sees five integral fighters leave in two separate parties, is also a shameless exercise in conflict building. The writers clearly needed to orchestrate a Negan arrival in which the Saviors' leader has the upper hand. Instead of thinking hard about how to do that, they just decided to force everyone into making a dumb, impulse decision. Glenn’s death next episode feels all but certain, and the show could have done a little more work putting him in a sticky situation.

QL Score: +5

Carol Peletier: Beyond Thunderdome

The Walking Dead season 6, episode 15 promotional still (AMC)

Bryan: Carol’s just cruising down the highway in her Mad Max-ified hatchback when a group of Saviors have to get in her way. We get another standoff where it’s not clear if Carol is hyperventilating out of theatrics. or because she’s really freaked out (I think we’re supposed to think the latter, but Melissa McBride is playing these moments so big it’s hard to tell). Then she kills a ton of guys with some sort of magical automatic weapon she has hidden in her shirt sleeve, and ends up spiking another one, explaining that dripping blood in the opening.

From a sheer action movie perspective it’s great, but it's a mess for her character. Is Carol horrified at killing, or is she a cold-blooded killer? Because when somebody has a panic attack about firing the first rounds, and then becomes The Terminator moments thereafter, it’s not entirely clear — and I found myself, for the very first time in the history of the show, getting a little tired of Carol. A complex character struggling with her own moral failings is fascinating; an inconsistent one that changes from scene to scene as needed is not. And to top it all off, the episode then re-uses the dripping blood tease it tried to get away with in the cold open. You can do so much better, TWD.

QL Score: +5

Rick spares a life (sort of)

Nick: Rick and Morgan’s Carol-tracking expedition provides perhaps the only worthwhile plot building in all of "East." The two characters, who represent polar philosophies on using violence in the post-apocalypse, have a tense and fascinating relationship that often goes unexplored in TWD. Morgan is the only character to have known Rick as he was when the zombie outbreak began without seeing what he went through in his transformation into a cold-blooded leader.

Morgan is one of the only characters capable of changing Rick's mind

That unique bond makes Morgan one of the only characters on the show capable of changing Rick’s mind. He so does successfully at the abandoned farm when he prevents Rick from executing a fleeing man for no other reason than to question him for information he probably didn’t have. We’re so used to expecting Rick to use force ruthlessly and without restraint — I mean, moments earlier he does stab a dying man in the face without blinking an eye. But hey, at least he didn’t add one more number to his kill count. As if Rick’s even keeping track anymore.

QL Score: -5

The Mystery Shot

The Walking Dead season 6, episode 15 promotional still (AMC)

Bryan: You may have gotten the sense that this episode of The Walking Dead was more about cheap tricks than meaningful storytelling, but wait — it’s not over yet! Daryl and Rosita come across Glenn and Michonne at Dwight’s camp — it’s played as if Daryl was out intentionally searching for them, even though he didn’t actually know they’d been captured — and the duo get ready for rescue. Only Dwight gets the drop on them by just walking out of some bushes. Dwight is basically Daryl’s kryptonite at this point, able to evade any sort of detection, ever, even though Daryl’s been a fairly expert tracker during the course of the show.

And then Dwight shoots him at near point-blank range. CG blood splatters the camera lens, and we quickly fade to black, with Dwight saying sarcastically, "You’ll be alright." Where did he shoot Daryl? Is Daryl alive? Isn’t it strange that Daryl didn’t try to fight back, even though he could have swung his crossbow around and knocked Dwight’s gun out of his hand? These are all questions you may be asking, but they’re ones TWD is not interested in answering. Because this episode ends like it began: on a cheap, transparent gimmick intend to shock the show’s loyal audience, and nothing more.

QL Score: +5

The Scoring Dead

Bryan: I’m writing this almost immediately after finishing the episode, and this is the most annoyed this show has made me all season. Characters acting incredibly stupid to suit the machinations of the plot, teasing gimmicks from the very beginning, and then the audacity of the Daryl gunshot at the end. There were some solid character moments between Rick and Morgan, but it’s hard to see the bulk of this episode as anything other than Scott Gimple and his team manipulating viewers simply because they can.

