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16 Apr 18:17

Your Newest Comic Movie Is Vertigo's Hit Federal Bureau Of Physics

by Rob Bricken

Your Newest Comic Movie Is Vertigo's Hit Federal Bureau Of Physics

A major favorite at io9 HQ, Vertigo's FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics will make the leap from page to screen courtesy of Warner Bros., naturally. It's about the titular government agency, which deals in quantum disasters in a world where physics can change just like the weather.


15 Apr 22:11

This Five Year Old is More of a 1337 Haxx0r Than You

This Five Year Old is More of a 1337 Haxx0r Than You

5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel figured out that he could log into his dad's Xbox Live account without a password by entering spaces into a second password verification screen after entering the wrong password at the login screen. Kristoffer's father notified Microsoft, and they've now listed Kristoffer as a "security researcher" on their website. He's also received four games, fifty bucks, and a year of Xbox Live.

Submitted by: (via 10news)

15 Apr 21:50

Classic: Bonus Points for the Flip

Classic: Bonus Points for the Flip

Submitted by: (via FAILGif)

Tagged: ouch , bicycle , gifs , bike , fail nation
14 Apr 23:35

Did You Know UPS Trucks Only Make Right Turns?

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Did You Know UPS Trucks Only Make Right Turns?

Turns out left turns are not only riskier, they also waste gas. So UPS – optimization-obsessed logistics company that it is – got rid of them.


11 Apr 19:56

Scientists Just Built a Better Vagina in a Laboratory

by Adam Weinstein

Love that title.

There's not much to add to the New Scientist's lede here: "Vaginas grown in a lab from the recipients' own cells have been successfully transferred to the body for the first time."


11 Apr 14:24

Once in a lifetime Pic...!

10 Apr 19:25

Meanwhile, in Texas...

10 Apr 19:17

Sriracha Factory Declared Public Nuisance

by Taylor Berman

Sriracha Factory Declared Public Nuisance

Bad news if you like shitty hot sauce: On Wednesday, the Irwindale City Council declared the factory that produces Sriracha a public nuisance. The factory now has 90 days to find a way to stop the odor, which residents say burns their eyes and throats, causing heartburn, nose bleeds, and inflamed asthma.


10 Apr 19:05

Baby Completely Awed by His First Time Through the Car Wash

by Jay Hathaway

He's all, "Mom, are you seeing this shit?"

A baby takes a break from his daily struggles with concepts like object permanence and the automobile to comprehend something even more mesmerizing to his baby mind: the car wash. He may not be able to talk, but his eyes are saying, "Whoa. Trippy."


10 Apr 19:00

Conan Plays Video Games on AT&T Stadium's Enormous Diamond Vision

by Jay Hathaway

AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys, is also the home of a 72-foot-high by 160-foot-wide, 1.2 million-pound big screen, one of the largest Diamond Visions in the world. Conan O'Brien decided to put that massive display to its best possible use: playing video games.


10 Apr 18:51

Stephen Colbert Will Replace David Letterman as Host of The Late Show

by Taylor Berman

"Colbert will retire his Colbert Report character when he takes over."
I have long wondered if he would ever retire from that whole act.

Stephen Colbert Will Replace David Letterman as Host of The Late Show

Stephen Colbert will replace David Letterman as host of The Late Show. CBS announced the decision Wednesday afternoon in a press release, less than a week after Letterman's announcement that he will retire in 2015.


10 Apr 18:49

France Bans Work Email After 6 p.m.

by Jay Hathaway

France, you crazy!

France Bans Work Email After 6 p.m.

Unions and employers in France have come to an agreement that employees will no longer check their work-related email before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. The deal—which is legally binding—upholds the spirit of the 35-hour work week that France implemented in 1999.


10 Apr 18:44

Happy Birthday to One of History's Greatest Haters, William Hazlitt

by Michelle Dean

For Eric, cuz he hates stuff.

Happy Birthday to One of History's Greatest Haters, William Hazlitt

Today is the 235th birthday of William Hazlitt, the combative English essayist and journalist, who once wrote an entire essay on the pleasures of hating things. We have a sense you might like it.


09 Apr 23:28

Canadian Dentist Plans to Raise Cloned John Lennon as His Son

by Jay Hathaway

Dr. Alan Grant: [holding a newly-hatched John Lennon in his hands] What species is this?
Henry Wu: Uh, it's John Lennon.
Dr. Alan Grant: [very worried] You bred Lennons?

Canadian Dentist Plans to Raise Cloned John Lennon as His Son

A dentist who owns one of John Lennon's teeth is looking forward to the day when human cloning becomes sufficiently advanced that he can create a baby version of the late Beatle and raise the mini-rockstar as his own child.


09 Apr 23:21

Battle for the Title of World's Cutest Judo Fighter Ends in a Draw

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Thought #1: Those kids are tripping balls.
Thought #2: This is legal?
Thought #3: Awww, that girl is teething on her yellow belt. Cute!

Judo is an internationally recognized form of martial arts, but until now it has never been an extremely adorable form of martial arts.


09 Apr 12:45

Let me try that on for size

09 Apr 00:12


09 Apr 00:05

12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride! Canyonero! Canyonero!


Two lanes wide! Canyonero!!!

08 Apr 19:35

Cartoon Foresaw Asshole Redface Guy A Decade Ago

by Billy Haisley on Deadspin, shared by Tom Scocca to Gawker

Life imitates art!!

Cartoon Foresaw Asshole Redface Guy A Decade Ago

As if that dumbass-Indians-fan ordeal couldn't get any more surreal, it turns out one cartoonist depicted almost the exact situation in 2002.


08 Apr 19:15

Dutch Reporter Has To Be Rescued After Awkward Interview With Mayor

by Jay Hathaway

This video of a Dutch reporter doing a relaxed lean right off of a dock (and the mayor she's interviewing haplessly trying to pull her out of the water with his fancy mayor-necklace) is a blooper so perfect it has to be fake.


07 Apr 23:03

Cat senses earthquake

07 Apr 22:47

Multnomah Whiskey Library, Portland, Oregon [3123x2085]

07 Apr 22:36

Driver Accidentally Hits Child, Is Brutally Attacked By Witnesses

by Gabrielle Bluestone

He wasn't even at fault. And he stopped to render aid. Now he's in critical condition. That sucks.

Driver Accidentally Hits Child, Is Brutally Attacked By Witnesses

Police say a Detroit man who accidentally hit a 10-year-old pedestrian was attacked by a crowd of people when he got out of his pickup truck to see if the child was alright. The child is expected to recover from his injuries, but the driver is now in critical condition.



07 Apr 22:31

Mythical Chupacabra Euthanized in Texas

by Jay Hathaway

We got 'em! The war is finally over!

Mythical Chupacabra Euthanized in Texas

For decades, we've had nothing to fear but fear itself—and el chupacabra, the mythical beast that sucks the blood out of goats and humans alike. Well, now we can go back to just fearing fear, because the chupacabra has reportedly been euthanized.



07 Apr 22:24

North America Will See a Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th

by Dennis Mersereau on The Vane, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker

North America Will See a Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th

If you're willing to stay up into the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday April 15th, you will be able to see a total lunar eclipse if you live in North or South America and the sky is clear. The eclipse will begin around 1:00 AM and totality is set to occur between 3:07 AM and 4:25 AM Eastern Time, according to a report by CBS.


07 Apr 22:23

Goonies Director Teases Sequel Featuring Original Cast​

by Kelly Conaboy

Goonies Director Teases Sequel Featuring Original Cast​

Almost as popular as sequels to classic films are rumors about sequels to classic films, and Goonies director Richard Donner did his part to jumpstart the latter when speaking with TMZ this morning.


07 Apr 22:20

Belle Knox Is Going to Host a Porn Reality Show

by Jay Hathaway

Belle Knox Is Going to Host a Porn Reality Show

The X Factor of porn is, uh, coming, and Duke University porn starlet Belle Knox has signed on to host.


07 Apr 20:45

Incredibly Awkward Teacher Prank Is an April Fools Blessing

by Kelly Conaboy

note: volume is loud. turn speakers down before playing.

Pranks are terrible and they should never, under any circumstance, be played on or by anyone. There is a forever increasing supply of evidence to show that April Fools' Day is a living nightmare. That said, this April Fools' Day prank is pretty good! Saying anything would spoil it — and spoilers are, of course, nearly as evil as pranks — so you'll just have to watch for yourself.


03 Apr 18:43

My girlfriend ordered tights from Hong Kong. The care instructions are interesting.


Hands To Fuck

03 Apr 18:00

I say we bring this kid back


What in the holy fuck did I just see?