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13 Aug 15:22

#248 Cat Driver

Ad: Dr Drum Beat Maker - Earn Over $108 Per Sale + Rebills!! - Earn Over $108 Per Sale Plus Monthly Rebills With This Awesome Beat Maker... Converts Like Crazy Complete With 1 Click Upsells, Rebills & Affiliate Competitions (just Gave Away $13k To Affiliates In Prizes Alone) Http://

13 Aug 15:02

12 Common Reading Mistakes You’re Making That You Need to Stop Making if You Want to Be Thin and Pretty Like Me

by khatzumoto
  1. Stop not reading things because they’re popular
    Is it popular? Read it!
  2. Stop not reading things because they’re unpopular
    Once you get through that clusterhump of negation, you’ll understand: Is it unpopular? Read it!
  3. Stop trying to agree with everything the author says
    This isn’t medieval Europe and that book isn’t the Bible.
    Every book, and I literally mean every book, has some value in it.
    And also some crap. You decide which is which, not the glances of strangers or ignorant acquaintances.
  4. Stop trying to disagree with everything the author says
    There is a technical term for someone who confuses the opinions of an author of a book with those of the reader. That term is “idiot”. With apologies to Mr. S.M. Stirling ;) .
  5. Stop justifying your reading choices to the mainstream
    Tell them to justify your (girl-)nuts. Anyone who would presume to cast aspersions on your reading choices can go perform incestuous acts with a female parent.

    “A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.” ~ Jo Goodwin

  6. Stop trying to read every word
    Skip it. The book’s not running away.
  7. Stop trying to read every page
    Stop trying to force yourself to read every page/sentence/section. If the book is actually any fun (for you right now), it’ll make you read it unconsciously; it’ll make itself get read. The only thing you need to do is consciously skip the boring parts, the hard parts, the parts where you get bogged down and stop moving. Reading is a sport, a physical act, and that means motion is key. Move. Reading is turning pages. So skip. Skip it! If it matters, you can come back another time, another day.
  8. Stop taking reading seriously
    Seriousness leads to worry. Worry to impaired cognitive function, AKA stupidity. The act of reading doesn’t require you to be smart, but it does require you to be not-stupid :D .
  9. Stop trying to read in massive chunks of time
    Most of life is waiting. Most of life is disjoint snippets of time: two, three, five minutes here or there. That’s when you read. Life is fast cuts, like a Michael Bay/J. J. Abrams movie. The reason you “don’t have time to read” is because you’re expecting the cut size to change at some point, for that massive lull to come. Well, it’s not gonna. Stop trying and waiting for some golden multi-hour block: Assume that you’re not gonna get it, because even if you did get it, your powers of concentration wouldn’t hold up. Read books like you read the phone book or the Internet or SMS messages (cellphone texts). Skip all the boring bits without guilt or shame. Reading is skimming.
  10. Stop judging other people for what they read

    “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard

    Cut the Gestapo crap. They — other people– have rights, too. You have no right to impugn their choice of books or otherwise unduly influence their reading. People talk a whole lot about freedom of speech, but what’s really at stake here is something even more precious, even more sacred: freedom of thought. Freedom of mental association. Most grownups wouldn’t make fun of a person’s friends, why make fun of their books?

  11. Stop being afraid of being judged for what you read

    “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not” ~ André Gide

    Show what you read with pride, or at least without shame. You’ll repel haters and attract kindred spirits. I have a friend living in America who’s made a lot of Japanese friends just because of her habit of shamelessly reading Japanese manga in public. They come to her. I myself started being more open about the books I read and started to meet people that I actually like (rather than merely tolerate). In Japan, bookstores offer to put a cover on the books they sell you. Lame. Sure, it prevents the derision of haters, but it also prevents the admiration of fans and future friends.

