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30 Nov 10:15

The prosecutor who helped a rich serial child rapist escape justice is now a Trump Cabinet member

by Cory Doctorow
Patrick Kennedy

MAN...just when you think this WH administration can't get any more disgusting.

Can we just restore the US to its factory settings now? Or at least try a hard reset?

In 2007, Florida multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to two felony prostitution counts in a sweetheart deal that sent him to a private wing of a minimum security prison, with a work-release program that let him go to an off-site office for 12 hours a day, six days a week, for just over a year. Prosecutors knew of at least 36 underage survivors of sex crimes committed by Epstein, but none of them were notified of the deal (this silence is a breach of federal law), and they were subsequently smeared by Epstein's lawyers who accused them of being "gold diggers."

The Miami Herald has tracked down more than 80 of Epstein's victims, who were young teens when he convinced them to come to his house and committed nonconsensual and illegal sex acts with them. They were largely poor and desperate for the money that Epstein paid them, and they say he provided cash bonuses to girls who brought in more girls for him to have sex with. They also say he rejected girls who looked post-pubescent, preferring only the youngest-looking of the girls.

The prosecutor who set up Epstein's plea bargain, and who -- according to emails reviewed by the Herald -- conspired to keep the deal out of the press, is named Alexander Acosta.

Alexander Acosta is now Donald J Trump's Secretary of Labor.

The women who were raped and molested by Epstein have had a hard time since Acosta allowed their assaulter to walk away from his crimes. Some have died of overdoses. Others have ended up in prison. Many struggle with lasting mental health problems as a result of their protracted sexual victimization by Epstein (Epstein has since managed to have his sex offender status downgraded in New York so that he can visit his house there without going through the hassle of re-registering as an offender every 90 days).

Remember Pizzagate? When Trump followers were so convinced that a building that didn't have a basement had a basement where rich people were molesting them, and their powerful friends in the US government were covering it up?

Pizzagate isn't real. Epstein's longrunning child-rape was real. The victims are still alive, and hurting, badly. Epstein's crimes were covered up by powerful government figures. Those powerful government figures are in Donald J Trump's cabinet.

More evidence that there is no child so imaginary or unborn that the right won't murder someone to save them -- and that actual, living children get no compassion from Trump and his followers.

Most of the girls came from disadvantaged families, single-parent homes or foster care. Some had experienced troubles that belied their ages: They had parents and friends who committed suicide; mothers abused by husbands and boyfriends; fathers who molested and beat them. One girl had watched her stepfather strangle her 8-year-old stepbrother, according to court records obtained by the Herald.

Many of the girls were one step away from homelessness.

“We were stupid, poor children,’’ said one woman, who did not want to be named because she never told anyone about Epstein. At the time, she recalled that she was 14 and a high school freshman.

“We just wanted money for school clothes, for shoes. I remember wearing shoes too tight for three years in a row. We had no family and no guidance, and we were told that we were going to just have to sit in a room topless and he was going to just look at us. It sounded so simple, and was going to be easy money for just sitting there.”

The woman, who went to Epstein’s home multiple times, said Epstein didn’t like her because her breasts were too big. The last time she went, she said, one girl came out crying and they were instructed to leave the house and had to pay for their own cab home.

Some girls told police they were coached by their peer recruiters to lie to Epstein about their ages and say they were 18. Epstein’s legal team would later claim that even if the girls were under 18, there was no way he could have known. However, under Florida law, ignorance of a sex partner’s age is not a defense for having sex with a minor.

Wild, who worked for Epstein until she was 21, said he was well aware of their tender ages — because he demanded they be young.

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime [Julie K. Brown/Miami Herald]

29 Nov 01:59

marijuana legalization moves closer in New Jersey

by Amanda Hatfield

Members of NJ's State Senate and Assembly met on Monday (11/26) and voted in favor of a legalization bill, as well as an expansion to NJ's medical marijuana program and an overhaul of rules relating to expunging crimes related to drugs.

