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07 Nov 10:59

Oversized Clothes Pin Hangers by Swabdesign

Some things look so obvious that you wonder how come nobody has thought about them before! It is the case with this humorous interpretation of the clothes pin by French company Swabdesign. Your clothes don't need to be wet anymore in order for you to hang them with a clothes pin. Their colorful oversized clothes pins are designed as wall mounted clothes hangers for indoors or outdoors. The asymmetrical shape has been conceived in order to facilitate the day-to-day use. You can hang anything from hats or scarves to heavier clothing, the pins are strong enough to hold a maximum amount of items. Even when they are not used for their main functions, the pins look great as wall decoration. They come in various colors, from neutral white or anthracite to flashier electric blue and orange. Used in line or hanged randomly, they will become a great wall installation. They can look great in a child's room, but also in any space that needs some cheering up!
08 Jul 08:09

studio natural: collection influenced by mediterranean diet

by Studio Natural

influenced by the traditional mediterranean diet the design helps to create a balanced meal.

The post studio natural: collection influenced by mediterranean diet appeared first on designboom.

21 Jun 15:54

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition

by Caroline Williamson

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition

Brazilian design brothers Fernando and Humberto Campana, otherwise known as the Campana Brothers, have taken over New York City gallery Friedman Benda in their first ever solo gallery show in the United States with an exhibition called Campana Brothers: Concepts. The brothers’ work often touches on things like sustainability, globalization, and an exploration of materials, but this new body of work pushes their aesthetic and principles even further with the use of exotic materials and wanting to employ certain disappearing traditions. But don’t worry, the collection still has that bit of playfulness one would expect from this dynamic duo.

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

The alligator sofa and chair are created out of life-like stuffed alligators that are made by an NGO that employs imprisoned women.

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

The Racket collection is a series of brass-framed chairs and a screen made with a nylon stitched base and remnants of old woven Thonet chairs.

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

The Boca (Portuguese for “mouth”) series features a wall shelf, table, and standing shelf that is covered in cowhide.

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Fitas (Portuguese for “stripe”) is a buffet, cabinet, and table constructed of bent steel.

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts Exhibition in news events home furnishings Category

Campana Brothers: Concepts will be on display until July 3rd, 2013.

Photos by Fernando Laszlo and Marcos Cimardi.

19 Jun 15:56

Arredare bagni piccoli con idee di design originali

by Patrizia Chimera

Arredare un bagno piccolo è davvero molto impegnativo, perché richiede un’analisi attenta dello spazio a nostra disposizione per poter ottimizzare gli spazi con soluzioni funzionali e salvaspazio. Ecco le proposte dei miglori brand.

Bagni piccoli Arceram

Arredare i bagni piccoli con tutto il necessario e uno stile accattivante e interessante potrebbe sembrare un’impresa impossibile, ma non sempre è così. Ci sono moltissimi brand che vengono in nostro soccorso con tantissime collezioni che possono ottimizzare al meglio gli spazi, inserendo anche nei bagni piccoli tutto quello che serve.

Arredare bagni piccoli

Bagni piccoli Arceram accessoriBagni piccoli Arceram arrediBagni piccoli Arceram BlockBagni piccoli Arceram BoxBagni piccoli Arceram cavallettoBagni piccoli Arceram collezioneBagni piccoli Arceram lavaboBagni piccoli Arceram lavandinoBagni piccoli Arceram porta carta igienicaBagni piccoli Arceram porta scopinoBagni piccoli Arceram stileBagni piccoli Arti&MestieriBagni piccoli Brem

Nella nostra galleria di immagini abbiamo tutta una serie di soluzioni salvaspazio per bagni piccoli: sanitari, lavabi, contenitori, docce angolari, vasche piccole ma funzionali, mobili, specchi, accessori per il bagno, belli e pratici, che ci consentono di arredare con stile ogni ambiente, grazie ai colori soft proposti.

Artceram, ad esempio, ci propone tutta una serie di arredi indispensabili per chi deve arredare un piccolo: abbiamo mobili per lavabi in appoggio, con pratici cassettoni e differenti finiture, il modello di tavolo da lavoro multiaccessoriato realizzato insieme a Flos.Poi abbiamo anche Block, una collezione di lavabi e sanitari che aiutano a risparmiare spazio essenziale in bagno, o Mood, sottile e slanciato, molto essenziale. Tanti anche gli indispensabili accessori, come Cow, la serie a quattro zampe molto comoda, che si compone di porta scopini dal design moderno.

Brem, invece, ci permette di tenere tutto in ordine grazie ai suoi mobili portaoggetti come Paco, un arredo riscaldante con doppia funzione (scalda anche le salviette), o come Quar Minus di Luigi Brembilla con moduli rettangolori. E che dire di Sbarra Hook, sempre ad opera dello stsso designer? Sottile e molto accattivante, oltre che utile e funzionale.

Veniamo poi a Rexa Design, che propone Argo, su design di Imago Design, un lavabo sospeso che nasconde moduli contenitori, e Unico, i contenitori tuttofare facili e utili. E per chi ama l’eleganza ecco lo specchio Butterfly di Arti & Mestieri, molto chic.

Bagni piccoli Brem accessoriBagni piccoli Brem arrediBagni piccoli Rexa DesignBagni piccoli Rexa DesignBagni piccoli Rexa Design Giulio GianturcoBagni piccoli Rexa Design Giulio GianturcoBagni piccoli Rexa Design scaffaliBagni piccoli Rexa Design scaffaliBagni piccoli Maiuguali

Arredare bagni piccoli con idee di design originali é stato pubblicato su alle 16:24 di mercoledì 19 giugno 2013. Leggete le condizioni di utilizzo del feed.

08 Apr 09:03

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront

by Jaime Derringer

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront

I caught wind of Superfront from Remodelista today and boy am I glad I did. The Swedish company creates special cabinet fronts, handles, and legs that you can use with IKEA products like Bestå sideboards, Pax wardrobes, and even some kitchen cabinetry. There are nine cabinet front options, and eight different handle and leg options. I’m pretty excited about this and I hope it comes to the US soon!

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

I think the biggest problem I would have is choosing a favorite combination. I love the Illusion front (above) and the Big Balls feet (top photo).

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

I think this combo of Big Fish doors, Ball handles, and Captains leg is pretty awesome.

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category

These leather pulls, called Loop, are available in four colors with either brass or copper rivets.

Upgrade Your IKEA with Superfront in home furnishings Category