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08 Dec 08:41

FXX Picks Up A Third Season Of You're The Worst :: This news is the best. (Sorry. But it is!) [You're The Worst]

by Tara Ariano
Patrick Kennedy

Not sure if anyone else watches this show, but this is Good News.

[Internetwork Notes]

This just in via press release: FXX has picked up You're The Worst for a third season!

In addition to Season 3, which will hit next summer, series creator/friend of the site Stephen Falk has also signed a multi-year overall deal to develop more projects for FXX and its big brother, FX. We're not saying the timing of this announcement is due to our current You're The Worst Week in King Of Disparate TV Things Mountain...but we're also not saying it isn't.

Make sure to watch tonight's penultimate You're The Worst at 10:30 PM ET (we're also hearing you might want to add a few minutes to the end of your DVR recording), and if you missed it, read our interview with Falk from the top of the season. It's LaCroix-riffic!

Explore the You're The Worst forum.
03 Dec 19:25

Great Job, Internet!: Here’s 45 minutes of Nick Offerman drinking whisky in front of a fire

by Joe Blevins
Patrick Kennedy

In case you've got an empty 45-minute window in your day.

The idea of simply pointing a camera at a crackling yule log and calling it a show goes back to at least 1966, when WPIX president Fred M. Thrower decided to preempt roller derby one night and instead air a continuous shot of the fireplace at Gracie Mansion for the benefit of New Yorkers without hearths in their apartments. But even a half-century old American tradition needs an occasional update, and the makers of Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch have added two important elements to the mix: whisky and Parks And Recreation star Nick Offerman.

“Nick Offerman’s Yule Log,” then, is not some kind of holiday-themed specialty porn, though pyromaniacs might theoretically derive some prurient thrills from it. Instead, it is the latest episode in an ongoing web series called My Tales of Whisky. The plot of this particular, 45-minute episode is exceedingly simple. For three-quarters of an hour, a ...

02 Dec 22:22

prozdvoices: SING US A SONG, YOU’RE THE PIANO MAN You can get...



You can get monthly personal voice requests from me through my Patreon

haha bravo! 

02 Dec 22:06

Newswire: Dave Chappelle is very serious about no cell phones at his shows

by Katie Rife
Patrick Kennedy

Good for him, and in the right setting I like this idea:

"[...] how, exactly, the staff at Chicago’s Thalia Hall plan to implement the “no cell phones policy,” a plan that involves a startup company called Yondr. Upon entering the venue, audience members will be instructed to place their smartphones in Yondr pouches, which come in three different sizes; once they enter the “no phone zone” inside the theater, the pouches will lock shut, subjecting patrons to several terrifying minutes of looking each other in the eye before the show starts. Should that become too intense, however, audience members are free to leave the “no phone zone” and retreat to a safe location outside of the immediate performance space—say, the lobby bar, or a restroom—where the pouch will unlock and they can dive into the sweet oblivion of social media once more."

Even after they became movie stars, the Marx Brothers would tour the vaudeville circuit, testing out new material and refining it before a live audience before immortalizing it on film. Of course, that could never happen today, because on the first stop of the tour some jerk with a smartphone would film the part of the act that didn’t work and post it on YouTube with a sensationalist title like “GROUCHO GOES NUTSO IN TOLEDO” or something.

Dave Chappelle knows this all too well, after footage of him talking trash to some idiots in the audience who thought it was hilarious to yell “I’m Rick James, bitch!” like he had never heard that before in 2013 went viral, sparking think pieces first about how Chappelle had an onstage “meltdown,” and second about how Chappelle’s “meltdown” wasn’t a “meltdown” after all. Anyway, that wasn’t the first ...

02 Dec 04:19

Adam 2.0

Adam 2.0
02 Dec 04:09

RIP Details

by Matt Buchanan
Patrick Kennedy

I will remember you not for the forgotten media presence you became, but the pungent cologne-insert holder you always were.

