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09 Oct 01:42

LCD Soundsystem will reunite in 2016? (we're hearing yes)

by brooklynvegan
Patrick Kennedy


photo: LCD Soundsystem's final (?) show (more by Dominick Mastrangelo)
LCD Soundsystem

It feels like that "final" LCD Soundsystem show was just yesterday (maybe because they keep milking it?) but they might already be set to reunite. There's no official announcement, but Consequence of Sound says:

Multiple sources have confirmed to Consequence of Sound that LCD Soundsystem are planning a comeback in 2016. As we hear it, the band will headline at least three high-profile music festivals in the US and UK, with an official announcement expected soon.
Could this be true? It doesn't really seem like James Murphy's style. We shall see.

UPDATE: Reputable music biz trade mag Billboard are also saying that a "well-placed source" confirms to them that LCD are "definitely reuniting" in 2016. DFA employees are denying it, but we're also hearing that it's true!

In other news, Murphy DJ'd National Sawdust's opening night last week.

Continue reading "LCD Soundsystem will reunite in 2016? (we're hearing yes)" at brooklynvegan

23 Sep 18:28

DraftKings Is Adding a New Fantasy Sports Option: Competitive Video Gaming

by Polygon Staff
Patrick Kennedy

I like this idea; feels like a saavy market on which to make some inroads.

DraftKings wants to be involved in all the sports, even the ones played from your living room.

Continue reading…

17 Sep 20:01

Sunset on Pluto

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy


The backlit photos of Pluto just posted by NASA are breathtaking. Look at this:

Pluto backlit

Just 15 minutes after its closest approach to Pluto on July 14, 2015, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft looked back toward the sun and captured this near-sunset view of the rugged, icy mountains and flat ice plains extending to Pluto's horizon. The smooth expanse of the informally named Sputnik Planum (right) is flanked to the west (left) by rugged mountains up to 11,000 feet (3,500 meters) high, including the informally named Norgay Montes in the foreground and Hillary Montes on the skyline. The backlighting highlights more than a dozen layers of haze in Pluto's tenuous but distended atmosphere. The image was taken from a distance of 11,000 miles (18,000 kilometers) to Pluto; the scene is 230 miles (380 kilometers) across.

As they say, best viewed large. Some of those features don't look like mountains at all, but like reptile scales or huge shards of ice pushed up into the sky. Fantastic.

Tags: astronomy   NASA   New Horizons   Pluto   science   solar system   space
16 Sep 21:36

David Blaine Freaks Out Bryan Cranston, Kanye West, and Will...

Patrick Kennedy

I think my favorite part of this is it lets me imagine that Woody Harrelson and Kanye West hang out on the regs.

16 Sep 21:30

Ronda Rousey Gets Fired Up About Bullshit Marijuana Testing

by Tom Ley
Patrick Kennedy

F yeah Ronda Rousey

The Nevada State Athletic Commission suspended UFC fighter Nick Diaz for five years after he tested positive for marijuana. Ronda Rousey thinks Diaz’s suspension, and the fact that fighters are tested for marijuana in the first place, is incredibly stupid.


14 Sep 03:59

Time vs. money when traveling

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

I don't travel nearly enough to offer any personal evidence/insight to the above, but sharing all the same as an interesting thought.

Kevin Kelly has travelled in every sort of way, from five-star hotels to penniless hitchhiking. And he says that when traveling, more time is better than more money.

When you have abundant time you can get closer to core of a place. You can hang around and see what really happens. You can meet a wider variety of people. You can slow down until the hour that the secret vault is opened. You have enough time to learn some new words, to understand what the real prices are, to wait out the weather, to get to that place that takes a week in a jeep.

Money is an attempt to buy time, but it rarely is able to buy any of the above. When we don't have time we use money to try to get us to the secret door on time, or we use it avoid needing to know the real prices, or we use money to have someone explain to us what is really going on. Money can get us close, but not all the way.

(via @craigmod)

Tags: Kevin Kelly   travel
13 Sep 04:35

6-Year-Old Data Entry Prodigy Already Entertaining Offers From...

11 Sep 17:57

The Injury Report, Week 1: An Introduction to the Report

by (Nick Capozzi)
Patrick Kennedy

FRIENDLY REMINDER: WRs Kelvin Benjamin and Jordy Nelson are out for the year. Be sure to pick up a replacement off the waiver wire before the lineups lock once their teams play on Sunday.