    We talk a lot about standing up for rights and protests and all that righteous stuff. People risk their lives to save other people. And that’s great. But arguably, the greatest courage is in these small daily acts of defiance against conformity. Social risk is objectively less dangerous than impending biological/physical risk, but (ironically) it takes more guts to take a social risk than to put your life on the line.

    Any book can be good because the true value of a book isn’t in the words on the page but in the thoughts and associations it sets off in your head. So anyone who tries to limit what books you read and why is ultimately trying to limit your thought — your mind. This is s### of the bull persuasion. It doesn’t matter that they mean well. Incompetent drivers “mean well”. DO. NOT. ALLOW. IT.

  12. Stop thinking/whining that books are expensive

    “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” ~ Derek Bok

    Books are by far the best value for money you will ever get on information. If anything, books are too cheap. Considering what you get in a book, they are far too cheap. Some of the most wonderful, life-changing books cost the exact same as what can only politely be described as literary feces.

    Seminars? That’ Swahili for “paying money to have someone say a subset of the stuff that’s already in the book”

    Videos? It’s all in the book.

    Classes? That’s Sanskrit for “paying money to have someone read books to you out loud in a monotone voice and/or tell you what books to go buy and read so you can be tested on them”.

    All of which is not to say that non-books have no value: they totally do. The volume and presentation of information can be a total game changer; classic example: you’re far more likely to replay an audiobook than to re-read a book. It’s just that pound for pound, bit for bit, in terms of raw information, a book will basically never lead you astray.

  13. Stop acting surprised that that one book isn’t the only book you’ll need on the subject until the end of time amen
    Jon Biesnecker, who has a habit of building brilliant blogs and then letting them get deleted, once called this “the tyranny of a single source of information”. There’s a reason we have jillions of books and counting. Every book is incomplete. Every book. To my knowledge, even the major religions don’t rely on just one book.
  14. Stop complaining that that book is incomplete
    Of course it’s in-com-freaking-plete, bee arch! See above.
  15. Stop expecting agreement
    In fact, stop expecting, period. Stop expecting agreement. Stop expecting disagreement. Stop expecting to agree with everything in the book. Stop expecting the author’s statements to agree with all his previous statements. Stop expecting respect and praise from other people for the books you read. Stop expecting derision from other people for the books you read. Stop expecting any form of unanimity in any direction, towards or from anyone. There is always a mix of agreement, disagreement and indifference. Now, like Juba and Maximus, you’re free. Cue Enya song. You can thank me later.

PS: Yes, #9 is the most important.

13 Jul 16:40

Manger accroupi, manger assis

by Camille Oger

Manger accroupi, c'est tout à fait normal dans de nombreux pays d'Asie. On y adopte également cette position, jugée inconfortable par la plupart des Occidentaux, pour cuisiner, pour patienter, pour presque tout en fait. Pour tous ceux qui se demandent comment font les Asiatiques pour s'asseoir sur leurs mollets, voici l'explication.

Cet article Manger accroupi, manger assis a été publié sur le manger. © Camille Oger

13 Jul 15:26

Pithy Headline: The Curious Expedition

by Adam Smith

The Curious Expedition has all the marks of a particularly fine undertaking. It’s a procedurally generated sort of thing, with overland exploration of varied biomes, and battles against mystical creatures, dinosaurs, cannibals and other such unpleasantries. Inspired by the works of Verne, Darwin and Livingstone, the game is set in the 19th Century and is a ‘roguelike-strategy-puzzler’. No word on a precise release date but builds are doing the rounds at indie meet-ups and the team have been toiling away for over a year, in between working full time at their day jobs. You should almost certainly watch the videos in this link. They are in the form of animated gifs and yet they do not contain cats.


13 Jul 14:09

Saddest Turtle and the Awards Ceremony

Saddest Turtle and the Awards Ceremony
13 Jul 13:54

Khoa Ho – Superheroes Past/Present

by QLoTé


«Superheroes Past/Present» est une série d’illustrations réalisée par le designer américain Khoa Ho. Celle-ci traite de la genèse des super-héros par le biais d’un silhouettage et d’une composition mêlant l’avant à l’après. De très belles réalisations à découvrir.

