Shared posts

08 Feb 14:08

Watch the Falcon Heavy launch live at 2:20pm ET today

by Jason Kottke
Steve Dyer

you guys ever notice how rockets kinda look like dicks

SpaceX is scheduled to launch their massive new rocket for the first time today. You can catch a live stream of the launch here:

When Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb) — a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel — Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost. Falcon Heavy draws upon the proven heritage and reliability of Falcon 9.

As part of the launch, the three engine cores will land back on Earth, as they have been doing for years now with their other rockets. You can watch an animation of how they hope the launch will go:

The payload for this rocket test is SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster. No, really. If all goes as planned, the Roadster and its passenger (a dummy wearing a SpaceX suit) will be put into an orbit around the Sun somewhere in the vicinity of Mars, driving around the solar system for a billion years. SpaceX isn’t saying exactly where the Roadster might end up, but engineer Max Fagin has a guess about its eventual orbit:

You can read more about the launch from Phil Plait and on PBS NewsHour.

Update: The new time for the launch is 2:20pm ET. The launch window lasts until 4pm ET.

Tags: Elon Musk   Max Fagin   space   SpaceX   Telsa   video
07 Feb 18:56


07 Feb 16:01


Steve Dyer

dog content

06 Feb 19:43

bigbeardedgeek: unclefather: squidkneee: congenitaldisease: I...





If you’ve ever wondered how lakes are stocked with fish, here it is! Thousands of native fish are being dropped from an airplane. Video is from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

this is so funny to m

Goodbye bitches

PetSmart Fish Lady:  You have to be very careful not to jostle the goldfish, then let him sit in the bag in the tank for an hour to let his temperature adjust to your tank, and then carefully pour it into the water.

Utah Fish Official: BOMBS AWAY FUCKERS

06 Feb 15:34


Steve Dyer

don't watch the new cloverfield

05 Feb 20:45


Steve Dyer

my favorite video

30 Jan 19:36

Bad design in action: the false Hawaiian ballistic missile alert

by Jason Kottke
Steve Dyer

I love this story more every day

Note: The image at the top of this post does not show the actual interface. See the update below.

The Honolulu Civil Beat has tweeted a screenshot of the interface that was used to send an real alert for a nonexistent incoming ballistic missile on Saturday morning.

Fake Hawaii Missile Alert

Instead of selecting “DRILL - PACOM (CDW) - STATE ONLY” from what looks more like a list of headlines on The Drudge Report than a warnings & alerts menu, the operator chose “PACOM (CDW) - STATE ONLY” and sent out a real alert.

The design for this is obviously terrible. As others have noted, there are better interfaces for confirming much more trivial actions on our phones. In Mailchimp, the service that powers the Noticing newsletter, you are asked to manually type in the word “DELETE” as a confirmation for deleting a template (an action a tiny bit less consequential than sending out a ballistic missile launch alert):

Mailchimp Delete

But the response to the false alarm has been worse. The employee who triggered the erroneous alert has been “reassigned” and, as the news cycle continues to wind itself up, it wouldn’t surprise me if he were soon fired. And the fix for this, again per the Honolulu Civil Beat, is the addition of the “BMD False Alarm” link at the top of the menu, presumably so that if a real alert is sent out again in the future, it can be followed by a message saying, “actually, that was a drill”.

Hopefully this, uh, “redesign” is temporary and a full overhaul is in the works. That menu is a really dangerous bit of interface design and adding an “oopsie, we didn’t mean it” button doesn’t help. The employee made a mistake but it’s not his fault and he shouldn’t be fired for it. The interface is the problem and whoever caused that to happen — the designer, the software vendor, the heads of the agency, the lawmakers who haven’t made sufficient funds available for a proper design process to occur — should face the consequences. More importantly, the necessary changes should be made to fix the problem in a way that’s holistic, resilient, long-lasting, and helps operators make good decisions rather than encouraging mistakes.

Update: John Allspaw, who worked at both Etsy and Flickr at a time when they thought deeply about design and engineering process, says that a wider view is needed to truly understand what happened and fix it.

Focusing solely and narrowly on the “bad UI’ design in the Hawaii alert accident would be like focusing solely and narrowly on the F-15 misidentification in @scottsnook’s causal map in “Friendly Fire”.

Here’s the map he’s referring to, along with a link to a discussion of the F-15 incident described by Snook in the context of causal landscapes.

