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09 Feb 06:45

BMX riding as conceptual art

by Jason Kottke

A few months ago, the site featured the BMX tricks of Tim Knoll, which were some of the most unusual tricks I'd seen. (That semi trailer limbo!) Tate Roskelley's tricks are even weirder, so much so that they seem more like an artistic statement on tricks than tricks themselves:

I think the "artist's statement" on YouTube is spot on:

Tate's got just about the most original perspective on BMX you can imagine. I think years ago when Jim C said "I just want to see what's possible", Tate took his words at face value. His riding is less about making a statement and more about asking questions. What is a bike trick? What is a street spot? The answers aren't always pretty (I'm sure he isn't going to start riding around with his stem bolts loose full time) but they're always interesting and Tate is always having fun.

Tags: cycling   sports   Tate Roskelley   Tim Knoll   video
07 Feb 09:47

The Great Language Game

by Jason Kottke

Think you can distinguish between 80 of the world's most spoken languages? Play the Great Language Game and find out. (Oof, I am bad at this.)

Tags: audio   language   video games
23 Jan 09:08

Peter Freuchen

by Jason Kottke

This photo has been going around the internet the past few days:

Peter Freuchen

That's Peter Freuchen and his wife Dagmar Freuchen-Gale, in a photo taken by Irving Penn. Freuchen is a top candidate for the Most Interesting Man in the World. Standing six feet seven inches, Freuchen was an arctic explorer, journalist, author, and anthropologist. He participated in several arctic journeys (including a 1000-mile dogsled trip across Greenland), starred in an Oscar-winning film, wrote more than a dozen books (novels and nonfiction, including his Famous Book of the Eskimos), had a peg leg (he lost his leg to frostbite in 1926; he amputated his gangrenous toes himself), was involved in the Danish resistance against Germany, was imprisoned and sentenced to death by the Nazis before escaping to Sweden, studied to be a doctor at university, his first wife was Inuit and his second was a Danish margarine heiress, became friends with Jean Harlow and Mae West, once escaped from a blizzard shelter by cutting his way out of it with a knife fashioned from his own feces, and, last but certainly not least, won $64,000 on The $64,000 Question. An anecdote about Freuchen, courtesy of Frank Chimero:

It was so cold that even inside his cabin, even with the small coal stove, the moisture in his breath condensed into ice on the walls and ceiling. He kept breathing. The house got smaller and smaller. Early on, he wrote, two men could not pass without brushing elbows. Eventually after he was alone and the coal -- "the one factor that had kept the house from growing in upon me" -- was gone, he threw out the stove to make more room inside. (He still had a spirit lamp for light and boiling water.) Before winter and his task ended and relief came, he was living inside an ice cave made of his own breath that hardly left him room to stretch out to sleep. Peter Freuchen, six foot seven, lived inside the cave of his breath.

I mean, come on! His third wife, Dagmar Freuchen-Gale, was no slouch either. She was a teacher, artist, editor, expert on world cuisine, and a top fashion illustrator. Here's a cover she illustrated for Vogue in 1947:

Dagmar Gale Vogue

Update: Here's some footage of Freuchen's appearance on the $64,000 Question:

His appearance begins at around the 5-minute mark. (via @maxlovesyou)

Tags: Dagmar Freuchen-Gale   Peter Freuchen
10 Dec 13:42

Slow motion video of a base jump going horribly wrong

by Aaron Cohen

Vimeo user Subterminally appears to have had the worst 13 seconds of his life last week when he hit the cliff off of which he was base jumping. Subterminallyill received a "Compression Fracture of the T12 Vertebra, 5 stitches to the eye, 6 stitches to the chin, severely sprained Back, wrist and hand. multiple bruised areas," which is not too bad considering he FELL OFF A FUCKING CLIFF.

Alternate copy for this post, "No. No, no no no no no no. No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no. No."

(via just about everyone)

Tags: slow motion   video
02 Jun 06:49

Great timelapse video of Seoul

by Robert Koehler
Found this the other day on Vimeo: TIMELAPSE – Fantastic SEOUL from Mr.Koo on Vimeo. I believe I’ve met the photographer before on a rooftop somewhere.
02 Jun 05:44

The Spokesman

by nicholasb

There’s a lot of wisdom in these 3 minutes

The Spokesman from dean saffron on Vimeo.

20 May 14:57

A bicycle collector video

by bikeville

The Spokesman from dean saffron on Vimeo.

I love the message, the guy, and his bikes. 

Some more pictures of Jame MacDonald's bikes HERE on ABC Australia news website