Shared posts

12 Nov 19:41

Small Gods

by boulet
01 Oct 21:06


by Laerte

29 Sep 19:41

Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF

by Daniella

Fan incontesté du célèbre manga Dragon Ball Z, le graphiste thaïlandais Phuwadon Thongnoum a créé une série de GIF représentant les héros de la série japonaise. Ces animations très réussies mettent en scène les personnages lors de leurs transformations ou pendant leurs attaques fétiches. Des GIFs de Sangoku, Piccolo ou encore Végéta sont à découvrir dans la galerie.

Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-10 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-9 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-8 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-7 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-6 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-5 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-4 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-3 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-2 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF-1 Dragon Ball Z Animated GIF
25 Sep 21:34

Surreal, Perspective-Bending Underwater Film Uses Zero Special Effects, Only Camera Tricks

by DL Cade

Perspective, gravity, up, down, all of them are mere suggestions in The Ocean Brothers: a mind-bending, surreal video by brothers Francisco and Armando del Rosario and their friend Armiche Ramos.

Entered into the World ShootOut 2014 underwater photography competition, the video took home the top prize with nary a competitor in sight. No special effects were used, just camera tricks and freediving skill that makes it seem as if the world is conforming to their whim.

(via Sploid)

23 Sep 22:29

A polêmica da Virgem Barbie

by Janara Lopes


A versões de Barbie e Ken como Jesus e Virgem Maria desencadearam uma controvérsia na Argentina.

Os  bonecos que representam figuras religiosas tem irritado muitas pessoas no país. Pool Paolini e Marianela Perelli são dois artistas de Rosario, cidade do interior da Argentina. Há poucos dias eles publicaram suas versões da boneca mais popular do mundo nas redes sociais – o que provocou uma controvérsia em todo o país.


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Suas bonecas Barbie representam também a Virgem de Luján, a Virgem Itatí , Maria Madalena, Nossa Senhora de Aparecida e Lourdes. Enquanto Ken pode ser encontrado em versões de Buda, São Cayetano, São Sebastião, São Roque e Sagrado Coração de Jesus.


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As bonecas têm indignado os religiosos (oh que surpresa), e existe um caso particular com a paródia com a Difunta Correa  ( figura mítica e motivo de devoção de muitos argentinos), que clamam que a tal santa é uma marca registrada e seu uso é exclusivo de autoridades governamentais na província de San Juan. Os artistas poderia ser processados porque não pedirem permissão.

Santo com marca registrada já seria motivo suficiente para uma avacalhada.


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Confrontado com as críticas, os artistas explicam em seu Facebook que: “Em um mundo que nos premia por pensar, agir e sentir tudo igual, Marianela e Pool se rebelam e se dizem distintos. Usam do humor para mostrar sua desconexão com o universo político e da ficção religiosa.”


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Uma dica para quem fica bravo:  é tipo apelido. Quando você dá bola, ele pega. Se ninguém desse bola pra um trabalho como esse, eles não seriam tão comuns. Quem faz sabe que vai causar, não existe outro motivo. Mas vai fazer o povo entender que uma manifestação artística é uma opinião pessoal, e quem nem todo mundo tem a obrigação de pensar igual em tudo.

Mas é bem pouco provável que essa iluminação algum dia aconteça.


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The post A polêmica da Virgem Barbie appeared first on IdeaFixa.

17 Sep 18:30

The Mirror Suitcase Man

by Donnia

Le photographe portugais Rui Calçada Bastos, basé à Berlin, donne une nouvelle vision de la ville avec sa série « The Mirror Suitcase Man ». La rue se découvre à travers une valise-miroir qui la reflète et l’emporte. Des fragments de réverbères, d’immeubles, de bancs et de trottoirs où la ville se dévoile et se lit par morceaux.

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22 Aug 19:39

Photographer Gets Access to Restricted Areas, Shoots Airplane Time-Lapse of Epic Proportions

by DL Cade

When we finally build a warp drive (or, you know, whenever the aliens see fit to give us one), this time-lapse is what we imagine a warp-speed airport would look like in real-time. Planes blasting away to our outposts in Andromeda, leaving long streaks of light in their wake.

But until then, we’ll just have to be content with this beautiful time-lapse in which Milton Tan gives us an incredibly close look at the comings and goings at Singapore Changi Airport… like restricted area close.

This isn’t the first time Tan has put together an airplane time-lapse, which is why he named this one “The Air Traffic 2,” but what sets this one apart is just how close he was able to get.


