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04 Jan 17:14

More on partition asymptotics

by Qiaochu Yuan

In the previous post we described a fairly straightforward argument, using generating functions and the saddle-point bound, for giving an upper bound

\displaystyle p(n) \le \exp \left( \pi \sqrt{ \frac{2n}{3} } \right)

on the partition function p(n). In this post I’d like to record an elementary argument, making no use of generating functions, giving a lower bound of the form \exp C \sqrt{n} for some C > 0, which might help explain intuitively why this exponential-of-a-square-root rate of growth makes sense.

The starting point is to think of a partition of n as a Young diagram of size n, or equivalently (in French coordinates) as a lattice path from somewhere on the y-axis to somewhere on the x-axis, which only steps down or to the right, such that the area under the path is n. Heuristically, if the path takes a total of L steps then there are about 2^L such paths, and if the area under the path is n then the length of the path should be about O(\sqrt{n}), so this already goes a long way towards explaining the exponential-of-a-square-root behavior.

We can make this argument into a rigorous lower bound as follows. Consider lattice paths beginning at (0, k) and ending at (k, 0) where k is a positive integer to be determined later. Suppose that the steps of the lattice paths alternate between paths of the form (down, right, right, down) and (right, down, down, right), which means that k is even. Then the area under the path is exactly the area of the right triangle it approximates, which is n = \frac{k^2}{2}, and the number of such paths is exactly 2^{\frac{k}{2}}. This gives

\displaystyle p(n) \ge \exp \left( \log 2 \sqrt{ \frac{n}{2} } \right)

whenever n = \frac{k^2}{2}, so we get a lower bound of the form \exp C \sqrt{n} where C = \frac{\log 2}{\sqrt{2}} \approx 0.490, quite a bit worse than the correct value \pi \sqrt{ \frac{2}{3} } \approx 2.565. This bound generalizes to all values of n with only a small loss in the exponent because p(n) is nondecreasing (since the lattice path can continue along the line y = 1 for awhile at the end before hitting the x-axis).

One reason this construction can’t produce a very good bound is that the partitions we get this way do not resemble the “typical” partition, which (as proven by Vershik and explained by David Speyer here) is a suitably scaled version of the curve

\displaystyle \exp \left( - \frac{\pi x}{\sqrt{6}} \right) + \exp \left( - \frac{\pi y}{\sqrt{6}} \right) = 1.

whereas our partitions resemble the curve x + y = 1. With a more convex curve we can afford to make the path longer while fixing the area under it.

So let’s remove the restriction that our curve resemble x + y = 1 as follows. Rather than count p(n) directly, we will count p(1) + \dots + p(n), so the number of lattice paths with area at most n. Since p(n) is increasing, it must be at least \frac{1}{n} times this count. And we have much more freedom to pick a path now that we only need to bound its area rather than find it exactly. We can now take the path to be any Dyck path from (0, k) to (k, 0), of which there are

\displaystyle C_k = \frac{1}{k+1} {2k \choose k} \approx \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi k^3}} 4^k

where C_k denotes the Catalan numbers and the asymptotic can be derived from Stirling’s approximation. The area under a Dyck path is at most n = \frac{k^2}{2}, which gives the lower bound

\displaystyle p(1) + \dots + p \left( \frac{k^2}{2} \right) \ge \frac{1}{k+1} {2k \choose k}

and hence, when n = \frac{k^2}{2} (so that k = \sqrt{2n}),

\displaystyle p(n) = \Omega \left( \frac{1}{n^{7/4}} \exp \left( \log 4 \sqrt{2n} \right) \right)

which (ignoring polynomial factors) is of the from \exp (C \sqrt{n}) where C = 2 \sqrt{2} \log 2 \approx 1.961, a substantial improvement over the previous bound. Although we are now successfully in a regime where our counts include paths of a typical shape, we’re overestimating the area under them, so the bound is still not as good as it could be.

21 Aug 03:22

In Praise of the Gershgorin Disc Theorem

by leinster
MathML-enabled post (click for more details).

I’m revising the notes for the introductory linear algebra class that I teach, and wondering whether I can find a way to fit in the wonderful but curiously unpromoted Gershgorin disc theorem.

The Gershgorin disc theorem is an elementary result that allows you to make very fast deductions about the locations of eigenvalues. For instance, it lets you look at the matrix

(3 i 1 −1 4+5i 2 2 1 −1) \begin{pmatrix} 3 &i &1 \\ -1 &4 + 5i &2 \\ 2 &1 &-1 \end{pmatrix}

and see, with only the most trivial mental arithmetic, that the real parts of its eigenvalues must all lie between −4-4 and 77 and the imaginary parts must lie between −3-3 and 88.

I wasn’t taught this theorem as an undergraduate, and ever since I learned it a few years ago, have wondered why not. I feel ever so slightly resentful about it. The theorem is so useful, and the proof is a pushover. Was it just me? Did you get taught the Gershgorin disc theorem as an undergraduate?

MathML-enabled post (click for more details).

Here’s the statement:

Theorem (Gershgorin) Let A=(a ij)A = (a_{i j}) be a square complex matrix. Then every eigenvalue of AA lies in one of the Gershgorin discs

{z∈ℂ:|z−a ii|≤r i} \{ z \in \mathbb{C} \colon |z - a_{i i}| \leq r_i \}

where r i=∑ j≠i|a ij|r_i = \sum_{j \neq i} |a_{i j}|.

For example, if

A=(3 i 1 −1 4+5i 2 2 1 −1) A = \begin{pmatrix} 3 &i &1 \\ -1 &4 + 5i &2 \\ 2 &1 &-1 \end{pmatrix}

(as above) then the three Gershgorin discs have:

  • centre 33 and radius |i|+|1|=2|i| + |1| = 2,
  • centre 4+5i4 + 5i and radius |−1|+|2|=3|-1| + |2| = 3,
  • centre −1-1 and radius |2|+|1|=3|2| + |1| = 3.

Diagram of three Gershgorin discs

Gershgorin’s theorem says that every eigenvalue lies in the union of these three discs. My statement about real and imaginary parts follows immediately.

Even the proof is pathetically simple. Let λ\lambda be an eigenvalue of AA. Choose a λ\lambda-eigenvector xx, and choose ii so that |x i||x_i| is maximized. Taking the iith coordinate of the equation Ax=λxA x = \lambda x gives

(λ−a ii)x i=∑ j≠ia ijx j. (\lambda - a_{i i})x_i = \sum_{j \neq i} a_{i j} x_j.

Now take the modulus of each side:

|λ−a ii||x i|=|∑ j≠ia ijx j|≤∑ j≠i|a ij||x j|≤(∑ j≠i|a ij|)|x i|=r i|x i| |\lambda - a_{i i}| |x_i| = \left| \sum_{j \neq i} a_{i j} x_j \right| \leq \sum_{j \neq i} |a_{i j}| |x_j| \leq \left( \sum_{j \neq i} |a_{i j}| \right) |x_i| = r_i |x_i|

where to get the inequalities, we used the triangle inequality and then the maximal property of |x i||x_i|. Cancelling |x i||x_i| gives |λ−a ii|≤r i|\lambda - a_{i i}| \leq r_i. And that’s it!

The theorem is often stated with a supplementary part that gives further information about the location of the eigenvalues: if the union of kk of the discs forms a connected-component of the union of all of them, then exactly kk eigenvalues lie within it. In the example shown, this tells us that there’s exactly one eigenvalue in the blue disc at the top right and exactly two eigenvalues in the union of the red and green discs. (But the theorem says nothing about where those two eigenvalues are within that union.) That’s harder to prove, so I can understand why it wouldn’t be taught in a first course.

But the main part is entirely elementary in both its statement and its proof, as well as being immediately useful. As far as that main part is concerned, I’m curious to know: when did you first meet Gershgorin’s disc theorem?

