Shared posts

31 Oct 14:59

Vampire Kermit vs Vincent Price

by Cory Doctorow

Well, that happened.



31 Oct 14:59

Girl's Life v Boy's Life: "Do you Know When to Shut Up" vs "Jokes to impress"

by Cory Doctorow

Whtbout2ndbrkfst's comparison of the covers of Girl's Life and Boy's Life magazines is awfully trenchant and sad. It'd be interesting to do this as a monthly series, and gauge how recurrant this phenomenon is.

If you want to know why gender stereotypes exist, take a good look at the difference between Girl’s Life and Boy’s Life Magazines. While Boy’s Life pushes boys to get outside and explore nature, Girl’s Life tells girls they should be worrying about fashion. While Boy’s Life offers stories of Scouts they can model themselves after, Girl’s Life asks if Facebook is ruining their love life. And, my personal favorite, while Boy’s Life gives it’s readers jokes so they can be the center of attention Girl’s Life posits, “Do You Know When to Shut Up?”

Girl's Life vs Boy's Life (via Amanda Palmer)


30 Oct 19:56

Just look at this MRI of a banana.

by Cory Doctorow

Just look at it.

Just look at it.

banana MRI for scale


30 Oct 15:04


by Jennie Breeden


Some people use religion to prey upon the weak minded. They want something and they just use religion to get what they want no matter what the religion is actually trying to say. They cherry pick the parts that they want to use. We need more logic and reason so that people can defend themselves from the bigoted ninnys who try to use religion for their own ends.

29 Oct 17:56

Watch Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Special on the big screen!

by Charlie Jane Anders

Watch Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Special on the big screen! "Day of the Doctor" is being shown in 11 U.S. cities (in 3-D) at the same time as it airs on BBC America. And then it's in 300 U.S. theaters the following Monday. More details here. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 9 AM EST.



29 Oct 17:37

Amazing and Inspirational Women's Costumes to "Take Back Halloween"

by Meredith Woerner

Amazing and Inspirational Women's Costumes to "Take Back Halloween"

It seems like lately the Halloween stores are full of "sassy" costumes or sexy spins on random staples (yep that's a "sexy" Michael Myers outfit). Hey, not that there's anything wrong with that, but what about championing the real heroes every once in a while? Writer and activist Suzanne Scoggins is helping "Take Back Halloween" with this AMAZING website of costume ideas (with links on how to by and build your own Ada Lovelace ensemble).



29 Oct 17:26

Bruce Campbell Confirms Army of Darkness 2

by Irae Nicole on Observation Deck, shared by Lauren Davis to io9

Bruce Campbell Confirms Army of Darkness 2

While speaking at Wizard World Nashville Comic Con, Bruce Campbell confirmed that there will be an Army of Darkness 2 and he will be in it.


29 Oct 17:25

Baby Cthulhu sculpture will drive the world to adorable madness

by Lauren Davis

Baby Cthulhu sculpture will drive the world to adorable madness

Baby Cthulhu doesn't wait dreaming. He's bright-eyed, curly-tentacled, and ready for your squeeing worship.



29 Oct 14:38

And What I Do Is Eat Candy

no one gets out of coffee alive.

Tonight’s comic is my pitch to relaunch Marvel Team-Up.

28 Oct 13:26

October 25, 2013

28 Oct 13:24



Shared because this is the plot of Ray Bradbury's The Skeleton in The October Country.

28 Oct 13:24


by Jennie Breeden
28 Oct 13:23

The last factory second mugs $6.66 - SUPER-SAIYAN-SATAN SALE


I really need floor space for Christmas stuff that's en route, so let's blow these suckers out SATAN STYLE!

These mugs are factory seconds. They have minor glazing imperfections but are not broken or misprinted.

25 Oct 18:21

Vintage color photos of the circus

by David Pescovitz

Cover fp 25 circus 1212031651 id 641095The Circus Book: 1870-1950 is a big, bold, beautiful Taschen hardcover in a slipcase that features nearly 1,000 photos, illustrations, poster art, and other ephemera from the heyday of the big top. Flavorwire posted a selection of some of the nearly 200 of the earliest color circus photos included in the book.