Continue reading…

28 Nov 06:55

Watch a First-Time Hang Glider Hang On for Dear Life After Realizing He's Not Strapped In

by Andrew Liszewski on Gizmodo, shared by Chris Thompson to Deadspin

If you’ve ever been on the fence about trying an extreme sport like hang gliding, this video will have you keeping your feet firmly planted on terra firma. On his first day of a holiday in Switzerland, YouTuber Gursk3 decided to try hang gliding, but the excursion didn’t go exactly as planned.


28 Nov 06:53

Mississippi Senate runoff: Openly racist Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) defeats Mike Espy (D)

by Xeni Jardin

Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith has defeated Democrat Mike Espy in the Mississippi Senate race. This brings the Senate count to 53 (R) — 47 (D).

Mississippi, Goddam. The state just elected an openly white supremacist supporter of Donald Trump who unapologetically cracked a lynching joke about her Black and Democratic opponent.

From the Washington Post's backgrounder on why the race was so important:

No candidate received 50 percent of the vote in Mississippi’s Nov. 6 special Senate election, sending the top two vote-getters to a Nov. 27 runoff. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R), a former state official, was appointed to this Senate seat after Thad Cochran (R) resigned in the spring. She faces Democrat Mike Espy, who was an agriculture secretary under President Bill Clinton.

Republicans have already captured 52 Senate seats in the next Congress. Despite a series of campaign setbacks – she’s faced criticism for a Nov. 11 joke about attending a public hanging – Hyde-Smith is favored to make it 53. She only received 42 percent of the vote on Nov. 6 but was challenged on the right by another Republican, state Sen. Chris McDaniel. The two combined for 58 percent of the vote, compared with 41 percent for Espy.

Mississippi hasn't elected a Democratic senator since the 1980s. Sen. Roger Wicker (R) easily won reelection on Nov. 6 in the state’s other Senate race.

FILE PHOTOS, REUTERS: U.S. Senate candidate Mike Espy and U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) are seen in combination file photos, in Jackson, Mississippi.

28 Nov 05:00

Manchester United Score Late Winner, José Mourinho Freaks The Fuck Out

by Billy Haisley
Patrick Kennedy

What a clown

José Mourinho fancies himself something of a rock star, so it was fitting when he reacted to Marouane Fellaini rescuing Manchester United with a late winner by treating a couple water bottle carriers like a guitar and kick drum at the end of a metal show.


27 Nov 22:35

Please Enjoy This Enormous Australian Cow

by David Roth on The Concourse, shared by David Roth to Deadspin

What you’re looking at here is a cow named Knickers, a Holstein Friesian that lives on a farm in Western Australia with a bunch of other regulation-size cows that honestly look laughably small—like a child’s toys, like a dull child’s stupid playthings—in comparison. This is because Knickers, per Perth Now, is nearly…


27 Nov 13:01

Melania's 2018 White House holiday decor includes blood-red trees and a 'Be Best' pencil wreath

by Rusty Blazenhoff

This morning, an official video was released of Melania Trump walking through the White House, silently admiring its new Christmas decorations.

Holding leather gloves in one hand, the FLOTUS first makes her way through a forest of blood-red trees (bring on the metaphors!). We are then shown a glass ornament of the White House and then some laser-cut art of U.S. cities. Tasteful enough, I suppose. But as the minute-long video goes on, it strays back into the strange. Some decorations featuring the First Lady's initiative of "Be Best" are revealed including an ornament and a wreath made of pencils that has to be seen to be believed.


Previously: Just Be Best: Randy Rainbow sings about Melania


16 Nov 03:23

Command & Conquer 4K remaster coming

by Michael McWhertor
Patrick Kennedy

Oh man...I LOVED these games

Update of the classic RTS will include Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert and more

Continue reading…

13 Nov 16:37

The Girl with the Grande Iced Latte

by Jason Kottke

Rodrigo Pinheiro 01

Rodrigo Pinheiro 02

Rodrigo Pinheiro 03

I seemingly cannot get enough of contemporizing old paintings and works of art. Here, from Rodrigo Pinheiro, are some familiar young people hanging out with modern beverages.

