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29 May 05:45

Don't Study Success to Learn How to Be Successful

by Adam Dachis
Andrei Curăraru

We learn more from losers than from winners. lessons about what not to do are more valuable

Don't Study Success to Learn How to Be Successful

We like to look at successful people in our field and ask what they did right, but we really ought to ask what they (and others) did wrong. Attempting to distill the virtues of triumph erases the most important element: failure.



29 May 05:27

Stress Can Encourage Good Habits Too

by Medical News Today
Andrei Curăraru

Stress triggers old habits, if you build good ones, then you can stop worrying.

Source: Medical News Today

Although stress can motivate some people to overeat or go on a shopping spree, it can also encourage them to stick to their good habits, such as eating healthily and exercising, according to a new study. The research, conducted by scientists from University of Southern California (USC) and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that when people are stressed and tired, they are just as likely to stick with positive...

Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network

23 May 10:16

The Bizarre World of Animal Reproduction

by Melissa Blevins

hyena-mothersAs weird and whacky as some human mating practices can sometimes be, other animals’ reproductive habits can be even stranger at times.  While one species gives birth through a penis, another’s testicles’ explode after sex. Further, post-coital cannibalism and V-shaped penises are not all that uncommon.

We’ll start with the hyena.  Depending on if you notice her udders, the female spotted hyena looks either like a male or a hermaphrodite. Being neither, the female hyena, like other mammals, has a uterus, ovaries, udders, labia and clitoris; unfortunately (or not, depending on your interest), the hyena’s clitoris is super long and frequently becomes erect – giving her the appearance of an aroused male. On top of that, her labia are formed in such a way, with a fold and connective tissue, that they strongly resemble a scrotum. Nonetheless, those aren’t the family jewels, they’re just strangely built lady parts.

Weirder still, the female hyena’s clitoris, often referred to as a pseudopenis because of its resemblance to the real thing, is used for urinating, copulating and giving birth; this means she pees through it, but also, during mating, the male hyena inserts his penis directly into it. Later, when it’s time to give birth, the baby is delivered through the clitoris; in order to accommodate intercourse and delivery, rather than being erect, the pseudopenis becomes flaccid, thin and elastic.

In fact, a number of animal species have a pseudopenis, including lemurs, squirrel monkeys and some birds. Although with the lemur and monkey, the pseudopenis is a female characteristic, when it is seen in birds, it is a trait only seen in males. Most bird species, up to 97%, do not have a penis or other phallic structure; rather, they mate by pressing together an opening on their bottoms whereby the sperm is transferred via a “kiss.” Known as the cloaca, like the hyena’s clitoris, it is used not only in reproduction, but for defecation and urination as well.

On the subject of pee, male giraffes drink the urine of the female shortly before they have sex; according to experts, the male giraffe can detect if the female is in estrus (i.e., in heat) from her golden shower. Female giraffes gestate their fetuses for at least 13 months, and then give birth standing up. Typically, only one male in a herd gets to impregnate the females, almost always the one with the longest neck.  The rest of the time, the males tend to just like having sex with one another, with an estimated 74%-94% of all male giraffe mating being with another male.

With bees, it is the sole queen, who obtains her throne by ruthlessly killing her rivals, who gets her choice of mates from among the male drones in the colony. Rare, dramatic and violent, bee copulation (and the drone’s life) ends when the male’s genitalia explode within the queen. The queen will continue to mate over a series of flights with up to 40 drones and puts their semen in storage to be used to produce fertilized eggs over the rest of her life.

Like bees, black widow females are renowned for killing their mates after sex; although with the widow, she’s reputed to eat the male rather than causing him to blow up. Experts note, however, that of the numerous species of black widows in the world, only one engages in cannibalism routinely, and she lives in the Southern Hemisphere. Of the three American species of black widows, only one eats her mates, and then only occasionally. Similarly, although female preying mantises are reputed to engage in post-coital cannibalism, this is only very rarely observed in the wild.

Flatworms also like rough sex, but unlike bees, spiders and mantises, no one dies at the end. These sea slugs are hermaphrodites, so when it comes time to reproduce, one has to be the bottom and the other the top. To decide, they spar with their penises, and the one who is stabbed receives the sperm and bears the babies.