Khoa Ho2

KhoaHo3 copie

Khoa Ho4

Khoa Ho5

Khoa Ho6

Khoa Ho1

Khoa Ho behance

13 Jul 13:53

Le français d’éditeur

by Rédaction blog
Qui parmi nous n’a jamais rencontré cette langue, écrite plus que parlée, pratiquée par certains éditeurs ? Chose étrange, cet idiome pourtant répandu n’a pas encore — autant que je sache — fait l’objet d’études scientifiques. J’ai eu récemment la chance … Lire la suite →
13 Jul 13:37

"... grand concours pour réaliser l'affiche/flyer/logo de notre..."

13 Jul 13:36

"...ça ne convient pas, restons en là..."

13 Jul 13:36

"...Utilisez ce visuel, je l'ai trouvé sur le net, j'adore..."

13 Jul 13:32

Panna Cotta Lait d'Amande ☆ Almond Milk Panna Cotta

by Yoanna
J'ai été invitée il y a quelques temps par Bjorg pour un atelier culinaire, et pour tester leurs produits nouveautés. J'ai réalisé cette panna cotta avec la boisson praliné. Pendant l'atelier nous avions réalisé une panna cotta (au pain d'épices) également mais avec de l'agar agar, personnellement je préfère la gélatine qui apporte plus d'onctuosité.

Les Ingrédients (pour 4/6 pots)
- 20 cl de boisson au praliné Bjorg, ou de lait d'amande
- 30 cl de lait ou de lait de soja
- 50 g de sucre
- 3 feuilles de gélatine

Pour le coulis
- une dizaines de fraises et de myrtilles
- 1 citron
- 20 g de sucre
- 1 càs de maizena

La Recette

  1. Faites bouillir le lait de soja et le lait d'amande, ajoutez le sucre.
  2. Diluez la gélatine et ajoutez-la au lait, mélangez, et réservez.
  3. Placez dans des pots en verre et mettre au frais plusieurs heures.
  4. Faites revenir les fruits avec le sucre et le jus de citron à feu moyen.
  5. Une fois bien cuits, ajoutez la maizena diluée dans de l'eau froide.
  6. Servez les panna cotta avec le coulis dessus.

I was invited some time ago by Bjorg for a culinary workshop, and to test their new products. I made this panna cotta with their praline drink. During the workshop we also made ​​a panna cotta (gingerbread) but with agar agar, personally I prefer the gelatin because it brings more smoothness.

Ingredients (for 4/6 persons)
- 20 cl praline drink from Bjorg, or almond milk
- 30 cl of milk or soy milk
- 50 g of sugar
- 3 sheets of gelatin

For the coulis
- A dozen strawberries and blueberries
- 1 lemon
- 20 g of sugar
- 1 tbsp cornstarch

The Recipe
  1. Boil the soy milk and almond milk, add sugar.
  2. Dissolve gelatin and add it to the milk, stir and set aside.
  3. Place in glass jars and chill for several hours.
  4. Cook the fruits in a pan with sugar and lemon juice over medium heat.
  5. Once cooked, add the cornstarch diluted in cold water.
  6. Serve the panna cotta with the coulis on it.
11 Jul 17:19

Eclair tea Fauchon

by eatingmodern


Une boisson assez originale trouvée au supermarché au Japon : un thé goût éclair de la marque Fauchon.
Fauchon fait beaucoup de boissons au Japon, le plus connu étant un thé glacé à la pomme en canette que l’on trouve fréquemment dans les distributeurs.
Celui-là a un goût de thé au lait avec du caramel et du chocolat. C’est assez particulier. À goûter que si vous aimez les boissons très sucrées.