As lazy as TWD gets

Nick: I couldn’t agree more. This was The Walking Dead at its more transparently lazy. The show has taught us to believe the Alexandria residents are now hardened survivors who, as Rick put it, "don’t take chances anymore." Yet at each turn we see characters doing just that — and for almost no reason. It was a series of silly narrative gymnastics used to set up what is obviously the Negan appearance this entire half-season has been building toward.

You can see it clear as day: Carol or Rick comes back to save the group, but not before Negan shows up and uses his feared baseball bat to clobber the life out of either Glenn, Michonne, or Daryl (probably Glenn). TWD doesn’t often pretend to be more than a fun way to get heartbroken over a character’s demise. But this episode proves that it’s not even trying to be anything more.

Bryan: There almost seemed to be an air of contempt towards the audience this week. Despite the flashes we saw last season (hi, Glenn pseudo-death) the show has largely been very respectful of its fans and played things straight. TWD earns those emotional pay-offs you mention, but "East" was like watching a crappy magician try to pull off some sleight of hand. When the audience sees exactly what you’re doing, it’s not really a trick.

Like watching a crappy magician try to pull off some sleight of hand

That’s not to mention that there’s just a single episode left to go this season. Just one. And I can’t point to a truly meaningful story thread that they can wrap up next week to make it feel like this season has been a cohesive whole. The only thing truly uniting the episodes has been the promise of Negan, and even that seems like it will be rushed at this point. If he shows up, sounds scary, and even kills a beloved character, will that feel like a justified pay-off? I’m hoping I’m wrong, but they’ll have to do quite a lot to stick the landing on this season. It’s probably worth noting as well that AMC isn’t providing episodes available to the press for advance viewing — usually an indicator that something major is on the way.

Nick: "More to come" has always more or less worked on TWD because the revenge payoff is worth it: the Governor showdown at the prison, Carol at Terminus, Rick taking down Gareth at the church. These moments, along with major character deaths, give the show a recognizable rhythm and keep people slogging through the downbeats. But for the first time I don’t feel like this finale, regardless of Negan’s arrival, is going to justify how shamelessly it was constructed these past two episodes.

As it stands, season six appears to be ending on the show’s biggest promise of more to come yet: whatever happens to Rick’s crew in these final 45 minutes will have to be so gruesome that we’ll all stick around for the eventual Alexandria vs. Saviors battle. At this point, however, that’s a risky assumption.

Our Quitting Likelihood after "East":


17 Mar 13:06

SeaWorld stops breeding captive killer whales

by Amar Toor

SeaWorld announced today that it will stop breeding captive orcas, commonly known as killer whales, marking a major shift for the 57-year-old company. In a statement released Thursday, SeaWorld said that the 24 orcas currently under its care will be last generation of the animals at its three US theme parks, adding that it will replace its flagship theatric shows with more "natural orca encounters."

The announcement comes after SeaWorld San Diego announced in November that it would phase out its killer whale shows by 2017, amid growing criticism from animal welfare groups. The company's treatment of killer whales gained broader attention following the 2013 release of Blackfish, a documentary that linked the orcas' captivity to their increased aggression. The film focused on an orca named Tilikum, which killed SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau in 2010.

"As society's understanding of orcas continues to change, SeaWorld is changing with it."

"As society's understanding of orcas continues to change, SeaWorld is changing with it," SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby said in a statement. "By making this the last generation of orcas in our care and reimagining how guests will encounter these beautiful animals, we are fulfilling our mission of providing visitors to our parks with experiences that matter."

SeaWorld says that the theatric shows will be phased out at its San Diego park next year, followed by San Antonio and Orlando in 2019. The company also announced a partnership with the Humane Society of the United States, an animal advocacy group, to bolster conservation efforts.

The decision to end orca breeding also resolves a legal dispute between SeaWorld and the California Coastal Commission, a state regulatory body. Last year, the commission approved a plan to expand the orca enclosure at SeaWorld's San Diego park, but only on the condition that the company end all orca breeding. SeaWorld filed a lawsuit challenging the requirement in December.