Some other animals get to be both sexes but not at the same time. The clownfish is born male, but when it matures, it can turn into a female if necessary. Nemo and his kind live in groups where only one couple gets to have sex, so when that female dies, one of the larger males transforms into a female and the cycle continues. Similarly, some frog species will have members of a population change sex, either from male to female or female to male, in order to maintain the proper proportion of each gender to ensure the success of the group.

More than just the pouch separates marsupials from the rest of the mammalian kingdom. Female marsupials have two uteruses, as well as three vaginas: two for intercourse and a third for delivering babies. To properly tend to the ladies, the male marsupial has a two-pronged penis. Unlike other mammals, marsupial fetuses gestate for only about a month before they are born. Of course, they hide in the mother’s pouch for a good long time until they are sufficiently developed.

Whether it’s with pee, dueling organs or simply changing sex, animals go to great lengths to make babies and propagate their kind. Perhaps examples of evolution or simply God’s jokes, these weird ways of reproduction have helped species thrive for millions of years. Who are we to judge?

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[Hyena Image via Shutterstock]

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19 May 19:03

104 Ways to Boost Your Energy

by Angela Berenstein

We’ve all been there. Groggy, exhausted, foggy—and desperately in need of an energy boost. Keep this list handy in case of an emergency.

  1. Shower. A shower first thing in the morning will wake you up without coffee.  Water hydrates your skin, warms your muscles, and relaxes your body.  A hot steamy shower clears the sinuses and hydrates your lung tissue so you can breathe better. Being clean all over can make you feel like a new person.
  2. Drink water. Like plants, you will wilt if you don’t drink enough water. How much should you drink? Listen to your body. Here are 25 ways your body tells you it’s time to drink.
  3. Sunbathe. Sunshine can lift your spirits and lighten your emotions. Your body needs about 30 minutes of daily sunlight exposure to make vitamin D. Here are Dr. Frank Lipman’s 10 healthy ways to get more sun.
  4. Breathe fresh air. Fresh air oxygenates the blood, and refreshes the body and the mind. When the mind is fresh, it boosts productivity. Open a window at the very least, and try to take a short, 10-minute walk outdoors every couple of hours. 
  5. Stretch. During the night, your muscles produce a fuzz-like substance that binds them together. Stretching melts the fuzz and frees the muscles to slide along each other. Stretch frequently. Do it first thing in the morning (this free 10-minute video will guide you). While you are at the office, do this 4-minute neck and shoulders stretch.
  6. Receive a massage. Massage has many benefits. At the very least, massage eases tired, sore, and tense muscles and relieves stress, and it can lower your blood pressure and improve your circulation. Deep tissue massage removes limitations and increases your range of motion. Invigorate yourself. You can get a cheap massage at a local massage school.
  7. Bond through touch. We all need physical contact, affection, and a sense of security. People who are not touched enough have higher levels of cortisol. Nurturing touch bonds you with your child and helps them to develop new neural connections. Embracing your partner or a loved one can be emotionally healing. Ask first if it’s okay if you give them a hug, and then embrace them.
  8. Have sex. Sex relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and boosts immunoglobulin A (an antibody that fights colds). There is nothing like a post-coital glow to put a bounce in your step afterward, and feeling desired boosts confidence, adding fuel to your movements.
  9. Do tai chi. Tai chi encourage the proper flow of qi—an energy force that flows through the body. Here is the Harvard Medical School’s list of health benefits from tai chi. Need a boost now? Check out this video.
  10. Drum. There is something primal about live drums. Bones start shaking, muscles start quaking, and before long, you’re dancing. It can’t be helped; drums move us, infusing us with primal, joyful exuberance we never knew we had.
  11. Honor your feet. Your feet have carried you all these years. What is their personality? Tired? Cranky? Taking good care of tired, sore, cranky feet can reanimate you. Here are the best ways to pamper your feet.
  12. Listen to your body. When you experience pain, you injure yourself. Stop. Listen to the voice of your body, which speaks in sensations of pain and pleasure. When you experience pain, seek movements that produce pleasurable sensations. This may mean that you may need to tweak the way that you walk, sit, stand, or get out of bed.