Causal Landscape

To compound this challenge, people want definitive 1-2 word answers, as if life was a series of mechanical operations and it was possible to affix blame and diagnose faults. If a copying machine jams, there is usually a mechanical reason — a sheet of paper may have gotten stuck in the assembly and once it is removed, the problem is solved. Mechanical problems like this are determinate; there is a cause and it can be identified. Yet most of our problems are not mechanical. They are not determinate. There is not a single cause. There are multiple, intersecting causes and we may never uncover some of the most important causes. We live in a multi-cause, indeterminate world and our attempts to understand why events occurred will usually be frustrating. We cannot expect specific single-cause 1-2 word answers.

It’s easy to say that the menu is wrong and it should be redesigned. But how did that menu come to be? What’s the context? What does the casual landscape look like here? Back to Allspaw (emphasis mine):

How are operators of the alert system involved in the design of their tools? How have those tools changed over time, across staff changes and feedback rounds? How do ‘near-misses’ happen with this system? How many operators are familiar with these tools and how many are new?

What does this system look like (not just UI) contrasted with other states with similar systems? How have accidental false-alarms been caught before? What data is collected about the type of work (difficulty, frequency, procedure-updating, etc.) including upward mgmt?

In other words: we focus on the UI because unhelpful UI is endemic to software, and easily identified and cartoonishly convicted. But there’s always much more to the narrative of an accident.

As it says on the front page of the site for Allspaw’s new consulting firm (which works with groups facing problems just like the Hawaii alert snafu): “Incidents are encoded messages your system is sending you about how it really works.” I hope that message is being received by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency in the right way.

Update: Honolulu Civil Beat is now reporting that the image above is not what the actual interface looks like.

However, state officials now say that image was merely an example that showed more options than the employee had on the actual screen.

“We asked (Hawaii Emergency Management Agency) for a screenshot and that’s what they gave us,” Ige spokeswoman Jodi Leong told Civil Beat on Tuesday. “At no time did anybody tell me it wasn’t a screenshot.”

HEMA won’t share what the interface actually looks like because of security concerns (which is understandable) but they did provide a new image that “better represents what an employee would have seen on Saturday”:

Fake Hawaii Missile Alert New

While this doesn’t look so much like a homepage from 1995, I would argue that fundamentally, the design (how it works, not how it looks) is unchanged. There are fewer options but the problematic similarity between options hiding vastly difference consequences remains. (via @andrewlong166)

Tags: design   John Allspaw
30 Jan 18:44


Steve Dyer

cat content

26 Jan 19:01

RuPaul Hilariously Explains ‘Squirrel Friends’ to Stephen Colbert: ‘I Love Me Some Nuts’ – WATCH

by Andy Towle
Steve Dyer

Ru is off his ROCKER here

RuPaul Colbert

RuPaul Colbert squirrel friends

RuPaul had a hilarious sit-down with Stephen Colbert last night on the anniversary of his marriage to husband Georges LeBar (congrats!). RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars returns this Thursday night.

RuPaul started off the sit-down with an appeal to the First Lady of the United States: “I want to make a personal plea to someone who really needs our help right now. Melania, come and join the other side. I know you want it, baby! You’re halfway there already! Let me help you.”

“That was very generous of you,” replied Colbert.

Colbert then recalled the last moment they shared the stage together, when RuPaul was dressed as the Emmy statue, which led into a conversation of Ru’s famous phrase, “We’re all born naked and the rest is drag.”

Ru pointed out that Colbert regularly works an “executive realness” look, explaining, “Everybody puts on a persona to navigate this world.”

Finally, Colbert wanted to become fluent in “Ru-ish,” asking RuPaul about some of the terms he uses on Drag Race, like “T” (truth), “Okerrr” (a declaration of yes I hear you and I agree), and finally “squirrel friends” (used on the show to refer to other drag queens, particularly those who hide their nuts).

Explained RuPaul to an amused Colbert: “These are friends who enjoy nuts.”

Added RuPaul: “I love ’em. Love ’em.”

“Salted?”, asked Colbert.

“Any way I can get ’em, honey. I love me some nuts.”


The post RuPaul Hilariously Explains ‘Squirrel Friends’ to Stephen Colbert: ‘I Love Me Some Nuts’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

24 Jan 22:46

“Get Out of Jail Free” Cards

by Alex Tabarrok
Steve Dyer

who wants to talk about THIS bullshit

In the movies I’ve seen people who try to get out of a traffic ticket by telling the police officer they made a donation to the policeman’s ball, but those were comedies. I had no idea that not only does this exist there are official cards. In fact, the police in New York are livid that the number of cards is being limited:

The city’s police-officers union is cracking down on the number of “get out of jail free” courtesy cards distributed to cops to give to family and friends.