16 Mar 16:33

Mondo is making gorgeous Star Wars and Indiana Jones posters just in time for the new movies

by Bryan Bishop

It looks like there's going to be plenty of incredible posters to get people excited about a new Indiana Jones movie: Mondo has announced that it is teaming up with ACME Archives to create a new series of posters based on both the Indiana Jones and Star Wars franchises. The partnership is kicking off with the first new poster, a profile of Luke Skywalker from artist Mike Mitchell, titled simply "Red Five." It goes on sale tomorrow, March 17th, at 1PM ET / 10AM PT, and rather than Mondo's usual blink-and-it's-gone selling system, this one will be available for a full 72 hours.

Mondo has been known for its unique takes on movie posters for years, and has recently been getting into other products like vinyl soundtracks (which have their own amazing artwork, of course). Given the general focus on sci-fi and fantasy properties, it's no surprise that some of the most famous Mondo posters are from their previous Star Wars run — in particular, a trio from artist Olly Moss which featured silhouettes of iconic characters from the three original films. Mike Mitchell will be completing a series of profiles as part of this new series, with Mondo bringing in other artists for their takes on the property as well.

The inclusion of Indiana Jones , however, is a first for the company. Although Mondo has created posters for everything from Brazil to Blade Runner, it had never secured the license for Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels until partnering with ACME. The collaboration will also allow Mondo to create posters for several other properties that ACME Archives has the fine art licenses for, including The X-Files and projects from Dreamworks Animation. You can see Mike Mitchell's "Red Five" in full below, followed by an assortment of Mondo's past Star Wars posters.

10 Mar 21:52

Mind Journal

The toughest part of keeping a journal isn't deciding what to write, but writing in the first place. The Mind Journal helps keep you motivated by providing a series of...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
10 Mar 21:41

Jeep Just Unveiled 7 Concepts. All Are Freakin’ Badass

by Sean McCoy

Every year, Jeep unveils a slew of wicked concept vehicles for the Easter Jeep Safari. This year, thanks to the 50th anniversary of the Safari and the 75th anniversary of the Jeep brand, the concepts are off-the-charts cool.

Jeep Hellcat

The flagship must be this monster, above, sporting a 707 Horsepower Hellcat engine! WTF!

If you’re in the Moab, Utah area, the Easter Jeep Safari is March 19-27. Thousands of off-road enthusiasts are expected to descend upon Moab for the occasion. If not, read on to get a glimpse into some very cool concept Jeeps.

Jeep Trailcat

Named the Jeep Trailcat, the Hellcat-powered off-roader is capable of both crawling and high-speed runs. Called the “ultimate off-road machine” by Jeep, it has a supercharged 6.2-liter HEMI Hellcat V-8 engine mated to a 6-speed manual transmission. Goodness, it has 707 horsepower and you can shift it old-school style, racking a custom embossed Hellcat logo ball as the engine roars!

Jeep Trailcat 2

To get the 707-horsepower Hellcat engine into the Trailcat, designers stretched the wheelbase an additional 12 inches. They chopped the windshield two inches for a sleeker look. It also has steel front and rear bumpers, 17-inch beadlock wheels and 39.5-inch BFGoodrich Krawler T/A KX tires, front and rear Dana 60 axles, Fox shocks, and of course, leather seat covers.

Jeep Crew Chief 715

Or maybe you’d prefer the open bed and rugged looks of the Jeep Crew Chief 715 in all its yummy goodness.

Jeep Crew Chief 715 2

Built as a salute to legendary Jeep military service vehicles, in particular the Kaiser M715, this open-air design is powered by the 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine mated to a five-speed automatic transmission.

The Crew Chief 715 utilizes modern-day construction with a rear seat and extra doors, but closely mimics the military classic. Steel front and rear bumpers, 20-inch beadlock wheels and 40-inch NDT military tires pay homage to the original Jeep military vehicles. The Crew Chief 715 has an onboard air system with a hard-mounted quick-disconnect fitting for airing up or lending assistance to other vehicles on the trail.