20 Aug 19:40

Holy crap – an actual book!

by Cathy O'Neil, mathbabe

Yo, everyone! The final version of my book now exists, and I have exactly one copy! Here’s my editor, Amanda Cook, holding it yesterday when we met for beers:


Here’s my son holding it:


He’s offered to become a meme in support of book sales.

Here’s the back of the book, with blurbs from really exceptional people:


In other exciting book news, there’s a review by Richard Beales from Reuter’s BreakingViews, and it made a list of new releases in Scientific American as well.


I want to apologize in advance for all the book news I’m going to be blogging, tweeting, and otherwise blabbing about. To be clear, I’ve been told it’s my job for the next few months to be a PR person for my book, so I guess that’s what I’m up to. If you come here for ideas and are turned off by cheerleading, feel free to temporarily hate me, and even unsubscribe to whatever feed I’m in for you!

But please buy my book first, available for pre-order now. And feel free to leave an amazing review.

20 Aug 01:57

Focus: Giant Molecule Made from Two Atoms

by Mark Buchanan

Author(s): Mark Buchanan

Experiments confirm the existence of 1-micrometer-sized molecules made of two cesium atoms by showing that their binding energies agree with predictions.  

[Physics 9, 99] Published Fri Aug 19, 2016

30 Jul 14:41


Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for July 30, 2016 is:

littoral • \LIT-uh-rul\  • adjective

: of, relating to, or situated or growing on or near a shore especially of the sea


The report shows dramatic improvement in the condition of the state's littoral waters since the cleanup effort began.

"But this project will permanently add new sand to the beach and dune system of Dauphin Island's East End, and the new sand will stay in the littoral system for centuries." — Scott Douglass, The Mobile (Alabama) Register, 6 Mar. 2016

Did you know?

You're most likely to encounter littoral in contexts relating to the military and marine sciences. A littoral combat ship is a fast and easily maneuverable combat ship built for use in coastal waters. And in marine ecology, the littoral zone is a coastal zone characterized by abundant dissolved oxygen, sunlight, nutrients, and generally high wave energies and water motion. Littoral can also be found as a noun referring to a coastal region or, more technically, to the shore zone between the high tide and low tide points. The adjective is the older of the two, dating from the mid-17th century; the noun dates from the early 19th century. The word comes to English from Latin litoralis, itself from litor- or litus, meaning "seashore."

28 Jul 01:25

The Most Likely Age of Sex Offenders: They Aren't Old People—They're 14.

by Lenore Skenazy

OffenderMy piece in today's New York Post will probably surprise folks who think the sex offender registry is filled with middle-aged men arrested for luring kids into white vans with the promise of puppies—or even, in a new twist, Pokemon.

But in fact, the most common age that people are charged with a sex offense is 14. That's according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice. Why so young? I explain:

Because people tend to have sex with people around their own age, which means young people tend to have sex with other young people. And much under-age sex is illegal.

So we keep throwing kids on the registry and labeling them sex offenders, as if they're incorrigible monsters. But in Britain, a study recently commissioned by Parliament has recommended a totally different course: Trying to understand, treat and refrain from labeling the kids, since children often "make mistakes as they start to understand their sexuality and experiment with it."

Of course, recognizing that young people experiment would require politicians and law enforcement to also recognize that people can do dumb things, even sexual things, and not be irredeemable monsters. Right now, that's not a big political talking point. 

So instead, over one fourth of the people we label "sex offenders" get that name when they themselves are juveniles. Considering the registry has over 800,000 people on it, we're talking about more than 200,000 people who get put on the list while they are in middle school or high school.

What happens when we turn teens and even tweens into sex offenders?

The punishment and stigma can follow them for years, even decades. A study by Human Rights Watch gave the example of Jacob, a boy found guilty of inappropriately touching his sister when he was 11

Because this got him placed on the sex offender registry, he was not allowed to live near other children, including siblings. So he was sent to live in a juvenile home, and eventually placed with foster parents.

Now 26, Jacob is still on the sex-offender registry, still unable to live near a school, playground or park. (Even though study after study has shown these residency restrictions do not make the public any safer.) Meantime, he has had a hard time finding work, because who wants to hire a sex offender?

And so, concluded Human Rights Watch, "his life continues to be defined by an offense he committed at age 11" — an offense that most likely didn't indicate anything other than a young man in need of guidance.

In my piece, I also describe an incident that happened in New Jersey: Two 14-year-olds pulled down their pants and, disgustingly, sat on two 12-year-olds' faces. Gross. Reprehensible. But the punishment was even moreso.

Under Megan's Law, they are now sex offenders, on the registry…for life. 

An appellate court upheld the sentence in 2011, so both young men will be on the sex-offender registry until they die. As 40-year-olds, heck, as 80-year-olds, they'll be treated as perennial perverts for something they did in junior high.

This is not only horrifying, it flies in the face of what we have learned about sex offenders (and not just the young ones), which is that contrary to public perception, the vast majority of people on the registry never offend again.

In short: Not only is the age that people get on the registry appalling, but so is the registry itself, which has been shown over and over again not to make our kids any safer.

The sex offender laws keep getting more extreme and over-reaching, because pointless excess is an easy way for politicians to act as if they care about kids and safety…while actually ruining people's lives. Including a lot of 14-year-olds.

23 Jul 20:46

Tired Hand

by (Atrios)
Sometimes the ones from Virginia can surprise.

“Once again, the Virginia Supreme Court has placed Virginia as an outlier in the struggle for civil and human rights. It is a disgrace that the Republican leadership of Virginia would file a lawsuit to deny more than 200,000 of their own citizens the right to vote. And I cannot accept that this overtly political action could succeed in suppressing the voices of many thousands of men and women who had rejoiced with their families earlier this year when their rights were restored.

“Forty states give citizens who have made mistakes and paid their debt to society a straightforward process for restoring voting rights. I remain committed to moving past our Commonwealth’s history of injustice to embrace an honest process for restoring the rights of our citizens, and I believe history and the vast majority of Virginians are on our side.

“Despite the Court’s ruling, we have the support of the state’s four leading constitutional experts, including A.E. Dick Howard, who drafted the current Virginia Constitution. They are convinced that our action is within the constitutional authority granted to the Office of the Governor.

“The men and women whose voting rights were restored by my executive action should not be alarmed. I will expeditiously sign nearly 13,000 individual orders to restore the fundamental rights of the citizens who have had their rights restored and registered to vote. And I will continue to sign orders until I have completed restoration for all 200,000 Virginians. My faith remains strong in all of our citizens to choose their leaders, and I am prepared to back up that faith with my executive pen. The struggle for civil rights has always been a long and difficult one, but the fight goes on.”

23 Jul 20:26

Ioannidis: “Evidence-Based Medicine Has Been Hijacked”

by Andrew

The celebrated medical-research reformer has a new paper (sent to me by Keith O’Rourke; official published version here), where he writes:

As EBM [evidence-based medicine] became more influential, it was also hijacked to serve agendas different from what it originally aimed for. Influential randomized trials are largely done by and for the benefit of the industry. Meta-analyses and guidelines have become a factory, mostly also serving vested interests. National and federal research funds are funneled almost exclusively to research with little relevance to health outcomes. We have supported the growth of principal investigators who excel primarily as managers absorbing more money.

He continues:

Diagnosis and prognosis research and efforts to individualize treatment have fueled recurrent spurious promises. Risk factor epidemiology has excelled in salami-sliced data-dredged papers with gift authorship and has become adept to dictating policy from spurious evidence. Under market pressure, clinical medicine has been transformed to finance-based medicine. In many places, medicine and health care are wasting societal resources and becoming a threat to human well-being. Science denialism and quacks are also flourishing and leading more people astray in their life choices, including health.