See also Girl with a Pearl Earring and Point-and-Shoot Camera and Art History Comes to Life.

Tags: art   remix   Rodrigo Pinheiro
09 Nov 19:12

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

@phil - asked and answered?

For the past few years, whenever a mass shooting occurs in the US that gets wide press coverage, the satirical news site The Onion runs an article with this headline written by Jason Roeder: “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”. The reason they only do it when a shooting gets big coverage is that there have been 307 mass shootings so far this year and if they covered every one, about half of The Onion’s content would be this same article.

Each of these articles consists of an identical paragraph save for the dateline, the number of people killed by the shooter, the photo, and a couple of details from the shooting. From the piece on the Las Vegas shooting:

In the hours following a violent rampage in Las Vegas in which a lone attacker killed more than 50 individuals and seriously injured 400 others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Monday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Iowa resident Kyle Rimmels, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep these individuals from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what they really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”

From the headline on down, the piece is designed to skewer the tragic truth of contemporary America: we consider ourselves a civilized country but also accept without any real action that 10 or more people are going be executed in public every once in awhile while gathering to dance, to worship, to learn. Each successive posting of the article underscores that point with a clever cruelty: it happened here again and nowhere else.

In chronological order, here is every mass shooting article The Onion has posted, representing a total of 177 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 5/27/14. Isla Vista, CA. 6 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 6/17/15. Charleston, SC. 9 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 10/1/15. Roseburg, OR. 9 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 12/3/15. San Bernardino, CA. 14 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 10/2/17. Las Vegas, NV. 58 people killed (851 injured).

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 11/5/17. Sutherland Springs, TX. 26 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 2/14/18. Parkland, FL. 17 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 5/18/18. Sante Fe, NM. 10 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 9/13/18. Bakersfield, CA. 5 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 10/28/18. Pittsburg, PA. 11 people killed.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. 11/8/18. Thousand Oaks, CA. 12 people killed.

In between the San Bernardino and Las Vegas shootings, they missed the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL on 6/12/16 in which 49 people were killed as well as shootings in Dallas, TX, Lincoln County, MS, Plano, TX, and a second shooting in Orlando, FL in which 6 or more people were killed in each case.

I’ll keep this list updated, but I’m eagerly looking forward to a time when I never have to see a new version of this article ever again.

Tags: crime   guns   murder   The Onion
09 Nov 01:51

Using a dutch oven really improved my sourdough loaves

by Jason Weisberger
Patrick Kennedy

Thoughts @andrewmakesstuff?

The biggest single improvement to my sourdough baking hobby has been using a pre-heated dutch oven.

Baking sourdough in a dutch oven works amazingly well. I'm seeing improved oven spring, ridiculous crusts, and better bread in general.

I've been baking with sourdough since 2010 or so. The very first boule I baked came out of the oven perfect. I then spent years trying to figure out why I couldn't consistently repeat that loaf.

First thing I blamed was proofing times. It took me a while to figure out the natural rhythm of the starter I made, I now know sort-of when and sort-of where this yeast is in its cycle. Working with your starter a lot is the only way I know around this. Until I figured the yeast out, I made amazing sourdough waffles, pretzels, but the bread might be dense, or suffer from any other myriad ferment related problems. Pretzels and waffles don't need the yeast to rise much.

For a while, I blamed my kneading of the bread. I tried the stand-up mixer, then I tried no-knead recipes. I found the Breadtopia method most right for my style of baking, but I ignored the dutch oven part of the recipe. I had baking stones and pizza steels and spray bottles of water to keep things damp -- what could a dutch oven do for me?

I highly recommend using parchment paper to transport your proofed dough into the dutch oven. I tear off a sheet large enough to act as a sling. Attempting to air drop a dough bomb into a 500F iron pot is a bad idea. (I will search YouTube for fails later.)

The parchment paper is usually too toasted to use as any help in getting the finished loaf out of the pan, however it'll be completely loose and slide out easily.

