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08 Nov 21:12

Why the FCC Matters

by kmckenney
November 7, 2013
This week Tom Wheeler became the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He comes to power at a unique moment: Net Neutrality is under attack in the courts, TV companies are finding sneaky new ways to consolidate, and phone and cable companies are pursuing a deregulatory agenda that could cut off essential communications services for millions.
06 Oct 01:36

"I try not to watch movies and television with too much sex and...



"I try not to watch movies and television with too much sex and violence. They really harm your perspective."
“How’s that?”
“Those movies and shows give you false expectations. If you watch them too much, you expect that every beautiful woman is a few hours away from jumping in bed with you. And you expect that every time you bump into someone on the sidewalk, or have any sort of confrontation, you should be ready to fight. In reality, you should probably just apologize and try to enjoy the person’s company.”

02 Oct 23:23

Coverage of the Government Shutdown: Mainly an Epic Fail

by akroin
October 2, 2013
As the government shuts down fundamental services — everything from day-care centers to health-care clinics — we need journalists to help us understand and adapt to this crisis.
16 Sep 23:08

Hilarious anti-drugging and driving commercial from New Zealand

I normally can’t stand child actors, but the trio of kiwi kiddies assembled for this anti-drugs and driving PSA are comedic geniuses. They’re like Trailer Park Boys level funny… Perfect timing.

I guarantee these kids are going to get their own TV show.

h/t reddit

04 Sep 16:45

Don’t Poop In the Pool

by Brad Phillips @MrMediaTraining
I recently had the pleasure of staying at a Ritz-Carlton, a luxury hotel chain that operates 81 hotels in 25 countries. Upon visiting the indoor rooftop swimming pool at one of their New York hotels, I came across this sign: URINATING OR DISCHARGE OF FECAL MATTER, EXPECTORTING OR BLOWING THE NOSE ON THE SWIMMING POOL [...]