  13. Eat healthy. When we feel a depleted, many of us (myself included) think about sweet or carb-laden foods to stimulate us. Sugar, coffee, and carbs may give a brief stimulation, but the effects are short-lived. Vivify yourself by choosing a healthy snack, like a banana or some protein.
  14. Smile. There are many hidden benefits to smiling. When you smile, let it reach your eyes. Smiling when you run brings a childlike joy to your workout. Smile when you work, smile when you are with friends: smiling is infectious and can bring joy to you in the most unlikely of circumstances.
  15. Laugh. Laughter is contagious, improves blood flow and sugar levels, boosts your immune system, and improves your sleep. Laughter is good for your health, and stimulates the lower abdomen. Even if you start with a fake laugh, it can become real. Having trouble getting started? Watch a comedy, read a hilarious book, take a class in laughter yoga, join a laughter club, or just watch and listen to laughter.
  16. Dance. Moving your body in a random, primal way that is pleasurable circulates the blood and oxygenates the body, which quickens the organs that depend on it. More than that, it can be liberating. When you get home from work, put on some music and dance like nobody’s watching. Or listen to your iPod and start dancing wherever you are!
  17. Align your posture. Those who walk with hunched shoulders and a concave back appear depressed. This posture compresses the stomach and lungs, so you cannot take deep breaths. To change your posture, rotate the inside of your elbows forward (as if you would draw blood). This rotates your shoulders back and down away from your ears, correcting your posture in your upper back. For the best posture and instant elegance, walk like a giraffe—it creates space in between the vertebrae.
  18. Eat more vegetables. All dieticians agree that we should eat more veggies.Dr. Joel Fuhrman says our bodies function best when we eat more nutrients per calorie and plenty of fiber. These fruits and veggies have the highest nutrients per calorie. Soups and salads are an easy way to eat a spectrum of vegetables for a quick nutrient punch, while soups are a fabulous “emergency food” for those with busy schedules. Just make a delicious batch, freeze half of it, and reheat as desired.
  19. Prioritize sleep. If you aren’t sleeping enough, you aren’t going to function well during the day. Every task will take longer. Sleep should be a top priority. Here’s a free resource that will help you to get the sleep you need.
  20. Move. Frequently. This can be as easy as stretching or some good cardio. Movement circulates the blood and brings fresh blood to vital organs and muscles. This brings oxygen to areas that need it, leaving you feeling refreshed.
  21. Use a neti pot. If you have a cold, using a neti pot can bring instant relief, and regular use of a neti pot improves breathing even when you’re not congested. A neti pot uses a salt water solution to mechanically flush away pollen and allergens that cause inflammation in your sinuses. Always use water that has been boiled (and then cooled to warm), to avoid the Naegleria fowleri amoeba found in lakes, rivers, and hot springs.
  22. Meditate. Meditation has loads of benefits. In as little as 2 minutes a day, meditation can melt away stress, help you to relax and to heighten awareness. To meditate, simply pay attention to your breath. Check out these tips on how to meditate daily. 
  23. Nap. Naps make us more productive, but the trick to napping effectively is to have the nap last no more than 45 minutes. Here’s why. Ideally, 10–20 minutes should be enough to recharge.
  24. Repair. Door squeaks, things that need gluing—there are many small repairs that need to be done, and every time you see them, you make another mental note that they need to be done, leaving you overwhelmed and guilty for procrastinating. Commit to making one small repair today. It won’t take as long as you think, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. Your internal dialog will diminish, and you will feel motivated to accomplish more.
  25. Capture ideas and tasks. Once it’s written down, your mind doesn’t need to repeat itself on a loop to remind you to do it. Use either a moleskine plain pocket notebook (the ones without lines allow you to draw pictures or flow charts) or the free app, Evernote.
  26. Procrastinate mindfully. It can feel overwhelming to think about all the things you must do. Instead, set a start date for a project, and don’t begin thinking about it until the start date.
  27. Empty your inbox. Even if you have a search function available, seeing the clutter of all those emails takes a psychological toll on you—especially if you have a smart phone. To process your email inbox quickly and efficiently: Sort your email by sender. Most will be junk mail. Unsubscribe from ALL emails with advertisements and delete. For the remaining emails: reply, read it, put it in your calendar, or watch the video. If you don’t have time, put it in Evernote and file the “processed” ones all in one folder, labeled “Archive” (delete all other folders). Most email programs, such as Gmail, will allow you to easily search an archive folder. Process in small batches (15 minutes/day) until it is empty.