Jeep Crew Chief

Inside, the no-nonsense interior has leather bucket seats with canvas inserts, aircraft-inspired control switches, and Mopar all-weather mats. It even has a centrally located navigation compass. Old school GPS!

Jeep Shortcut

Inspired by the classic CJ-5 of the 1950s to handle narrow, winding trails, the Jeep Shortcut is cute in its small-body ruggedness. It’s a tight little package that just begs you to stomp the accelerator and spray dirt skyward.

Jeep Shortcut 2

A unique grille, hood, tailgate, front and rear wheel flares, and custom chrome front and rear bumpers, coupled with a modified exhaust, 17-inch red steel wheels, and 35-inch BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/A KM2 tires help the Jeep Shortcut maintain the look of an icon.

The Jeep Shortcut is powered by the 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine and 5-speed automatic transmission.

It gets a performance upgrade from a front and rear Dana 44 axle and a 2-inch lift with Fox shocks. Overall body length has been reduced by 26 inches including bumpers and spare tire to keep the Shortcut concept vehicle light and maneuverable on the trails.

Jeep Shortcut

Inside, the simple yet functional interior features low-back leather bucket seats with plaid inserts, a red ball shifter handle, four-point safety cage, and Mopar all-weather mats.

Jeep Renegade Commander

You won’t be embarrassed taking the kids to soccer in the Renegade Commander concept vehicle. The ubiquitous Renegade gets upgraded with an assortment of Mopar and Jeep Performance Parts to go from urban grocery-getter to backwoods beast. A 2-inch lift kit and 17-inch Rubicon aluminum wheels with 29.5-inch BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 tires boost its off-road capabilities.

Jeep Renegade Concept

Inside, the Renegade Commander includes Katzkin seat covers, body-color bezel accents, a pedal kit, Mopar off-road kit, and Mopar all-weather floor mats. The Jeep Renegade Commander is powered by the 2.4-liter Tigershark engine with MultiAir2 mated to a 9-speed automatic transmission with Jeep Active Drive Low.

Jeep Comanche

Is it a Jeep? Or is it a pickup? Based on the Renegade, the Comanche concept vehicle gives a nod to Jeep pickup trucks of years past. Could there be a future Jeep pickup in the works? Come on Jeep, quit teasing us!


A six-inch wheelbase stretch accommodates the Comanche’s 5-foot bed, while inside, custom seat covers, pedal covers, door sill guards, and Mopar all-weather mats set this Jeep apart.

A 2-inch lift kit and a winch bolster the Comanche’s off-road capability, rolling on 16-inch painted wheels and 32-inch BFGoodrich All Terrain T/A tires.

And it’s a diesel! Its heart is a 2.0-liter diesel I-4 engine mated to a 9-speed automatic transmission with Jeep Active Drive Lock, which includes low range and a locking rear differential.

Jeep FC 150

This 1960 Jeep FC 150 concept vehicle just oozes history. Built to tackle rocky trails while getting the job done on western cattle ranches from 1956 to 1965, the FC 150 is based on the CJ-5 and offers a clever packaging solution by keeping overall length to a minimum for maneuverability, but maintaining a full-length cargo box for utility.

Jeep FC 150 Heritage Vehicle

This one-off has the original steel body, still proudly bearing battle scars. The components underneath have been revamped, its off-road prowess enhanced with a 2005 Jeep Wrangler chassis modified to accept a Dana 44 front axle, Dana 60 rear axle, and 17-inch white steel wheels wrapped in 33-inch BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/A KM2 tires.

It’s powered by a torquey 4.0-liter PowerTech I-6 mated to a 3-speed automatic transmission.

Jeep Trailstorm

This bad boy will get you off the beaten path, with extra room for gear and fuel tanks. Based on the Wrangler Unlimited, it has enhanced off-road performance and aggressive looks.