And concludes:

EBM still remains an unmet goal, worthy to be attained.

Read the whole damn thing.

The post Ioannidis: “Evidence-Based Medicine Has Been Hijacked” appeared first on Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science.

21 Jul 15:09


"Or maybe, because we're suddenly having so many conversations through written text, we'll start relying MORE on altered spelling to indicate meaning!" "Wat."
16 Jul 17:12

Do we need IRBs for IRBs? And should they be for-profit?

by Tyler Cowen


“These are black boxes,” said Dr. Steven Joffe, a pediatric oncologist and bioethicist of the University of Pennsylvania, who serves on the FDA’s Pediatric Ethics Committee. “IRBs as a rule are incredibly difficult to study. Their processes are opaque, they don’t publicize what they do. There is no public record of their decision or deliberations, they don’t, as a rule, invite scrutiny or allow themselves to be observed. They ought to be accountable for the work they do.”

That is part of a longer and very interesting article on whether IRBs should be for-profit, or if we even at this point have a choice:

“This shift to commercial IRBs is, in effect, over,” said Caplan, who heads the division of bioethics at New York University Langone Medical Center. “It’s automatic and it’s not going back.”

Institutional review boards — which review all research that involves human participants — have undergone a quiet revolution in recent years, with many drug companies strongly encouraging researchers to use commercial boards, considered by many more efficient than their nonprofit counterparts.

Commercial IRBs now oversee an estimated 70 percent of US clinical trials for drugs and medical devices. The industry has also consolidated, with larger IRBs buying smaller ones, and even private equity firms coming along and buying the companies. Arsenal Capital Partners, for example, now owns WIRB-Copernicus Group.

But even if the tide has already turned, the debate over commercial review boards — and whether they can serve as human subject safety nets, responsible for protecting the hundreds of thousands of people who enroll in clinical trials each year — continues to swirl.

I am not well-informed in this area, but if you refer back to the first paragraph, perhaps nobody is.  That’s worrying.

For the pointer I thank Michelle Dawson.

The post Do we need IRBs for IRBs? And should they be for-profit? appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

04 Jul 12:55

The Myth of Cosmopolitanism

by (Deric Bownds)
I pass on the initial paragraphs of Douthat's excellent Op-Ed piece in Sunday's NYTimes. It it well worth a read:
NOW that populist rebellions are taking Britain out of the European Union and the Republican Party out of contention for the presidency, perhaps we should speak no more of left and right, liberals and conservatives. From now on the great political battles will be fought between nationalists and internationalists, nativists and globalists. From now on the loyalties that matter will be narrowly tribal — Make America Great Again, this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England — or multicultural and cosmopolitan.
Well, maybe. But describing the division this way has one great flaw. It gives the elite side of the debate (the side that does most of the describing) too much credit for being truly cosmopolitan.
Genuine cosmopolitanism is a rare thing. It requires comfort with real difference, with forms of life that are truly exotic relative to one’s own. It takes its cue from a Roman playwright’s line that “nothing human is alien to me,” and goes outward ready to be transformed by what it finds.
The people who consider themselves “cosmopolitan” in today’s West, by contrast, are part of a meritocratic order that transforms difference into similarity, by plucking the best and brightest from everywhere and homogenizing them into the peculiar species that we call “global citizens.”
This species is racially diverse (within limits) and eager to assimilate the fun-seeming bits of foreign cultures — food, a touch of exotic spirituality. But no less than Brexit-voting Cornish villagers, our global citizens think and act as members of a tribe.
They have their own distinctive worldview (basically liberal Christianity without Christ), their own common educational experience, their own shared values and assumptions (social psychologists call these WEIRD — for Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic), and of course their own outgroups (evangelicals, Little Englanders) to fear, pity and despise. And like any tribal cohort they seek comfort and familiarity: From London to Paris to New York, each Western “global city” (like each “global university”) is increasingly interchangeable, so that wherever the citizen of the world travels he already feels at home.
The ending lines:
They can’t see that paeans to multicultural openness can sound like self-serving cant coming from open-borders Londoners who love Afghan restaurants but would never live near an immigrant housing project, or American liberals who hail the end of whiteness while doing everything possible to keep their kids out of majority-minority schools.
They can’t see that their vision of history’s arc bending inexorably away from tribe and creed and nation-state looks to outsiders like something familiar from eras past: A powerful caste’s self-serving explanation for why it alone deserves to rule the world.
04 Jul 12:51

Why the LHC is such a disappointment: A delusion by name “naturalness”

by Sabine Hossenfelder
Naturalness, according to physicists.

Before the LHC turned on, theoretical physicists had high hopes the collisions would reveal new physics besides the Higgs. The chances of that happening get smaller by the day. The possibility still exists, but the absence of new physics so far has already taught us an important lesson: Nature isn’t natural. At least not according to theoretical physicists.

The reason that many in the community expected new physics at the LHC was the criterion of naturalness. Naturalness, in general, is the requirement that a theory should not contain dimensionless numbers that are either very large or very small. If that is so, then theorists will complain the numbers are “finetuned” and regard the theory as contrived and hand-made, not to say ugly.

Technical naturalness (originally proposed by ‘t Hooft) is a formalized version of naturalness which is applied in the context of effective field theories in particular. Since you can convert any number much larger than one into a number much smaller than one by taking its inverse, it’s sufficient to consider small numbers in the following. A theory is technically natural if all suspiciously small numbers are protected by a symmetry. The standard model is technically natural, except for the mass of the Higgs.

The Higgs is the only (fundamental) scalar we know and, unlike all the other particles, its mass receives quantum corrections of the order of the cutoff of the theory. The cutoff is assumed to be close by the Planck energy – that means the estimated mass is 15 orders of magnitude larger than the observed mass. This too-large mass of the Higgs could be remedied simply by subtracting a similarly large term. This term however would have to be delicately chosen so that it almost, but not exactly, cancels the huge Planck-scale contribution. It would hence require finetuning.

In the framework of effective field theories, a theory that is not natural is one that requires a lot of finetuning at high energies to get the theory at low energies to work out correctly. The degree of finetuning can, and has been, quantified in various measures of naturalness. Finetuning is thought of as unacceptable because the theory at high energy is presumed to be more fundamental. The physics we find at low energies, so the argument, should not be highly sensitive to the choice we make for that more fundamental theory.

Until a few years ago, most high energy particle theorists therefore would have told you that the apparent need to finetuning the Higgs mass means that new physics must appear nearby the energy scale where the Higgs will be produced. The new physics, for example supersymmetry, would avoid the finetuning.

There’s a standard tale they have about the use of naturalness arguments, which goes somewhat like this:

1) The electron mass isn’t natural in classical electrodynamics, and if one wants to avoid finetuning this means new physics has to appear at around 70 MeV. Indeed, new physics appears even earlier in form of the positron, rendering the electron mass technically natural.

2) The difference between the masses of the neutral and charged pion is not natural because it’s suspiciously small. To prevent fine-tuning one estimates new physics must appear around 700 MeV, and indeed it shows up in form of the rho meson.

3) The lack of flavor changing neutral currents in the standard model means that a parameter which could a priori have been anything must be very small. To avoid fine-tuning, the existence of the charm quark is required. And indeed, the charm quark shows up in the estimated energy range.

From these three examples only the last one was an actual prediction (Glashow, Iliopoulos, and Maiani, 1970). To my knowledge this is the only prediction that technical naturalness has ever given rise to – the other two examples are post-dictions.

Not exactly a great score card.

But well, given that the standard model – in hindsight – obeys this principle, it seems reasonable enough to extrapolate it to the Higgs mass. Or does it? Seeing that the cosmological constant, the only other known example where the Planck mass comes in, isn’t natural either, I am not very convinced.