A very original drink found at the supermarket in Japan : a tea with a taste of éclair (French pastry) from Fauchon.
Fauchon is a famous pastry brand in France and in Japan, it makes drinks, the most famous is the apple iced tea in a can that you find in vending machines.
This one tastes like milk tea with caramel and chocolate. It is very special. Try it only if you like drinks that are very sweet.

Filed under: International, Japan, Products and dishes Tagged: eclair tea, fauchon, japan, thé
11 Jul 17:10

Tamago kake gohan 卵かけご飯

by voodoo

Tamagokakegohan = bol de riz avec un œuf cru et de la sauce soja

IMG_1759 IMG_1760 IMG_1762 IMG_1765

Ingrédients (pour 1 bol) :

  • riz japonais
  • 1 œuf
  • sauce soja
  • ciboule (facultatif)

Préparation :

Cuire le riz et le mettre dans un bol.

Casser l’œuf directement dans le bol de riz, verser un peu de sauce soja (la quantité selon votre goût), et mélanger.

Parsemer de ciboule finement hachée.

11 Jul 17:01

Touching Fire Emblem: Awakening art by GraphiteDoll You should...

by ericisawesome

Touching Fire Emblem: Awakening art by GraphiteDoll

You should definitely follow GraphiteDoll — she has a lot of fantastic Fire Emblem: Awakening pieces on her Tumblr.

By the way, Fire Emblem: Awakening — along with several other first-party 3DS games — are still on sale at Amazon for $29.99 each.

BUY Fire Emblem: Awakening, upcoming games
11 Jul 16:57

There is a patch for Lode Runner (NES) that lets you play as...

by ericisawesome

There is a patch for Lode Runner (NES) that lets you play as Hatsune Miku

That’s it. Just wanted you to know.

BUY Hatsune Miku games, upcoming games
21 May 15:11

L'Art nouveau à la Pinacothèque : première rétrospective depuis 1960

Du 18 avril au 8 septembre 2013, la Pinacothèque organise la première rétrospective consacrée à l'Art nouveau français à Paris depuis 1960. Pour cette occasion, la Pinacothèque a réuni les œuvres des grandes figures de l'Art nouveau. Au programme : René Lalique, Mucha, Eugène Grasset, et bien d'autres encore.

lire la suite ›››

Bijoux, meubles, paysage urbain... Ouvrez l'oeil l'Art nouveau est partout !

16 May 16:31

"...Le paiement sera effectué après publication..."

16 May 16:31

"Vous me faites un petit essai, je ne vous cache pas que vous êtes plusieurs sur le coup..."

16 May 03:46

raphacoot: prostitution, a new feature on pokemon X and pokemon...


prostitution, a new feature on pokemon X and pokemon Y 

16 May 03:46


16 May 03:44

chipcococafe: delicious! 

by tatatatinaloves



15 May 17:26

quixoticquestor: We don’t take kindly to no dog paddlin’ round...


We don’t take kindly to no dog paddlin’ round here…


15 May 01:10

Comment couper une pastèque en 30 secondes ?

by Quentin Caillot

Comment couper une pastèque ? Avouons-le, il ne s’agit pas du fruit le plus simple à trancher. Voici une vidéo vous démontrant que cela peut être réalisé en moins de 30 secondes. Nous vous conseillons la technique proposée mais vous déconseillons de tenter de la réaliser en 30 secondes sinon,... Lire la suite

Cet article Comment couper une pastèque en 30 secondes ? est apparu en premier sur Geek & Food.

15 May 00:04

Analog Investigations in Arkham

by (gnome)
Deduction, despite what Sherlock Holmes would have you believe, is not a science. It's a method. A method that could arguably make the life of all fictional investigators much easier and can definitely be applied to board-games as the classic Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective so effortlessly proved over 30 years ago. What's more, deduction is what you'll be using when playing the freshly released and rather excellent Arkham Investigator.