Jeep Trailstorm

To juice its off-road cred, it has 17-inch concept off-road wheels wrapped in 37-inch tires, a 2-inch lift kit with Jeep Performance Parts/Fox shocks, a Rubicon winch, and Dana 44 front and rear axles. Half doors offer a clear view of obstacles ahead and a bedlined interior allows you to hose down the inside after a rowdy day in the mud.

Mopar exterior enhancements include a winch guard, Satin Black grille, LED headlights and fog lights, high top fenders, power-dome vented hood, Mopar off-road rock rails with a step, Big Brake Kit, a concept fast-back soft top, tail light guards, and a Mopar fuel filler door. Finishing the Trailstorm’s exterior upgrades are a steel front and rear Rubicon bumper. This camo beast is powered by a 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine with 5-speed automatic transmission.

01 Mar 16:21

Girl proves she can fart just as well as the boys

by Heather Dockray

Gender discrimination comes in all forms — including flatulence.

In this video, a young girl does her best to prove that she can fart just like the rest of them. Her little brother appears skeptical at first, before he's quickly won over.

It's just not that she can fart as well as the boys. She breaks boundaries, barriers, and wind. 

Next stop: Presidency. 

More about Girls, Watercooler Viral Videos, Watercooler, and Farting
29 Feb 19:48

Dream Job? Start Your Own Gear Brand

by Alex Kurt

Finding a niche is difficult, competition is fierce, and you live and die by the decisions you make. For the right personality, like Fitsok’s Jeff Bull, it might be the best job in the world.

Early days: Shipping boxes of socks

In 2007, Jeff Bull was 27 years old and had a budding career in the action-sports world, working for Surfer Magazine. But as exciting as that might seem, it wasn’t fulfilling to Bull, who wanted to make his mark in the industry.

So, when an opportunity arose to start a running sock brand called Fitsok with former Nike sales guru Bill Flaherty, he jumped at the chance. “The opportunity to build something new was exciting,” Bull said.

The last nine years have been lean, stressful, and busier than he thought possible. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Fitsok strived to offer something different in a crowded marketplace

We spoke with Bull about the ins and outs of starting a gear brand — the pros and cons of being your own boss, how much a massive global recession ages you, and the difficulty in coming up with an idea that will sell.

The beginning is lean and it requires creativity (and patience)

In order to maintain its core vision without interference from outside voices, Fitsok’s founders didn’t get a bank loan or investors when they started, Bull said. So they had to be extra resourceful. “We met at our houses and in coffee shops for the first seven months,” he said.

A big hurdle was that the brand could not afford a shipping location or warehouse for a while, either. “Our first ‘warehouse’ was an empty room in the back of the Chanhassen Dinner Theater in the Minneapolis suburbs. We’d be preparing boxes for shipping and could hear the actors and musicians rehearsing through the wall,” he said.

Finding a niche only seems easy in retrospect

This is business 101, but if you want to start a gear brand, your gear has to offer something no one else’s does — new or improved technology, unforeseen convenience, or a better deal. It takes work and luck to go the first route; you’re effectively an inventor at that point. But the latter two just take some creativity.

In the mid-2000s, and still today, running stores mostly sold high-quality, expensive socks in single pairs. Bull and Flaherty recognized that while most runners might invest in a pair or two of high-quality, high-tech socks for winter running or a special race, runners weren’t going to fill their drawers with socks that cost $15 for a single pair.

Sold in three-packs, the brand worked to distinguish itself

At the same time, “multi-packs of socks were frowned upon,” said Bull. “They were seen as lower quality, and most of the time they were.” But Bull and Flaherty decided they would try to walk the tightrope: make socks that are high-quality enough to be well-regarded by run specialty staff (and, in turn, their customers), but cost-effective enough to be sold in a pack of three for the same price as a single pair of Smartwool or Drymax.

They didn’t have to reinvent the wheel, but they did have to come up with something that wasn’t being done. In retrospect, filling this niche seems incredibly obvious. But in the mid-2000s, it was going against the grain.

