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05 Dec 21:50

Burger Girl - Tanks For Nothing

by Zeon Santos

QUE NO ES IGUAL a las Burger girls que eramos en el revueltas según Ivancito! jajajaja

Burger Girl by Kgullholmen

She was once forced to act normal by her moustachioed meanie of a father Bob Belcher, but Louise is now well past her breaking point and loving every minute of it. Everyone had always thought of Louise as a bit off, what with the bunny ears and those fantastic adventures she was always dreaming up, but when she cracked up she cracked up good! Both Gene and Tina knew something was off about poor Louise, but when she said she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps her whole family let out a gasp! Then Gene let loose with a fart sound from his keyboard, and they all had a good laugh about it! What will the future hold for Bob's no longer little Burger Girl? Only Louise, and her little friend Kuchi Kopi, know for sure...

Don't tank up on your favorite beverage, save your money for this Burger Girl t-shirt by Kgullholmen instead, your torso will thank me later!

Visit Kgullholmen's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more fun-tastic designs:

Krieger's Laboratory Seal Of Approval vs The Wooorld BOO!

View more designs by Kgullholmen | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

05 Dec 21:49

Im trying to quit smoking. My girlfriend offered a blowjob anytime I feel I need a smoke.


A lo mejor es la solución pa el Barbon mana...

22 Nov 20:18

19 Glorious Ways To Eat Nutella For Breakfast


Ahí estas dodi veele aprendiendo porque los quiero en la mañana! jajajaja

The best part of waking up is (obviously) Nutella.

Damn Delicious / BuzzFeed

Mini Ricotta Donut Holes Stuffed With Nutella

Mini Ricotta Donut Holes Stuffed With Nutella

For the love of all that is hole-y, please pass me that jar of Nutella. Get the recipe.

Banana Nutella Smoothie

Banana Nutella Smoothie

Protein-packed thanks to a base of Greek yogurt and oatmeal. Get the recipe.

View Entire List ›

31 Oct 20:44

10 Of The Best Entries From The 2014 World Beard And Moustache Championship

by Audra

Mandamos al Barbon??

On October 25th, extravagant and stylish men from around the world gathered in Portland, Oregon for the 2014 Just For Men World Beard and Moustache Championship. Roughly 300 people entered the championships, where the best contestants reaped their laurels in 18 categories with three prizes in each.

The range of beard and moustache categories is quite impressive: there are Natural, English, Dali, Imperial, Hungarian, and Freestyle categories for the moustaches, and Goatee Natural, Fu Manchu, Imperial Partial Beard, Musketeer, Sideburns, Amish Beard, Partial Beard Freestyle, Full Beard Natural, Full Beard Styled Moustache, Verdi, Garibaldi, and Full Beard Freestyle categories for the beards.

Take a look at some of the contestants and winners of this year’s championship. Follow the links below to see the full list of winners in all of the categories!

More info: | (h/t: imgur, today)











Related posts:

  1. 20 Best Entries From 2013 National Beard And Moustache Championships
  2. Mr. Incredibeard Becomes Internet Sensation With Creative Beard Styles
  3. Beardo Beard Hat with Detachable Beard

10 Of The Best Entries From The 2014 World Beard And Moustache Championship originally appeared on DeMilked on October 27, 2014.

31 Oct 20:42

Catnip Joints, Cigarette-Style Catnip Toys for Those Kitties Who Wish to Partake

by Lori Dorn

Dodi pa tentrapitooooo!!!

Cat Joints on red Tray
“Catnip is legal in all 50 states…”

Stark Raving Cat, a feline-focused company based in Austin, Texas, has designed a creative line of hand-rolled catnip joints made specifically for kitties who wish to partake, without the mess or the irritating smoke of that stinky stuff that humans use to get high. Just don’t bogart that joint, my friend…

Contains 100% premium catnip, no fillers, just leaves and buds. Toss them like little prey and watch your cats play. Hand rolled and sealed in a cloth wrapper and made in the USA. Each set is packaged with a color card, making catnip joints a great gift for your favorite feline…

To use: Wake up your cat. Run a joint under your cat’s nose, like a fine cigar. Toss a joint toward your cat, high in the air, like prey. Then toss another, and another, and another…


Three Cat Joints Gift Set

Tamale and Plant

Meatloaf with Catnip Joints

Chloe the cat demonstrates her love for her Cat Joints.