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 1.11.42 PMIt had been expected for some time in the run-up to media layoff season that Condé Nast would close its less-loved-but-certainly-not-lesser men’s magazine Details and lifestyle publication Self. Well, here’s the official memo, announcing that Details will cease to exist—get ready for GQ Style Dot Com—while Self‘s sales team will be merged with Glamour‘s, possibly in a run-up to going digital-only:

Today, our premium digital network reaches an all-time high of 98.6 million consumers—nearly double the size of our audience just two years ago. We also rank #1 in comScore’s Lifestyle Category among affluent millennials, a position we have held for 24 consecutive months. As we evolve our business and respond to the changing behavior of our audiences, we also need to change how we work with our advertising partners.

With this in mind, today I’m pleased to announce that we are bringing together the sales and marketing teams at Glamour and Self. Under the direction of Glamour publisher and chief revenue officer Connie Anne Phillips, the unified teams will leverage the audience scale of two great brands and create a leading women’s advertising platform for our clients. The editorial teams at both brands will continue to operate independently and maintain their unique voices and perspectives.

Additionally, we have decided to build on the success and massive overall audience of GQ as our men’s brand, and will be expanding the business through their GQ Style franchise. GQ Style, which has consistently been popular among upscale millennials and luxury advertisers alike, will significantly expand its digital presence and also increase to a quarterly print schedule.

As a result of these changes, Details will cease publication with the December 2015/January 2016 issue. will continue to operate as we transition to in the coming months. Details editor-in-chief Dan Peres and publisher and chief revenue officer Drew Schutte in addition to Self publisher and chief revenue officer Mary Murko will be leaving Condé Nast. I would like to thank Dan, Drew and Mary for their many contributions over the years.

Our audience results speak for themselves and prove to me that we are well positioned for future growth and vitality. I’m looking forward to working with all of you toward making that a reality. Thank you for all of your continued hard work that makes Condé Nast a world-class media company, without peer.

No word on if this month’s “all-time high of 98.6 million consumers” and being “#1 in comScore’s Lifestyle Category among affluent millennials, a position we have held for 24 consecutive months” once again merits free coffee from the Condé Coffee Bar—or when the real Condé Nast purge will take place, courtesy of FTI Consulting.

20 Nov 22:32

‘Formewla 1’, An Amusing Video of an Auto Race Set to the Sound...

Patrick Kennedy

Well more amusing than it should be, and a quick investment at 14 seconds

20 Nov 14:46

Arsenal Fan Idris Elba Loves Laughing At Sorry-Ass Chelsea As Much As We Do

by Billy Haisley on Screamer, shared by Billy Haisley to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

Good man

Idris Elba is from London. Thus, he’s an Arsenal fan. Because his team has been cast over the past decade as The Big Engine That Can’t, he’s had to endure repeated humiliations and ridicule at the hands of the Gunners’ rivals. Now that the shoe’s on the other foot with regards to Chelsea’s God-forsaken season , he’s enjoying every moment:


19 Nov 05:18

Newswire: Redman promises a desperate nation that How High 2 is coming

by William Hughes

Promising succor to a people hungry for comfort and guidance, actor, rapper, and Def Jam Vendetta wrestler Redman has made it clear that How High 2 is now in the works. And while a sequel to his and Method Man’s 2001 paean to higher education, the acting talents of monologist Spalding Grey, and magical, ghost-summoning marijuana has long been rumored, it seems that the Malpractice rapper is now committed to the project.

Talking to XXL, Redman said that fans of the first film can expect the saga of pot-assisted test takers Silas and Jamal to continue in roughly 2017. “How High 2 is not going to drop until at least 2017,” he told interviewers, who presumably bayed and gnashed their teeth at the prospective wait. “The writers are still writing the script. Just looking at it time-wise and being realistic about it.” (The realism-demanding “it” in question, we remind ...

17 Nov 17:48

Mystery Science Theater 3000 revival introduces a new host

by Allegra Frank
Patrick Kennedy

I like the choice (Jonah Ray).