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch slashed the maximum number of cards that could be issued to current cops from 30 to 20, and to retirees from 20 to 10, sources told The Post.

The cards are often used to wiggle out of minor trouble such as speeding tickets, the theory being that presenting one suggests you know someone in the NYPD.

The rank and file is livid.

“They are treating active members like s–t, and retired members even worse than s–t,” griped an NYPD cop who retired on disability. “All the cops I spoke to were . . . very disappointed they couldn’t hand them out as Christmas gifts.”

A Christmas gift of institutionalized corruption.

Here’s another article on these cards which just gets all the more stunning.

First, there are tiers of cards. Silver cards are the highest honor given to citizens. It’s almost universally honored by officers, and can also help save money on insurance. Gold PBA cards are only given to police officers and their families. You’d be hard-pressed finding a cop who won’t honor a gold card.

Gold and silver cards! It gets better. You can buy these cards on eBay. Here’s a gold New Jersey card on sale for $114. A silver “family member” shield goes for $299. Some of these are probably fake. The gold and silver are rare but remember, cops get 20 to 30 regular cards so you can see why they might be upset at losing them.

The regular cards have become more common as NYC hires more police. The union may in fact be trying to bump up its monopoly profit by restricting supply.

The cards don’t just go to family members. The rot is deep:

Union officials say the cards are also public relations tools and tokens of appreciation handed out to politicians, judges, lawyers, businessmen, civil service workers and members of the news media.

A retired police officer on Quora explains how the privilege is enforced:

The officer who is presented with one of these cards will normally tell the violator to be more careful, give the card back, and send them on their way.

…The other option is potentially more perilous. The enforcement officer can issue the ticket or make the arrest in spite of the courtesy card. This is called “writing over the card.” There is a chance that the officer who issued the card will understand why the enforcement officer did what he did, and nothing will come of it. However, it is equally possible that the enforcement officer’s zeal will not be appreciated, and the enforcement officer will come to work one day to find his locker has been moved to the parking lot and filled with dog excrement.

He’s not kidding. Here is what seems like a real police officer on a cop chat room (from Mimesis law)

It’s important for me to get in touch with shield [omitted] and ask him why he felt it necessary to say “I’m not even going to look at that” to my PBA card and proceed [sic] to write a speeding ticket on the Bronx River Parkway yesterday afternoon to my fukking WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll show him the courtesy he so sorely lacks by not posting his name on a public forum.

Any help would be appreciated.  Please inbox me.

I will find you.

I find these cards especially odious as more and more police are funding themselves through fines and forfeitures. Discriminatory taxation increases the tax rate. It’s one rule for the ruler and another for the ruled.

The cards are not a secret but I agree with my colleague Mark Koyama who remarked:

Sometimes you find out something about the country you live in that makes it appear little better than a corrupt, tinpot, banana republic.

The post “Get Out of Jail Free” Cards appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

24 Jan 21:32


Steve Dyer

dog content

24 Jan 21:26

All Good Things…

by Tim Carmody
Steve Dyer

There is nothing worth reading anymore.

The Awl and The Hairpin announced they would be closing up shop at the end of the month, after almost nine years of danged good blogging. Several writers and editors wrote about their favorite pieces; many of them agreed with Jason that Willy Staley’s A Conspiracy of Hogs: The McRib as Arbitrage was a high-water mark.

Very little in pop culture, especially if it doesn’t live very long, is multi-generational. The Awl and The Hairpin managed to pull it off, straddling the seam of Millennials and Gen X with an air of uncaring desperation. It was the writers who lost their jobs in the financial crisis of 2008-2009 staring at the kids who couldn’t get real jobs after the financial crisis of 2008-2009, making a solemn vow to write whatever they thought was smart, or funny, or necessary for the moment.

Eventually, the jobs came calling — for many of the site’s best writers, but not for all — because they badly needed what The Awl had. And advertising: well, what are you going to do? Working on a shoestring may be romantic, but it sure ain’t no fun.

The Awl should have been the model for a new generation of sites that all outlived it. It wasn’t. We would mourn it less if there were more new blogs, staffed by hands young and old, rising to succeed it, jockeying to become required reading. Right now, there aren’t.

But who knows? There is still plenty of time.

This is an excerpt from the third installment of Noticing, a still-new and all-free newsletter. We hope you’ll subscribe.