I use an enameled Le Creuset Dutch oven I've had around for ages. I also use an oval shaped variant for longer loaves, tho I do prefer the round proofing baskets. The only thing to be aware of is that the black bake-lite-esque heat resistant knobs on top are not rated for 500F and may crack.

I have read various stories of terror as people heard a pop in their oven. I believe my Sears oven will take the hit.

I am pretty sure this Lodge 7qt dutch oven will work just as well. The Lodge is not insanely expensive and comes with a smarter knob from the get-go.

I prefer the blue finish, because it looks better in my kitchen. I also use the dutch oven as my sous vide pot, as the Chef Steps Joule magnets to the bottom easily and the volume is good.

Le Creuset Signature Enameled Cast-Iron 7-1/4-Quart Round French (Dutch) Oven, Marseille via Amazon

Lodge 7.5 Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven. XL Blue Enamel Dutch Oven with Self Basting Lid (Carribean Blue) via Amazon

07 Nov 23:10

José Mourinho Caps Quintessential Win With Quintessential Assholery

by Billy Haisley
Patrick Kennedy

God, that man reeeeeally loves playing the villain. Like, in a ridiculous cartoonish fashion.

Juventus had little trouble bossing Manchester United in the Champions League today. The Italian team was in control for the vast majority of the match and, if not for some shaky finishing, probably would’ve won with ease. But even during this struggle of a season, United manager José Mourinho proved he can still work…


06 Nov 22:16

What the Hell Happened to Darius Miles?

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

Entertaining and affecting indeed. I really enjoyed this, a straight-talk insight into a high-flying athletic career and - when it all goes away - the toll that can take on mental health.

Darius Miles was drafted 3rd overall by the LA Clippers in the 2000 NBA Draft. After 8 seasons, a major injury, and $62 million, Miles was out of the league and bankrupt. In this entertaining and affecting article for The Players’ Tribune, Miles explains how he got to the NBA and what went wrong.

It’s crazy to think about, but six years after we were at the peak with the Young Clippers, I was basically out of the league. I was 27 years old, and I had doctors telling me that my knee was too messed up to play basketball ever again.

My whole life, I used basketball as an escape. When you grow up how I grew up, I think you’re probably bound to have some kind of PTSD. I ain’t a doctor, but when you grow up running from gunshots all the time, I think there’s something inside you that never leaves. I used to feel this pressure on me — I’m talking like a physical pressure, you know? But I used to be able to go out onto a basketball court and just unleash it. You could let it all out. You could dunk the shit outta that motherfucker in front of 100 people or 20,000 people and feel good for a minute.

Basketball got taken away from me at 27, and I was lost. I was just kind of going through the motions. Then a couple years later, my momma got taken away from me, and I pretty much went insane.

Miles’ friend and former teammate Quentin Richardson edited the piece and wrote one of his own for the Tribune as well.

Tags: basketball   Darius Miles   NBA   Quentin Richardson   sports   video
05 Nov 20:47

Clever 'Yes on Question 3' ad in Massachusetts

by Jason Weisberger
Patrick Kennedy

Love it

Massachusetts voter Question 3 is whether or not to maintain an existing anti-discrimination law. This ad explains why the freedom to just be whomever the heck you are is so important in Massachusetts.

02 Nov 20:09

Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 02, 2018

30 Oct 02:47

Dolphins forced to simplify calls due to human noise pollution in the oceans

by David Pescovitz
As a result of noisy ship engines and the racket of ocean mining, bottlenose dolphins have slowly reducing the complexity and changing the frequency of their calls. According to new research from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and published in the journal Biology Letters, "the noise-induced simplification of dolphin whistles may reduce the information content in these acoustic signals and decrease effective communication, parent–offspring proximity or group cohesion." From YaleEnvironment360:

“It’s kind of like trying to answer a question in a noisy bar and after repeated attempts to be heard, you just give the shortest answer possible,” Bailey said. “Dolphins simplified their calls to counter the masking effects of vessel noise.”

Dolphins are highly social animals and use their calls to stay together as a group, talk as they feed, and call out their names when they meet new members of their species. Each animal has a distinctive whistle, which typically uses complex sound patterns with variations in pitch and frequency.

photo: US Navy

26 Oct 13:11

How to draw a cowboy in 10 numbers

by David Pescovitz
Patrick Kennedy


This is as thrilling as when I learned to draw a dog face in third grade! (via r/intereatingasfuck)

22 Oct 18:34

Quebec doctors can soon prescribe art museum visits

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Patrick Kennedy

I think this pairs well with the "boat racing pumpkins" comic. Never change, Quebec...

On November 1, select doctors will be able to prescribe a visit to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts under a new initiative. Physicians who are part of Montreal-based medical group Médecins francophones du Canada will be allowed to send patients -- up to 50 prescriptions a year -- to the MMFA for free. Entry is good for two adults and two children age 17 or under.

Montreal Gazette:

“There’s more and more scientific proof that art therapy is good for your physical health,” said Dr. Hélène Boyer, vice-president of Médecins francophones du Canada and the head of the family medicine group at the CLSC St-Louis-du-Parc. “It increases our level of cortisol and our level of serotonin. We secrete hormones when we visit a museum and these hormones are responsible for our well-being. People tend to think this is only good for mental-health issues. That it’s for people who’re depressed or who have psychological problems. But that’s not the case. It’s good for patients with diabetes, for patients in palliative care, for people with chronic illness. Since the ’80s we’ve been prescribing exercise for our patients because we know exercise increases exactly the same hormones. But when I have patients who’re over 80, it’s not obvious that I can prescribe exercise for them.”

According to the museum, this one-year pilot project is the first of its kind in the world.

image by Thomas Ledl - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

09 Oct 18:51

Voter registration deadlines for every state

by Seamus Bellamy
Patrick Kennedy

Come for the important reminder, stay for the Animaniacs

This isn't a long post, but damn it's an important one.

The Root's got the lowdown on the voter registration deadline for every state.

If you haven't registered to vote yet, you'll find the deadlines right here.

09 Oct 15:52

Richard Linklater made an anti-Ted Cruz political ad and it rules

by Reid McCarter on News, shared by Reid McCarter to The A.V. Club
Patrick Kennedy

This is wonderful (link copied here for all you non-click-throughers):

Until now, Richard Linklater has been most celebrated for writing and directing films like Before Sunrise, Boyhood, Dazed And Confused, and Slacker. We only say “until now” because Linklater, with help from the Fire Ted Cruz PAC, recently proved he deserves just as much recognition for his skill at creating TV…


05 Oct 20:06

Baby Caracal asks for some food (turn your sound on!)

by Xeni Jardin
Patrick Kennedy

Holy jesus...if something made that noise while staring at me, I'd probably give it my wallet and phone too

This baby caracal was hungry.

She looked at her caretaker, and vocalized at them for their attention so they could feed her.

Turn your sound up!

05 Oct 03:28

Teenage Dolphins Get High on Puffer Fish Toxin

by Jason Kottke

In 2014, BBC aired a two-part documentary that featured intimate and close-up footage of dolphins using remote-controlled cameras disguised as sea creatures like turtles and fish. In one of the scenes, a group of adolescent dolphins captures a puffer fish and passes the ball-shaped little guy around. But as narrator David Tennant explains, what the dolphins really appear to be after is the toxin released by the puffer.

When attacked, puffer fish release a neurotoxin. In high doses, it can kill, but in small doses, it has a narcotic effect. It seems to be affecting the dolphins. They appear totally blissed out by the whole experience. And remarkably, all take turns in passing the puffer around.

Puff, puff, pass. Puff, puff, pass. Look at these blissed-out young’uns!

Dolphins High

The dolphins were filmed gently playing with the puffer, passing it between each other for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, unlike the fish they had caught as prey which were swiftly torn apart.

Zoologist and series producer Rob Pilley said that it was the first time dolphins had been filmed behaving this way.

At one point the dolphins are seen floating just underneath the water’s surface, apparently mesmerised by their own reflections.

Tags: dolphins   drugs   TV   video
27 Sep 21:51

Irishman arrested for chasing missed flight on foot during takeoff

by Rob Beschizza

Patrick Kehoe, 23, was arrested Thursday at Dublin airport after "running after the plane on the tarmac". He had missed his flight.

Witnesses said a man in his 20s broke through an airport door and ran toward the Ryanair plane, which was about to take off for Amsterdam, at around 7 a.m. The airport said that a man became “agitated” after he and a woman arrived at the gate too late for their flight. It said the man “broke through a door and made his way onto the apron, trying to flag the aircraft down.”

22 Sep 14:13

Finalists in the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

by Jason Kottke

Each year to promote wildlife conservation, the folks behind The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards select the funniest photos of animals doing goofy things from hundreds of entries from around the world. The Guardian has a selection of photos from 2018’s finalists.

Wildlife Comedy

Wildlife Comedy

Wildlife Comedy

The galleries of finalists & winners from past years is also worth looking through. So many good ones in there, but this particularly caught my attention:

Wildlife Comedy

Update: There’s a book featuring photos from the contest.

Tags: photography
21 Sep 23:13

Relax with this gorgeous 360 VR surfing video

by Andrea James
Patrick Kennedy


The Anatomy of Surf rides along with surfing legend Ian Walsh as he describes the sensations of surfing, set to footage of some beautiful waves.

"Time completely stops when you get into the barrel. Your feet dig into the wax, and your toes start to grip into the board. You're seeing the lip slowly cascading over. The feeling of that just leaves a mark with you and literally never gets old."

SAMSUNG VR - The Anatomy of Surf w/ Ian Walsh (Vimeo / Hidden Content)

18 Sep 20:46

A Nest doorbell locks a man out of his own house when it confuses him with his Batman shirt

by Carla Sinclair

When a man tried to enter his own house, his Nest doorbell got suspicious and locked him out. Nest's facial recognition feature confused the man, B.J. May, with the Batman T-shirt he was wearing, and apparently even Batman isn't allowed through the front door without the owner's consent.

Nest was just following orders, and May didn't hold a grudge. In a later tweet he said, "To answer some questions: Yes, the door was unlocked. My family was home, and my son was in/out the front door playing. I unlocked the door using my pin. I also could have used the phone app. It was no biggie, I just thought the face recognition fail was funny."

Via Mashable

Image: Max Pixel/Creative Commons Zero - CC0

14 Sep 10:57

Stephen Strasburg Plunked Three Guys With One Pitch

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy


Efficiency is important for a starting pitcher, so give credit to Nationals right-hander Stephen Strasburg, who Wednesday night tagged hitter Jorge Alfaro, his own teammate Matt Wieters, and umpire Hunter Wendelstedt, all with one baseball.


13 Sep 19:25

Six years ago, North Carolina Republicans voted in a law decreeing that the seas weren't rising

by Cory Doctorow

In 2012, North Carolina's Coastal Resources Commission studied the question of sea-level rise and the likelihood that coastal areas would be inundated by severe weather, concluding that the seas were likely to rise by 39" over the century; the Republican legislature, backed by property developers building in low-lying coastal regions, passed a bill prohibiting any such research and decreeing that the seas would rise at the same rate that they had through history, without regard to any science about accelerating rates fueled by climate change. (more…)

11 Sep 21:10

17 years ago today Trump boasted that he now had the tallest building in downtown Manhattan

by Mark Frauenfelder
Patrick Kennedy

Never forget

We already know what kind of a person Trump is. We knew it 17 years ago when he told a TV reporter on 9/11 that his tower was the tallest building in downtown Manhattan now that the World Trade Center had been demolished by terrorists.

06 Sep 19:38

Actor Burt Reynolds has died at 82. Here are some of our favorite clips from his work.

by Xeni Jardin
Patrick Kennedy

Dang. But that mustache lives forever!

Burt Reynolds, the onetime jock from Florida who became an American screen icon, has died. (more…)