Chloe grooves on her first Catnip Joint from Legal in all 50 states. No fillers, just 100% premium catnip to drive cats stark-raving-nuts!?

images via Stark Raving Cat

via Werd, Incredible Things

30 Oct 14:00

Sweden recognizes Palestinian state

Ed Adamczyk
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- Sweden officially recognized the Palestinian state Thursday, calling it a crucial step in encouraging other countries to do so.
29 Oct 18:07

Domsai, Adorable Terrariums That Transform Plants Into Figurines

by EDW Lynch

Domsai Terrariums by Matteo Cibic

Plants become adorable figurines in the whimsical Domsai terrariums created by Milan-based designer Matteo Cibic. The glass and ceramic terrariums come in a variety of sizes, and some even have socks.

Domsai Terrariums by Matteo Cibic

Domsai Terrariums by Matteo Cibic

Domsai Terrariums by Matteo Cibic

photos by Lorenzo Vitturi

via Yatzer, My Amp Goes to 11

23 Oct 21:07

Bacon Cheeseburger-Filled Donut

by John Farrier

Dodi, No me preguntes por qué pero si siento que puede ser epica!! jajajaaja que gocha!

Behold the Bacon Cheeseburger D’oh Nut! This is the same kind of innovation and daring that sent America to the moon. It resides among the chefs at PYT, a restaurant in Philadelphia. Their sweet and salty wonder is a donut stuffed with ground-up cheeseburger, sprinkled with bacon bits, and glazed with sugar.

I would like to take two of these donuts and use them as buns for a cheeseburger. That would be true love because, PYT tells us, “A burger is when a bun gives meat a hug.”

-via Incredible Things

22 Oct 18:49

Smart people listen to Radiohead and dumb people listen to Beyoncé, according to study

by Alex Young

SIempre lo supe!!!!!! jajajajajajajaj

How does a person’s intelligence relate to the type of music they listen to? For the last several years, a software application writer by the name of Virgil Griffith has charted musical tastes based on the average SAT scores of various college institutions. For example, students attending the California Institute of Technology have an average SAT score of 1520. By looking at Facebook to determine the most popular (or — “liked”) band of students at Cal Tech, Griffith was able to conclude that Radiohead really truly is music for smart people. A highly scientific study, I know.

As Digital Inspiration points out, Griffith’s chart reveals Sufjan Stevens, Bob Dylan, The Shins, and — uh — Counting Crows as other favorite bands of smart people. Meanwhile, Lil Wayne, Beyoncé, The Used, and gospel music comes in at the lower end of the spectrum — or, as Griffith puts it, is music for dumb people.

Among other interesting revelations from the Griffith’s chart: Smart people prefer John Mayer over Pink Floyd; rock titans like Tool, System of a Down, and Pearl Jam fall right in the middle — so, music for average people?; and people still listen to Switchfoot.

See the full result of Griffith’s findings below. Ed. Note: This chart actually dates back to 2009, but the below graphic is new.

music smart dumb

21 Sep 13:15

This Lamp Looks Like a Giant Pencil

by John Farrier

Lo quierooo!!! JAJAJA

This is the HB Lamp by Michael & George, a design team in London. It looks like a sharp pencil. But don't worry that someone will mark all over your floor and walls. The line is just a 33-foot long power cord. That's enough to plug in from a great distance or let you draw a lot.

Michael & George will display their lamp at the London Design Festival on September 12.