  28. No email first thing in the morning. This simple change can skyrocket your productivity. You could spend hours responding to email, leaving little time or energy to finish your most important tasks that require focus.  Instead of checking email first thing in the morning, wait 1–2 hours. Most people and situations can wait one hour. Use that hour for focused work instead. When you do check your email, put a time limit on it so you can get back to focused tasks.
  29. Turn on your peripheral vision. Are you ever working at the computer and someone walks up and startles you? This tunnel vision—where you focus on one thing (the computer) and the rest of the world vanishes—can be undone by turning on your peripheral vision. It slows down your perception of time and opens you up to receive more of the world. To turn on your peripheral vision, soften your eyes so that you see your hands while still looking at the screen. Now, take in more of the room around you while still looking at the screen. Sustain it for as long as you can.
  30. Listen to pleasant sounds. The laughter of children, birdsong, the babbling of a nearby creek or tinkle of a fountain, the whisper of wind. Our lives are filled with sounds that are pleasant and unpleasant, so pay attention to the pleasant ones; it can lift your spirits and bring calm and composure to a hectic day.
  31. Harmonize a small area. Take a moment and look at your home as if you were going to buy it. Is the paint peeling? Is the hardware old? Does it need a light bulb? Pick one small area—a shelf, a table, or a corner of your house—and examine the details. Make small repairs, declutter, and take a moment to decorate. Harmonize the area in a way that is pleasing to you. If you need some guidance, check out these feng shui tips.
  32. Exhale longer than the inhale. It forces your parasympathetic system to kick in and calm your body down. It doesn’t matter how much longer the exhale is, just as long as the exhale is longer than the inhale.
  33. Focus on what you have. When you focus on what you want, you think about all the things you must do to get it. Focusing on what you have takes away your task list and you appreciate what is. You are present and experience gratitude. You tap in to a sense of abundance. To focus on what you have, start a gratitude journal.
  34. Read. There are many health benefits to reading. Reading before bed can relax you. Reading early in the day can inspire you to create. Either way, reading can support you with sustaining your energy.
  35. Rest your mind frequently. Your mind gets tired, too, as it can only sustain attention up to a maximum of 20 minutes. The Pomodoro Technique uses this to your advantage: you spend 25 minutes focusing on a task without interruptions (with some time built in for warm-up and recap). Take a 3–5 minute break, then go for another Pomodoro session. Every 4 pomodori, take a longer break of 15–30 minutes.
  36. Do one thing at a time. Why single tasking is better. Our brains slow down while multitasking. It takes time to switch from one thing to another. You save more time and simplify by focusing on one thing at a time. You’ll feel less pressure, more peaceful, and achieve a sense of flow.
  37. Forget how little time you have to get it done. The best way to tackle a deadline with a large project is to be present with it. Once you finish part of a project, it can be tempting to think, well, to finish that much took me 1 hour, so it’ll take me this 16 hours to finish the whole thing. Don’t do that. This mental calculation adds to unnecessary stress. Instead, be completely present and tap into a state of flow. When we do that, things don’t take as long as we think they do.
  38. Auto-track your finances. Auto-tracking can clear your mind and reduce stress by helping you to face the reality of your spending, saving, and investing habits. This in turn allows you to tweak these habits and plan for the future. If you do auto-track, I recommend that you use a reputable, secure and FREE software, such as Mint. If it’s free, how they make money? Read this. It’s really easy to use. Once you are past the 10-minute setup, each expense is automatically entered into Mint by way of your accounts, with no effort on your part. So say goodbye to receipt clutter. Mint calculates all of your monthly expenses and generates reports to boot.
  39. Live below your means. Spending money beyond what you bring in causes stress and can strain your relationships. While living below your means may require some discipline, it allows you to have a little extra to pay off your debts, and to save for the future.