You get to create your own core values

A lot of brands’ appeal today, especially in the outdoors and gear worlds, is the deliberate shirking of the “grow-as-fast-as-possible” approach for more sustainable, community-oriented practices. This includes things like using sustainable materials, local sourcing, fair trade, and so on.

“It was awesome to develop our own core promises when we started: Be in stock, ship on time, and provide awesome customer service,” Bull said. “As time goes on, we continue to focus on those promises, and it’s paid off with growth.”

Fitsok also decided to keep its emphasis on independently-owned run specialty stores and to manufacture with a family-owned mill in North Carolina. “They ran, biked, and shared the same passions, and they had a ton of expertise in creating technical products,” Bull said. “For us, it was an easy decision to work with them exclusively.”

In other words, Fitsok started small, and they decided to remain small.

Fitsok sponsors community running clubs, here in Minneapolis
Fitsok sponsors community running clubs, here in Minneapolis

But sticking to those values can be hard

It was easier for Fitsok to commit to staying small when no one knew who they were.

“What’s tough is when an opportunity comes along that could offer a huge payday but it doesn’t fit our brand personality or our core promises,” he said. “We’ve had chances to do large stuff, but we’ve had to turn it down to stay focused on our customers.”

Put another way: “’Staying in your lane’ is important, but I’d be lying if I said a big order was easy to turn down,” he continued.

The economy is what you make it

In 2007, a global economic meltdown was imminent. Bad time to strike out in the free market, right?

It depends. For whatever reason, the running industry took off in the early 2010s, just as it had in the late 1980s.

“For us, starting a brand during the recession was a double-edged sword,” Bull said. “Things were tight for a lot of consumers and retailers, but our brand was compelling as a startup. Looking back, it definitely forced us to be focused and wise with our energy and limited budgets.”

Working for yourself has its ups and downs

When your ship is small, you feel every wave. There’s a pretty steep adjustment when starting a brand and working for yourself compared to working for a larger company further down the chain. “Consequences, good or bad, are felt immediately,” said Bull.

He also pointed out you have to earn the accouterments that might normally come with a larger company. Health insurance? 401k? That’s yours to figure out.

“There aren’t a lot of cushy benefits,” he said. “But there are a ton of intrinsic rewards.” Namely, being the master of your own ship, however rocky the seas.

“We learned more from early mistakes than early successes,” Flaherty said.

You live for customers to have a good experience – and it’s crushing when they don’t.

When you’ve founded a brand, you’re more invested in its outcome – not only financially, but in the quality of the products and the experience of runners, climbers, campers, etc. like you.

So when your customers have a good experience, Bull said it’s tremendously affirming. But when they have a bad experience, it can feel like a more personal failure.

“Nobody likes to let people down, but it’s bound to happen from time to time,” Bull said.

But that’s where being in charge pays off – you, personally, can right the ship.

“Some of our best alliances have been forged by making things right with customers,” Bull said. “The best brands shine brightest when they’ve made mistakes and go the extra mile to make things right.”

You have to sell yourself

No matter how cool your story is – possibly no matter how good your product is – a lot of elbow grease goes into making sure enough people try your product and hear your story—helping it spread.

“As we look forward, we realize smaller specialized brands must get creative to compete with the Under Armours and North Faces of the world,” Bull said. “Our product is unique, specialized, and extremely high-quality…[but] our challenge will be ensuring retailers and customers can find us, and we deliver on our core promises.”

It’s (a little) easier in the digital age

Starting a brand, Bull said, is easier today than founding a brick-and-mortar retail store. The reason? The Internet.

“I do think [starting a brand today] is a much different undertaking, especially if you’re selling direct online,” he said.

20 Jul 19:25

Microsoft’s Hyperlapse out of beta and officially available for all Android 4.4+ devices

by Chris Chavez

microsoft hyperlapse header

After initially launching in beta back in May, Microsoft’s Hyperlapse is now officially available to all. Well, most people. It’s only working on Android 4.4 KitKat devices on up, which is still a fairly big chunk of Android devices. In either case, Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile lets you take incredibly smooth and stable timelapse videos using nothing but your smartphone.