25 Oct 15:53

Manchester cops trumpet seized "3D printed gun" -- turns out to be parts for a 3D printer

by Cory Doctorow

Police in Manchester, UK made a huge show out of having seized a "3D printed gun." Then, it turned out that they'd just seized parts for a 3D printer. But it's still very scary, as Assistant Chief Constable Steve Heywood copsplains: it might have been a 3D printed gun, and they had "intelligence" about a 3D printed gun, and if they search the computers they stole, they might find plans for a 3D printed gun, and also, our botched, humiliating cockup "opens up a wider debate about the emerging threat these next generation of weapons might pose."

Thanks, Officer Hypothetical, for saving us from this dire threat!

"We need to be absolutely clear that at that this stage, we cannot categorically say we have recovered the component parts for a 3D gun.

What we have seized are items that need further forensic testing by national ballistics experts to establish whether they can be used in the construction of a genuine, viable firearm.

We will also be conducting a thorough analysis of computers we have recovered to establish any evidence of a blueprint on how to construct such a weapon.

Clearly the fact we have seized a 3D printer and have intelligence about the possible production of a weapon using this technology is of concern. It prudent we establish exactly what these parts can be used for and whether they pose any threat.

What this has also done is open up a wider debate about the emerging threat these next generation of weapons might pose.

The worrying thing is for me is that these printers can be used to make certain components of guns, while others can be legitimately ordered over the Internet without arousing suspicion. When put together, this could allow a person to construct a firearm in their own home.

Thanks to Challenger, which is the biggest ever multi-agency response to organized crime in Greater Manchester's history, we now have even greater resources to combat any emerging threats posed by organized criminal gangs, which may include the production of these weapons.Under Challenger we will a multi-agency action plan for every single organized crime group in Manchester and we will target these networks from every possible angle, hitting them where it hurts."

3D-printed 'gun parts' seized in UK raid may be spare parts for a printer (update) [Aaron Souppouris/The Verge]

(Thanks, Alex G!)


24 Oct 18:13

Kickstarting a "Sugar skull spoon"

by Cory Doctorow

The Sugar Skull Spoon finally provides a good reason to dip your wet spoon into the sugar-bowl (yuck). Their kickstarter is fully funded, but there's still time to get one for £8. It comes from London's Hundred Million, who have a good track record for successfully shipping, so there's probably a good chance you'll get what you pay for here.

We spent 6 months perfecting the proportions, developing 3D models and prototypes and discussing manufacturing processes with factories worldwide, to get the idea to the stage it's at now, primed and ready for Kickstarting! Your pledges of investment will be spent on placing the production order, this includes the stock and materials and also will help pay for freight charges to our warehouse, at which point we can ship out all the lovely rewards you have given so generously for!

Sugar Skull Spoon (via Colossal)


24 Oct 17:43

UC Davis's Officer Pepper Spray gets a $38K payout for mental trauma of being hated by the entire world

by Cory Doctorow

Someone should make absolutely sure he's disabled.

Mark wrote in July that Lt John Pike, the UC Davis cop who attained notoriety after he sadistically hosed down seated, peaceful protesters with pepper spray, jetting it directly down their throats and into their eyes, had applied for worker's comp for the psychiatric injuries resulting from everyone in the world thinking he was a horrible, horrible person.

Now he has been awarded $38K by California's Division of Workers' Compensation Appeals Board. He left his job (which paid nearly $120K), and has had to change addresses and phone numbers several times to dodge harassment from his detractors. Davis settled a lawsuit by the protesters he sprayed for $1M.

More than 17,000 angry or threatening e-mails, 10,000 text messages and hundreds of letters were sent to Pike after the video went viral, according to the police union.

Pike repeatedly changed his phone number and e-mail address and lived in various locations. He left the campus police force in July 2012.

In a statement, UC Davis spokesman Andy Fell said, "This case has been resolved in accordance with state law and processes on workers' compensation. The final resolution is in line with permanent impairment as calculated by the state's disability evaluation unit."