-via Khool

21 Sep 13:14

Tame Impala accused of plagiarizing Argentinian pop star with “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards”

by Alex Young


“Feels Like We Only Go Backwards”, the second single from Tame Impala’s Lonerism, was released in late 2012. Its critical and commercial successful helped catapult the band to rock stardom, earned them placement in many year-end listicles (including yours), and even led to a cover by Arctic Monkeys and a collaboration with Kendrick Lamar.

However, now, the band is facing accusations of plagiarism from a Chilean news site, which alleges that “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” rips off “Océano”, the 1989 single by Argentinian pop star Pablo Ruiz. Though Tame Impala songwriter Kevin Parker was only three years old when “Océano” was released, the song does feature an eerily similar melodic structure to “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards”.

Compare the two tracks in the video below (via Tone Deaf).

(Read: 10 Famous Cases of Alleged Music Plagiarism)

In other news, Tame Impala will return to the US in November for a string of tour dates. The itinerary includes some of the band’s biggest shows to date, including a November 9th performance at the Beacon Theatre in New York City. Afterward, they’ll head to South America for a bit of touring. See the full docket below.

The tour comes on the heels of Tame Impala’s latest release Live Versions, which collects songs from the band’s 2013 show in Chicago.

Tame Impala 2014 Tour Dates:
11/09 – New York, NY @ Beacon Theatre *
11/12 – Los Angeles, CA @ Shrine Auditorium *
11/13 – Las Vegas, NV @ Brooklyn Bowl *
11/15 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater *
11/20 – Bogota, CO @ Royal Center
11/22 – Santiago, CL @ Placina Espacio Broadway
11/24 – Buenos Aires, AR @ BUE Fest
11/26 – Rio de Janerio, BR @ Circo Voador
11/28 – Sao Paolo, BR @ Popload Festival

* = w/ Delicate Steve

21 Sep 13:14

Mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre. Receta

by Esther Clemente

DODIIII hagamos esta!!!

Mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre

El vivir en un pueblo tiene como todos sabéis sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes, dentro de las primeras está sin duda el poder disfrutar de hortalizas, huevos camperos y fruta fresca abundante. Así que casi todos los agostos me encuentro con que me regalan gran cantidad de higos, que este verano he empleado en preparar una exquisita mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre.

Por lo general suelo hacer una parte de mermelada clásica, solo fruta y azúcar, y otra parte la dejo para darle sabores distintos y más originales y poder después combinarla con otros platos en distintas recetas. En esta ocasión la vaina de vainilla y el ligero toque de jengibre fresco le han aportado a los higos, una fruta dulce de por sí, mucho más carácter.

Ingredientes para un kilo de higos

  • 1 kg de higos maduros, 750 g de azúcar, 1 vaina de vainilla Bourbon, 1/2 limón, 10 g de jengibre fresco

Cómo hacer mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre

La noche anterior limpiaremos los higos y los pondremos en la olla donde los vayamos a cocer cortados en cuartos. Les vamos añadiendo entre ellos el azúcar y removemos bien para que se impregnen de ella. Dejamos reposar toda la noche tapado y en sitio fresco o nevera.

Al día siguiente pelamos la raíz de jengibre y la añadimos a la olla, si queremos más sabor podemos rallarlo, y además con la punta de un cuchillo raspamos la vaina de vainilla y le añadimos las semillas a la mezcla de fruta, dejando la vaina también dentro para aportar más sabor mientras que la conserva se cuece.

Lavamos el limón y lo cortamos a la mitad, lo echamos a cocer dentro de la olla con el resto de los ingredientes. Cocemos todo junto durante 45 minutos a una hora, según lo que tarde en cocerse vuestra fruta, si tenéis un termómetro de cocina podéis medir la temperatura, vuestra mermelada estará en su punto cuando haya alcanzado los 105 grados.

Retirar el limón, la vaina de vainilla y el jengibre y pasar la mermelada por un pasapuré de tamiz grueso para evitar trozos de fruta muy grandes. Envasarla en caliente en frascos de cristal esterilizados con tapa hermética, y colocarlos éstos boca abajo hasta que se enfríen.

