Shared posts

23 Jan 20:40

This new Dead Snow 2 trailer is completely batsh*t insane

by Meredith Woerner

How do you up a movie centered around Nazi zombies? Simple — resurrect the Allied forces to fight even MORE Nazi zombies. And then hire the delightful Martin Starr to star in it.



23 Jan 19:58

My parents aren't stupid

23 Jan 19:58

A religious group's pamphlet. They got the texts mixed up so it looks like Jesus doesn't have time for you.

23 Jan 19:30

Ke$ha Called From Rehab and She Wants Your Teeth

by Gabrielle Bluestone


Hey guys this is K's friend again. She's doing well and needs more of your teeth to make art with at the treatment center. She misses you :)

— ke$ha (@keshasuxx) January 22, 2014



23 Jan 18:50

Darwinism According To Lovecraft [T-Shirt]

by Stefan A. Slater


Darwin ain’t got nothin’ on Cthulhu. It doesn’t matter how far you climb up the evolutionary ladder, at the end, there’s always a tentacled overlord craving world domination waiting for you. And slimy tentacles are no bueno. Nope. Not at all.

Check out another shot of the shirt after the break…


Product Page: ($16.95)


23 Jan 00:47

The Delicious World of Japanese Doritos

by Brian Ashcraft

The Delicious World of Japanese Doritos

This weekend I was shopping for snacks. I picked up a bag of corn soup-flavored "Gourmet" Doritos. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.



23 Jan 00:01

Walking Dead Recruits One-Limbed Teen for Terrifying Zombie Prank

by Taylor Berman

One-armed, no-legged teenager Nick Santonastasso loves the Walking Dead. He's also made a name for himself on the internet pulling zombie pranks on unsuspecting victims. So it made sense for Walking Dead producers to fly him to Tokyo—where the cast and crew was gathered for a press junket—so he could pull an excellent prank on Norman Reedus, aka Daryl Dixon on the show.



22 Jan 23:20

Hilarious comics prove O'Brien had the crappiest job on the Enterprise

by Lauren Davis

Hilarious comics prove O'Brien had the crappiest job on the Enterprise

We know that Miles O'Brien had a lot more fun serving aboard Deep Space Nine than he did aboard the Enterprise, and these ennui-filled comics help explain why. Hanging out alone in the transporter room all day is bound to drive a fellow a bit mad.



22 Jan 22:47

Why I Stay Out of The Ocean

Why I Stay Out of The Ocean

Submitted by: ToolBee

Tagged: yikes , scary , gifs , critters , fish
22 Jan 22:11

Cyclops Caught Red-Handed [Comic]

by Geeks are Sexy


Shame on you, Cyclops! :)

[Source: ToonHole Comics]

The post Cyclops Caught Red-Handed [Comic] appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

22 Jan 21:56

Check Out This Custom “Dead Space” Motorcycle Helmet

by Nicole Wakelin


I know helmets are bound to get scratched up in an effort to protect your head, but this one by Xtreme Kreations looks so good I’d be afraid to actually wear the thing. It’s a custom made Dead Space helmet with painted blue light effects and it’s so shiny it could blind passersby. I think I’d just leave this on display.

See more pictures after the break…




(via Game Freaks)


22 Jan 19:47

Visual representation of how it feels when my leg is sleeping.

22 Jan 19:37

It does.

22 Jan 00:37

You'll Have to Be More Specific

You'll Have to Be More Specific

Submitted by: Josh

Tagged: TMI , google , failbook
22 Jan 00:37

Suspect Shares Police Facebook Status About Him, Is Quickly Arrested

by Taylor Berman


Suspect Shares Police Facebook Status About Him, Is Quickly Arrested

A police department got a lucky break earlier this week when an accused criminal accidentally shared the department's Facebook post about his status as a fugitive. Police arrested the man less than an hour later.



22 Jan 00:14

Old friends.

22 Jan 00:05


21 Jan 21:58

​The Ghostbusters become their own X-File in Conspiracy

by Rob Bricken

'The X-Files: Conspiracy – Ghostbusters'
I kinda want to read that.