Welcome to the introductory edition of the Injury Report.  The Injury Report will be your chance to get caught up on the latest player injury news every Thursday throughout the NFL season.  (I would say "National Football League season" but I'm not a former National (w/emphasis and pause) Football (w/emphasis and pause) League (w/emphasis and pause) player.  The most basic component of the Injury Report will be a run down of all the newly injured players, a suggestion for their recovery time, quick updates on previously injured players and the NFL practice reports.  (I'll be relying on all released reports via most media outlets for this portion of the post.) Some situations will require a more detailed analysis on what the injury means for the player and for the team.  That will give me a chance to go over who benefits from the injury and who, other than the injured player, loses out.  I'll also be giving my thoughts on whether the injured player should be dropped or held onto through the injury. Another goal of the injury report will be to dig a little deeper, as in, deeper down the depth chart.  That means I'll also be noting when that fourth wide receiver on the depth chart sustains an injury, for example.
11 Sep 10:58

Netflix Is Reportedly Developing New Original Episodes of the...

Patrick Kennedy

Unconfirmed per the following statement, though this would be super awesome: "Spokespeople for Netflix and Channel 4 said they were unable to comment at the time of publication. However a Channel 4 source said that the broadcaster was going to have a first look deal on the new episodes."

08 Sep 11:42

Bartolo Colón Can Do It All

by Timothy Burke on Screengrabber, shared by Timothy Burke to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

I love this so very much

We’ve highlighted Bartolo Colón’s immaculate fielding skills before , but this is something special:


08 Sep 11:41


05 Sep 03:47

What Famous Brands Would Look Like if Their Color Schemes Were...

04 Sep 03:34

Hark, A Vagrant: Cheshire Cat

buy this print!

Alice! That cat is full of it.

Remember that a tour could be coming your way, sooner rather than later!

We have a lot of interviews and things on the go for Step Aside Pops as it gets near the release date, so expect to see a whole lot of activity! If you're listening to the CBC, I'll be on As It Happens in the next while, and on Q later in the month.

03 Sep 22:01

The varying wavelengths of colors

by Jason Kottke

Rain Bros

Rain-Bros by Daniel Savage is a fun visualization of the different wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum, from the loping walk of red to blue's energetic bounce.

Tags: color   Daniel Savage   design   infoviz   physics   science
30 Aug 12:07

The Blue Jays Are Gonna Cut You Down

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

@ Davison especially - but anyone really. "Oddly captivating" indeed.

One creative Blue Jays fan edited together every team home run (through Aug. 26) and set it to Johnny Cash’s version of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” for an oddly captivating compilation. You’ll find something new to watch with every viewing.


27 Aug 18:58

Leaving Everywhere, A Tool to Randomly Generate ‘Why I’m Leaving...

Patrick Kennedy

This is beautiful

26 Aug 22:43

Amy Schumer and J.K. Simmons Recreate the Classic Painting...

26 Aug 11:07

Real Windows 3.0 Solitaire deck of cards

by Jason Kottke

Susan Kare Cards

Susan Kare, who famously designed the original icons for the Apple Macintosh, has teamed up with Areaware to offer real decks of cards with her artwork from Windows 3.0's version of Solitaire. Nice example of defictionalization. They're currently sold out but I'm hoping they restock so I can order a deck. (via subtraction)

Update: Areaware tells me that the cards aren't out of stock, they are just not in stock yet. So don't worry...they haven't sold out or anything.

Tags: design   Susan Kare   Windows
25 Aug 17:49

Happy National Duck Out For A Drink Day 2015

by Alex Balk

WHEREAS work is long, boring and especially difficult to take during the summer months when you could be outside, particularly when you consider how awful winter has been lately and will be for the rest of our lives and you’re starting to realize summer is almost over, and

WHEREAS contemporary human existence is a mostly unrelenting series of trials and tribulations of varying degrees of unpleasantness, none of which means anything in the end, the only reasonable temporary solution that has yet been discovered for being alcohol, and

WHEREAS life is largely designed and directed by forces beyond your control and your lack of real agency may be the most frustrating thing about work, and

WHEREAS a national day of celebration in which colleagues sneak away from the office to nearby bar to have a few quick drinks to both alleviate their pain and briefly exercise some sort of power over their own time has been shown over the years to be one of the few bright spots in a calendar otherwise filled with soul-crushing ennui,

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Alex Balk, creator of a holiday designed to allow everyone to blow off just a few minutes of goddamned steam with a couple of shots or beers or maybe even a craft cocktail if that’s the kind of thing you’re into and you don’t mind dropping $17 on something that a $5 slug will have the same effect as, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, August 25th, as National Duck Out For A Drink Day throughout the United States of America,

URGING AND DIRECTING all within its borders to take a few moments at some point during the day to run out alone or with colleagues and enjoy the temporary relief alcohol has to offer, remembering especially that if you go to the bar during work, it’s like they’re paying you to drink.