Mermelada de higos con vainilla y jengibre

Tiempo de elaboración | 1 hora y media + tiempo de macerado Dificultad | Fácil


Esta mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre es ideal para nuestras tostadas del desayuno y para untar en bizcochos y cakes. También se convierte en un buen aliado para tener en la despensa y preparar rápidamente una tarta con ella y una lámina de hojaldre, por ejemplo. Si queréis una mermelada para acompañar vuestro quesos no os perdáis esta versión que preparé el año pasado, mucho más indicada para cuando queráis combinar esta fruta con ingredientes salados.

En Directo al Paladar | Confitura de higos y nueces especiadas. Receta En Directo al Paladar | Minipizzas de jamón serrano e higos. Receta

La noticia Mermelada de higos con vainilla y un toque de jengibre. Receta fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por Esther Clemente.

15 Aug 20:45

Guía científica para besar bien

by gabriel

Por si necesitas in curso mana JAJAJJAJA

Nadie nos enseña a besar, por eso es común que en nuestras primeras experiencias románticas terminemos haciendo el ridículo al no saber cómo reaccionar cuando nuestra boca entra en contacto con otra.

En cierta ocasión publicamos una nota sobre la ciencia detrás del beso; como seguramente muchos siguen siendo muy babas para eso de dar ósculos, queremos compartirles un poco de información para ayudarte a besar decentemente.

No vayas a creer que te daremos tips al estilo revista Tú, Notitas Musicales (¿todavía existe esa cosa?), 15 a 20 y demás publicaciones intelectuales dirigidas a las jovencitas modernas. Al contrario, la información que están por leer está sustentada por varios estudios psicológicos, los cuales demuestran que los besos perfectos sí existen.

Checa estos puntos:

Un estudio de la Universidad de Oxford afirma que los besos ayudan a evaluar la conveniencia de un prospecto o pretendiente, así como la forma de mantenerlo a nuestro lado. John Bohannon, psicólogo de la Universidad de Butler (EU) encontró que el 90% de las personas recuerdan con mayor nitidez su primer beso, antes que su primer encuentro sexual. Como bien saben, las prostitutas evitan besar. Según Joanna Brewis y Stephen Linstead, sociólogos de la Universidad de Essex, esto ocurre porque un beso es “un genuino deseo de amor hacia la otra persona”. Sheril Kirshenbaum, investigadora de la Universidad de Texas y autora de La ciencia del beso, apoya la teoría de que las mujeres besan como una forma de conocer sentimentalmente a sus parejas, en tanto los hombres lo hacen como un paso más hacia el sexo.

La misma Kirshenbaum dio varios consejos para ser unos maestros en el arte de besar, los cuales fueron publicados por la revista Time. Como sabemos que es viernes y quizá al rato tengan que aplicarse, se los pasamos al costo:

Conoce las preferencias y gustos de tu pareja. No hay reglas pues se trata de algo intimo que cada quien disfruta a su modo, por lo tanto, compenetrarte con la otra persona y saber qué le gusta y qué no al momento de besar es algo básico. Ten buena higiene, de nada te sirve estar cayéndote de buena o estar fortachón si la boca te apesta a panteón. Si eres primerizo intenta que tus primeros besos sean en un lugar conocido, así evitarás verte muy torpe. Busca el momento adecuado.


En tanto, William Cane, autor de El arte del beso tiene otros consejos para tomar en cuenta:

Hay que innovar a la hora de dar besos y evitar caer en la monotonía. Busca mantener en sincronía tu respiración con los oídos, y escuchar la forma en la que tu pareja lo hace. Y ojo, no busques que tu lengua llegue hasta su garganta. Un 53% de las mujeres prefieren buscar a un hombre afeitado; mientras que el 96% de ellas prefieren los besos en el cuello en lugar de en la boca (con los hombres pasa diferente, ya que únicamente el 10% prefieren que los besen en el cuello).