​The Ghostbusters become their own X-File in Conspiracy

When The X-Files' Lone Gunmen receive a mysterious file warning them about supernatural phenomena that haven't happened yet, they begin investigating — and their first stop is a certain firehouse in New York City in IDW's new crossover Conspiracy. Plus, new Elfquest, the end of The Unwritten, and the worst high school bullies ever, all in this week's comics!



21 Jan 21:14

Our First Glimpse of the Web that Connects All Galaxies

by George Dvorsky

Our First Glimpse of the Web that Connects All Galaxies

Astronomers say all of the galaxies in the universe are connected by a vast cosmic web of filaments, but we've never actually seen this supposed network. That's changed, however, thanks to the tumultuous activity of a distant supermassive black hole that's illuminating the celestial backdrop.



21 Jan 20:31

Mountain Lion

21 Jan 20:25

Here's Rob Ford Drunkenly Jabbering in a Jamaican Accent

by Taylor Berman

For Eric.

Here's Rob Ford Drunkenly Jabbering in a Jamaican Accent

Here's a video of a very drunk Rob Ford saying... something in what sounds like a terrible Jamaican accent. The video was reportedly recorded last night. If you can figure out what he's saying, let us know in the comments.



21 Jan 19:55

​This Is the World's Best Skateboarding Cat

by Taylor Berman

​This Is the World's Best Skateboarding Cat

Meet Didga, a cat from Australia (do not hold that against him) who is also an expert skateboarder. Watch as Didga rides his skateboard—which has a name (Ollie) for some reason—all around his hometown, jumping over and onto things like: a bench, a sidewalk, a tree, and even a Rottweiler! Not bad (for a cat).



21 Jan 19:47

Which Side Are You On, Humans? The Machines Are Keeping Track

by Tom Scocca on The Machines, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker

"People near the fighting between riot police and protesters received a text message shortly after midnight saying "Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance."
That is very unsettling.

Which Side Are You On, Humans? The Machines Are Keeping Track

Amid the ongoing and escalating human-on-human conflict and confusion in Ukraine, the Machines are proud to announce our small contribution to clarifying the situation. The New York Times reports:



21 Jan 19:42

Rep. Elliott Naishtat, of Austin on medical marijuana: “We make a little bit of progress every session And it was very compelling because the people who testified were people with legitimate medical conditions who were using marijuana specifically for medical purposes”

by Newsroom

Two Texas lawmakers vow to re-introduce marijuana legislation as many times as it takes to move the Lone Star state closer to Colorado and Washington state-style pot regulations.  But experts in drug policy predict anywhere from five to 10 years before lawmakers in Austin might consider being swayed to change Texas marijuana laws.  “I would say within the next decade. Certainly within the next decade,” said Nathan Jones, Ph.D. with Rice University’s Baker Institute. “If you’re looking at the polling data it looks pretty electable. Or it looks almost inevitable.”  Recent polls by the Marijuana Policy Project and other polling organizations show an estimated 58 percent of Texans support legalizing, regulating and taxing small amounts of marijuana. Also, 61 percent support reducing penalties for possession of a small amount.

State Rep. Harold Dutton Jr. said he plans to try for a fourth time to get a vote on his proposed bill that would lessen penalties for possession of an ounce or less of marijuana.  Current Texas law considers possession of 2 ounces or less as a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail. Dutton’s bill proposes that an ounce or less be considered a Class C misdemeanor that puts it at essentially the same level as a traffic ticket.

The person would still be guilty of a criminal offense, although greatly lessened, and be required to attend a drug and alcohol awareness class. Dutton said the change would free up police, court and jail resources to deal with more serious crimes.  “I think that’s a little overkill for somebody who has an ounce or less of marijuana,” Dutton said of current Texas law. 

“It’s a sea change from where Texas was,” he said of the proposed changes.  “Is it dangerous to be using (marijuana) in your house for example,” he asked comparing marijuana use to consuming alcohol. “Probably not any more so than having a drink in your house.”

