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14 Jun 11:52

Copie Privée : carton plein pour la redevance en 2022

by Isabelle Deromas

Copie France, l’organisme qui a été mis en place pour percevoir les fonds issus de la copie privée, a encaissé 285 millions d’euros pour l’année 2022, ce qui est un vrai succès et l’une des années les plus prolixes depuis 2011 date de sa véritable mise en place après fusion avec Sorecop. La rémunération pour [...]

L’article Copie Privée : carton plein pour la redevance en 2022 est apparu en premier sur Freenews.

28 Sep 15:55

Si vous ramez en anglais, Google Meet vous sauvera la mise avec des sous-titres

by Julien Lausson

Google Meet traduction

Google Meet expérimente à plus large échelle une fonction permettant de traduire à la volée, et par écrit, ce que raconte un interlocuteur en anglais. À terme, d'autres langues devraient être prises en charge. [Lire la suite]

Voitures, vélos, scooters... : la mobilité de demain se lit sur Vroom !

L'article Si vous ramez en anglais, Google Meet vous sauvera la mise avec des sous-titres est apparu en premier sur Numerama.

25 Jan 05:39

How Efficient Can An Airplane Be? The Celera 500L Sets To Find Out

by Roger Cheng

One of the current hype trends is the supposedly imminent revolution in air transport. So many companies showing digital renderings and mockups to illustrate their own utopic vision for the future, reaching fevered pitch at events like CES 2020. But aviation has a long history of machinery that turned out to be impractical. Wouldn’t it be great if a company focused their resources on building real aircraft and get real data before cranking up their hype machine? The people at Otto Aviation thought so, and their Celera 500L has reportedly taken to the skies.

If you said “Otto who?” you are not alone. The company has zero PR activity to speak of. Limited internet attention started from aviation fans spotting the Celera 500L under construction at its Southern California airfield. Its unusual exterior appearance and proximity to Hollywood made some dismiss it at first as a movie prop. Anyone with a passing interest in aerospace engineering could immediately see aerodynamics was a priority in this design, its long thin unswept glider-like wings implies the goal is fuel efficiency rather than speed. This was confirmed by internet sleuths uncovering patents filed by people associated with the company.

The patents include very lofty fuel efficiency goals, and industry veterans are skeptical. Fuel is a huge factor in aircraft operating costs where small increases in efficiency translate to big dollars over a plane’s lifetime. It’s hard to believe every other plane maker would deliberately leave so much on the table. There must be far more to the 500L inside that teardrop shaped body, with innovations and potentially making some trade-offs no other company has made. We can see two of them from the outside: the 500L traded off some pilot visibility for aerodynamics, and it has very little ground clearance to absorb the impact of less-than-ideal landings.

It’s certainly possible the ideas leading to this plane will fail to pan out in reality like so many ideas before them. Aerospace engineering is a field littered with debris of concepts that looked great on paper but crashed against a hard and unforgiving reality. But at least Otto Aviation is trying something new by building real hardware to get real data, something well worth recognizing in a sea of hyped up fantasy renderings.

[Photo via SoCal Airshow Review]

19 Aug 17:17

Casques vélo enfants Fille OU Garçon - 5€ (ref:769833047)

Casques vélo enfants Fille OU Garçon (5)


Prix : 5

Où ? : Drôme / Valence

Mise en ligne de l'annonce : 19 Aug 2018 à 10:22

30 Mar 11:56

Blind Date

by Greg Ross

When I was 10 years old, a time machine appeared in my bedroom and my older self emerged and tried to kill me. He failed, of course, as his own existence must have shown him he would. But ever since I’ve wondered: This means that someday I myself must travel back to that bedroom and try to kill my younger self. And why would I ever do that?

This is not a logical or a metaphysical problem, but a psychological one. I can imagine being someday so depressed or ashamed or angry at myself that I’m motivated to travel back and try to erase my own existence. But I already know that the gun will jam. What earthly reason, then, could I have to go through the motions of a failed assassination? (Certainly we can imagine cases of amnesia, mistaken identity, etc., where such an action would make sense, but we’re interested in the basic straightforward case in which a time traveler interacts with his younger self — which surely would happen if time travel were possible.)

It seems that I must be motivated, somehow, in order for the appointment to take place, and yet the motivation seems to have no source. “In the present case, we have actions coming from nowhere, in the sense that no one decides, in the usual way, to perform them (or decides that they should be performed), and yet they are performed nonetheless,” writes University of Sydney philosopher Nicholas J.J. Smith. “The psychology of self-interaction is essentially different from that of interaction with others — because the former, but not the latter, involves the problem of agents knowing what they will decide to do, before they decide to do it.”

(Nicholas J.J. Smith, “Why Would Time Travelers Try to Kill Their Younger Selves?”, The Monist 88:3 [July 2005], 388-395.)

Please support Futility Closet on Patreon!

30 Jun 05:50

Les aides pour payer sa complémentaire santé trop souvent ignorées

Deux dispositifs méconnus permettent aux personnes disposant de faibles ressources de financer tout ou partie du coût de leur complémentaire santé.
16 Jul 15:44

DIY Hydro Hive #NatureAndTechnology

by Rebecca Houlihan


3D print a mold to make a bee friendly watering hole for your garden. by Dylan Larsen via instructables

I have lived in the woods my enter life and have enjoyed nature all around. I have seen so many bees that have died in buckets, water puddles, and anything that has collected water that they were trying to get to. This is something that I have come up with on my 3D printer to help out some.


Create a shape and size that will work for you. In the design have the pillars in the middle stager in height from one another. That way as the water goes down new pillars breaker the waters surface giving the bees islands to land on for the water.

Getting everything together for making a mold box and setting that up. Double back Duct tape is what I put on the base to anchor the part in with. I used some plexiglass and siliconed the seams together. Once that had a good amount of time for the silicone to cure, I used a universal mold release. Letting that set for about 15 minutes. Then casting a 1 by 1 part concrete rubber molding material. I let that set for about 5 hours. Then I pulled the part from the mold.

When the mold is fully cured, I use a universal mold release again for inside the concrete rubber mold. Letting that set for about 5 minutes. Using a concrete patch repair mix is what I use next. Mixing that until it is a puddling like thickness with it. Casting that into the mold then a bit of shacking the mold to level the concrete out for a smooth bottom look, and that will help get any air bubbles out. I would let the mold set for about an hour. Then if the concrete was solid enough, I will tip it up and have a fan on it for the next 2 – 3 hours. After that amount of time it would be ready to pull from the mold.

Full tutorial

28 May 13:57

La première banque éthique française sur les rails

Les sociétaires de la coopérative financière la Nef ont approuvé samedi un changement de statut, donnant naissance à la première banque éthique française.