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03 Aug 02:38

The Ghostbusters remaster breaks containment in October

by Brett Makedonski

Loved this game. BOSON DARTS!

Come October, you'll be bustin' like it's 2009. The remaster of the vaunted Ghostbusters: The Video Game is nearly ready to haunt this mortal plane.

Fittingly, Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered will launch during the spooky month. It's set to release on October 4 on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. Strap on your Proton Packs, don't cross the streams, don't disregard any strange piles of slime.

Alongside the launch date, we're also treated to the first slice of gussied-up gameplay. The video that's embedded above shows how the new battle against the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man looks. All we're missing is a very large graham cracker and a ton of chocolate.

@PlayGBremaster [Twitter]

The Ghostbusters remaster breaks containment in October screenshot

02 Aug 21:24

FCC bans spoofed text messages and international robocalls

by Christine Fisher

Did ya hear that guys? They BANNED them! That's it! Nightmare over! No one would ever dare to make robocalls again! Cuz they're banned!

This week the FCC voted to approve rules that ban spoofing text messages and international robocalls. The new rules close long-standing loopholes in the Truth in Caller ID Act, which banned spoofing domestic calls but made it hard for the FCC to comb...
02 Aug 19:39

The Next iPhone Might Have a Time-of-Flight Sensor—but What the Heck Is That?

by David Nield

Oooh! I have a time-of-flight setup that I use at work for precise fiber optic length measurements!

As if you didn’t have enough phone specs to consider when choosing a new phone, here comes another one: Smartphone cameras are now being augmented with what’s called a time-of-flight or TOF sensor, as well as the standard wide-angle and telephoto lenses you might be familiar with. Even Apple might join in next year.…


01 Aug 23:58

At Long Last, You Can Watch Spider-Man's 'Lost' First Teaser Restored in HD

by James Whitbrook

Somewhere in a box at my folks place is a DVD of trailers that we had to play at Suncoast and this was on it.

The very first glimpse at what would become one of the most beloved superhero movies of all time is also a very weird one—because for years, it was actually impossible to see it. While in the two decades since Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man first hit theaters it has re-emerged online, it’s suddenly hit the web (sorry not…


01 Aug 23:09

Apparently Medieval People Found Cats Licking Their Butts Fascinating And Here Are 14 Pics As Proof

by Mantas Kačerauskas











































01 Aug 16:19

Quentin Tarantino curated a 4-hour playlist of songs from his own movies, just for you

by Britt Hayes

There’s a lot to love about Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood, the ninth (-ish?) film from Quentin Tarantino: Leonardo DiCaprio’s insecurity-driven meltdowns, Brad Pitt shirtless and somehow even more attractive (and hilarious) than he’s ever been, Margaret Qualley’s weird-ass hippie vibe, the dog. As with previous…


30 Jul 21:43

The Director of The Witch Gets Creepy Once Again in the Trailer for The Lighthouse

by Germain Lussier

When Robert Eggers released The Witch, it was one of those movies that made you go, “I’ll watch any movie this guy makes from now until forever.” And now is your chance. The first trailer for his next movie is here.


30 Jul 20:40

Streamer Sparks Debate Over Whether Twitch Should Allow Breastfeeding

by Nathan Grayson

Nobody gives a shit. This is just her trying to get more viewers by starting this debate on Twitch.

When a Twitch streamer breastfed her baby on stream last week, clips of the moment ended up getting removed from Twitch, and it sparked a debate about whether or not the practice violates Twitch’s terms of service, with some arguing that breastfeeding constitutes “sexual” content.


30 Jul 18:41

A woman married her dog on live TV, but it's fun and not creepy, we think?

by Gabe Worgaftik

"many kudos to Elizabeth for rescuing Logan from an abusive home."

And placing him in another abusive home.

She's totally banging that dog.

The United Kingdom is going through tough times. Boris Johnson, a straw-haired charlatan whom Donald Trump called “Britain Trump,” has become prime minister via a long series of compounding national blunders, and the threat of a no-deal Brexit looms larger than ever. The U.S. women’s national soccer team put England’s…


30 Jul 04:13

Amazon's The Boys Is a Morbidly Frank Breath of Fresh Air About the Cult of Superhero Worship

by Charles Pulliam-Moore

3 episodes in. Pretty cool so far.