La cosa no termina ahí, en nuestro afán de querer facilitarte la vida también te daremos información útil en caso de que próximamente planees viajar al Viejo Continente. Sabemos que cada lugar tiene sus propias costumbres y tradiciones; los besos no son la excepción, y de acuerdo al país que visites debes tener ciertas consideraciones por si la suerte te sonríe y terminas pegando tu chicle (y tus babas) con alguien más.

De acuerdo a una encuesta realizada a 5 mil europeos por el portal de viajes y ocio lastminute, a la hora de viajar a Europa debes tener en cuenta estos consejos de acuerdo al país donde te encuentres.


No dan besos fácilmente, incluso un 6% de hombres y un 5% de las mujeres aceptan que no les gusta. Los alemanes prefieren los besos románticos y que tienen lugar en escenarios románticos y perfectos: playita, puesta de sol, música de fondo, etc.

No son muy partidarios de los besos espontáneos.


Dos ingredientes forman un buen beso para los italianos: sensualidad y carácter. No importa que no haya amor (sólo para el 20% de ellos es importante). Para ellos lo espontáneo (en un 62%) y la pasión (con un 53%) bastan para hacer de un beso inolvidable.



También les gusta la onda espontánea, que los besos sean apasionados (44%) y con mucho amor (31%) pero no les gusta que los besos duren demasiado.


Son muy similares a los franceses. Les gusta dar besos espontáneos e inesperados, y con un toque de pasión (48%). Lo cierto es que el amor, la cursilería y los escenarios perfectos les dan lo mismo (únicamente al 9% les gusta).


Aquí les vale al amor y la pasión. Para los ingleses los buenos besos son fríos, rápidos y con un toque de dulzura. Un 29% de ellos considera importante el beso que te das con alguien a quien no has visto desde hace tiempo.

Y listo, con esto damos por concluidos nuestro especial de besos pa' que se pongan abusados.

*** Vía ABC España
15 Aug 19:42

How to Grill Fish on Pineapple Bark

by John Farrier

mmmmmmmm se ve bien no mana???

This is clever! It had never occured to me to use pineapple as a cooking tool. I should definitely try this the next time I have access to a grill.

Kristen of the food blog Make the Best of Everything sliced the bark off a pineapple, then bound it with twine around slices of mahi mahi. It takes a bit longer to cook than directly over the grill. But I suspect that it's worth it to infuse the fish with pineapple juice.

-via Messy Nessy Chic

03 Aug 17:37

Alarm Clock That Wakes You Up With A Cup Of Fresh Coffee

by Audra

DODIIIIII DODIIIIIIII DODIIIIIII lo quiero de pumple!!!!!!!!!!!

Waking up in the morning is one of the hardest parts of the day for some of us. The market is full of ingenious alarm clock apps and designs, but this coffee maker alarm clock, called “The Barisieur,” seems like it will make waking up as fast and painless as possible.

This stylish and alluring alarm clock, created by designer Joshua Renouf, wakes its owner up with subtle sound of moving stainless steel ball bearings, which boil the water through induction, and the smell of freshly made coffee. The only thing that the user has to remember is to prepare a portion of coffee beans, sugar, and milk before they go to bed – and turn the alarm on. And the rest, apparently, is all pleasure!

More info: | Pinterest (h/t: designboom)













Related posts:

  1. Money-Shredding Alarm Clock
  2. Alarm Pillow by Seung Jun Jeong
  3. Remembrance: Photo Album Coffee Table

Alarm Clock That Wakes You Up With A Cup Of Fresh Coffee originally appeared on DeMilked on July 31, 2014.

29 Jul 06:01





27 Jun 20:47

This Woman Really Captures The Personality Of All Twelve Zodiac Signs

by Zeon Santos

cómo ves mana??

The pick-up line “what’s your sign?” may have gone out of style in the 70s, along with the Pet Rock and macramé wall art, but people still groove on the zodiac as a happenin' way to get some guidance about which long, strange trip to go on, and where that wavy gravy road will lead.

Debra Silverman is an astrological professional who offers zodiac related advice, like when you should dig everything and everyone or when to stay inside because your bad moon is rising.