Tags: Noticing   The Awl   weblogs
24 Jan 19:41


Steve Dyer

dog content

24 Jan 17:26

Tango, an inventive time-looping animated film

by Jason Kottke
Steve Dyer

king of inventing the gif 7 years before it was invented

Tango is an experimental animated film made by Zbigniew Rybczyński in 1980. It takes place entirely in one room with an increasing number of characters cycling through it repeatedly. It’s the kind of thing you can’t stop watching once you start. (It’s also mildly NSFW.) Tango won The Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1983. (via @neilcic)

Tags: video   Zbigniew Rybszynski
23 Jan 03:23

Blue Planet II, another massively entertaining Attenborough/BBC nature documentary

by Jason Kottke
Steve Dyer


Blue Planet II, the latest BBC nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough, is finally set to air in the US this Saturday on BBC America, AMC, and other networks. Here’s a five-minute preview…if this doesn’t pique your interest, you might actually be dead:

In a review of the program at The Atlantic, Ed Yong makes a bold declaration:

Blue Planet II is the greatest nature series that the BBC has ever produced.

Coming on the heels of Planet Earth II, which I thought was the best thing I watched last year, that’s really saying something. Here’s Yong on the difference between the two:

Who can forget the marine iguanas of Planet Earth II, escaping from the jaws of hungry racer snakes? But in chasing drama, some of the shows became thinner and messier. Many episodes of Planet Earth II felt like glorious visual listicles — selections of (admittedly awesome) set pieces woven together by the flimsiest of narrative gossamer.

By contrast, the threads that hold Blue Planet II together are thick and tightly woven. Each episode flows. For example, the second episode, on the deep ocean, achieves narrative depth through actual depth, sinking deeper and deeper so that each new spectacle is anchored in space. Where previous series felt like they sacrificed the storytelling craft and educational density for technical wizardry and emotional punch, Blue Planet II finally marries all of that together.

Blue Planet II was watched by more people in the UK than Planet Earth II and has seemingly influenced the UK government’s stance on pollution:

Cutting plastic pollution is the focus of a series of proposals being considered by the UK environment secretary, Michael Gove, who has said he was “haunted” by images of the damage done to the world’s oceans shown in David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II TV series.

The government is due to announce a 25-year plan to improve the UK’s environmental record in the new year. Gove is understood to be planning to introduce refundable deposits on plastic drinks bottles, alongside other measures.

I got a sneak peek at the first few episodes of Blue Planet II, and it certainly is a great program. I watched it with my kids and they were riveted the entire time. After the fourth or fifth episode, my son said, “I think I like this better than Planet Earth II.” I’m not quite sure it’s peak Attenborough — I’m still partial to Planet Earth II — but it’s still a must-see and I’m certainly not going to argue with Ed Yong and my son about it.

Tags: Blue Planet   David Attenborough   Earth TV   Ed Yong   Planet Earth   video
21 Jan 17:37

hoekagei: candiikismet: ohitsjustgreg: kingjaffejoffer: anton...

Steve Dyer

click through for the most thrilling chase scene in history no exadj








this shit intense

I was rooting for dragon egg and he took a L smh

We’ll get em next time Comet.

Nigga I didnt know anything like this existed 5 minutes ago and I feel hooked now.


For real!


19 Jan 20:44

Fifteen Sandra Bullock Movies As Names For Weed Strains, Ranked

by silvia

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

15. The Heat
14. Murder By Numbers
13. While You Were Sleeping
12. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
11. Gravity
10. Crash
9. Love Potion No. 9
8. The Blind Side
7. Speed
6. Wrestling Ernest Hemingway
5. Hope Floats
4. Loverboy
3. Speed 2: Cruise Control
2. Miss Congeniality
1. Practical Magic


18 Jan 22:54

You Hit the Paywall, You Stupid F***ing Idiot, by Brian Agler

by Brian Boone, Editor
Steve Dyer

anyone recognize the name

  You stupid fucking idiot. I can’t believe you just burned through your tenth free article this month and thought that we wouldn’t notice. We’re the goddamn Washington Post. You must be some kind of fell-off-the-back-of-the-turnip-truck-yesterday moron to think that we were going to keep giving this stuff away for free. We knew exactly what […]
12 Jan 03:58


11 Jan 16:30

Chicken With Ají Amarillo and Coconut Is a Ray of Sunshine in Winter

by Sohla El-Waylly
Steve Dyer

oh my god this looks incred

Fruity and bright ají amarillo pairs with rich coconut milk in this quick weeknight chicken braise. Read More
10 Jan 16:53

The Most 2017 Photos of 2017

by Jason Kottke

Summer 2017 Fire

So 2017

So 2017

So 2017

I’m hoping to do my annual roundup of the photos of the year soon, but I wanted to separately highlight Alan Taylor’s list of The Most 2017 Photos Ever, “a collection of photographs that are just so 2017”. There’s distracted boyfriend, wildfires, fidget spinners, protestors, predatory men, the eclipse, kneeling, praying, shooting, and many photos of Trump looking dumb, bewildered, or both. Yeah, that about sums it up.