Photo by StockLite, via Shutterstock

25 Aug 10:53

putyouinabettermood: Date for our 8th year anniversary via...


Date for our 8th year anniversary via

22 Aug 13:17

Derek Jeter Got Mad At The Yankees Because They Thought Troy Tulowitzki Was Better

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

Poor baby Jeter.

"Contract talks between Jeter and Cashman got acrimonious in the fall of 2010, and S.L. Price’s new Sports Illustrated story features Cashman recalling how he hurt Jeter’s feelings by telling him to his face he preferred Tulowitzki.

'Who would you rather have playing shortstop this year than me?' Jeter asked Cashman.

'Do you really want me to answer that?' Cashman replied. Jeter told him to go ahead, and he listed Tulowitzki, then the Rockies’ shortstop who was in the midst of his first All-Star campaign. 'We’re not paying extra money for popularity,' he added, 'We’re paying for performance.'
Jeter ended up signing a three-year deal, but his relationship with the GM 'never recovered.'"

The Yankees’ pinstriped hard-on for Troy Tulowitzki was an open secret. Every season was supposed to be the one that the shortstop was finally traded to usurp Derek Jeter in New York. Also as well-known was the strained relationship between Jeter and GM Brian Cashman, though no one would talk about what turned things sour.


18 Aug 18:35

A Literal Interpretation of ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the...

18 Aug 18:18

Rex Ryan Claims Guy Who Broke Geno Smith's Jaw

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

Classic Rex

A day after I.K. Enemkpali was waived by the Jets for breaking Geno Smith’s jaw , former Jets hostage and current Bills coach Rex Ryan placed a claim on the linebacker. Oh, Rex. You card.


18 Aug 16:42

Han Solo frozen in carbonite beach towel

by Jason Kottke

Han Solo Beach Towel

This beach towel featuring Han Solo frozen in carbonite is the only Star Wars merch I want in my life. (thx, meg)

Update: Ok, I had forgotten about the Han Solo frozen in carbonite ice cube tray, which is slightly more awesome. (via @ajsheets)

Tags: fashion   Star Wars
13 Aug 22:05

Canadian Parliamentary Candidate Wyatt Scott Kills a Dragon and...

Patrick Kennedy

The pot leaves in the background at one point in the video provided me with all the context I needed.

13 Aug 10:57


12 Aug 17:07

Smuggled footage of Fallout 4 demo finds an unusual home: Pornhub

by Owen S. Good
Patrick Kennedy


A fan campaign to spread footage of Fallout 4's gameplay has found an unusual, if effective host: the free X-rated video site PornHub.

The video, filmed behind closed doors at Gamescom, has been taken down quickly after being uploaded to other video streaming sites. At Pornhub, however the video is still on the site, having gathered 142,000 views in a day.

Its title and tags are meant to disguise the video as any of the garden-variety porn the site offers elsewhere in five- or 10-minute bites. This video appears to have been shot incognito from between two seats at the demonstration. It's about seven minutes long. There are frequent exposure changes and the audio is bad, but committed Fallout fans can make out some features of how the...

Continue reading…

10 Aug 18:15

slaughterhouse90210: “In the woods too, a man casts off his...


“In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child. In the woods, is perpetual youth.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature and Selected Essays

06 Aug 19:13

Dammit, Vanderbilt Football

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

Yeah, that's bad

Sure, football players are supposed to be relentless, tough, and intelligent, but that last part of Vanderbilt football’s motivational tweet seems poorly worded, considering that whole—you know .


05 Aug 17:53

The Moon crossing the sunlit face of the Earth

by Jason Kottke

This is just flat-out incredible... NASA's Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite captured a series of photos of the Moon as it moved between it and the Earth.

Earth Moon Anim

The image shows the "dark side" of the Moon, which we can't see from Earth because it's always pointed away from us.

The lunar far side lacks the large, dark, basaltic plains, or maria, that are so prominent on the Earth-facing side. The largest far side features are Mare Moscoviense in the upper left and Tsiolkovskiy crater in the lower left. A thin sliver of shadowed area of moon is visible on its right side.

"It is surprising how much brighter Earth is than the moon," said Adam Szabo, DSCOVR project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "Our planet is a truly brilliant object in dark space compared to the lunar surface."

I don't know why, but this image gives me chills up my spine! Is anyone else freaking out about this?

Tags: Earth   Moon   NASA   space