A much larger problem with naturalness is that it’s a circular argument and thus a merely aesthetic criterion. Or, if you prefer, a philosophic criterion. You cannot make a statement about the likeliness of an occurrence without a probability distribution. And that distribution already necessitates a choice.

In the currently used naturalness arguments, the probability distribution is assumed to be uniform (or at least approximately uniform) in a range that can be normalized to one by dividing through suitable powers of the cutoff. Any other type of distribution, say, one that is sharply peaked around small values, would require the introduction of such a small value in the distribution already. But such a small value justifies itself by the probability distribution just like a number close to one justifies itself by its probability distribution.

Naturalness, hence, becomes a chicken-and-egg problem: Put in the number one, get out the number one. Put in 0.00004, get out 0.00004. The only way to break that circle is to just postulate that some number is somehow better than all other numbers.

The number one is indeed a special number in that it’s the unit element of the multiplication group. One can try to exploit this to come up with a mechanism that prefers a uniform distribution with an approximate width of one by introducing a probability distribution on the space of probability distributions, leading to a recursion relation. But that just leaves one to explain why that mechanism.

Another way to see that this can’t solve the problem is that any such mechanism will depend on the basis in the space of functions. Eg, you could try to single out a probability distribution by asking that it’s the same as its Fourier-transformation. But the Fourier-transformation is just one of infinitely many basis transformations in the space of functions. So again, why exactly this one?

Or you could try to introduce a probability distribution on the space of transformations among bases of probability distributions, and so on. Indeed I’ve played around with this for some while. But in the end you are always left with an ambiguity, either you have to choose the distribution, or the basis, or the transformation. It’s just pushing around the bump under the carpet.

The basic reason there’s no solution to this conundrum is that you’d need another theory for the probability distribution, and that theory per assumption isn’t part of the theory for which you want the distribution. (It’s similar to the issue with the meta-law for time-varying fundamental constants, in case you’re familiar with this argument.)

In any case, whether you buy my conclusion or not, it should give you a pause that high energy theorists don’t ever address the question where the probability distribution comes from. Suppose there indeed was a UV-complete theory of everything that predicted all the parameters in the standard model. Why then would you expect the parameters to be stochastically distributed to begin with?

This lacking probability distribution, however, isn’t my main issue with naturalness. Let’s just postulate that the distribution is uniform and admit it’s an aesthetic criterion, alrighty then. My main issue with naturalness is that it’s a fundamentally nonsensical criterion.

Any theory that we can conceive of which describes nature correctly must necessarily contain hand-picked assumptions which we have chosen “just” to fit observations. If that wasn’t so, all we’d have left to pick assumptions would be mathematical consistency, and we’d end up in Tegmark’s mathematical universe. In the mathematical universe then, we’d no longer have to choose a consistent theory, ok. But we’d instead have to figure out where we are, and that’s the same question in green.

All our theories contain lots of assumptions like Hilbert-spaces and Lie-algebras and Haussdorf measures and so on. For none of these is there any explanation other than “it works.” In the space of all possible mathematics, the selection of this particular math is infinitely fine-tuned already – and it has to be, for otherwise we’d be lost again in Tegmark space.

The mere idea that we can justify the choice of assumptions for our theories in any other way than requiring them to reproduce observations is logical mush. The existing naturalness arguments single out a particular type of assumption – parameters that take on numerical values – but what’s worse about this hand-selected assumption than any other hand-selected assumption?

This is not to say that naturalness is always a useless criterion. It can be applied in cases where one knows the probability distribution, for example for the typical distances between stars or the typical quantum fluctuation in the early universe, etc. I also suspect that it is possible to find an argument for the naturalness of the standard model that does not necessitate to postulate a probability distribution, but I am not aware of one.

It’s somewhat of a mystery to me why naturalness has become so popular in theoretical high energy physics. I’m happy to see it go out of the window now. Keep your eyes open in the next couple of years and you’ll witness that turning point in the history of science when theoretical physicists stopped dictating nature what’s supposedly natural.
01 Jul 15:12

Imagine How Bad It Would Be Without The Bombing

by (Atrios)
Occasionally I tangle with some of the "bomb everything in the name of humanitarianism" crowd. The ones who sort of know what they're talking about, in that they at least can find some of these places on the map, always ultimately justify their favorite solution to every problem by suggesting that things would be a lot worse if we didn't pour grease on the kitchen fire. The rules are that if we don't bomb enough things are our "fault." Why do you love death and economic misery, hippie? If we do bomb enough (though can you ever really bomb enough?) then things are not our fault. The ungrateful recipients of our care packages just don't understand the joy in loving freedom bombs. Actually helping people - real sustained humanitarian aid, helping refugees - is just silly hippie stuff that we couldn't possibly do. Also, you're a big racist for not wanting to bomb people.

Sometimes they go full neocon and just argue that if we don't prove that we have the biggest most frightening dick on a daily basis then the world will collapse, but mostly they're just thinking of the children and how best to help them. With our bombs.

This was a very mean post that probably hurt the feefees of those people who really just want to bomb children for their own good. That was very uncivil of me, and my tone makes me a very unserious person.
29 Jun 19:01

Embodied Prediction - perception and mind turned upside down

by (Deric Bownds)
Andy Clark does a fascinating discussion and analysis of predictive processing, which turns the traditional picture of perception on its head. The embodied mind model, which seems to me completely compelling, shows the stark inadequacy of most brain centered models of mind and cognition. I pass on the end of his introduction and the closing paragraph of the essay. (This essay is just one of many on a fascinating website , Open Mind, that has posted 39 essays (edited by Thomas Metzinger and Jennifer Windt) by contributors who are both junior and senior members of the academic philosophy of mind field.
Predictive processing plausibly represents the last and most radical step in a retreat from the passive, input-dominated view of the flow of neural processing. According to this emerging class of models, naturally intelligent systems (humans and other animals) do not passively await sensory stimulation. Instead, they are constantly active, trying to predict the streams of sensory stimulation before they arrive. Before an “input” arrives on the scene, these pro-active cognitive systems are already busy predicting its most probable shape and implications. Systems like this are already (and almost constantly) poised to act, and all they need to process are any sensed deviations from the predicted state. It is these calculated deviations from predicted states (known as prediction errors) that thus bear much of the information-processing burden, informing us of what is salient and newsworthy within the dense sensory barrage. The extensive use of top-down probabilistic prediction here provides an effective means of avoiding the kinds of “representational bottleneck” feared by early opponents of representation-heavy—but feed-forward dominated—forms of processing. Instead, the downward flow of prediction now does most of the computational “heavy-lifting”, allowing moment-by-moment processing to focus only on the newsworthy departures signified by salient prediction errors. Such economy and preparedness is biologically attractive, and neatly sidesteps the many processing bottlenecks associated with more passive models of the flow of information.
Action itself...then needs to be reconceived. Action is not so much a response to an input as a neat and efficient way of selecting the next “input”, and thereby driving a rolling cycle. These hyperactive systems are constantly predicting their own upcoming states, and actively moving so as to bring some of them into being. We thus act so as to bring forth the evolving streams of sensory information that keep us viable (keeping us fed, warm, and watered) and that serve our increasingly recondite ends. PP thus implements a comprehensive reversal of the traditional (bottom-up, forward-flowing) schema. The largest contributor to ongoing neural response, if PP is correct, is the ceaseless anticipatory buzz of downwards-flowing neural prediction that drives both perception and action. Incoming sensory information is just one further factor perturbing those restless pro-active seas. Within those seas, percepts and actions emerge via a recurrent cascade of sub-personal predictions forged from unconscious expectations spanning multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Conceptually, this implies a striking reversal, in that the driving sensory signal is really just providing corrective feedback on the emerging top-down predictions. As ever-active prediction engines, these kinds of minds are not, fundamentally, in the business of solving puzzles given to them as inputs. Rather, they are in the business of keeping us one step ahead of the game, poised to act and actively eliciting the sensory flows that keep us viable and fulfilled. If this is on track, then just about every aspect of the passive forward-flowing model is false. We are not passive cognitive couch potatoes so much as proactive predictavores, forever trying to stay one step ahead of the incoming waves of sensory stimulation.
Conclusion: Towards a mature science of the embodied mind
By self-organizing around prediction error, and by learning a generative rather than a merely discriminative (i.e., pattern-classifying) model, these approaches realize many of the goals of previous work in artificial neural networks, robotics, dynamical systems theory, and classical cognitive science. They self-organize around prediction error signals, perform unsupervised learning using a multi-level architecture, and acquire a satisfying grip—courtesy of the problem decompositions enabled by their hierarchical form—upon structural relations within a domain. They do this, moreover, in ways that are firmly grounded in the patterns of sensorimotor experience that structure learning, using continuous, non-linguaform, inner encodings (probability density functions and probabilistic inference). Precision-based restructuring of patterns of effective connectivity then allow us to nest simplicity within complexity, and to make as much (or as little) use of body and world as task and context dictate. This is encouraging. It might even be that models in this broad ballpark offer us a first glimpse of the shape of a fundamental and unified science of the embodied mind.
29 Jun 18:09

Role of the Membrane for Mechanosensing by Tethered Channels

by Benedikt Sabass and Howard A. Stone

Author(s): Benedikt Sabass and Howard A. Stone

A tiny conical deformation in a channel embedded in a lipid membrane can give rise to a significant energy release when the channel opens.

[Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 258101] Published Mon Jun 20, 2016

06 Jun 16:29

Andrew Cuomo's Executive Order on Israel Boycott Is Brazenly Autocratic

by Robby Soave

CuomoLamenting that the legislative process is too "tedious," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order Sunday that will punish private firms for engaging in anti-Israel activism. 

It's an outrageous move for the Democratic governor, and runs counter to the principles of free speech and free expression. This is a sort of government-enacted censorship, conducted without any input from a legislative body. 

"I am signing an executive order that says very clearly we are against the BDS movement," Cuomo wrote on Twitter. "If you boycott Israel, New York will boycott you." 

BDS refers to the movement to "boycott, divest from, and sanction" the state of Israel for its alleged mistreatment of the Palestinians. Anti-Israel activists want both private firms and the government to refuse to do business with Israel, or profit from institutions that do. The movement has strength on college campuses, where it continuously puts pressure on university administrations to take a stand against Israel. 

This displeases the governor of New York. 

"This BDS movement is an economic attack and generating a corporate enemy to Israel," he said. "We cannot allow that to happen." 

He made the announcement during a speech to Jewish leaders on Sunday. According to The New York Times, it empowers the government to compile a list of firms that support BDS. State agencies will be prohibited from doing business with any company on the list. 

According to the executive order, Mr. Cuomo will command the commissioner of the Office of General Services to devise a list over the next six months of businesses and groups engaged in any "boycott, divestment or sanctions activity targeting Israel, either directly or through a parent or subsidiary." 

The list will be compiled from "credible information available to the public," according to the order, and subject to appeal by the companies and entities included on it. Once the designation process is completed, however, all executive-branch agencies and departments — which make up a large portion of state government — as well as public boards, authorities, commissions and all public-benefit corporations will be required to divest themselves of any company on the list. 

Cuomo did not bother asking the legislature to approve this scheme. Passing legislation "can often be a tedious affair," he remarked. Ah, the democratic law-making process: so inconvenient for autocrats. 

And make no mistake: this is a brazenly autocratic move on Cuomo's part. Unilaterally deciding that private businesses will be punished for failing to hold political opinions deemed favorable by the government is wholly illiberal. Companies should be able to engage in political activity—to support, or decline to support, various movements—without fearing retaliation from the government. 

Supporters of the order will point out that it only applies to dealings between private businesses and the government—it doesn't prohibit BDS-supportive companies from doing business with non-state agencies. It's true that the government's dealings are, in some sense, everyone's concern—our taxes fund them—and citizens deserve a say in how their tax dollars are spent. If they really want to de-legitimize the BDS movement via government means, they should petition their legislators to consider the matter. But Cuomo's executive order, which was enacted without any legislative oversight, or direction from the citizens, is pure McCarthyism. 

Lastly, I'll note that several left-leaning critics of the executive order questioned whether any so-called free speech absolutists would condemn Cuomo.  

"Western governments are literally outlawing BDS activism with little objection from newfound free speech crusaders," wrote Glenn Greenwald. 

Greenwald (and others) believe "free speech crusaders" turn a blind eye to censorship when the allies of Israel are the censors. I'm sure this is true in some cases—I'm willing to believe that conservative anti-censorship folks, in particular, overlook such things because they are partial to Israel.

In any case, let it not be said that this free speech crusader was silent. Everyone should condemn Cuomo's authoritarian streak, because government-enacted suppression of political speech is the most dangerous kind of censorship.

27 May 05:32

Digital physics and "Gandy-like" machines

by Robin Saunders

For the mill.

Various physicists, famously John Wheeler, have asserted that physical information is the central object of study in physics, in the sense that an object or concept is "physically meaningful" if it makes a difference to the information that can be extracted from (actual or hypothetical) physical experiments. For example, gauge transformations are "unphysical" in this sense.

Some have gone further and proposed that the Universe is "computational in essence": that, at the most fundamental level, it consists of the processing of information according to fixed rules; see e.g. the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's article "Computation in Physical Systems" and Wikipedia's article on digital physics.

I am trying to understand the possible interpretation and coherence of this proposal.

Robin Gandy, in "Church's Thesis and principles for mechanisms", formulated a broad model for parallel computation subject to "locality" constraints. The model subsumes Turing machines and cellular automata, and is given in terms of hereditarily finite sets, although John Byrnes and Wilfried Sieg have recast it in terms of locally finite labelled graphs, in "A graphical presentation of Gandy's parallel machines".

Since the information processing in a Gandy machine is local, it seems plausible to me that this formulation is already consistent with relativity; if not, I can't imagine it being difficult to modify the definitions to make them so.

The "pancomputationalist" proposal might then be formalized as claiming that the Universe is (equivalent to) a "Gandy-like" machine. My question is: Is it possible for this proposal to be consistent with current physical observations? More precisely, are there any known obstacles to the possibility that some Gandy-like machine, with certain initial conditions, could exhibit "large-scale" behaviour consistent with current physical models? I am aware of several possible objections:

  1. The Church-Turing thesis may be false, in that there could be physical systems ("hypercomputers") capable of performing computational supertasks. An example is given by Oron Shagrir and Itamar Pitowsky in "Physical Hypercomputation and the Church-Turing Thesis". Whether such a device is physically possible is obviously unknown, but if so it would refute the proposal.

  2. Bell's theorem essentially* rules out local hidden variables, so the proposed "locality" of computation may not correspond simply to locality in spacetime (*another possibility is to reject counterfactual definiteness; this position is known as superdeterminism).

  3. Even the state of a simple quantum mechanical system resides in a Hilbert space and so contains an infinite amount of classical information. That said, the amount of information which may actually be extracted from a system (and is hence "physically meaningful") is finite. In particular, there is a bound due to Jacob Bekenstein which arises when considering thermodynamics together with general relativity. It states that the entropy (or, to my understanding, "classical information") enclosed in a region of space is bounded from above by the surface area of the region.

I have tagged this question as soft since it may not have a definite answer; nevertheless I would find relevant literature and discussion very useful.

Some may contend that this question belongs on physics.stackexchange rather than here; however, my perspective is that the question - at least, the more precise version of it stated above - is ultimately a mathematical one.