Designed by Hal Eccles, Arkham Investigator is a board game you can download, print and play for free, either solo or with up to 9 more people (preferably friends or at the very least attractive members of whichever sex/sexes you find attractive). Heavily inspired by the Sherlock Holmes game, Arkham Investigator is all about gathering clues and piecing together what happened in each of its cases; a process that requires quite a bit of thought, patience and no luck whatsoever. 

You'll get to explore Lovecraft's Arkham, read newspapers, contact allies, dive into directories and try to prove yourself to Dr. Armitage by solving cases and figuring out mysteries, all the while trying to avoid shanity-shattering dangers and limiting the resources used.

The first (and currently only) case released, A Grain of Evil, is a fine and engrossing showcase of what Arkham Investigator is all about. It comes with an investigation book and an edition of fictional newspaper Arkham Advertiser and managed to provide me and a couple of friends with roughly two hours of excellent gaming time.

Oh, and the closest thing to an official website I managed to come across was the Arkham Investigator facebook page, which is where news and whatnot get posted.

Related @ Gnome's Lair:

14 May 20:39

Warren Spector On Life After Mickey, Going ‘No Weapons’

by Nathan Grayson

For the first time in ages, Deus Ex director Warren Spector is unemployed. The man who created what’s regarded by many as the greatest game of all time isn’t cracking any whips, cooking up cyber conspiracies, or teaching cartoon mice to sing. Instead, he’s taking some time to both teach and learn, which is what brought him to UC Santa Cruz’s recent Interactive Storytelling Symposium. There, he echoed the refrain that’s recently become his calling card: take games to new, interesting places, and don’t just lean on crutches from film, TV, and the like to do it. It was a call to action – a plea for tomorrow’s burgeoning brains to break outside the box and then burn the remains. Do not, however, mistake that for an admission of inaction on Spector’s part. Unemployed or not, his gears are churning again, and he’s starting to think about his next big move. After his session, Spector and I discussed why he can’t simply make another Deus-Ex-esque game, why he really wants to put a “no weapons restriction” on his next project, Kickstarter’s popularity among his pioneering peers, Epic Mickey in retrospect, and more.


14 May 18:41

Doodal (Pishtaco)

by Terry

2v1rix4a freehand fractal drawing program.[Author's Description]

[Play online (Flash)]

14 May 18:34

Court métrage : A Boy And His Atom

by QRieuZ


«A Boy And His Atom» est le plus petit court métrage d’animation du monde, réalisé avec un microscope et des atomes par des scientifiques de la société IBM. En effet, grâce à un microscope très puissant, ils ont mis en scène les mouvements d’atomes agrandis 100 millions de fois afin de mettre en scène de petit garçon en noir et blanc. A découvrir !




14 May 18:20

The History of Typography

by QRieuZ


«The History of Typography» est une vidéo d’animation réalisée en stop motion par Ben Barrett-Forrest. Une vidéo pleine d’inventivité retraçant l’histoire et l’évolution de la typographie à travers les siècles.





14 May 18:16

Antoni Tudisco – Wooden

by QRieuZ


Antoni Tudisco est un artiste allemand spécialisé dans les arts numériques et en particulier dans la 3D. Celui-ci réalise des visuels dont les éléments sont préalablement modélisés en 3D. Sa dernière série «Wooden», reprend des objets et personnages qui arborent l’aspect et la texture du bois avec beaucoup de précision et de réalisme.

Antoni Tudisco1

Antoni Tudisco2

Antoni Tudisco3

Antoni Tudisco4

Antoni Tudisco5

Antoni Tudisco6

Antoni Tudisco7

Antoni Tudisco8

Antoni Tudisco website

14 May 14:39

Mars Colonies (Maxim Karpenko)

by Stephen

Screen Shot 2013-05-13 at 00.41.38
Mars Colonies is a RTS game about building and protecting your own colonies on Mars[Author's description]

[Play online (Flash)]