Shared posts

20 Jun 22:17

In America, the average high-school kid today has the same level...

In America, the average high-school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s. Source

14 Oct 21:27

#1068; In which Opinions are solicited

by David Malki

Here Lies Johan Livingston. How Would You Rate Your Service At The Marriott Cincinnati North? A. Excellent B. Good C. Fair D. Poor How Can We Improve Our Service? Loving Husband and Father 1948-2014

09 Apr 17:00


by Justin Boyd


He’s ready for dinner!  Or for a nap.  Or some other third thing that dad might not be able to figure out.


Webcomic shouts!


MercWorks by Dave Mercier!  Just like the thing right there says!  MercWorks isn’t as G/PG as Invisible Bread, but it’s totally full of good comics.  Check it out!

Here’s a recent comic of his that I enjoyed:
