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06 Sep 01:41

Bank of America is freezing accounts of US citizens for not proving residency status

by Mark Frauenfelder
Patrick Kennedy

Oh that's fun

It's legal to have a bank account in the US without being a citizen. But Bank of America has been freezing accounts of people who don't jump through hoops to prove their residency status. It froze the funds of an Iranian Ph.D physics candidate at the University of Miami, because it decided the documentation he'd been providing every six month suddenly wasn't good enough. He couldn't pay rent or credit card bills, even though he had plenty of money in his account. Bank of America is also freezing the funds of US citizens who didn't fill out forms sent to them in the mail.

The Sacramento Bee recounts an incident that shows BofA has xenophobic policies dating back at least a couple of years:

Dan Hernandez, a Broward County native of Cuban heritage now working as a TV writer in Los Angeles, said he had his business account suspended by Bank of America in December 2016. When he asked why, he was told he was under suspicion of doing business with Cuba. His corporation was called Cuban Missile Inc.—”Cuban Missile” has been his nickname since childhood.

“I started screaming that this was racist,” he said. “Like, did you go through every company that had ’Jewish bagels’ in its name, or how about calling someone with ‘Korean BBQ’ to see if they’re doing business with Kim Jong Un?”

He eventually Tweeted at the bank’s social media account—and had his situation resolved within 45 minutes. He says he feels lucky that he was able to leverage that platform and his status to get a relatively quick fix, because he is certain others do not have the ability to do so.

“It was extremely scary,” Hernandez, 34, said. “I knew I didn’t do anything wrong, but it puts doubt in your mind. A bank can crush your life for arbitrary reasons and never tell you why.”

This is the kind of story that makes me hope cryptocurrencies take off in a big way and replace banks.

Image: Shutterstock/Tero Vesalainen

05 Sep 05:38

Rest In Pancakes, Kenny Shopsin

by Jason Kottke


Word is filtering through the NYC food community that Kenny Shopsin has passed away. Together with his wife and children, Shopsin was the proprietor of Shopsin’s General Store, an iconic NYC restaurant, an establishment.

Calvin Trillin wrote a profile of Shopsin and the restaurant for the New Yorker in 2002.

One evening, when the place was nearly full, I saw a party of four come in the door; a couple of them may have been wearing neckties, which wouldn’t have been a plus in a restaurant whose waitress used to wear a T-shirt that said “Die Yuppie Scum.” Kenny took a quick glance from the kitchen and said, “No, we’re closed.” After a brief try at appealing the decision, the party left, and the waitress pulled the security gate partway down to discourage other latecomers.

“It’s only eight o’clock,” I said to Kenny.

“They were nothing but strangers,” he said.

“I think those are usually called customers,” I said. “They come here, you give them food, they give you money. It’s known as the restaurant business.”

Kenny shrugged. “Fuck ‘em,” he said.

Kenny’s daughter Tamara published a memoir recently called Arbitrary Stupid Goal…I read it last month and loved it. The book is not only a love letter to her family’s restaurant and the old West Village (which is now almost entirely gone), but also to her father, who is featured on nearly every page.

Shopsin published a cookbook back in 2008, Eat Me: The Food and Philosophy of Kenny Shopsin.

“Pancakes are a luxury, like smoking marijuana or having sex. That’s why I came up with the names Ho Cakes and Slutty Cakes. These are extra decadent, but in a way, every pancake is a Ho Cake.” Thus speaks Kenny Shopsin, legendary (and legendarily eccentric, ill-tempered, and lovable) chef and owner of the Greenwich Village restaurant (and institution), Shopsin’s, which has been in existence since 1971.

Kenny has finally put together his 900-plus-item menu and his unique philosophy-imagine Elizabeth David crossed with Richard Pryor-to create Eat Me, the most profound and profane cookbook you’ll ever read. His rants-on everything from how the customer is not always right to the art of griddling; from how to run a small, ethical, and humane business to how we all should learn to cook in a Goodnight Moon world where everything you need is already in your own home and head-will leave you stunned or laughing or hungry.

Much love to the Shopsin family right now.

Update: Several people wrote in mentioning I Like Killing Flies, a 2004 documentary about Shopsin. There are a few clips of it floating around on YouTube. The NY Times filmed Shopsin making his macaroni and cheese pancakes, one of the hundreds of items on the restaurant’s menu.

Update: The NY Times has an obituary of Shopsin and Helen Rosner wrote Remembering Kenny Shopsin, the Irascible Chef-King of Lower Manhattan for the New Yorker. Yesterday, Kenny’s daughter Tamara posted a photo of her dad on Instagram with the following caption:

@shopsinsnyc will be open Wednesday. My dad won’t be there in body but he will be there. I love you dad.

Tags: Arbitrary Stupid Goal   books   Calvin Trillin   Eat Me   food   Helen Rosner   Kenny Shopsin   NYC   restaurants   Shopsins   Tamara Shopsin
05 Sep 05:38

National Museum of Brazil destroyed by inferno

by Gina Loukareas
Patrick Kennedy

Jesus, that's awful

Brazil’s National Museum in Rio de Janeiro, opened in 1818 and home to over 20 million artifacts has been completely destroyed by fire. The three-story museum was closed when the fire quickly consumed the building. Founded by John VI, the King of Brazil and Portugal, the museum celebrated its 200th anniversary earlier this year. The cause of the fire is currently unknown. Brazil's President Michel Temer called it a tragic day for Brazil. "200 years of work and research and knowledge are lost." [youtube] Rio's 200-year old National Museum hit by massive fire [Bruno Federowski/Reuters][Photo: Twitter/@arielpalacios]
04 Sep 05:20

Museum visitor injured after stepping into pit he thought was a painting on the floor

by Mark Frauenfelder

The blackest of black pigments is a substance called Vantablack. It reflects almost no visible light, so anything painted with it looks like a 2D cutout of nothingness.

British artist Anish Kapoor licensed the worldwide exclusive rights to use Vantablack in art, which makes him kind of an asshole, but we've already complained about him on Boing Boing and that's not the point of this post. The point is that Kapoor has n work of art at the Serralves Museum in Porto, Portugal called Descent Into Limbo. It's an eight-foot deep pit and because Kapoor painted the interior of the pit with Vantablack, it looks like a two-dimensional black circle painted on the floor of the museum. You can guess what happened next. A 60 year old visitor (probably the kind of guy who can't pass by a "wet paint" sign without poking his finger at whatever the sign is referring to) ignored the warning signs and stepped into the hole, falling eight feet to the bottom of the pit. He was hospitalized, treated for minor injuries and released.


30 Aug 15:35

$2m "fentanyl" bust turns out to be big bag of sugar

by Rob Beschizza

Last week, New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon boasted of making “one of the largest seizures in the state” after hauling 12 pounds of "fentanyl" from a drug bust. Sadly for McMahon, the state crime lab says it is sugar.
“The job of the District Attorney is not to convict at all costs, but to be ministers of justice. That commitment requires us to move swiftly to dismiss or modify charges when we become aware of new evidence that calls into question a defendant’s guilt,” Ben David, the district attorney for New Hanover County, said in a statement.
The people busted aren't off the hook, as other "drugs" were found. Fortunately for them, "contributing to the epic self-own of a law enforcement officer" is not on the books in North Carolina.
30 Aug 05:06

Air Canada hacked, user info stolen. If you're a user, change your password.

by Seamus Bellamy

I enjoy flying with Air Canada. I did not, however, enjoy the email I received from them this morning warning me they'd been hacked. (more…)
30 Aug 05:06

R.I.P. Robin Leach, host of Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous

by Katie Rife on News, shared by Katie Rife to The A.V. Club
Patrick Kennedy

Damn. I guess now, Biggie really IS up close and personal with Robin Leach.

Robin Leach, the British TV host whose distinctive voice and wealth-worshipping catchphrase “champagne wishes and caviar dreams” made him the subject of innumerable parodies during his ‘80s heyday, has died. Leach had been hospitalized since November 21, when he suffered a stroke while vacationing in Cabo San Lucas.…


29 Aug 15:32

A visit to Epic Nerd Camp

by David Pescovitz
Patrick Kennedy

"ENC was the brainchild of Kim Kjessler, 37, a former dolphin trainer, and her 26-year-old chef husband, Bentley."

Who are you people, and from what child's pretend universe did you emerge?

Epic Nerd Camp is a 5-day summer camp for adults in Pennsylvania's Poconos Mountains that celebrates cosplay, LARPing, RPGs, Quidditch, escape rooms, swordplay, wizarding, and many other special interests popular among geeks. The Washington Post's Karen Heller paid a visit:

ENC was the brainchild of Kim Kjessler, 37, a former dolphin trainer, and her 26-year-old chef husband, Bentley. “I designed a camp that I wanted to go to,” she said in the Arts and Crafts shed, where campers created wizard staffs, leather apothecary cuffs and Edvard Munch-like portraits of a “Last Jedi” porg.

She was inspired by gaming gatherings such as BlizzCon, where she met Bentley five years ago. “I love conventions, but they’re not tailored to making friends. It’s hard to make friends as adults.” She wanted camp activities and camaraderie. A sort of Burning Nerd...

ENC promotes two overarching tenets: You’re free to be who you are, and this is a no-judgment zone. “If you’re looking for some nerds to troll/bully, ENC is not for you,” the camp website states. “We’ll boot you out and keep your money.”

Participants described middle and high school as an interminable hell. They had to become adults, and wait for the world to change, to gain acceptance, and find their tribe. Yet it can still be hard to fully unleash their inner geeky selves.

"‘Growing up, we were the weird ones’: The wizarding, mermaiding, cosplaying haven of Epic Nerd Camp" (Washington Post via NextDraft)

22 Aug 18:33

The creators of the Nintendo 64 GoldenEye have officially ruled: Oddjob is cheating

by Reid McCarter on News, shared by Reid McCarter to The A.V. Club
Patrick Kennedy

No Oddjobs!

For a certain demographic, GoldenEye 007's multiplayer mode is imprinted on the mind. Say the word “Facility” (or, if you’re the neighborhood bozo, “Faculty”) and a flood of low-res grey and blue tiles are instantly conjured; mention “Slappers only!” and the body tenses in anticipation of a frantic, karate-chopping…


10 Aug 19:07

Everson Griffen And His Wife Feeling Happy And Blessed! At The 9/11 Memorial. [Update]

by Tom Ley

Minnesota Vikings defensive end Everson Griffen and his wife were in New York City recently, and it looks like they spent some time seeing the sights:


06 Aug 07:01

New laws are forcing Canadian drug dogs into early retirement

by Seamus Bellamy

In Canada, on October 17 of this year, it’ll be legal to use pot medicinally or for recreation, without having to worry about getting into trouble with the cops. This is great news for users of marijuana products, those looking for a legal route to selling them, and for the police, as the possession of legal dope means that they can forget about it and deal with higher priority issues. Unfortunately, not everyone’s gonna come out of this with a win: a number of cops will lose their jobs as a result of decriminalization. From the CBC:
Earlier this month, the RCMP threw a retirement party in St. John’s, N.L., for a Labrador retriever named Luke. As the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and as cannabis legalization approaches, that puts Luke and other dogs like him out of work. Luke, who sniffed more than five million of dollars’ worth of drugs during his time on the force, is one of 14 canines across the country who will be out of a job before October 17. Traffic and interdiction dogs like Luke are trained to detect cannabis, but once the substance is legal, they can no longer be used to establish grounds for search in a traffic stop.
Luke and his fellow former police service pups will no doubt be trotted off to caring homes where they’ll be able to enjoy their retirement from active duty. In the meantime, the RCMP are going to have one hell of a time training new drug dogs with marijuana excluded from their nasal vocabulary. The RCMP's not sure that it can be done in time to get the new dogs on the street before the rollout of legal Mary Jane takes hold. While traffic and interdiction dogs, like Luke, only represent 12% of the total number of pooches currently in service with the RCMP, if the replacement dogs aren’t ready in time to coincide with the new laws going into effect in October, the Mounties that normally roll with a canine partner will have to make due all by their lonesome.

Image: by Untitled - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

01 Aug 19:57

Soccer Player Blows Off Some Steam By Drop-Kicking Opponent In The Stomach

by Billy Haisley
Patrick Kennedy

You may be surprised to learn that man earned a red card.

Sometimes, in the late stages of a certain loss in a big game, a soccer player might boot the ball with an unnecessarily strong kick in an effort to physically expel some of their inner frustration. No problem, you see it all the time. Less common—and less forgivable—is deciding that your discontentment must be sated…


31 Jul 22:41

Manhattan DA will stop prosecuting most marijuana smoking and possession

by Amanda Hatfield

”Every day I ask our prosecutors to keep Manhattan safe and make our justice system more equal and fair. The needless criminalization of pot smoking frustrates this core mission, so we are removing ourselves from the equation.”

Continue reading…

30 Jul 11:53

Frozen earthworm revived after 42,000 years in the permafrost

by Rob Beschizza

Siberian roundworms frozen for millennia were thawed and are happily going about their business again, reports The Siberian Times.

One worm came from an ancient squirrel burrow in a permafrost wall of the Duvanny Yar outcrop in the lower reaches of the Kolyma River - close to the site of Pleistocene Park which is seeking to recreate the Arctic habitat of the extinct woolly mammoth, according to the scientific article published in Doklady Biological Sciences this week.

This is around 32,000 years old.

Another was found in permafrost near Alazeya River in 2015, and is around 41,700 years old.

The oldest living animals on the planet, and excellent candidates for a high-concept horror B-movie.

26 Jul 15:51

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Has a $40 Million Yacht and Vandals Set It Free

by Stephen A. Crockett Jr.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was reportedly holding a $40 million yacht hostage and some good samaritans set the yacht free.


23 Jul 07:38

Senate 98-0 passes resolution opposing Vladimir Putin's proposal to interrogate U.S. officials including McFaul & Browder

by Xeni Jardin

How weird is it that this needed to happen.


19 Jul 15:52

Report: Denis Ten, Kazakhstan's First Olympic Skating Medalist, Dies After Being Stabbed During Robbery

by Dvora Meyers

Denis Ten, the first figure skater from Kazakhstan to win world championship and Olympic figure skating medals, died in Almaty today. He was 25 years old.


19 Jul 12:28

Mandalay Bay hotel owner sues more than 1000 victims of the Vegas gunman

by Rob Beschizza
Patrick Kennedy

Wait, wha-?!

The Mandalay Bay hotel was used by Stephen Paddock as a vantage point to slaughter dozens and hurt hundreds more in October 2017's gun massacre on the Las Vegas strip. Now the hotel's owner, MGM Resorts International, is suing his victims—more than 1000 of them—to warn them off trying to hold it in any part responsible.

Las Vegas attorney Robert Eglet, who has represented several Oct. 1 victims, said the grounds of the litigation are “obscure.”

MGM is a Nevada company, so any lawsuits belong in state court, Eglet said. He viewed the decision to file the complaints in federal court as a “blatant display of judge shopping” that “quite frankly verges on unethical.”

“I’ve never seen a more outrageous thing, where they sue the victims in an effort to find a judge they like,” he said. “It’s just really sad that they would stoop to this level.”

A failing of the corporate mindset is that once lawyers are consulted, their advice is doomed to be followed. PR, your marketing people and your customers could be screaming in your face that what you are going to do is the stupidest thing in the history of free enterprise, a disaster on an untellable scale. But you've paid for the legal advice so by goodness you're gonna follow it!

Photo: Reuters

18 Jul 21:00

Titans' Jurrell Casey Says He'll Keep Protesting Injustice Despite NFL's New Anthem Policy

by Patrick Redford
Patrick Kennedy

Hell yes #titanup

Titans defensive lineman Jurrell Casey regularly demonstrated during the national anthem before games last season, and even though NFL owners have crafted an absurd policy designed to ensure that everyone “shows respect for the flag and the Anthem” (which was never the issue), the Pro Bowler says he plans to continue…


18 Jul 16:55

Reports: Kawhi Leonard Is Going To The Raptors And He Hates It

by Barry Petchesky
Patrick Kennedy

Should be fun!

The good news, for Raptors fans: Kawhi Leonard is reportedly heading to Toronto in a trade. The potential bad news for Raptors fans, but good news for Lakers fans and fans of NBA drama:


17 Jul 16:52

Deranged candymaker creates many flavors all with one color

by Andrea James

Greg from Lofty Pursuits used his antique candy drop roller to create Madness, his mixture of candies that all have the same red color but have many different flavors. He also demonstrates the Stroop effect. (more…)

12 Jul 09:48

Pedro the Lion's new album is called 'Phoenix' and due in early 2019

by Andrew Sacher
Patrick Kennedy


”Just finished tracking Pedro the Lion’s “Phoenix” two minutes ago. We start mixing...well...later today. Pretty excited,” says David Bazan.

Continue reading…

09 Jul 08:49

Moses Sumney drops off Montreal Jazz Fest over controversial show with slave songs

by BrooklynVegan Staff
Patrick Kennedy

Yeah...that's a bad look, Montreal Jazz Fest.

He pulled out after learning the festival booked multiple nights of the much-protested show SLĀV, "in which a majority-white group of singers, lead by a white Québécois director, sing African-American slave songs, sometimes dressed as field slaves and cotton pickers," Moses wrote.

Continue reading…

06 Jul 09:03

Psychic octopus killed for food

by David Pescovitz
Patrick Kennedy

It's OK. He always knew it would end this way.

