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11 Mar 01:00


by boo_radley
TOKYO GASTRONOMY is the YouTube account of Seiji Yamamoto, chef and owner of the Nihonryori RyuGin restaurant. His videos demonstrate traditional Japanese cuisine preparation in a serene and focused way. The ones that really hooked me was this 9 minute video of Ichiban Dashi creation and spring vegetable soup.
20 Feb 14:50

Close to the Edda


Second last item

To-do list, Feb-May 2013

* get cinder blocks for desk/saw 2-3 inches off chair legs nb "new chair" is not an option, I love this chair
* clean office room
* at least 1-2 afternoons/wk in basement painting/collaging remaining Come, Come to the Sunset Tree LPs w/view toward actually finishing them in 2013
* book time @ The Kitchen for transferring materials from old 1/2 inch reels & Fuji Extraslim cassettes in shoebox
* hash out song list w/Peter of underplayed/unplayed/personal-favorite tunes for top secret tour plan
* contemplate regular exercise plan for 1000th time in life, put on v. serious face about it
* new songbooks for the baby
* stop calling son "the baby" when no longer baby
* reading plan now through June: finish Morte D'Artur, read Camellia Street or Time of the Doves, also new Blake Butler and maybe one Elsa Morante? be realistic you're never going to be a fast reader
* talk more w/friends nb email does not count as "talking w/friends"
* revise MS of novel w/any needed corrections, hand in to Farrar, Strauss & Giroux on schedule as per contract
* count blessings, check math, thank literally everyone

27 Jan 04:25

01/25/13 : [S] HA HA HA! HE HE HE! HO HO HO!


If you're still trying to decide whether to read/continue with Homestuck, this update will definitely constitute a strong argument

14 Dec 08:23

Good Dog and Little Kitten

by alex


Good Dog and Little Kitten

14 Dec 08:07

music has the right to metafilter

by dunkadunc

Intentional shares go

For your low-fi electronica fix: The Twoism forum presents One on Twoism: a mixed compilation series inspired by Boards of Canada.
◆ Volume 5 - mp3 download - lossless FLAC
◆ Volume 4 - mp3 download - lossless FLAC
◆ Volume 3 - mp3 download - lossless FLAC
◆ Volume 2 - mp3 download - lossless FLAC
◆ Volume 1 - mp3 download - lossless FLAC
13 Dec 09:03

Rules of the Game

by Greg Ross

In December 1941, after eight months in the British Women's Auxiliary Air Force, 19-year-old Nina Masel observed that "the main consequence of a lot of women living together seems to be that ... conventional barriers and restraints are torn down and conversation gets down to bedrock." The women all shared the same circumstances and had the same goal, so there was no point in pretending otherwise.

"And what is this thing we're all after?" she asked. "Obviously, a man." She estimated that 85 percent of the women's conversation was about men, 15 percent about domestic and shop matters, and "a negligible proportion" about other things. So frank was the women's talk that Masel was able to write out the rules of "The Great Man-Chase":

1. Quality: The desirable qualities are rank, wings, looks, money, youth in that order. Rank is unbelievably important. There's a Wing-Commander here whose only redeeming feature is that he's young. He isn't good-looking, he's owned to be a great bore and he's extremely 'fast' (which is not a recommendation) yet he could go out with any woman on the station he cared to ask. No one would refuse. ... The height of sex-rank is commission and wings. Higher commission, the better. Sergeant pilots and ground commissions tie for second place. This includes army officers. Ground stripes come a poor third. For the rest as far as most Ops girls are concerned, there is little hunting-value. In the term 'looks' I include charm, personality, etc. This counts only as a narrow comparison viz P/O [Pilot Officer] A is better than P/O B because he is more charming, but we'd rather go out with P/O B who is not charming, than with Sergeant C who is (and he's good-looking too). Members of the Army without commissions don't get a look in at all ...
2. Quantity: Naturally the more men one can fasten to one's train the more prestige one gains in the Chase.
3. Intensity -- a deliberately vague term embodying length of affair, extent of ardour and its manifestations.

The longer a woman could keep a man, the higher she ranked in the competition, particularly if he was passionately attached to her. "It seems to me that practically the entire object of the Chase is a matter of vanity and prestige," Masel concluded. After participating in the Chase for a few months she had found:

a. "That I am happiest when I am conducting two or three successful affairs with eligibles as above."
b. "That I am second happiest when I am pretending to other girls that they are successful affairs as above."

"A girl in our Control had been trying very hard to get a date with a new officer," she wrote. "She was sitting next to him in the Ops room one day full of concentration in her conversation when suddenly she smiled, looked across at me, and mouthed the words 'Got him!'"

(From Angus Calder and Dorothy Sheridan, Speak for Yourself: A Mass-Observation Anthology, 1937-49, 1984.)