The cynicism of Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson’s The Boys isn’t something that you can dismiss in the age of comic book adaptations we’re currently living through, and Amazon’s done nothing to downplay that fact with its new series based on the book. Whether we like to admit it or not, superheroes and the…


30 Jul 01:37

Characters' Watches In The New Call Of Duty Will Display Real-World Time

by Nathan Grayson

Shut up. Just. Shut. Up.

Today in tiny, hyper-specific details that might end up having grave ludonarrative consequences: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)’s multiplayer avatars can wear watches. These watches display whatever time it is where you are, opening the door to a grim future in which somebody can land a perfect headshot on you…


29 Jul 23:16

Blair Witch continues to look bonkers as hell

by Peter Glagowski

Might be a decent horror game. Not sure it needed the Blair Witch tie-in for that. We'll see.

In all honesty, I didn't expect much when I heard a Blair Witch game was coming. The original film was a ridiculously massive hit in the late '90s, but it hasn't stood the test of time as essential cinema. Every subsequent film sequel and game adaptation has been incredibly mixed, too. For all intents and purposes, just the name of Blair Witch conjures indifference from me. Somehow, though, Bloober Team's game looks interesting.

Following on from the E3 footage, we now have an official gameplay trailer and this still looks bonkers as hell. It not only seems to accurately capture the legacy of that original film, but it features a dog named Bullet that you can interact with. 10/10, best game ever! Seriously, though, Blair Witch is shaping up to finally make the legacy of this odd brand worth remembering.

Blair Witch is currently slated for PC and Xbox One. It will be launching in a little over a month on August 30, 2019.

Blair Witch continues to look bonkers as hell screenshot

29 Jul 22:39

Twitch Streamers Plan ‘SlutStream’ To Raise Awareness Of Online Harassment

by Cecilia D'Anastasio

“People who are upset about female streamers wearing low-cut tops will see [my stream] and say, ‘Oh, yeah, she’s making fun of female streamers acting like sluts for views,’”

Or all they will see are your giant knockers. But good luck with your whole "I'm doing it ironically" attitude.

Tomorrow, a veteran Twitch streamer is organizing a day called “SlutStream” for women gaming online to band together and deflate the power of the word “slut.”


29 Jul 15:54

R.I.P. Russi Taylor, voice of Minnie Mouse and The Simpsons' Martin Prince

by William Hughes

"Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot!"

Russi Taylor has died. A prolific voice actor, Taylor’s credits stretch across a massive swathe of the animation history of the last 40 years—but she’ll probably be best known, and loved, around these parts for the decades she spent playing the perfect portrait of a kiss-ass alpha nerd, Martin Prince, on The Simpsons.


28 Jul 17:52

Read This: Streaming might have inadvertently killed the randomly aired film for cable

by Shannon Miller

I have found myself wanting to get cable again. I honestly miss opening the guide and seeing what's on. Putting a movie on that is already halfway through and getting up to do something around the house. Streaming has killed that for me. Now watching TV has become more mind-intensive. I have to actually choose what to watch instead of saying "oh, Die Hard is on." It was a much easier way to have background noise while I did something else.

Also, I really miss Cops.

You’ll find no shortage of season Hollywood types equipped with their torches and pitchforks, all too prepared to blame Netflix for the woes of the film industry. It’s unfair, really: Streaming has provided a viable platform for films that would likely have a harder time getting greenlit by major studios. The public’s…


28 Jul 17:50

Butcher Box Is Celebrating Summer With Three Pounds of Chicken Wings In Every Box, Forever

by Shep McAllister on Kinja Deals, shared by Tercius to io9

Can someone who actually cooks tell me if this cool or not?

27 Jul 14:35

Cat wrecks video game stream by barfing so hard it breaks a computer

by Reid McCarter

omg this is NOT an Onion article!

Cats ask very little of us. They need to be fed, brushed, given water and toys to play with, and have their litter changed. In return, they provide love and companionship, tempered only with the annoyances of some occasional early morning meowing and ill-timed explosions of barf.


26 Jul 22:36

Oculus Venues events are coming to the Quest

by Mariella Moon

I haven't stopped thinking about this thing since we played it.