Plus: Meets minimum Kickstarter goal in less than a week

Continue reading…

11 Nov 17:57

The Illustrated Story of a Heroic Co-Pilot Who Left the Skies...

11 Nov 06:36

‘The Monster Project’, Kids Draw Monsters and Then Artists From...

11 Nov 06:21

Arsene Wenger Busts Out Some Signature Looks While Posing For French Fashion Shoot (Photos)

by Chris Wright
Patrick Kennedy

Stylin' Wenger

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Ever the classy urbane gent, Arsene Wenger has posed for a fashion shoot and interview with the L’Equipe Sport & Style supplement, in which he said heavy, philosophical things like “My constant battle in this job is to bring out the beauty in man.”

That man, of course, being Per Mertesacker.

Anyway, the accompanying photos are works of pure art. Allow us to talk you through a few of the Arsenal manager’s signature looks:

Le Contemplation d’Estuary (avec un scarf massif)…


Wilshere setback…


Munich lament…


Retired assassin…


Wilshere setback, stage II…


Lovely stuff. What a handsome fellow.

10 Nov 20:07

The Four Horsemen of Gentrification

by Jason Kottke

From Zain Khalid at McSweeney's, The Four Horsemen of Gentrification: Brine, Snark, Brunch, and Whole Foods. From the book of Millennials of the New Standard Greenpoint Bible, chapter 6, verse 1:

Then I saw when the Landlord broke one of the rent-controlled seals. I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, "Gentrify." I looked, and behold, a green horse, and he who sat on it had a mason jar; and a fedora was his crown, and he went out pickling and to pickle.

Tags: Bible   NYC   religion   Zain Khalid
10 Nov 17:04

Former Braves Pitcher Tommy Hanson Dies After Falling Into Coma

by Kevin Draper
Patrick Kennedy

Holy shit

MLB pitcher Tommy Hanson died late Monday night after suffering catastrophic organ failure and falling into a coma. The news was first reported by Zach Klein, sports director of Atlanta’s ABC affiliate, and later confirmed by the Braves.


09 Nov 18:43


by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

LOL. "A lot of vegans I know are now making stews out of meat bones and dairy."

Katherine Rosman recently wrote an article for the NY Times called How Organic Avenue Lost All Its Juice about a small NYC-based chain of juice stores recently going out of business. The piece is also a quote gold mine reflecting the zeitgeist of contemporary Manhattan.

"I kind of freaked out," she said. "I was distraught. I lost my yoga for a minute."

There is an admitted emperor's new clothes quality to paying $25 for a lunch of vegetable shavings and a smoothie made of Swiss chard, cashew milk and Himalayan salt.

You can't build a long-term business off what Gwyneth Paltrow likes.

A lot of vegans I know are now making stews out of meat bones and dairy.

Everyone is talking about coal and charcoal.

Bleeeeeaauuuckk. See also your detoxing juice cleanse is bullshit.

Tags: food   Katherine Rosman   NYC
06 Nov 18:56

A Detailed Neck Pillow Designed to Look Like a Giant Comfortable...

Patrick Kennedy


05 Nov 05:13

Kotatsu, A Traditional Japanese Floor Sofa Made Modern With...

Patrick Kennedy

Life goals. "The traditional Kotatsu featured a low wooden table heated by coal and covered with a thick blanket for many years. Belle Maison and other Japanese companies have put a modern twist on this design, offering really comfy looking corner floor sofas with back cushions that easily convert from upright for studying or working to flat for sleeping. A heated table (oki-gotatsu) is added for further comfort."

03 Nov 17:47

Dr. Know of Bad Brains is on life support

by brooklynvegan
Patrick Kennedy

Oh no...

photo: Dr. Know in Woodstock in May (more by Greg Cristman)
Dr Know

Dr. Know (real name Gary Miller) of Bad Brains has been very active with the band lately, playing Black N' Blue Bowl, a Woodstock session, with the Foo Fighters and more in the past few months alone. Sadly though, we just learned that he entered the hospital and is on life support. News came via The Dean Ween Group and Living Colour vocalist Corey Glover:

just got word that dr. know from bad brains (gary) is on life support in the hospital. pray for him, or at least smoke a...