24 May 23:01

An Autonomous, Software-Based Venture Capital Fund Just Raised $163 Million. It's the Largest Crowdfunding Campaign in History.

by Jim Epstein

Welcome to the strange (and exciting) new world of blockchain-based finance: A so-called Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) has raised $163 million so far, making it the largest crowdfunding campaign in history by a wide margin.

The DAO is a venture capital fund for startups. Investors in the DAO receive tokens that give them voting rights over how the money will be dispersed. But there's no legal staff or management team providing oversight; the project will be carried out through code.

This is possible thanks to two breakthroughs in computer science introduced with Bitcoin. First is programmable money. In the case of the DAO, the cryptocurrency "ether," which has similar properties to Bitcoin, can be set to transfer automatically between parties based on an algorithm. For example, if enough shareholders in the DAO vote to invest in a startup, the funds transfer automatically to the startup. The precise conditions can be stipulated in code instead of a written contract. No lawyers or bankers required.

The second breakthrough is the concept of the blockchain, which is a shared file that lives simultaneously on computers all over the world and is constantly updated. So investors in the DAO don't have to trust any single person or company to maintain—and not tamper with—the underlying software that controls their money. Duplicate copies of the DAO's code exist all over the world. (The DAO lives on the Ethereum blockchain, which is similar to Bitcoin but designed to host more sophisticated programs.)

It's noteworthy that the DAO raised all this money during the very same week that new rules took effect legalizing so-called equity crowdfunding, in which small investors can kick in investments of under $2,000 and still get a piece of the company.

This was a longtime coming. Equity crowdfunding was part of the 2012 U.S. Jobs Act, but it took government lawyers four years to figure out how to regulate it. Along the way, the Securities and Exchange Commission produced a 585-page document on the subject.

The DAO gives us equity crowdfunding without the rules, bureaucracy, or the government's stamp of approval. So is it legal? That's not entirely clear, but there also may be no way for federal regulators to stop it.

For more on that topic, watch my recent story on Brooklyn-based Consensys, which is the leading developer of applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

Bonus article: Augur May Become the Greatest Gambling Platform in History. Is There Anything the Government Can Do to Stop It?

Bonus video: Want to Buy Stock in Your Corner Bistro? The Government Opens Venture Capital Markets to the Masses

21 May 00:46

Inequality on airplanes predicts air rage [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]

by DeCelles, K. A., Norton, M. I.
We posit that the modern airplane is a social microcosm of class-based society, and that the increasing incidence of “air rage” can be understood through the lens of inequality. Research on inequality typically examines the effects of relatively fixed, macrostructural forms of inequality, such as socioeconomic status; we examine how...
21 May 00:12

Demotion of science ministry angers beleaguered Brazilian researchers

by Claudio Angelo

Demotion of science ministry angers beleaguered Brazilian researchers

Nature 533, 7603 (2016).

Author: Claudio Angelo

New President Michel Temer — who replaces impeached Dilma Rousseff — is fusing the science and telecommunications ministries. 

20 May 00:44

Symmetry Breaking in Pedestrian Dynamics. (arXiv:1605.05437v1 [physics.soc-ph])

by Nickolas A. Morton, Shaun C. Hendy

When two pedestrians travelling in opposite directions approach one another, each must decide on which side (the left or the right) they will attempt to pass. If both make the same choice then passing can be completed with ease, while if they make opposite choices an embarrassing stand-off or collision can occur. Pedestrians who encounter each other frequently can establish "social norms" that bias this decision. In this study we investigate the effect of binary decision-making by pedestrians when passing on the dynamics of pedestrian flows in order to study the emergence of a social norm in crowds with a mixture of individual biases. Such a situation may arise, for instance, when individuals from different communities mix at a large sporting event or at transport hubs. We construct a phase diagram that shows that a social norm can still emerge provided pedestrians are sufficiently attentive to the choices of others in the crowd. We show that this collective behaviour has the potential to greatly influence the dynamics of pedestrians, including the breaking of symmetry by the formation of lanes.

20 May 00:43

Reconstruction of Ordinary Differential Equations From Time Series Data. (arXiv:1605.05420v1 [])

by Manuel Mai, Mark D. Shattuck, Corey S. O'Hern

We develop a numerical method to reconstruct systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from time series data without {\it a priori} knowledge of the underlying ODEs using sparse basis learning and sparse function reconstruction. We show that employing sparse representations provides more accurate ODE reconstruction compared to least-squares reconstruction techniques for a given amount of time series data. We test and validate the ODE reconstruction method on known 1D, 2D, and 3D systems of ODEs. The 1D system possesses two stable fixed points; the 2D system possesses an oscillatory fixed point with closed orbits; and the 3D system displays chaotic dynamics on a strange attractor. We determine the amount of data required to achieve an error in the reconstructed functions to less than $0.1\%$. For the reconstructed 1D and 2D systems, we are able to match the trajectories from the original ODEs even at long times. For the 3D system with chaotic dynamics, as expected, the trajectories from the original and reconstructed systems do not match at long times, but the reconstructed and original models possess similar Lyapunov exponents. Now that we have validated this ODE reconstruction method on known models, it can be employed in future studies to identify new systems of ODEs using time series data from deterministic systems for which there is no currently known ODE model.

17 May 13:25

A Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Network with Only One Neuron in the Hidden Layer Can Approximate Any Univariate Function

by Namig J. Guliyev
Neural Computation, Volume 28, Issue 7, Page 1289-1304, July 2016.
16 May 16:51

Laser Products

14 May 17:34

Eisenhower, LeMay, Nimitz: "Hiroshima bombing unnecessary"

by Minnesotastan
"All the watches found in the ground zero were stopped at 8:15 am, the time of the explosion."
President Obama's planned trip to Hiroshima has triggered a series of memorial articles, some of them revisiting the question of the necessity of the bombings.
In a 1963 interview on the use of the atomic bomb against Hiroshima, President Dwight D. Eisenhower bluntly declared that “…it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”...

Eisenhower was even more specific in his memoirs, writing that when he was informed by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson the bomb was about to be used against Japan “…I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives…”

Eisenhower was not alone. Many of the top military leaders, mostly conservatives, went public after World War II with similar judgments. The President’s chief of staff, William D. Leahy–the five-star admiral who presided over meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff–noted in his diary seven weeks before the bombing of Hiroshima: “It is my opinion that at the present time a surrender of Japan can be arranged with terms that can be accepted by Japan and that will make fully satisfactory provision for America’s defense against future trans-Pacific aggression.”...

Just a few weeks after the bombing, the famous “hawk” who led the Twenty-First Bomber Command, Major General Curtis E. LeMay, stated publicly that “The war would have been over in two weeks without the Russians entering and without the atomic bomb…the atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.”...

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet stated publicly two months after Hiroshima: “The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace before the atomic age was announced to the world with the destruction of Hiroshima and before the Russian entry into the war.” “The atomic bomb,” he stated “played no decisive part, from a purely military standpoint, in the defeat of Japan….”
More at the Salon article.  The counterargument (and the dominant justificatioin in American history articles) is that dropping the bomb saved lives by ending the war early.  That viewpoint persists to this day. Those who disagree and would like to argue with Eisenhower, Nimitz, and LeMay are welcome to do so in the Comments.  

Photo via Fogonazos, where there is a gallery of images, many NSFW.
13 May 17:33

E8 as the Symmetries of a PDE

by huerta

I'm terrible at PDEs and don't understand them, but this seems pretty awesome anyway.

MathML-enabled post (click for more details).

My friend Dennis The recently gave a new description of the Lie algebra of E 8\mathrm{E}_8 (as well as all the other complex simple Lie algebras, except 𝔰𝔩(2,ℂ)\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{C})) as the symmetries of a system of partial differential equations. Even better, when he writes down his PDE explicitly, the exceptional Jordan algebra makes an appearance, as we will see.

This is a story with deep roots: it goes back to two very different models for the Lie algebra of G 2\mathrm{G}_2, one due to Cartan and one due to Engel, which were published back-to-back in 1893. Dennis figured out how these two results are connected, and then generalized the whole story to nearly every simple Lie algebra, including E 8\mathrm{E}_8.

MathML-enabled post (click for more details).

Let’s begin with that model of G 2\mathrm{G}_2 due to Cartan: the Lie algebra 𝔤 2\mathfrak{g}_2 is formed by the infinitesimal symmetries of the system of PDE u xx=13(u yy) 3,u xy=12(u yy) 2. u_{x x} = \frac{1}{3} (u_{y y})^3, \quad u_{x y} = \frac{1}{2} (u_{y y})^2 . What does it mean to be an infintesimal symmetry of a PDE? To understand this, we need to see how PDE can be realized geometrically, using jet bundles.

A jet bundle over ℂ 2\mathbb{C}^2 is a bundle whose sections are given by holomorphic functions u:ℂ 2→ℂ u \colon \mathbb{C}^2 \to \mathbb{C} and their partials, up to some order. Since we have a 2nd order PDE, we need the 2nd jet bundle: J 2(ℂ 2,ℂ) ↓ ℂ 2 \begin{matrix} J^2(\mathbb{C}^2, \mathbb{C}) \\ \downarrow \\ \mathbb{C}^2 \end{matrix} This is actually the trivial bundle whose total space is ℂ 8\mathbb{C}^8, but we label the coordinates suggestively: J 2(ℂ 2,ℂ)={(x,y,u,u x,u y,u xx,u xy,u yy)∈ℂ 8}. J^2(\mathbb{C}^2, \mathbb{C}) = \left\{ (x,y,u,u_x,u_y, u_{x x}, u_{x y}, u_{y y}) \in \mathbb{C}^8 \right\} . The bundle projection just picks out (x,y)(x,y).

For the moment, u xu_x, u yu_y and so on are just the names of some extra coordinates and have nothing to do with derivatives. To relate them, we choose some distinguished 1-forms on J 2J^2, called the contact 1-forms, spanned by holomorphic combinations of θ 1 = du−u xdx−u ydy, θ 2 = du x−u xxdx−u xydy, θ 3 = du y−u xydx−u yydy. \begin{array}{rcl} \theta_1 & = & d u - u_x d x - u_y d y, \\ \theta_2 & = & d u_x - u_{x x} d x - u_{x y} d y, \\ \theta_3 & = & d u_y - u_{x y} d x - u_{y y} d y . \end{array} These are chosen so that, if our suggestively named variables really were partials, these 1-forms would vanish.

For any holomorphic function u:ℂ 2→ℂ u \colon \mathbb{C}^2 \to \mathbb{C} we get a section j 2uj^2 u of J 2J^2, called the prolongation of uu. It simply takes those variables that we named after the partial derivatives seriously, and gives us the actual partial derivatives of uu in those slots: (j 2u)(x,y)=(x,y,u(x,y),u x(x,y),u y(x,y),u xx(x,y),u xy(x,y),u yy(x,y)). (j^2 u) (x,y) = (x, y, u(x,y), u_x(x,y), u_y(x,y), u_{x x}(x,y), u_{x y}(x,y), u_{y y}(x,y) ) . Conversely, an arbitrary section ss of J 2J^2 is the prolongation of some uu if and only if it annihilates the contact 1-forms. Since contact 1-forms are spanned by θ 1\theta_1, θ 2\theta_2 and θ 3\theta_3, it suffices that: s *θ 1=0,s *θ 2=0,s *θ 3=0. s^\ast \theta_1 = 0, \quad s^\ast \theta_2 = 0, \quad s^\ast \theta_3 = 0 . Such sections are called holonomic. This correspondence between prolongations and holonomic sections is the key to thinking about jet bundles.

Our PDE u xx=13(u yy) 3,u xy=12(u yy) 2 u_{x x} = \frac{1}{3} (u_{y y})^3, \quad u_{x y} = \frac{1}{2} (u_{y y})^2 carves out a submanifold SS of J 2J^2. Solutions correspond to local holonomic sections that land in SS. In general, PDE give us submanifolds of jet spaces.

The external symmetries of our PDE are those diffeomorphisms of J 2J^2 that send contact 1-forms to contact 1-forms and send SS to itself. The infinitesimal external symmetries are vector fields that preserve SS and the contact 1-forms. There are also things called internal symmetries, but I won’t need them here.

So now we’re ready for:

Amazing theorem 1. The infinitesimal external symmetries of our PDE is the Lie algebra 𝔤 2\mathfrak{g}_2.

Like I said above, Dennis takes this amazing theorem of Cartan and connects it to an amazing theorem of Engel, and then generalizes the whole story to nearly all simple complex Lie algebras. Here’s Engel’s amazing theorem:

Amazing theorem 2. 𝔤 2\mathfrak{g}_2 is the Lie algebra of infinitesimal contact transformations on a 5-dim contact manifold preserving a field of twisted cubic varieties.

This theorem lies at the heart of the story, so let me explain what it’s saying. First, it requires us to become acquainted with contact geometry, the odd-dimensional cousin of symplectic geometry. A contact manifold MM is a (2n+1)(2n+1)-dimensional manifold with a contact distribution CC on it. This is a smoothly-varying family of 2n2n-dimensional subspaces C mC_m of each tangent space T mMT_m M, satisfying a certain nondegeneracy condition.

In Engel’s theorem, MM is 5-dimensional, so each C mC_m is 4-dimensional. We can projectivize each C mC_m to get a 3-dimensional projective space ℙ(C m)\mathbb{P}(C_m) over each point. Our field of twisted cubic varieties is a curve in each of these projective spaces, the image of a cubic map: ℂℙ 1→ℙ(C m). \mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1 \to \mathbb{P}(C_m) . This gives us a curve 𝒱 m\mathcal{V}_m in each ℙ(C m)\mathbb{P}(C_m), and taken together this is our field of twisted cubic varieties, 𝒱\mathcal{V}. Engel gave explicit formulas for a contact structure on ℂ 5\mathbb{C}^5 with a twisted cubic field 𝒱\mathcal{V} whose symmetries are 𝔤 2\mathfrak{g}_2, and you can find these formulas in Dennis’s paper.

How are these two theorems related? The secret is to go back to thinking about jet spaces, except this time, we’ll start with the 1st jet space: J 1(ℂ 2,ℂ)={(x,y,u,u x,u y)∈ℂ 5}. J^1(\mathbb{C}^2, \mathbb{C}) = \left\{ (x, y, u, u_x, u_y) \in \mathbb{C}^5 \right\} . This comes equipped with a space of contact 1-forms, spanned by a single 1-form: θ=du−u xdx−u ydy. \theta = d u - u_x d x - u_y d y . And now we see where contact 1-forms get their name: this contact 1-form defines a contact structure on J 1J^1, given by C=ker(θ)C = \mathrm{ker}(\theta).

Many of you may know Darboux’s theorem in symplectic geometry, which says that any two symplectic manifolds of the same dimension look the same locally. In contact geometry, the analogue of Darboux’s theorem holds, and goes by the name of Pfaff’s theorem. By Pfaff’s theorem, there’s an open set in J 1J^1 which is contactomorphic to an open set in ℂ 5\mathbb{C}^5 with Engel’s contact structure. And we can use this map to transfer our twisted cubic field 𝒱\mathcal{V} to J 1J^1, or at least an open subset of it. This gives us a twisted cubic field on J 1J^1, one that continues to have 𝔤 2\mathfrak{g}_2 symmetry.