Debra also happens to be a psychotherapist, so she's able to provide even more insight into the minds of the twelve different personality types. Apparently she's also an actress, and as you'll see in these videos she can bust out a zodiac personality type like nobody's business!

Personally, I'm a Gemini, and her performance of my Zodiac Personality In Action is spot on:

(Video Link)

However, I've known plenty of Scorpios, many of my best friends are Scorpios, so I can safely say there's something about this Scorpio Personality In Action that seems a bit off:

(Video Link)

What do you totally right on readers think? Was Debra's analysis of your sign mind blowing and like wow, man, or does her astrological chakra need a bit of fine tuning?

Check out all of Debra's totally uncanny personality performances here and see if she captures the zodiac side of you!

20 Jun 01:07

Los mejores episodios de Friends


siiii es épico y mi favorito también cuando hacen la trivia.

Tooodos, absolutamente todos los capítulos de Friends son buenazos. La verdad es que me tardé más escogiendo las mejores escenas que escribiendo el boom mismo, pero aquí están las top 7. ¿Cúal es tu favorita? [Foto: Huffington Post]
19 Jun 03:14

BooBoo the Guinea Pig and Friends: The Photo Series

by Lisa Marcus

DODIIIIIIIIIIIIIII no mames no mames pompramelos!!

A photographer using the name "Lieveheersbeestje" likes to shoot photos of her guinea pigs. The star of the show is BooBoo. These guinea pigs are quite the stylin' bunch. They love to accessorize with snazzy glasses, flowers in their hair, bunny ears, and the list continues.

For those curious about the cover girl, BooBoo is 2 years old. Her favorite foods are chicory and carrots, and she spends her time eating, sleeping and posing for glamour shots. See more photos of BooBoo at the Lieveheersbeestje website or on the artist's Deviant Art site. Via Bored Panda 

Images Credit: Lieveheersbeestje


30 May 04:13

The Perfect Dish Rack For Drying Out Wet Godzilla Toys

by Jill Harness

Si soy Fans dodii, ya se que viene tu cumple en 6 días, pero igual me lo puedes regalar no?? JAJAJAJAJAJAJA

The Manhattan skyline is the most famous and most beautiful cityscapes in the world, but who knew it was also great for organizing your desk items and for drying dishes? Designer Luca Nichetto's Inception dish rack/desk organizer is perfect for both and for reliving one of the coolest scenes of Inception and making your own Godzilla movie with your toys.

Want to see more? Then don't miss the full article over at Homes and Hues: The Inception Dish Rack/Desk Organizer Is Perfect for Godzilla Fans

30 May 04:13

33 Easy Nail Hacks For A Flawless DIY Manicure


AHora lo perfeccionare!!!!

If you do your nails at home, here is every tip you could possibly need to ensure a salon-quality manicure.

Take apart a loofah and use the netting to get a fishnet manicure look.

Take apart a loofah and use the netting to get a fishnet manicure look.

Follow this diagram to imitate how professional manicurists apply nail polish.

Follow this diagram to imitate how professional manicurists apply nail polish.

Here it is, simplified:

Here it is, simplified:

View Entire List ›

30 May 04:12

Mammalian Beards

by John Farrier

Cual sería la de tu bestia mana???

The New Zealand branch of the razor company Schick commissioned these images for its “Free Your Skin” advertising campaign. They were made by the agency Sharpe + Associates, which notably credits the photography to Troy Goodall and the animal photography to Stephen Stewart. This suggests that there is some Photoshop trickery at work here.

That’s disappointing. Wouldn’t you like to be able to claim to wear a live, preferably wild ferret as a beard? Or maybe a honey badger or wolverine?

And once you had such a beard, why would you ever want to shave again? I don’t understand how these ads would sell razors.

-via Kaching

14 May 02:08

Laser Cut Wooden Chess Set That Flattens When Not in Use

by EDW Lynch

me lo prompras?????