Posted by The Dean Ween Group on Monday, November 2, 2015

Sending #PMA healing vibes, and positive energy to #DrKnow of #BadBrains - I urge you to do the same.

Posted by Corey Glover on Monday, November 2, 2015

Really sad. Our thoughts go out to Gary, his friends and his family, and we're hoping he pulls through.

Watch a full-set video of Bad Brains playing CBGB in 1982, below...

Continue reading "Dr. Know of Bad Brains is on life support" at brooklynvegan

02 Nov 01:33

GM Alex Anthopoulos Shockingly Leaves The Blue Jays, Who Might Be Getting Cheap 

by Barry Petchesky
Patrick Kennedy

Woah. Sea change afoot in TOR?

GM Alex Anthopoulos, under whose six-year tenure the Blue Jays emerged as one of the best teams in the AL, will not return to Toronto, reportedly over philosophical disagreements over how he built a winner, and concerns that his power over baseball operations would be severely curtailed under a new team president.


29 Oct 10:51

Report: Thing That Everyone Thought Gives You Cancer Gives You Cancer

by Alex Balk

“A research division of the World Health Organization announced on Monday that bacon, sausage and other processed meats cause cancer, and that red meat probably does, too.” Also, it’s nast.

29 Oct 10:51

No Man's Sky's newest trailer reveals a release window at last

Patrick Kennedy

Reeeally want this to be awesome.

The new No Man’s Sky trailer kicks off with a Blade Runner-esque “I’ve seen things…” monologue and concludes with a date. It’s not an exact release date, but it is something to look forward to: June 2016 on PC and PlayStation 4.

On display in the video are the same bright galaxies and vibrant wildlife that have become so iconic of No Man’s Sky. We also get a look at some combat and, perhaps more interestingly, the discovery of a planet.

An overlay during the ship’s descent onto the new world indicates the username of the player who made the discovery, a reminder of the fact that No Man’s Sky’s vast universe is the same for all players. Finding and sharing new knowledge with others will play a role in your journey.

colorful interplanetary travels 

The last big info dump for No Man’s Sky was back in July. With the release date still eight months out, we'll probably see plenty more of its colorful interplanetary travels in the near future.

No Man's Sky will be out on PC and PlayStation 4 in June 2016.

26 Oct 17:57

Newswire: Jon Stewart is done with people, so he’s opening an animal sanctuary

by Danette Chavez
Patrick Kennedy


Ever since Jon Stewart departed as host of The Daily Show, speculation has abounded as to what his next career move would be. Would he run for office, ala Al Franken, whose Senate terms have already provided him with enough fodder to fill a book? After all, despite any claims or intentions to the contrary, Stewart became one of the most trusted (fake) newsmen for people of a certain age (the digital one). Or would Stewart reinvent himself as a scrappy grappler and make his feud with WWE heavyweight champion a regular part of Monday Night Raw?

If you answered yes to either question, you severely overestimate how many fucks Stewart has left to give about elections, as well as his tolerance for jerks. No, Stewart is foregoing most human interaction (at least, reporting on it) to run an animal sanctuary in New Jersey with his wife Tracey. The Agence ...

26 Oct 14:38

A Mom Shares Her Dark Past in a Commercial for Orange Juice

26 Oct 04:49

Rex Ryan Taunts Doug Marrone By Selecting Entire Offensive Line As Captains 

by Patrick Redford

Doug Marrone was the Buffalo Bills head coach for two seasons, including last year’s successful 9-7 campaign. He opted out of his contract last December to take advantage of a clause that allowed him to make $4 million dollars in 2015 no matter if he coached or not . He tried to get the New York Jets job, but instead he ended up coaching the Jacksonville Jaguars offensive line. Rex Ryan came in to replace him.