I am a little surprised though that the photo of the guy mowing his lawn with a tornado in the background didn’t make the cut…perhaps a little too metaphorically similar to the golfing photo above.

Man Mowing Lawn Tornado

Tags: Alan Taylor   best of   best of 2017   photography
10 Jan 16:49

theforcesource: I wish I could. We could try it.

by asdassdsaasdasd
Steve Dyer

Do we still have an Oscar Isaac autoshare rule

09 Jan 16:08


09 Jan 14:42

Eminem Says He Met Dates on Grindr

by Andy Towle
Steve Dyer

Eminem gave Elton John a diamond-encrusted cock ring so you can't call him homophobic anymore.

Eminem grindr

Eminem grindr

Eminem did a lengthy interview with NY Mag’s Vulture on a broad array of topics one of which is his dating life.

Do you date?
It’s tough. Since my divorce I’ve had a few dates and nothing’s panned out in a way that I wanted to make it public. Dating’s just not where I’m at lately.

When you were dating, how’d you meet people? Tinder?
I mean, yeah.

Are you being serious?
Yeah, Tinder.

[Laughs] And Grindr. I also used to go to strip clubs.

While the rapper, who’s pushing his new album Revival, is likely joking, he did talk a a bit about how his music has been seen as anti-gay and misogynistic, while being careful not to offend on the subject of race.

Said Eminem:

I’ve always said that what I do was created by black people. I understand that everyone listens to rap, but I consider it to be black music and I respect that. The other shit you’re talking about got so blown out of proportion. The first time I got a taste of being called anti-gay was on “My Name Is” when I said, “My English teacher wanted to have sex in junior high / The only problem was my English teacher was a guy.” All I was saying was I don’t swing that way. So when I started getting flack for it, I thought, Alright, you people think I’m homophobic? Watch this. Hence the Ken Kaniff character and all that stuff. I was trying to push the buttons of people who were calling me something that I wasn’t. The honest-to-God truth is that none of that matters to me: I have no issue with someone’s sexuality, religion, race, none of that. Anyone who’s followed my music knows I’m against bullies — that’s why I hate that f**king bully Trump — and I hate the idea that a kid who’s gay might get shit for it.

Vulture then asks him if he’s concerned that fans interpret his music as homophobic:

Yeah, I’m sure people have misunderstood what I was doing. Again, I’m not a perfect human being and I’m sure that I’ve said things that went a little too hard, but I think my actual life shows — I mean, meeting Elton John and being as good friends with him as I am, that’s not me saying, “Hey, I’ve got a gay friend.” It’s me saying Elton John has my back. He’ll stick up for me.

He also explains where the diamond-crusted cock rings he gave Elton John and David Furnish for their wedding came from:

I don’t know, I put people on it and they made it happen. Actually, I had some diamond-encrusted cock rings, too. Right in my bedroom.

Read the full Vulture interview here, and watch Elton talk about the cock rings, below:

The post Eminem Says He Met Dates on Grindr appeared first on Towleroad.

09 Jan 14:41

Box of Horse Manure Is Left for Steve Mnuchin Near His Home, Police Say

The gift-wrapped package was addressed to Mr. Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, and left at his neighbor’s home in an upscale part of Los Angeles.
08 Jan 18:45

News: Good On Them: The Black Eyed Peas Have Announced That They No Longer Want To Get Retarded

03 Jan 18:37


Steve Dyer

happy new year tor

02 Jan 22:52


Steve Dyer

happy new year tor

29 Dec 03:30


Steve Dyer

regina georged 'em

28 Dec 17:10

Trump’s Way: Stoking Fears, Trump Defied Bureaucracy to Advance Immigration Agenda

Steve Dyer

i hope your christmas vacation doesn't make you think you can be happy

The changes have had far-reaching consequences, both for the immigrants who have sought to make a new home in this country and for America’s image in the world.