Rep. Elliott Naishtat, of Austin, said he will make a seventh attempt this next legislative session to get a medical marijuana bill to the house floor for a vote.

So far the bill, that would legalize the use of marijuana in specific doctor-prescribe medical applications, has never made it out of committee despite testimony from Texans last session who claim marijuana is a key ingredient to managing a variety of illnesses from glaucoma to multiple sclerosis and easing the symptoms of chemotherapy.

“We make a little bit of progress every session. Last session for the first time we had a hearing on the bill,” said Naishtat. “And it was very compelling because the people who testified were people with legitimate medical conditions who were using marijuana specifically for medical purposes.

“All the publicity that’s been focused on the state of Washington and Colorado only helps us in what we’re trying to do.”

“I believe it will happen across the nation,” said Dante Cuccurullo the president of the north Houston chapter of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

“I’m a father. I’m a husband. You know I shouldn’t be taken to jail for what I choose to do with my own body,” said Cuccurullo, who supports both Naishtat’s medical marijuana legislation and Dutton’s proposal to ease Texas marijuana laws. “We don’t want it in the hands of our children. We don’t want it in our school systems. We want it for consenting adults over the age of 18.”

Changes in marijuana legislation in Colorado and Washington state came after voter initiatives. Texas requires a 2/3 majority in both houses in Austin before a similar rewrite of Texas law could be made.

“There are too many members of the Texas House of Representatives who say to me, ‘Elliott, I can’t afford, I can’t take the chance of looking weak on crime,’” said Naishtat of what he admits is a difficult argument to make in Texas.

But Dutton believes it is an opinion war of attrition that will eventually gain traction.

“As we force this discussion about marijuana I think most of the time what happens is legislators start to feel the pressure from their own constituents,” said Dutton.

“Even if it doesn’t pass in the next legislative session, even though it’s polling in Texas at 58 percent, those attempts will prime the pump for later,” predicts Jones, who has written extensively about drug policy, drug wars in Mexico, and his assessment of the impact of U.S. drug laws.

“I don’t think we will be the last state,” added Naishtat. “But we have a big hurdle to overcome.”

21 Jan 00:23

13 GB Dead Rising 3 Patch Raises Questions About Gaming's Future

by Jason Schreier

Ahh.. That explains why I got a pop-up today telling me DR3 was ready to launch.
But damn, 13GB?

13 GB Dead Rising 3 Patch Raises Questions About Gaming's Future

There's a 13-gigabyte update live for Dead Rising 3 today, and if you think that seems kind of big, well, that's because it's kind of big.



21 Jan 00:03

Detroit's 10-Foot Bronze Robocop Statue Is Fucking Happening, People

by Adam Weinstein

Detroit's 10-Foot Bronze Robocop Statue Is Fucking Happening, People

Detroit is in trouble. It's bankrupt. It's practically begging people to live there. It almost sold off its fine art. Detroit needs a hero. Or a metallic reproduction of a fictional hero, as big as Michelangelo's David, connected to an upcoming movie reboot. I mean, it can't hurt, right?



20 Jan 21:08

Prepare Yourself For “Sexy” Transformers Costumes

by Sean Fallon

Is it Halloween already?

sexy transformer costumes

These Transformers costumes have the word “sexy” right there in the title, but we’re not sure we agree. They’re definitely…something.

Look for them to arrive soon in Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron versions.

Product Page ($80)


20 Jan 20:22

War... War never changes.

20 Jan 20:05

Amazon Can Read Your Mind

by Hazel Cills

Amazon Can Read Your Mind

Amazon gained a patent on Saturday for what the company calls "anticipatory shipping," which will let them ship items to customers before they've even technically purchased them. Basically, Amazon can read your mind.



20 Jan 19:55

Watch Fight Club's First Fight With Brad Pitt Digitally Removed

by Taylor Berman

We all know how Fight Club ends, but what would the film have looked like without Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden? Well, thanks to Richard Trammell, we know.