It’s a lot different than traditional timelapse and a little different than Instagram’s implementation (which isn’t available on Android, by the way) in that you have more freedom to actually move the camera around. Thanks to multi frame rendering, Microsoft’s technology allows for much more movement by creating this sort of 3D image on the fly. For more on this, check out Microsoft’s research page here or just watch the technical explanation video down below.

While it’s not an app everyone will use all of the time, there are some interesting use cases such as quickly showing off a hiking trip or exploring a city (this would have been awesome to see during Kevin’s recent biking trip across the country). The best part about Microsoft Hyperlapse is that there are no longer any beta testing hoops to jump through. Simply jump onto the Google Play Store and download Microsoft Hyperlapse on your Android device right now. It’s totally free.

20 Jul 19:13

Android Wallpaper: Camp Out

by Joe Fedewa

android wallpaper camp

See past editions of Android Wallpaper

One of the best things to do during summer is go camping. You can sleep in a tent, go for a hike, kayak, build a fire, and so much more. It’s a great way to get outside, experience nature, and maybe get away from glowing screens for a while. Camping can also be a beautiful experience, and to celebrate the sights of a good camp we’ve got some wallpapers for you.

Below you will find 6 HD camp-tastic wallpapers. To get one of these wallpapers on your phone, tablet, or even PC, simply tap or click on the image to see it at full resolution. When the image opens you can right-click or tap and hold to save it. Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to share a screenshot if you use one of these wallpapers!

Push new Android Wallpaper to your Android device with our Pushbullet channel.

camping wallpaper (5)

camping wallpaper (4)

camping wallpaper (3)

camping wallpaper (1)

16 Jul 21:48

Gorgeous time-lapse video explores natural phenomenons

by Jessye McGarry

Jeff Boyce traveled 20,000 miles and snapped 70,000 photographs to capture the footage for a stunning video that shows Earth at its most beautiful.

The "Edge of Sustainability" follows storms across the United States, showcases the Milky Way over the desert and features the Aurora Borealis over Canada. It's essentially the mental vacation you need.

More about Videos, Viral Video, Timelapse, Watercooler, and Travel Leisure
16 Jul 21:46

Black woman pulled over while driving to her new job, found dead in Texas jail

by Colin Daileda

Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old black woman driving from her old home near Chicago to a new job at her alma mater in Texas, never made it

Texas Department of Public Safety officers arrested her after they pulled her over for allegedly signaling a lane change improperly. She wound up on the ground, hands cuffed behind her back. That was Friday, July 10. On Monday, she was found dead in her Waller County jail cell. Her death is under investigation.

The police say Bland became combative at some point during the stop, and they charged her with assaulting a public servant. But a video of her arrest, shot by a bystander, starts only after Bland is already face down on the ground next to her car, saying police smacked her head Read more...

More about Texas, Dead, Police, Arrest, and Us World
16 Jul 21:28

HBO Now for Android launches on Amazon devices, Google Play later today

by Quentyn Kennemer

hbo now logo

Apple’s period of exclusive for HBO Now is over, and as promised it is on its way to Android starting today. The service, which gives you full access to HBO’s breadth of content for $15 per month and without the need of a cable subscription, is now available on Amazon’s Appstore for Kindle Fire tablets, and will be available in the coming weeks for Fire TV devices. The service should also find its way to Google Play at some point later today.

HBO Now shouldn’t be all that unlike HBO Go in that it gives you a clean and quick interface for accessing all of HBO’s content. Whether it’s Game of Thrones or a random movie currently in the company’s circulation, you’ll get access to it just as you would if you had more traditional access.

Unfortunately download links aren’t yet available, though we’ll be scouring the net for them and will update this post when they turn up. Oh, and we’re also hearing a month long free trial will be in order, though only Amazon has confirmed that to be the case for their particular version. Be sure to keep a look out for yourself if you’re interested!

[Update]: HBO has confirmed that all new users will get a free 30-day trial no matter which device you use. Huzzah!

[via Amazon]