  40. Do less. When you do less, you have so much more time to enjoy life. You have less stress. You are vibrant. Here’s how to start right now doing less.
  41. Add buffer time. Things often take longer than what you think they will. Once you estimate how long something will take, double the estimate and work with that schedule. This will allow you (and those working with you) to work at a low-stress non-frantic pace.
  42. Eliminate advertisements. Advertisements distract. Reduce the mail you receive and time spent processing it by unsubscribing from all email advertisements, which will reduce up to 80% of your junk mail: doing this will end “prescreened” offers of credit and most unsolicited commercial mail. For annoyance-free web surfing, block ads using the FREE software Adblock Plus for Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.
  43. Limit use of electronics. Especially backlit devices, which in as little as 2 hours can drastically reduce melatonin production, causing sleep problems. Watching TV before bed for 2 hours or more can cause us to have trouble sleeping.
  44. Say no. Many of us tend to overcommit, so we spend energy in directions that are not as important to us. Focus on what matters to you. Give yourself permission to say no to the rest. Here are 7 simple ways to say no.
  45. Delegate. Have more tasks than there are hours in the day? Let go of perfectionism, micromanagement, and control. Empower those around you to step in to something greater. Allow them to shine and to support you at the same time. Everyone benefits. If you are a small business owner, you can hire a virtual assistant for short tasks using a service like Efficise or if you are really limited on cash and need help with proofreading or promotion, you can have help for $5 using Fiverr.
  46. Shorten emails. Email distracts us from our most important tasks when our mind is best able to do them. Respect other people’s time (as well as your own). Treat emails like text messages. If you have one question, just write the question in the subject heading (you’ll get a quicker answer). If you have two questions, make sure your email is less than 5 sentences. Don’t ask more than 2 questions. Have too much to say? Here are some rules for short, effective emails.
  47. Slow down. Rushing increases stress and risk, so give yourself permission to slow down. Doing so generates peace, presence, and calmness. Here are some simple ways to slow down.
  48. Tell the truth. It takes mental effort to track lies. Why bother? What if someone finds out? Empower yourself; live truthfully. When you consistently tell the truth, people learn to trust you. If you have lied to anyone about anything, tell the truth—it will instantly lift a heavy weight off of your shoulders (even after a cathartic cry). Always be honest with yourself and all others; it is the foundation of having integrity.
  49. Address problems. Turning away from problems can leave you feeling with a sense of guilt (for not dealing with them sooner) and overwhelm (it’s one more thing that you have to do). Turn toward your problems. Deal with them. Solve it. It will restore your energy.
  50. Learn. As we learn, we form new neural pathways in the brain. There is an extra rush—a little brain cookie, if you will—at the thrill of figuring something out for the first time all by yourself. Here is how to teach yourself anything.
  51. Buy less packaging. It requires energy and resources to make a package and ship it to your location. Once you open the package, if you don’t reuse it, you must discard or recycle it. That means more trips to take out the trash, more trips to the curb, you must pay someone has to come pick it up at the curb (or take it to the dump yourself). What has no packaging? Farmer’s market or community supported agriculture (CSA) goods, and used items from a resale shop, a consignment shop, or from craigslist. Go to the store and reuse containers when you buy in bulk. Buying items with no packaging forces you to buy local. This stimulates the economy in your community and supports small business owners.
  52. Sign up for a CSA share or farmer’s market delivery. Services like these conserve energy. No more hassles with kids wanting candy in the checkout line. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) allows you to get a box of (often organic) produce from a local farm for a low price. Find a CSA near you. Many places will even deliver a box of organic produce to your door for a small fee. Some will also add locally made fresh bread, eggs, cheese, meat, poultry, pies, etc. There is so much food in these boxes it is a challenge to eat it all!
  53. Communicate more effectively. Problems often originate from misunderstanding—a direct result of miscommunication. Communication consists of a transmitter and a receiver. Transmit with clarity. Track your body language and actions, and have your actions and gestures consistently match your words.
