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12 Dec 01:46

Yes a condition called 'Polar Penis' is actually a thing that attacks Antarctic explorers and leaves their nether regions in agony ....just in case you're thinking of going exploring there [Scary]

12 Nov 03:48

How to intervene if you witness Islamophobic harassment

by Caroline Siede

Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 9.13.47 PM

Artist Maeril made this illustrated guide a few months ago, but it’s now more relevant than ever. You can find more of Maeril’s work on her Tumblr and Twitter.

11 Jul 03:17

The week in Pokemon: home invasions, armed robbery, police militarization

by Cory Doctorow


Pokemon Go is the game of the summer: the first really successful alternate reality game that mashes up crowdsourced maps, in-phone cameras, seriously addictive game mechanics, and (of course) a free-to-play/cash-to-accelerate slot machine mechanic that children wouldn't be allowed to stand near if it were in a casino -- in less than a week, it's lifted Nintendo's stock price by 10% and been implicated in any number of bizarre news stories: (more…)

04 Mar 00:13

On the grave dangers of smoking marijuana

by Xeni Jardin


The pot smoking scene from “Walk Hard - The Dewey Cox Story” never stops being funny. 'Specially after smoking pot.


26 Mar 15:50

Florida man headbutts car, slaps fire chief

by Jason Weisberger
"Deputies asked Keefer why he jumped on the vehicle and if he had consumed narcotics. Keefer said he had taken methadone and bath salts, deputies said." (via the Daytona Beach News Journal)
23 Sep 13:27

Cuissential SlickFroth

by mark

I often mix stuff into my coffee: cream, coconut oil, medium chain triglycerides, taurine, even some resistant starches like inulin as part of my low carb life. Previoius to getting the slickfroth, I had to choose between a small hand blender or a spoon. I did not expect much (you know, a battery powered small toy) but I have found that this device works much better than I expected as a mini-handblender for liquids and powders. While it will not chop up the contents of thick smoothies, it will mix liquids together or powders into liquids very well. It offers a very useful tool in-between a hand blender (over-kill for many situations) and just mixing with a spoon (often not adequate).

-- Dale Simpson

Kuissential SlickFroth 2.0

Available from Amazon