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06 Aug 19:31


by Andrea Lucaciu

My mother has been working with these 8 Romanian girls since they were infants. She helped save them from the state orphanages by fundraising like crazy to support their little orphanage, Casa Iosif. The girls are all of Roma (Gypsy) descent, and have endured a lot of hardships and discrimination. My mom always taught them that they are sisters and need to stick together and love each other, even as kids teased them in school and they struggled with developmental delays. I visited the orphanage myself in 2008, and the girls have grown so much! International adoptions have been closed for years, and the saddest part is EVERY ONE of these girls has a family waiting to adopt them as soon as they open again. My mom just visited them last month, however, and they are doing very well in school and speaking English like pros. Enjoy the video of Geta, Dia, Dora, Pami, Nati, Sanda, Gabi and Delia cooking a meal together.

Every day Buni cooks us meals made from scratch. When she’s in the kitchen chopping fresh cucumbers we just picked out of our garden or beating eggs whites for our favorite breakfast rice pudding, she hums a song and you know she cooks out of love.

But this time around we wanted to cook a meal with our own hands so we left for our cabin surrounded by patchworks of green fields and rolling, majestic mountains.

This was purely a celebration of food and company. When we take a pause from our busy schedules to cook a meal and gather around the table together, it means something.  It means that we took time aside because these simple human interactions matter—they remind us that we belong to each other and to the food that nourishes us.


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