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25 Feb 09:55


by Ali Tez

NME tüm zamanların en iyi 500 şarkısını listelemiş. İlk 200 şarkı şöyle. Buyrun listeyi tepe tepe dinleyin, paylaşın…

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30 Dec 15:39


by "miss" james


amie cunningham is a wood carver, designer for thief & bandit and artist living and working in halifax, nova scotia, canada. she makes clothing and accessories for women, kids and home goods. everything is made by hand from the screen printed fabric to her custom made dream catchers. you may recongize the brand, as we are big fans of t&b in our household. here is a look into her day as a maker...


































how did you get into apparel making?
Almost by accident really, I was invited to be in a 't shirt' art show, and I just drew a design with a sharpie on a plain t shirt.  The response was great so from there I taught myself how to screen print and started screen printing my designs on t shirts.  The biggest silk screen I made was the 'Southwest' design which I printed on fabric yardage and made really simple scarves.  The cut and sewn part came a little later when my first son, Wolfgang was born.  I wanted some cool pants for him and knew I had to make them from the over-sized prints.
you recently moved back to canada, why?
To be honest it was the issue of health insurance.  When I became pregnant with my second son I realized I wasn't covered for maternity and instead of going into a huge amount of debt my husband and I decided that moving to Canada would be the right decision.  We moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia and my parents are close by.  My husband is an artist so he is free to work on his sculpture while I focus on the business.  We also have the help of my mom who watches Dutch and Wolfgang for a few hours in the afternoon so we can hustle in our studio.
has business changed since the move?
It's amazing how much it's changed.  I was so scared to uproot the business here to Canada.  I thought that people would be hesitant to order from me since I'm based in Canada and at least 90% of my business comes from the US and overseas.  Luckily, that is not the case and the business has grown and is flourishing here.  Also, I have probably the most amazing assistant/seamstress.  She is a costume design graduate and she is just incredible in so many ways.  The quality of our garments are so great and I'm really proud of our work.  Another thing is when we bought our house we were able to install an attached workshop to build our dream printing table.  Before we left Richmond, VA we befriended a wallpaper printer who showed us his printing technique and we built a table custom to fit our fabric and screens.  This makes printing yardage easy but we can still make custom color ways to suit our customers needs.
how would you describe your line?
Thief&Bandit is a culmination of all my passions as an artist, maker and designer. I've always loved fashion.  I've practiced painting, sculpture and illustration and am honestly just obsessed with making things. Thief&Bandit is a collection of hand printed/hand made jewelry, apparel and home goods where the focus is on the print but I see it as so much more.  It's a way for me to share my art with people from around the world, and to empower people by wearing or displaying pieces that are truly thoughtful, unique and handmade.
what does a typical day look like for you?
We get up with the boys (or they get us up!) and chaos ensues. :) We have breakfast, play, get dressed and get Wolfgang ready for preschool.  Throughout the week, Johnston and I take turns taking Wolf to school and often one of us drives downtown to our small sewing studio to drop off fabric and/or pick up garments from Carly. One of us takes Leroy (our shepherd mutt) for a morning walk or bike ride often with Dutch.  Around noon my mom comes over to help with Dutch and then I can focus on designing or making jewelry in my studio.  Johnston works in his studio during the day or helps with the printing.  We have dinner and play with the boys and get them ready for bed.  Usually from 9PM to midnight I work on emails or designing.  We have very full days.  
what was the inspiration behind your boys names?
Back in Richmond, Johnston and I were working at a friend's restaurant and became friends with a Wolfgang.  He is really such a stand up guy, so nice and has just a special outlook on life.  I remember telling my friend that if I ever had a boy I would name him after Wolfgang because I would want my son to be just like him.  Also, I guess it should be said that Johnston and I were in Germany for two months in 2009 for an artist residency and Wolfgang was conceived there.  Wolfgang's middle name is Vergil who is my husband's sweet uncle.  It's a strong name and it just really fits him.  Dutch's full name is Dutch Loyal Sebastian.  The name Dutch is taken from our very first dog, a mutt we found on the street in Richmond back in 200  He was the most beautiful animal, so gentle and sweet.  When we found him he was begging for food outside a cafe and had crazy road rash and was underfed.  I had to have him so we took him to the nearest vet and had him checked out.  He was so happy to be ours and we drove him to Canada the next day.  Sadly he past away only a few years later.  He was the most special animal and we wanted his spirit to live on through our son. Loyal is my uncle's name and Sebastian is the name of our favorite French DJ.  
tell us about your background before thief & bandit?
I grew up all over Canada and went to art school in university and received a BFA in fine art.  I moved to NYC in 2002 to study painting and sculpture at Parsons School of Design. After I got my MFA at Parsons I focused on sculpture and moved back to Canada to live at my parents rustic cottage for a year or so.  Johnston and I got married in 2007 in Canada and moved to Richmond, VA where I continued to make art.  With the encouragement of my husband and friends Thief&Bandit started shortly after.
what is your favorite product you create and why?
That's really difficult to pinpoint, it always seems to change. I really enjoy making dream catchers.  I love the process of finding the wood for the frame and choosing the stones, etc.  I really love experimenting with new colors on new fabrics, it feels like painting which in many ways I miss.  We actually just started printing on canvas paper for unique wall art which I'm really excited about.  I would say my ultimate favorite thing to make is the kiddo leggings because I just love getting them on the chubby legs of baby Dutch.  
what do you do outside of making?
I recently took up running again which has been a part of my life since I was ten years old. It's in my head that I need to start training seriously for a marathon as it's been one of my goals in life.  I love film and love going to see movies with my husband.  Spending time with my kids is probably the number one thing I do outside making, going swimming and taking them to the park, the simple things are really the most important to me.
photos by thief&bandit for bleubird.
30 Dec 15:38