  54. Think less, listen more. Miscommunication is draining. Often many of us assume what the person is saying, or projects a story onto the person that may or may not be true. Rather than allowing an internal dialogue to circulate in your mind, practice the art of listening to what the person is actually saying.
  55. Experiment and break things. When you break something, you learn from it. Learning something new can inspire and propel you. Knowing that you are just experimenting, just playing with a project or idea takes the pressure off any need for it to be perfect.
  56. Talk to a friend. Companionship can quickly pull you out of a funk. It doesn’t matter whether you share your troubles with them or not. If you can’t be with them in person, using Skype will allow you see their body language and facial expressions, and in a phone call you can hear sympathy and understanding in their tone of voice. Need a friend to talk to? Go here.
  57. Be sociable. Conviviality brings contentment. Host a festive potluck dinner with friends (at a park if you don’t want to clean up). When there is good food involved, it can enliven you even more.
  58. Play a game. A little competition (and the thrill of winning) can make you vivacious. Games with friends often bring laughter and good conversation.
  59. Tell others why you value them. Everyone needs to feel valued, so share it. Point our behaviors that you would like to cultivate in yourself. Thank others for what lesson(s) you learn from them. The joy they feel from receiving your words is infectious.
  60. Play music you loved as a teenager. It will remind you of youthful days. The music will give you a youthful, exuberance. Then, you can dance like nobody’s watching.
  61. Look at photos and videos of happy times. Nostalgia can vibrate your emotions in waves of delight, giving you sense of well-being.
  62. Play with a child. Children have that spontaneous laughter, wonder, and surprise that is infectious. Hearing a high-pitched giggle or squeal at your silly antics can help you to remember not to take life so seriously.
  63. Celebrate. Often we are so swamped with things to do, we don’t take time out to celebrate our accomplishments. Schedule some down time to celebrate what you’ve finished.
  64. Do improv. An improvisational comedy workshop is a great way to get you out of your rut and break away from habits. These workshops are short games that allow you practice thinking quickly, listening to others, being present, and acting silly. Find a workshop near you, and think differently.
  65. Take a news fast. Bad news can rattle you emotionally. You may wonder, “What if that had happened to my child?” News can cause your mind to spin more “what if’s” and “whys”, resulting in overwhelming sadness, anger, and fear. This week, take a break from the news—no TV, Internet, radio, app, or newspaper news.
  66. Organize. Clutter is postponed decisions and actions. And clutter can cause you to repeatedly remind yourself that you have to take care of that task. Take a weekend and just dive in and get it done using this amazing book. Or, you can declutter in 15-minute intervals with a little help from FlyLady. Set a timer for 15 minutes, pick up an object, and put it where it belongs. And only handle each object once.
  67. Be generous. Generosity is a great way to remove clutter from your home, creating space for abundance. If you want to empower yourself, donating is better than selling. There are many nonprofit organizations that would be delighted to receive a donation for a cause. And you can use ItsDeductible (free) to estimate the total value of donations that you can deduct from your taxes.
  68. Don’t take things personally. When you take something personally, your belly sinks, and you feel depressed. This tip is from The Four Agreements and is the most powerful practice I have ever done. (Yes, it’s easier said than done.) Wondering how not to take things personally? Use the power of three technique.
  69. Don’t make assumptions. This tip is also one of the Four Agreements. If you don’t make assumptions, you don’t project a story onto something, you simply receive the person or the situations as they unfold before you. This is a fundamental aspect of receiving. Track your thoughts. Once you notice a thought flow through you as someone else is speaking, ask yourself, “Am I assuming something here?”
  70. Have less. When you have fewer items in your life, there is space for everything. Everything is harmonious, orderly, and in its place. There is less to repair. You take care of what you have. You have space for abundance to flow in to your life. When you commit to have less, you buy fewer items, so you keep more money (or you can pay debts). Having less food can result in weight loss. You don’t need to be an extreme minimalist, just have a little less each day.
  71. Let go. This is an extension of have less. Have less is physical. Let go includes letting go of control. Release beliefs and philosophies that no longer serve you or your relationships. Let go of friendships that you maintain out of obligation or leave you feeling drained. Here’s the beginner’s guide to letting go.