Laser Cut Wooden Chess Set Flattens When Not in Use

Got Chess? is an ingenious portable wooden chess set with flat, laser cut pieces that slot into the chess board during play. When not in use, the set flattens into 4 wooden tablets that stack into a notebook-sized package. The set is a design concept by product designer Peter Baeten.

Laser Cut Wooden Chess Set Flattens When Not in Use

Laser Cut Wooden Chess Set Flattens When Not in Use

photos via Peter Baeten

via CRNCHY, The Awesomer

01 May 22:51

For the wino who has everything… The FlaskScarf!


PA mi amiga la tepoooo!!!!! la quieres dodi???

Still not sure what to get your momma for Mother’s Day? Why not show how much you love her with this nifty FlaskScarf? The boozy cravatte—which comes in a variety of colors and prints for the fashion-conscious—has a hidden “bladder” where you fill...

29 Apr 20:50

World Class Butt Wiggle

by Miss Cellania

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA esta de look!!!!!!! pedodiiiii uno asiiii!! diceselo al dodo!!

(YouTube link)

Ohagi has concentration, focus, and a procedure for his pounce. 1. Lock eyes on target. 2. Wiggle hindquarters in a rhythmic manner until completely wound up. 3. Raise one front paw. 4. raise other front paw and hover like an alien spacecraft (that part gets me every time I see it). 5. Launch! Let’s see that technique again.

-via reddit

28 Apr 22:35

The Most Popular Things People Eat Around the World While Inebriated

by Lori Dorn

Tssss nada le gana a los tacooos, aunque la de Brasil se buenaa eh???

BuzzFeed Yellow takes a look at the most popular things people eat around the world while they are inebriated.

25 Apr 04:32

Kraken, A Squid-Shaped Packaging Concept for Squid Ink Pasta

by EDW Lynch

Estará buena mana???

Kraken Squid Ink Pasta Packaging Concept

Université du Québec à Montréal design student Jacques Laplante created this clever squid-shaped packaging concept for Kraken squid ink pasta.

Kraken Squid Ink Pasta Packaging Concept

photos via Packaging UQAM

via Super Punch

25 Apr 04:27

CATable, A Sleek Modern Desk Hiding A Bevy of Hidey-Holes To Please Hardworking Humans and Curious Cats Alike

by Lori Dorn

Dodi te la pompro??????


Designer Ruan Hao in partnership with Lycs Architecture has created the CATable, a wonderful piece of furniture to please the hardest of working humans and the most curious of cats alike. The idea for the CATable, a desk whose sleek modern designs hide a bevy of hidey-holes to keep kitty amused, came from personal experience (translated from Chinese).

People who live with cats always has those kind of experiences?
1. Putting away the cat from your lap top was like a sentimental ritual of temporary farewell.
2. A proper sized hole could be so irresistible to cats. Their curiosity would be greatly satisfied through repetitively exploring the unknown path behind the hole.
The design of CATable was a fusion of those experiences, as well a locus where the interaction occurs.It is a table for us, and a paradise for cats.





images via Lycs Architecture

via Freshome, My Modern Met

17 Apr 23:49

Pattern of the Week!

by Lisa Congdon

Pedodi la sigues??? me guta mcuho lo que hace.


This week’s pattern is based on a traditional herringbone, with a twist. You can see many of the patterns I’ve created here.

Enjoy! And happy Thursday.

17 Apr 23:48

Japanese Speaking Bird

by The Nag

The Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa) is not only a pretty bird but is also intelligent. These birds are renowned for their ability to imitate human speech. This video shows one having a conversation with its owner.

I don't understand Japanese but comments on reddit say the conversation  translates as follows:
Bird:” ‘Uhm Hello, this is the Ono family.” 
Bird: “What’s wrong?” 
Owner: “Abe-chan, you’re a little too early. Once the phone’s picked up, then properly say hello.” 
Bird: “Okay, understood.” 
Owner: “Do you really understand? I’m counting on you. Hello, this is the Ono family residence in Gifu.” 
Bird: “Okay, I understand!” 
Owner: “Got it.”
Via TwistedSifter