No longer was he relegated to shooting only from public areas around the airport (although there is some of that too). The guys from Changi Airport actually reached out to him after seeing his first Air Traffic time-lapse and asked him if he’d like to shoot from the restricted runway area.

His response, we would imagine, had something to do with bears, excrement, and the nearby forest.


All of the photos that Tan used to put the time-lapse together were shot with either a Canon 5D Mark III or 7D with Canon 16-35mm, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, 50mm or 18-135mm lenses attached.

In total, he shot about 11,000 photos and used some 7,000, each exposed for 4-10 seconds at a zero interval so he could capture those beautiful shooting star-like streaks that he’s so fond of.

As far as post-processing, the photos were processed in Lightroom and the final footage edited in Premiere Pro.


Undoubtedly, the best thing about this time-lapse is the fact that so many scenes were shot from so close to the action. In fact, if you watch closely around 2:12, you’ll see the planes passing overhead were so close that the camera was being shaken on its tripod by the roar of the engines.

Check out the video at the top to see it all for yourself, and if you’d like more behind the scenes details about the shoot, head over to Tan’s blog by clicking here.

Image credits: Photographs by Milton Tan and used with permission

07 Aug 21:38

Pinolga: A Pinhole Medium-Format Holga Look-Alike Made Out of Cardboard

by Michael Zhang


Raymundo Panduro of Pixel Análogo recently created the camera above, which he calls the “Pinolga“. It’s a realistic pinhole Holga medium format camera made out of cardboard that can take pretty impressive photographs.

Panduro says that his goal with the project was to emulate the legendary plastic Holga camera. His Pinolga is the same size, and lets you capture 12 6×6 photos on a roll of medium format film.

The pinhole’s aperture is between f/177 and f/180, and the focal length is roughly 55mm.



Photographs are exposed by sliding open the pinhole with a knobbed wheel on the “lens” of the camera.


The back of the camera opens up for film loading, and a knob on the top allows you to advance the roll:





Here’s a self-portrait Panduro captured using the camera in the side mirror of a car:


…and here are some additional sample photographs captured with the Pinolga:







The blurriness of some of the photos is due to Panduro shooting freehand with the pinhole camera.

Panduro is working on making this camera easier to build as part of a pinhole photography project he’s working on. No word yet on whether it will be a design or kit available to the general public.

07 Aug 18:18

Presentation Offers Solid Composition Tips and Examples for Street Photographers

by Gannon Burgett

Erik Kim is one of the best-known street photographers out there, today. In his continues efforts to shoot and share, Kim has put out the full presentation he used in his Introduction to Composition for Street Photography talk at Gulf Photo Plus 2014.


The 136-slide presentation is full of definitive examples and helpful illustrations for breaking down the composition of a photograph. Kim goes through the basic ‘rules,’ such as leading lines and the rule of thirds, but towards the end, the slideshow dives into more intricate framing techniques, blending together and breaking the ‘rules’ we’ve all come to know.

If some of these images and illustrations look familiar to you, it’s because many, if not all of them, are taken from his 13-part series he’s shared on his blog. For those of you just wanting a quick summary and visual, this presentation is a wonderful little resource. But if you’d like some auxiliary material, we highly suggest you head on over to his blog and take a look at the list of individual lessons he’s created.

Introduction to Composition for Street Photography Presentation [Eric Kim Photography via Reddit]

06 Aug 19:23

The Simpsons Wine Packaging

by Donnia

Les designers russes Constantin Bolimond et Dmitry Patsukevich ont conçu un packaging de bouteilles de vin appelé « Wine, or maybe not? » et inspiré de Marge et Homer Simpson ainsi que du peintre Piet Mondrian. Chaque bouteille est dosée différemment pour créer des saveurs variées et ne jamais se lasser de ce vin.

Constantin Bolimond’s portfolio. the-simpsons-wine-6 the-simpsons-wine-5 the-simpsons-wine-3 the-simpsons-wine-2 the-simpsons-wine-1 the-simpsons-wine-0 the-simpsons-wine-4

05 Aug 22:50


04 Aug 19:55


21 Jul 14:03


15 Jul 21:56

Super Pixel Quest

delightfully minimalist 1-bit webcomic  
14 Jul 19:27

collierkid: captainplanetdesu: My new bookmark is badass I’m...



My new bookmark is badass

I’m gonna have to make this.

11 Jul 14:57

Comida mandando a real

by Marina Maria


Se aquele pote de sorvete no meu freezer falasse…

Com um estilo minimalista e lúdico, o designer David Olenick usa animais e objetos em seus desenhos para fazer um retrato despretensioso do comportamento humano. Nesta série de ilustrações, ele dá voz a algumas comidas e explora o relacionamento entre homem e alimento com muito humor.