23 Oct 18:07

Thomas Davis Dislocated His Finger Avoiding A Block, Popped It Back In, Then Made The Tackle

by Barry Petchesky

In last Sunday’s game between the Panthers and Seahawks, Carolina LB Thomas Davis did a very tough, gross thing.


23 Oct 10:50

The Blue Jays' Pitching Was So Bad They Had A Position Player Take The Mound

by Kevin Draper
Patrick Kennedy

Sorry, Andrew...rough series

Here is how ugly things were for the Blue Jays tonight: Cliff Pennington, the Jays’ utility infielder, came in to pitch in the ninth. According to Elias he became the first exclusive position player to pitch in the postseason, and it went about as well as expected. In one-third of an inning Pennington gave up two singles, letting two inherited runners score.


22 Oct 09:11

Great Job, Internet!: Read This: What it’s like to do a bunch of acid and watch The Simpsons

by Chris Dart
Patrick Kennedy

"We are Springfield. We are Simpsons. Matt Groening is a God. Dan Castallaneta, Yeardley Smith, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Hank Azarea, and Harry Shearer are some of the best satirists, improvisers, and voice actors who ever lived.
Drop acid and watch The Simpsons everybody. Now is the time of The Simpsons. God bless The Simpsons."

God bless this dude.

Over the weekend, a Reddit user who goes by the name of DoobieSchnauzer decided to spend two solid days doing nothing but “eating LSD and watching The Simpsons.” Yesterday, with the acid probably not entirely cleared from his system, he posted his findings to r/television and r/drugs. Here are a few of the key takeaways:

We are all Bart—We all feel unappreciated, because people decide to focus on our flaws instead of our talents. We all resent authority. We’ve been influenced by bad people, and been a bad influence. We all seek thrills that hurt us and those around us.

Springfield is a human brain. Each inhabitant is a perfect representation of another piece of us.

The Simpsons evolved American society. They got us talking about corruption on both sides of American politics, gay rights, good and bad parenting, good pet ownership, the ethics of vegetarianism ...

21 Oct 11:59

Quentin Tarantino's desired cast list for Pulp Fiction

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy


Pulp Fiction Cast

Pulp Fiction Cast

Quentin Tarantino is the type of writer/director who writes roles in movies with specific actors in mind. For Pulp Fiction, he wanted Harvey Keitel to play Winston Wolf, Tim Roth to play Pumpkin, and Ving Rhames to play Marcellus Wallace. But he also wanted Michael Madsen to play Vincent (with Travolta as a strong second choice), John Cusack to play Lance, Matt Dillon to play Butch, and Laurence Fishburne to play Jules. Another possibility for Jules was Eddie Murphy, and Tarantino also specified "No Rappers" for that role. Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman weren't even listed for their respective roles. Gary Oldman, Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, and Alec Baldwin were considered for several roles but ultimately didn't appear in the film.

Here's the full list. (via open culture)

Tags: movies   Pulp Fiction   Quentin Tarantino
10 Oct 02:50

Hark, A Vagrant: Baby in a Corner

buy this print!

I'm still on book tour with Step Aside Pops! We hit #1 on the New York Times graphic novel bestseller list! Thank you! Ahh you are the best!

Soon there will be the annual rollout of TOPATOCO merchandise so I'll be sure to let you know when! There will be some fun new shirts as well as PLUSHIE PONIES! I hope they get here soon! They look great.

Check them out here! I've been waiting so lonnggg for them to commmee (we hear November from the company).

The North American leg of this fall tour is over, and I was really lucky to meet a lot of great people! SPX was great as always, and the brand new CXC in Columbus was a delight. Now we are off to the UK! Dates here:

October 16-17: Kendal
Lakes International Comic Art Festival

October 20: London
GOSH! Comics
launch party 7-9pm

November 9-15: Leeds
Thought Bubble Festival

November 23: Bristol
Bristol Festival of Ideas
Cape Comic Creations Night