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16 Jul 23:33

LG Pay, with both NFC and magnetic stripe terminal support, is now available in the US for the LG G8, will expand to other LG phones in the coming months (Joe Maring/Android Central)

Joe Maring / Android Central:
LG Pay, with both NFC and magnetic stripe terminal support, is now available in the US for the LG G8, will expand to other LG phones in the coming months  —  LG Pay, LG's copy and paste alternative to Samsung Pay, has been available in South Korea ever since 2017.

14 Aug 15:04

Riot's relationship with Tencent has reportedly been strained over declining profits and mobile games (Aaron T. M./Dot Esports)

Aaron T. M. / Dot Esports:
Riot's relationship with Tencent has reportedly been strained over declining profits and mobile games  —  Riot Games' relationship with parent company Tencent Holdings has been a rocky one over the past few years, according to a report published by news platform The Information.

30 Sep 21:05

Tiny NES has tiny cord, great graphics

by Kyle Orland

Enlarge (credit: Nintendo)

Aside from a hands-off display at New York Comic-Con, we haven't seen or heard much about the upcoming, mini-sized NES Classic Edition since its first announcement in July. Now, new information is coming from Nintendo itself and from journalists at a recent hands-on preview event. They bring both good and bad news for retro Nintendo fans.

On the good side, the NES Mini apparently does have a few graphical options to play with. A recently updated promotional page now highlights three different visual modes: "pixel perfect" (i.e. square pixels), 4:3 (i.e. cathode ray tube ratio), and "CRT filter" (i.e. simulated scan lines on your HDTV). Nintendo also notes that you can create four "Suspend Points" for each of the 30 games on the system. You can lock any of those points so they don't accidentally get saved over.

Hands-on reports from journalists also confirm what we first surmised from an earlier NES Classic Edition trailer: that the emulated graphics and colors on the NES Classic Edition's 30 built-in games are much more faithful to the original games than Nintendo's previous Virtual Console releases. Wired's Chris Kohler notes that "the whites are sparkling white, and everything pops in bright color" on the new HDMI-powered system.

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03 Dec 16:10

myFICO's Financial Aid Guide Details Every Option for Paying for College

by Kristin Wong on Two Cents, shared by Whitson Gordon to Lifehacker

College can be expensive. Even a small amount of financial aid can help, but there are so many different options out there, it can be overwhelming. myFICO simplifies all of your options with their online guide.


27 Nov 22:11

Cards Against Humanity gives you the pleasure of buying nothing for Black Friday

by Lauren Hockenson
Folks over at Cards Against Humanity are pretty sick and twisted. The makers of the hit card game have a reputation for being rabble-rousers on Black Friday: last year, they gave 30,000 people a box of poop for $6 each. So you probably wouldn’t be surprised that the Black Friday deal for the company is….. nothing! Yes, nothing. For $5, the company is offering absolutely nothing in return. Nothing will happen. No one will get anything in the mail. Cards Against Humanity will not send the people who give them $5 — which is now up to more than six…

This story continues at The Next Web
04 Jul 16:53

Full-Scale "Sword Art Online" Yui Figure Scheduled for August

by Scott Green

Thanks to Griffon Enterprises, this summer you'll be able to display your own full scale replica Navigation Pixie Yui. The Sword Art Online figure is 15.5cm, or 19 on her stand, arriving in August for 8,000yen.



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.