  72. Journal. Writing is cathartic. You spew all of your problems onto a page and then they don’t seem as big anymore. You are able to empty your mind of your worries. You no longer need to carry them with you, the page can.  Journaling at the end of the day is cathartic. Furthermore, you can write down the lessons you learned.
  73. Transmute anger. It is normal and natural to feel anger. The good thing about anger is that it can act as fuel and motivation to do something now. Transmute that emotion into accomplishment and do something that needs to get done (like exercise, or cleaning the house).
  74. Release fear. Fear is functional. Fear keeps us from getting eaten by predators, helps us to avoid getting hit by a car or getting killed. Fear can also limit us. Fear is not bad, however, the root of many people’s choices is fear-based. When you choose something, ask yourself, “Is this choice made from love, or fear?” Just notice the truth. At some point you may wish to tweak it. Letting go of fear is exhilarating and liberating. If fear holds you back from your capacity to love, let it go.
  75. Decorate with meaningful objects. Often, we hang on to things we don’t like because a certain person gave them to us and “oh, what will they think?” Let go of the obligation to keep these things. Give them away to someone who will make better use of them. Your house speaks to you all the time. Use these simple steps to activate yourself daily with supportive messages you send yourself through the placement of objects.
  76. Let go of perfection. Perfectionism perpetuates this feeling as though it is never good enough, and often results in procrastination. Here’s how to break that habit. If you do your best, it is good enough. Keep your word and get it in on time.
  77. Use public transportation. Navigating traffic causes stress and saps you of energy. Why not use this time better? Get some work done, or enjoy a good book.
  78. Use intention while cleaning. Using intention while cleaning is meditative and it makes this mundane task more pleasurable. Pretend that your thoughts are powerful enough to record your emotions, thoughts, and intentions into the space. Consciously consider: Why do you place this object here? For example, I place a fresh flower vase under a picture of myself and my husband to symbolize a love that grows. Why do you clean this area? For example, I clean this area to create order in my life, for when there is order in my life, I have a sense of well-being. What would you say to this area? For example, when clearing out a corner that is often cluttered I could say, “I clear away stagnation in my life.
  79. Receive. You get more out of life if you simply receive it. Here’s how to tell whether you are open to receive, and what do to so that you can receive more out of life.
  80. Break out of your rut. Doing something new stimulates new neural connections in our brain and makes us feel happy. List 25 things you have thought about doing but haven’t. Pick one and do it this week. Go ahead. I dare you.
  81. Play your abandoned instrument. Even if it is just for 15 minutes, and leave your inner critic elsewhere. Approach the instrument and the music with the fascination of an infant. There’s no need to be perfect. If you don’t know any songs, improvise. Creating music taps into your uniqueness, inspiring you. Leave the instrument out to encourage yourself to play it more often.
  82. Walk in nature. Bringing in natural beauty calms the emotions and relaxes the mind. The connectedness you feel with all living things is an immeasurable energy boost. Go outside. Sense the breeze on your skin, the warmth of the sun on your face, and listen to the birds. Relax. Breathe new life into your body.
  83. Take the long way home. Breaking away from habits stimulates new neural connections and gives a sense of freshness to the day. Go ahead; it may take you a little longer but isn’t it time for you to get to know your own neighborhood a little differently?
  84. Invent a new recipe. Getting away from using recipes is liberating.Here’s a game to play to spark creativity: Make a rule that you will only go to the grocery store twice per month, so every other week, you’ll use up the older items that are in the back of your cabinets.
  85. Share love. Do you tell your friends that you love them and that you are grateful that they are in your life? If not with words, do you do it with action? How about your family? How often do you hug your family or kiss your spouse? You need to receive love. You also need to give it. Connect to your love of simply being alive. Now, think of all of those who have shaped who you are. Those that touch you life in a meaningful way. Even connecting to the love you feel for others can galvanize you.
  86. Do something kind. This is especially great to do when you are having a rotten day. There is something rewarding in meeting a need that someone else has. It could be as simple as letting them in to your lane in congested traffic or giving a hug to someone who needs it.
  87. Connect. Connection galvanizes you. Connect with others. Connect with all life. Reach out to someone through touch, a phone call, a text, Skype, or a letter.
  88. Do what you love. The daily drudgery of spending your time and energy on something you dislike can be immensely draining. When you do what you love, it stimulates pleasure centers in the brain, making you happy.
  89. Get comfortable with not knowing. We often exhaust ourselves by asking, “what if___ happens?” Going over all the possible outcomes can drain you—especially if you are emotionally attached. Let go of your need to know. The outcome will unfold in its own natural time.
  90. Create something new. Creating enlivens you, for it reveals your uniqueness to the world. Draw, paint, write, sculpt, compose, or take an artistic photo. Create something new and place it where everyone can see. Even if it is not finished. A work in progress is still art in itself.
  91. Make a vision board. A vision board creates a powerful visual reminder of what is most important to you this year. Here’s how to make one.
  92. Crystallize your goals, write them down, and check in weekly. Here is a great post on how to set goals with focus and a stellar free workbook available here.
  93. Know your why. Why do you do what you do? What motivates you? What is your passion? Your inspiration? Once you know your why, you have the motivational fuel to accomplish anything. Need help to find your why? Here are 20 “what” questions to help you find your “why”.
  94. Acknowledge beauty. Pause for a moment to enjoy the sun reflecting on water, the bright green growth of a plant shoot, or the plumage of a bird. Acknowledging beauty—even noticing an attractive person—can calm your mind and make you feel happy. If you see beautiful stranger, tell them that they are beautiful. Who doesn’t enjoy receiving that kind of compliment?
  95. Pet an animal. Giving affection to an animal is innate and releases oxytocin, a stress relieving hormone produced by the body. You’ll feel connected and relaxed.
  96. Plan fun outings. Is life an endless list of tasks and things to accomplish? You don’t need to be Supermom nor indispensable employee. Plan some fun outings with your family. It doesn’t have to cost any money.
  97. Be impeccable with your word. This tip is from The Four Agreements. When you give your word, keep it. Mean what you say, and don’t say things that you’ll regret later.
  98. Do only what matters to you. If you work on something that you dislike, it can bankrupt your energy reserves. When you do things that you feel passionate about, it fuels you. List 10 things that you dislike and delegate those tasks.
  99. Grow fruits and vegetables. Growing your own fruits and vegetables helps you to feel connected with the earth and helps you to practice cultivating relationships. Gardening is meditative, brings a sense of accomplishment, and you get to ingest all the love you put into growing these healthy foods.
  100. Take vacations. (And don’t work on your vacation.) Are you one of the many Americans who don’t take vacations? Here are many reasons you should. Vacations allow you to connect with what is most important, rest, and revitalize. If you think that your work cannot survive without you, they can. Just let everyone know that you will not check email or voice mail or receive phone calls while you are away. When you return to work, you will be more productive than ever.
  101. Cultivate relationships with your family. Having a good relationship with your family can boost confidence and your sense of safety and security. Turn off the TV and spend an evening or a weekend just hanging out together.
  102. Develop habits that serve you. Bad habits consume your energy; good habits augment it. Go through your repertoire of habits and toss anything that doesn’t serve you. Here’s how to achieve the 7 most sought after habits.
  103. Be uncomfortable. Whenever you learn something new, you must get out of your comfort zone. Your brain stimulates new neural connections. Get comfortable with discomfort, and you can master anything. Slight discomfort is key to mastering any new habit. Here’s how to do it in small steps.
  104. Get involved with something greater than yourself. Whether it is a religious or other nonprofit organization, an education or conservation initiative, getting involved with something greater than yourself and recognizing its affect mankind can fuel your passion, motivation, and generally make you feel

You need more than time management. You need energy management: Manage Your Energy so You Can Manage Your Time

The post 104 Ways to Boost Your Energy appeared first on Lifehack.


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