04 Jul 15:38

Google Street View Offers a Glimpse at the Incredible Rate of Gentrification in Brooklyn

by DL Cade


We told you to expect a wave of interesting “then and now” series when Google first integrated the ‘time-machine’ feature into Street View, and that prophesy is starting to come true.

A couple of weeks ago we showed you GooBing Detroit, a Tumblog that tracked the demise of Detroit in Street View images. And today, Gizmodo published a fascinating look at the rapid pace of gentrification that has transformed several areas of Brooklyn.

All of the before-and-afters put a Street View image from 2007 above one taken just last year. In some cases, the same buildings have been renovated, but for the most part dilapidated structures and graffiti-coated warehouses have been replaced by modern looking apartment buildings where the rent will make your head spin.

Check out the rest of the images by following the link below, and if you like this sort of thing, be sure to check out James and Karla Murray’s series of NY Storefront before-and-afters as well.

Tracking Brooklyn’s Rapid-Fire Gentrification With Google Street View [Gizmodo]

01 Jul 19:57

Adoption app matches images of cute animals to lookalike pets in shelters

by Springwise

The internet is awash with images of cute cats and dogs, and unfortunately, shelters are equally awash with the real animals. In an effort to marry these facts together and increase adoption rates, California-based Superfish have created PetMatch — an image analysis app designed to find real cats and dogs in shelters that look similar to those featured in images uploaded by the user.

PetMatch is a new app from Superfish — a USD 20 million-funded company specialising in an image analysis process they call “machine vision”. To use the app, potential adopters must first find an image of a cat or dog they like the look of — either from the internet, the app’s own library, or it could be a photo of a previous or current pet. The app will then use Superfish’s machine vision to analyze the distance between the animal’s eyes, the general shape of its face, and the angle of its mouth. The results are then cross referenced against image analysis already carried out on images from PetFinder, which has access to photos of adoptable pets from both shelters and rescue organizations. The free app, available for iOS, will then present the user with close matches nearby, along with the contact details for the shelter.

Superfish already owns a profitable ecommerce browser extension which makes use of its machine vision tehcnology, and plans are reportedly in place for jewellery and furniture apps. How else could image recognition technologies be put to use to create new opportunities for consumers?


11 Jun 21:23

Below The Surface Of Architectures

by Donnia

L’agence Saatchi&Saatchi Russia a réalisé une campagne d’illustrations pour le Schusev State Museum of Architecture à Moscou, intitulée « Below The Surface ». A travers les visuels, nous découvrons les dessous fictionnels de différents bâtiments très connus. Une production Carioca Studio, à découvrir.

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30 May 23:54

Behold the World’s First Elephant Selfie… an “Elfie”

by Gannon Burgett


While he may never forget the moment captured in the photo above, Latabe the elephant apparently wanted to make sure no one else did, either.

While Scott Brierley was on a tour at West Midlands Safari Park, located in Worcestershire, England, he managed to drop his phone next to the African elephant enclosure. After Brierley was told to not exit his car, Latabe grabbed his phone, presumably thinking it was food, and in doing so managed to capture quite a selfie.

After his phone was returned to him by keepers at the park, Brierley shared that he might be in possession of the world’s first “elfie” — an elephant selfie. However, according to copyright laws, it might not actually be his.

Usually, whoever snapped the photo is the owner of the resulting image. Thus, technically speaking, Latabe is the rightful owner. The good news for Brierley is that chances are good Latabe would gladly exchange rights for a few hundred pounds… of grass and fruit.

(via BBC via Reddit)

Image credits: Photograph by Latabe

22 Apr 13:49

Bern Hyperlapsed

by swissmiss

Bern Hyperlapsed is a short and incredibly beautiful portrait of Switzerland’s Capitol, Bern. It merges a view on traditional sights with the novel visual impression allowed by hyperlapse photography. The film consists of around 3500 single pictures, mainly taken between December 2013 and March 2014.

Congrats to Marcel Rolli, of Studium Punctum.

21 Apr 23:28

Free Speech

I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.
17 Apr 18:46

Wearable computing breakthrough

by Cory Doctorow

An image from the future past.

(via via @stevenf)

17 Apr 18:46

Renaissance Space Invaders art

by Cory Doctorow

Artist Dan Hernandez painted a gorgeous series of frescoes depicting Space Invaders and other vintage game screengrabs as Renaissance and Byzantine art. They're hanging in a show called "Genesis" at the Kim Foster Gallery in NYC.

