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02 Nov 16:04

Facebook: 126 million Americans may have seen Russian pro-Trump propaganda

by Xeni Jardin

Facebook is reported to soon reveal it exposed an estimated 126 million Americans, many of whom voted, to what was effectively Russian state propaganda (served from Russian webservers in Russia) during the runup to the U.S. 2016 presidential election. All of that content favored Trump, who is now President of the United States.


22 May 12:16

Yahoo buying Tumblr in one gif

Yahoo buying Tumblr in one gif

11 Apr 09:44

Should I button the top button of my collared shirt?

by Carles

Love it.

I bought a collared shirt
but I just don't know how 2 use it any more.
I used 2 think it was kewl 2 unbutton a button or two

Now I realize that if I unbutton a top collar button
I will look as oldstream as this dude

I am not sure if I am ready to resign myself to the 'relaxed fit' lifestyle
via wide legs
buying jean brans with forgiving waist sizes
getting old, fat, ugly, shitty, pathetic, out-of-touch, unfashionable

But I'm not sure if it is 'swag' and 'classy' 2 button ur top ur top button
It feels like it might be a #streetwear trend, which is 'too blackish' 4 me
but also potentially 'too young' 4 me

Maybe I shld button my top button
bc this dude seems like a tool

Look at that collar.
He looks like some pirate ass Antonio Banderas motherfucker

Maybe the whole 'unbuttoned look'
happened because of fatties
they kept outgrowing their shirts
and the only way they would fit
was by relieving some of the pressure of their fatness
on the buttons

Maybe buttoning ur top button proves
'I'm a skinny bro, not a chunker'

Look at popular DJ 'Jamie xx'
He buttons his top button and looks 'kewl'

But he used 2 be a chunker, and probably had to unbutton the top button
or even wear 'crew collars'

I don't want to look like I bought a collared shirt bc I have a 9-5 cubicle job
I don't want to unbutton my top button
I don't want to look like 'a poor fattie' who shops at Mervyn's

When we were young
the 'top button' used to symbolize 'geekdom'

but maybe these swaggy streetwear bros
wearing UrbieOuttie-wave 'cheap ass overpriced shirts with kewl designs on them'
are being ironic
or post-ironic

I really just can't tell what I'm supposed to do
What it all means
Who I am n e more
What I'm supposed 2 wear

Should I just get a 5 panel cap
purchase a gun
and shoot myself in the head
bleeding all ovr my swag ass five panel cap?

Remember 'plaid'?
Remember Am Appy?
Remember Urbie Outties?
Remember Jay's Crew?

I just don't even know any more
Should I just button the top button of my collared shirt?

We already know women should always expose their titties
so at least they have an answer

Should I cover up my manliness? I guess I cld just unbutton all the way down 2 my pubes.

I just don't even know n e more.
Am I #streetwear or #menswear?
How #SWAG am I even trying 2 look?
Is buttoning your top button 'tweeny'?
Or does it look 'phresh' and 'now'?
What if ur a 'fattie' and it chokes u 2 death?
What kind of ppl button their top buttons?

Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?
Should I button my top button?

Where have all the AltBros gone? [Rise of the SWAG BROS and MENSWEAR POST-BROS]