Rabio, the psychic octopus that predicted Japan's World Cup win against Colombia, draw with Senegal, and loss to Poland, has been killed and sent to the fish market. From The Telegraph:

Kimio Abe, the fisherman who captured Rabiot, placed the octopus in a tank with three baskets of food representing a victory for Japan, a defeat or a draw...

“I was happy that Japan was able to qualify for the knock-out stages”, Mr Abe told the Mainichi newspaper, although the octopus’ run of form had not been enough to save it.

Concluding that his business was more important than Rabiot’s predictions, Mr Abe said Rabiot had been “shipped” - a euphemism for gutted and sold.

05 Jul 22:32

Cancel The Rest Of The World Cup, We Don't Need Any More Goals

by Timothy Burke on Screengrabber, shared by Timothy Burke to Deadspin

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05 Jul 22:23

Hitler's mouthpiece got booted from American restaurants, too

by Andrea James
Patrick Kennedy

"Phil Selznick, owner of a popular nightclub said he had refused reservations for a party of 12 when he learned that [Leni] Riefenstahl was to be guest of honor. "

Conservatives have been dealing with the horrors of "incivility" in the good old U.S. of A. for a long time. It's an American tradition to refuse service to fascists and their enablers. From a December 1, 1938 United Press article: (more…)
05 Jul 12:32

World Cup: John Obi Mikel Played For Nigeria Against Argentina Knowing His Father Had Been Kidnapped And Held For Ransom

by Chris Wright
Patrick Kennedy

The craziest thing to me is that this happened to him already, in 2011:

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Embed from Getty Images

If you thought John Obi Mikel put in an impressive shift for Nigeria against Argentina in the group stage tie between the two sides, then just wait until you hear the unbelievably stressful conditions under which he was secretly playing.

In a story broken by Colin Udoh for KweseESPN, Mikel revealed that mere hours before kick-off in St. Petersburg, he received a call from a gang of kidnappers to inform the Super Eagles captain that they were holding his father, Pa Michael Obi, for ransom.

The criminals snatched Pa Obi while he was travelling by car to attend a funeral in south-eastern Nigeria. They then phoned Mikel to demand 10 million Nigerian naira (approx £21,100) for his father’s safe release.

Both Pa Obi and his driver were later rescued by police following a “gun duel”, almost a full week after their kidnapping, before being taken to hospital for treatment to wounds their captors had inflicted.

Speaking to KweséESPN, Mikel, who refused to tell his coach, teammates or the Nigerian Football Federation about his plight, recounted the harrowing ordeal:

I was confused. I did not know what to do, but in the end I knew that I could not let 180 million Nigerians down.

I had to shut it out of my head and go and represent my country first. I was told that they would shoot my dad instantly if I reported to the authorities or told anybody.

And I did not want to discuss it with the coach because I did not want my issue to become a distraction to the coach or the rest of the team on the day of such an important game.

So as much as I wanted to discuss it with the coach, I could not do it.

Nigeria went on to lose the match 2-1 and were knocked out of the World Cup, with Mikel flying back to his home in England almost immediately after the match to deal with the unfolding crisis.

Can you even imagine the state he must have been in internally? Suddenly, a entirely new wave of admiration for his captain’s innings against Lionel Messi and co. has just washed over us.

02 Jul 01:38

Sean Hannity Blamed Maxine Waters for the Capital Gazette Shooting

by Monique Judge
Patrick Kennedy

" You know, as I’ve always said, I mean honestly—I’ve been saying now for days that something horrible was going to happen because of the rhetoric,” Hannity says.

“Really Maxine?” he then asks, referring to Waters. “You want people to create—‘Call your friends, get in their faces,’ and [Barack] Obama said that too. ‘Get in their faces, call them out, call your friends, get protesters, follow them into restaurants and shopping malls,’ and wherever else she said.”

In that moment, Hannity did something that Donald Trump also has done, and that is falsely accuse Maxine Waters of inciting violence simply because she encouraged people to confront Trump administration officials about their politics and policies."


We keep talking about the dangerous rhetoric that is being thrown around by Donald Trump, those in his administration, and the right-wing media that supports and enables them—but we keep getting shut down and told that we are the ones with the real problem, not them.


28 Jun 14:09

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Is Retiring 

by Ashley Reese on The Slot, shared by Tom Ley to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

Really looking forward to life in Gilead

We’re fucked.


28 Jun 11:37

Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for Jun 28, 2018

Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for Jun 28, 2018