Segacielo Civita depicts a floating castle, a popular trope in any number of games ranging from simply-rendered Joust to the more elaborate worlds of Minecraft or Final Fantasy. Its rooms are filled with tiny figures fighting with swords. When injured, they can make use of white boxes marked with red crosses positioned throughout the structure, an opportunity for those in need of medical attention to up their health points and continue the fight between good and evil.

What If Fra Angelico Painted Space Invaders? [Rebecca Robertson/Artnews]

(Thanks, Scott!)

02 Apr 14:27

Engagement ring with tiny slide and projection lens built in

by Cory Doctorow

This engagement ring with a built-in lens and slide is apparently a prototype produced by an unnamed Polish manufacturer. According to Technolog, who posted the images to Reddit, the publicity-shy manufacturer hasn't gone into production yet.

Update: Technolog has updated the post with the name of the maker: Marek Mazur of Gdansk

Engagement ring with little photo slide and lens in it (via Super Punch)


11 Mar 22:40

Esqueleto espacial

by Janara Lopes


Josh Ln, um fã declarado da cultura pop, fez essas ilustras em que imagina esqueletos anatômicas para as naves criadas pela ficção.  Acima, a Millennium Falcon, de Star Wars.

A enterprise de Star Trek

A Viper Mk-II de Battlestar Galactica


A Serenity de Firefly

A Tardis de Dr. Who

Todos os prints a venda em sua página no Society 6

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27 Feb 19:23

Captivating Microscopic Time-Lapse Video Captures the Formation of Snowflakes

by DL Cade


This is just plain beautiful, no matter which way you slice it. Using the magic of time-lapse photography and microscopy, Vyacheslav Ivanov captured the formation of those ice crystals we call snowflakes that caused so much grief in the northeastern US over the past several weeks.

Mesmerizing, captivating, pick your adjective, the time-lapse will have you glued to the screen and help you to remember that this crazy world we live in is beautiful from the smallest scale on up.


Robert Gonzalez over at iO9 gave us a crash course on snowflake formation to help the science lovers in the audience understand what exactly we’re looking at:

The ice crystal(s) in snowflakes owe their six-fold rotational symmetry to the hydrogen bonds in water molecules. As water freezes, water molecules bound to other water molecules crystallize into a hexagonal structure, where each point on the hexagon is an oxygen atom and each side of the hexagon is a hydrogen bonded to an oxygen. As freezing continues, more water molecules are added to this microscopic six-sided structure, causing it to grow in size into the six-sided macroscopic structure that we recognize as snow flakes.

Of course, you don’t need to know what it is or how it’s formed to appreciate the stunning microscopic footage above. So whether you’re still recovering from a crazy Saturday night or preparing for the week to come, click play and make sure you set the window to fullscreen and HD.

(via iO9 via Photojojo)

21 Feb 19:36

Matt Bors on the dark and awful .GIF wars

by Jason Weisberger

Shouldn't we ask someone who had a CompuServe account?

Matt Bors' World War G


21 Feb 18:53

Nikon Poster Shows Sixty Years of Camera Evolution in One Image

by Gannon Burgett

Nikon Poster Featured

While planning to originally write up an article about an infographic sent to Nikon Rumors that showed every camera created by Nikon from 1948 to 2005, we came across an even more thorough collection of Nikon cameras in the form of a poster, created by none other than Nikon itself.

Available as a physical poster as well as a large JPEG, this image from Nikon documents every camera the company has made: from the original Nikon 1, which was released in 1948, to the Nikon D700 released in 2008. Rangefinders, underwater cameras, SLRs and point-and-shoots are all documented, showing just how interesting some designs came to be.

Take a look at the complete poster by clicking here; we’d love to hear which of these cameras you’ve owned over the years. And lest you think we’ve forgotten about you Canon folk, click here to see Canon’s “One Step Closer to the Dream” poster. Though not as comprehensive, it shows every SLR and rangefinder the company has made from its inception in the 1930s all the way up to 2010 and the T2i (550D).

18 Feb 23:01

Superdesk Installation

by Baptiste

Mesa do Hobbit

L’agence The Barbarian Group a demandé à Clive Wilkinson Architects de concevoir un bureau avec une plus grande cohérence entre les 125 collègues. Réinventant la fonction de mobilier, Superdesk est une initiative, proposant un seul bureau géant circulant dans l’open-space, créant ainsi un environnement de travail unique.

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