UC Davis pepper-spray officer awarded $38,000 [Joe Garofoli/SFGate]


24 Oct 13:24

Public Speaking

by Wes + Tony

This is exactly why podiums were invented.

Considering today’s society, why is it embarrassing to have a boner in public?

The biological imperative to reproduce is the cornerstone of human civilization. Why does anyone do anything? To get it on! To get freaky-deaky. To put things in things and move those things around until those things do other things that make you feel things. Maybe a baby comes out afterwards. It depends on how many things you put on/in your thing, or what type of thing the other thing is put inside of, if a thing is getting put in another thing at all. Did you follow that? Of course you did, you’re bright.

So you see what I’m sayin’. The arts, finance, science. It doesn’t matter what field you pursue, your subconscious animal nature is steering you like a fleshy shopping cart, trying to pick up the breads, meats and cheese necessary to make a Viable Mate Sandwich. Feelings, income, smarts. All of ‘em are there to make people want to touch your thing. And fashion, too! Hairstyles, clothes, makeup! Pretty packaging! It’s why some ladies stick bags of stuff into their boobers and make them twice the size of their heads, or why some people get spare fat sucked out of them with a shop-vac, or why some dudes get a sparse valley of almost-hair stamped into their bleeding noggins. People want to be wanted, and they’ll get weird as hell to make that happen.

So I guess what I’m getting at is, I’m amazed that everyone isn’t walking around with giant, fake, chrome-with-floor-lights-and-spinning-rims boners sticking out of their pants. The girls, too! You mark my words, pretty soon every man, woman and child on god’s green earth is going to be walking around with Truck Nutz for humans hanging off the front of their pants. They’ll call ‘em Human Nutz. Big, fake Nutz that are the logical extension of our broken, awful nature.


22 Oct 17:37

Promising work on diabetes vaccine

by Cory Doctorow

Researchers at Finland's Tampere University have identified a set of viruses they believe to be responsible for Type 1 diabetes, and they have formulated a vaccine for it that has had promising results in mice. The enterovirus in question attacks the pancreas, and is similar to the virus that causes polio. They're forming a research syndicate to raise the €700m needed for human trials.

Researchers have looked at more than a hundred different strains of the virus and pinpointed five that could cause diabetes. They believe they could produce a vaccine against those strains.

”We have identified one virus type that carries the biggest risk,” said professor Heikki Hyöty. ”A vaccine could also protect against its close relatives, to give the best possible effect.”

Finnish team makes diabetes vaccine breakthrough (via /.)


22 Oct 14:13

Experian sold consumer data to identity thieves' service

by Cory Doctorow

Experian, the massive data-broker with far-reaching influence over your ability to get a mortgage, credit-card, or job, sold extensive consumer records to an identity thieves' service called Superget specialized in supplying identity thieves with "fullz" -- full records of their victims, useful for impersonating them and for knowing where their assets are. Experian sold the data through a third part called "Court Ventures" -- which they later acquired -- and the sales continued for about a year. Experian bills itself as a service for people worried about identity theft. It's not clear whether Experian will face any penalty for the wrongdoing.

These services specialized in selling “fullz” or “fulls,” a slang term that cybercrooks use to describe a package of personally identifiable information that typically includes the following information: an individual’s name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, place of work, duration of work, state driver’s license number, mother’s maiden name, bank account number(s), bank routing number(s), email account(s) and other account passwords. Fulls are most commonly used to take over the identity of a person in order to engage in other fraud, such as taking out loans in the victim’s name or filing fraudulent tax refund requests with the IRS.

All told, and acquired or sold fullz information on more than a half million people, the government alleges.

The U.S. Secret Service declined to discuss the case, but a source familiar with the matter said undercover federal agents set up a phony business deal to lure Ngo out of Vietnam and into Guam, an unincorporated territory of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean. The source said that Ngo was arrested upon his arrival in Guam and transferred to New Hampshire. There he is currently facing 15 separate criminal charges, including conspiracy to commit identification fraud, aggravated identity theft, and wire fraud, among others.

Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID Theft Service [Brian Krebs/Krebs on Security]


21 Oct 13:50

NSA Video: call to rally in DC on Oct 26 to fight NSA spying

by Cory Doctorow

I have prior obligations and can't be there. :-(

Tiffiniy from Fight for the Future sez, "If the energy from last night is any indication, the NSA has an onslaught of discontent to contend with. Hundreds of people gathered around 9PM, stopped traffic, and crowded Washington Square Park and the streets of lower Manhattan to launch this video unmasking NSA programs onto the side of an NYU building."

If you want to know how closely the US government is monitoring everything you're doing, you get to find out in this video. If you want to know if you're on a watch list, this video helps you figure that out. The video is spreading on the Internet and is an important part of gathering people for the largest outcry to end NSA mass spying for good. Millions of us disagree with mass spying and want to know how to help. Watch this video, share it, then join us for our next stop at the Oct 26 rally against mass spying in Washington DC. That's where we make sure NSA doesn't get another dime to conduct mass, suspicionless surveillance.

The NSA Video (thanks Tiffiniy!)


21 Oct 13:28


21 Oct 13:27

Reverse Identity Theft

I asked a few friends whether they'd had this happen, then looked up the popularity of their initials/names over time.  Based on those numbers, it looks like there must be at least 750,000 people in the US alone who think 'Sure, that's probably my email address' on a regular basis.
15 Oct 20:07

Marijuana vs. Crystal Meth

by Joey deVilla

marijuana vs crystal meth

Posted just in case you needed to know the difference.

15 Oct 14:28

The 'Milky Pinups' of photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz

by Xeni Jardin

Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz

London-based photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz does interesting high-speed photography with beautiful women and... well, milk. His "Milky PinUps" series features models in retro poses "wearing" splashy milk, "frozen in time and morphed into high fashion." Vegans, pretend it's soy.

There will be a 2014 Milk Calendar.

View more of his work here, and background of the project here.



15 Oct 14:25

Who Wants a Margarita?

drills,margaritas,funny,g rated,there I fixed it

Submitted by: Unknown

14 Oct 17:24

October 12, 2013

14 Oct 17:02

Impulse Jackets Put Your Signal Lights Up Where Drivers Can See Them

by Paul Crowe

Original article from: -

Original article from: - Impulse Jackets will be introduced at the AIMExpo in Orlando, Florida next week, but Chris Esposito, co-founder of the start-up company, sent me some info and photos of their new jackets incorporating LED brake lights and turn signals that connect wirelessly to your bike's existing lights. After Chris had a […]
14 Oct 14:13


by Jennie Breeden

I think he's holding his breath. Toxic bubbles from beneath.

Kinda cheating because he can take this shape anyway. But he’s also farting. Because Jake.

12 Oct 17:28

Phoenix TSA makes breast cancer survivors remove their prostheses

by Cory Doctorow

Business as usual.

The Arizona Republic has found a large cohort of elderly and retired people who claim to have been abused by TSA staff at Phoenix's Sky Harbor airport. The passengers claim that they were required to remove their prostheses (particularly prosthetic breasts worn by cancer survivors), and that their objections were met with threats and hostility.

One woman wrote that an agent ordered a pat down of her prosthetic breast and refused to conduct the search in private, before a flight in May 2012.

"She made me pull it out in front of the world. When I got upset I was told to shut up. I have never been so humiliated in my life," the woman wrote. "The TSA has overstepped their bounds and ruined my vacation."

Two weeks earlier, another passenger wrote that TSA agents twice patted down her breast in as many weeks.

"Since this has occurred at two different checkpoints on two different dates, TSA clearly must have a procedure in place (that) requires that women with breast prosthesis to be singled out and treated in this cruel and humiliating manner," the woman wrote.

There is no record that the TSA responded to the second woman. When it does, it's usually a form letter.

Phoenix airport screening draws angry complaints [Sean Holstege/The Arizona Republic]