it’s time for holiday baking {and a garnish giveaway!}

by Annie

I don’t know about you, but Thanksgiving falling so late this year really threw me for a loop.  This past week I’ve been resetting my mind toward the winter holidays, and now I’ve finally got my sights set on holiday baking and planning my annual holiday party.  I may bake for friends and family all year long, but I especially love doing it at the holidays when I can do it in an organized, large scale fashion without getting the side eye from anyone.  Each year I struggle with choosing which treats will make the cut and be included in the packages I make for friends and family, and each year the choice becomes more difficult as I find a couple new must-makes each holiday season.

Next week I’ll have a few more new treats to offer you, but until then, here are some past favorites that I’ll be agonizing between when I finalize my list this week.  Once I have the list all finalized, I’ll be stocking up on packaging supplies from my friends at Garnish.  Read on down through the bottom for a chance to win some Garnish goodies for yourself!

Of all the incredible holiday cookies out there, in my book pretty much nothing can beat a sable. Simplicity is at its best in this crumbly, vanilla scented cookie.

This cappuccino fudge has been a favorite favorite of mine since childhood. It is so easy to make and has the best texture of any fudge I have tried.  You can’t go wrong with a classic, chocolatey fudge with a hint of espresso.

Except for this nutella cherry hazelnut fudge with sea salt. If anything can get me to stray from plain, unadulterated fudge, it is this.   It really needs no explanation.

If you’re into candy making, caramels are such fun to make and recipients love them! These apple cider caramels were new to me this year but the flavor is so incredible, I think they will be making it into my gift bags this year.  So, so good.  Of course, you also can’t go wrong with the classic vanilla bean caramels (now with step-by-step photos to help you along if you are intimidated by making caramels.)

When I’m baking such mass quantities of treats, I can always appreciate something that is simple to make but garners rave reviews every time.  That is these peppermint brownies.  One batch makes a large panful and goes quite a long way.

Truffles are one of my favorite holiday treats to make for gift giving and parties, and these peanut butter pretzel truffles are irresistible. What’s not to love?

For all the peppermint lovers out there, these mini chocolate candy cane cheesecakes are a sure winner.

Rugelach can sometimes be a rather homely, B list cookie, but this chocolate raspberry almond rugelach wins my heart and is a must-bake for me every year, usually for gifting but if not then at least for our family to enjoy.

I first made these pecan pie thumbprints last year and they totally wowed us.  Pecan pie in cookie form – oh yes, it’s a thing!

Candy cane macarons are one of my friends’ favorite holiday cookies.  I love seeing my friends get as excited about macarons as I do.  (Side note: now when I make these, I use the Italian method described in detail here but still fill and garnish as normal.)

This gingerbread recipe is the one that taught me that yes, I do love gingerbread.  And it is good…so very good.

And when in doubt, beautiful sugar cookies are a sure bet.  See my recently revamped royal icing tutorial for step-by-step instructions.  You CAN do this!

Alright, those are just a few (ha!) of my favorite holiday treats.  I hope that gave you some fun baking inspiration.  Now head on over to the giveaway page for a chance to win some Garnish goodies for packaging or parties.  I adore Garnish and am always glad to share their awesome products with you!

04 Oct 13:49

Striped Watering Cans

by Grace Bonney

I know that prime summer gardening season is behind us, but it’s never to late to plan for next year- or to keep your indoor plants thriving. I’m loving these beautiful hand-painted watering cans that come in a cheerful range of red and green colors. They’re pretty enough to leave out during the day (so you’ll remember actually use them) and they’re sturdy indoor/outdoor iron so they’ll last for years to come. If you’re working on your green thumb this fall (or just want an interesting vessel for cut flowers) click here to check them out in full and order online ($68-$78 each). And of course, these would be great inspiration for a DIY project of your own if you’ve got time this weekend. Painting a pattern on some old watering cans that need some love sure beats an extra hour or tv. xo, grace