We are getting tantalizingly close to a PDE now. We have a jet space J 1J^1, with some structure on it. We just lack a submanifold of that jet space. Our twisted cubic field 𝒱\mathcal{V} gives us a curve in each ℙ(C m)\mathbb{P}(C_m), not in J 1J^1 itself.

To these ingredients, add a bit of magic. Dennis found a natural construction that takes our twisted cubic field 𝒱\mathcal{V} and gives us a submanifold of a space that, at least locally, looks like J 2(ℂ 2,ℂ)J^2(\mathbb{C}^2, \mathbb{C}), and hence describes a PDE. This PDE is the G 2\mathrm{G}_2 PDE.

It works like this. Our contact 1-form θ\theta endows each C mC_m with a symplectic structure, dθ md\theta_m. Starting with our contact structure, CC, this symplectic structure is only defined up to rescaling, because CC determines θ\theta only up to rescaling. Nonetheless, it makes sense to look for subspaces of C mC_m that are Lagrangian: subspaces of maximal dimension on which dθ md\theta_m vanishes. The space of all Lagrangian subspaces of C mC_m is called the Lagrangian-Grassmannian, LG(C m)\mathrm{LG}(C_m), and we can form a bundle LG(J 1) ↓ J 1 \begin{matrix} \mathrm{LG}(J^1) \\ \downarrow \\ J^1 \\ \end{matrix} whose fiber over each point is LG(C m)LG(C_m). It turns out LG(J 1)LG(J^1) is locally the same as J 2(ℂ 2,ℂ)J^2(\mathbb{C}^2, \mathbb{C}), complete the with latter’s complement of contact 1-forms.

Dennis’s construction takes 𝒱\mathcal{V} and gives us a submanifold of LG(J 1)\mathrm{LG}(J^1), as follows. Remember, each 𝒱 m\mathcal{V}_m is a curve in ℙ(C m)\mathbb{P}(C_m). The tangent space to a point p∈𝒱 mp \in \mathcal{V}_m is thus a line in the projective space ℙ(C m)\mathbb{P}(C_m), and this corresponds to 2-dimensional subspace of the 4-dimensional contact space C mC_m. This subspace turns out to be Lagrangian! Thus, points pp of 𝒱 m\mathcal{V}_m give us points of LG(C m)LG(C_m), and letting mm and pp vary, we get a submanifold of LG(J 1)LG(J^1). Locally, this is our PDE.

Dennis then generalizes this story to all simple Lie algebras besides 𝔰𝔩(2,ℂ)\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{C}). For simple Lie groups other than those in the AA and CC series, there is a homogenous space with a natural contact structure that has a field of twisted varieties living on it, called the field of “sub-adjoint varieties”. The same construction that worked for G 2\mathrm{G}_2 now gives PDE for these. The AA and CC cases take more care.

Better yet, Dennis builds on work of Landsberg and Manivel to get explicit descriptions of all these PDE in terms of cubic forms on Jordan algebras! Landsberg and Manivel describe the field of sub-adjoint varieties using these cubic forms. For G 2\mathrm{G}_2, the Jordan algebra in question is the complex numbers ℂ\mathbb{C} with the cubic form ℭ(t)=t 33. \mathfrak{C}(t) = \frac{t^3}{3} .

Given any Jordan algebra WW with a cubic form ℭ\mathfrak{C} on it, first polarize ℭ\mathfrak{C}: ℭ(t)=ℭ abct at bt c, \mathfrak{C}(t) = \mathfrak{C}_{abc} t^a t^b t^c , and then cook up a PDE for a function u:ℂ⊕W→ℂ. u \colon \mathbb{C} \oplus W \to \mathbb{C} . as follows: u 00=ℭ abct at bt c,u 0a=32ℭ abct bt c,u ab=3ℭ abct c, u_{00} = \mathfrak{C}_{abc} t^a t^b t^c, \quad u_{0a} = \frac{3}{2} \mathfrak{C}_{a b c} t^b t^c, \quad u_{a b} = 3 \mathfrak{C}_{a b c} t^c , where t∈Wt \in W, and I’ve used the indices aa, bb, and cc for coordiantes in WW, 0 for the coordinate in ℂ\mathbb{C}. For G 2\mathrm{G}_2, this gives us the PDE u 00=t 33,u 01=t 22,u 11=t, u_{00} = \frac{t^3}{3}, \quad u_{01} = \frac{t^2}{2}, \quad u_{11} = t , which is clearly equivalent to the PDE we wrote down earlier. Note that this PDE is determined entirely by the cubic form ℭ\mathfrak{C} - the product on our Jordan algebra plays no role.

Now we’re ready for Dennis’s amazing theorem.

Amazing theorem 3. Let W=ℂ⊗𝔥 3(𝕆)W = \mathbb{C} \otimes \mathfrak{h}_3(\mathbb{O}), the exceptional Jordan algebra, and ℭ\mathfrak{C} be the cubic form on WW given by the determinant. Then the following PDE on ℂ⊕W\mathbb{C} \oplus W u 00=ℭ abct at bt c,u 0a=32ℭ abct bt c,u ab=3ℭ abct c, u_{00} = \mathfrak{C}_{abc} t^a t^b t^c, \quad u_{0a} = \frac{3}{2} \mathfrak{C}_{a b c} t^b t^c, \quad u_{a b} = 3 \mathfrak{C}_{a b c} t^c , has external symmetry algebra 𝔢 8\mathfrak{e}_8.


Thanks to Dennis The for explaining his work to me, and for his comments on drafts of this post.

12 May 01:23

The pressure to publish pushes down quality

by Daniel Sarewitz

The pressure to publish pushes down quality

Nature 533, 7602 (2016).

Author: Daniel Sarewitz

Scientists must publish less, says Daniel Sarewitz, or good research will be swamped by the ever-increasing volume of poor work.

11 May 16:34


by (Atrios)
That such things are considered to be radical these days are a sign of the "can't do anything, don't try" times we live in.

But Madison’s response was like hitting a gnat with a sledgehammer. It was so aggressive that only one other major municipality in the United States has followed its approach so far. It’s also why some people now call Madison the anti-Flint, a place where water problems linked to the toxic substance simply couldn’t happen today.

Madison residents and businesses dug out and replaced their lead pipes — 8,000 of them. All because lead in their water had been measured at 16 parts per billion — one part per billion over the Environmental Protection Agency’s standard.

That’s a microliter, one-millionth of a liter of water. The utility’s water quality manager, Joe Grande, explains the reasoning in seven words: “The safe level of lead is zero.”

This radical plan cost about $20 million. Why you could build 1/3 of a very non-radical high school football stadium for that!
11 May 11:53

Universal quantum computation with a nonlinear oscillator network

by Hayato Goto

Author(s): Hayato Goto

We theoretically show that a nonlinear oscillator network with controllable parameters can be used for universal quantum computation. The initialization is achieved by a quantum-mechanical bifurcation based on quantum adiabatic evolution, which yields a Schrödinger cat state. All the elementary quan…

[Phys. Rev. A 93, 050301(R)] Published Tue May 10, 2016

11 May 10:32

Equivalent linearization finds nonzero frequency corrections beyond first order. (arXiv:1605.02978v2 [nlin.CD] UPDATED)

by Rohitashwa Chattopadhyay, Sagar Chakraborty


We show that the equivalent linearization technique, when used properly, enables us to calculate frequency corrections of weakly nonlinear oscillators beyond the first order in nonlinearity. We illustrate the method by applying it to the conservative anharmonic oscillators and the nonconservative van der Pol oscillator that are respectively paradigmatic systems for modeling center-type oscillatory states and limit cycle type oscillatory states. The choice of these systems is also prompted by the fact that first order frequency corrections may vanish for both these types of oscillators, thereby rendering the calculation of the higher order corrections rather important. The method presented herein is very general in nature and, hence, in principle applicable to any arbitrary periodic oscillator.