Oculus Venues, the platform's feature that crams stadium-sized experiences into a VR headset, is arriving on the Quest today. Venues gives you a way to hang out with friends inside virtual social experiences and even to meet new people at big events...
26 Jul 17:56

Inside Killer Queen, the addictive arcade sensation that’s spawned its own subculture

by A.A. Dowd on Games, shared by Maddy Myers to Kotaku

I still don't understand it.

It’s Saturday afternoon at Logan Arcade, and all eyes are on a blue cartoon bee in a stripped sweater, slowly riding a snail past a goal line. This isn’t an unusual spectacle at the Chicago arcade bar, whose large selection of classic coin-ops, pinball machines, and licensed light-gun blockbusters all seem to lead to…


26 Jul 17:32

A Direct-to-VHS ’80s Movie Featuring a REALLY BAD Nicolas Cage Cameo

by Geeks are Sexy

Aaaaand now I have AIDS.

Suddenly a wild Nicolas Cages appears! Never on Tuesday was a direct-to-VHS movie that was released in 1989 in which Nicolas Cages has a short 60-second cameo that includes bad acting, a fake pointy nose, and a really stupid-looking wig. Check it out below!

[Source: TheSh1tbird on Youtube | Via Nerdist]

The post A Direct-to-VHS ’80s Movie Featuring a REALLY BAD Nicolas Cage Cameo appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

26 Jul 17:27

New Tampax High-Speed Applicator Able To Launch Tampons Into Vagina At 500 MPH

by The Onion

NEW YORK—Touting the state-of-the-art device as a major time-saver for women, Procter & Gamble debuted a high-speed Tampax applicator Friday capable of launching tampons into the human vagina at speeds of up to 500 miles per hour. “Competing brands usually enter the vagina at 0.012 mph, with the resulting inefficiency…


25 Jul 22:40

FBI Finds Bucket of Heads, Cooler of Penises, Sewn 'Frankenstein' Corpse at Body Donation Center

by Hudson Hongo

Cooler of Penises!

In 2013, federal authorities began investigating shady “body brokers,” businesses that sell donated bodies for research purposes, such as Arizona’s for-profit Biological Resource Center. That company was shuttered following an FBI raid in 2014, but eyewitness details are being made public for the first time—and…


25 Jul 22:25

Sigma Is Tearing Up The Overwatch Playbook

by Nathan Grayson

Ohhh shit. He is gonna be fun.

Sigma, Overwatch’s newest hero, has descended onto the PC public test server, and already, he’s making a craterous impact. The gravity-manipulating tank has an ult of otherworldly power, but ultimately, it hinges on a simple principle: What goes up must come down. Players are using it to pull off some absolutely…


25 Jul 21:58

74% Of Adults Have Been Harassed While Gaming Online, Study Says

by Cecilia D'Anastasio


74 percent of adults who play games online have experienced some form of harassment, according to a new report released today.


25 Jul 20:44

To protect its satellites, France outlines ambitious space-weapons program

by Eric Berger

"and perhaps even machine guns on board some satellites."

Yes to this.

Florence Parly is the French defense minister.

Enlarge / Florence Parly is the French defense minister. (credit: SEBASTIEN BOZON/AFP/Getty Images)

After French President Emmanuel Macron called for a space high command to protect his nation's satellites earlier this month, military officials on Thursday released their plans in more detail.

As reported in the French financial newspaper Les Echos, the French Defense Minister, Florence Parly, outlined a new space weapons program that would allow the country to move from space surveillance to the active protection of its satellites.

"France is not embarking on a space arms race," Parly said, according to the publication. However, the projects outlined Thursday by French officials include swarms of nano-satellites that would patrol a few kilometers around French satellites, a ground-based laser system to blind snooping satellites, and perhaps even machine guns on board some satellites.

Read 9 remaining paragraphs | Comments

25 Jul 19:13

Scientists Have Created a Prosthetic Arm That Lets Patients Feel Touch Again

by Ed Cara on Gizmodo, shared by Jill Pantozzi to io9


Perhaps one of the profound yet underappreciated aspects of being alive is the ability to reach out with your hand and feel the world around you—whether it’s fresh-cut grass or the face of a loved one. For people who have lost a hand or arm, prosthetics may restore some functioning, but not the sense of touch itself.…


25 Jul 18:07

Thousands Of Polar Bears Washing Up On Nation’s Beaches

by The Onion

Goddamnit, Onion, I love you.

24 Jul 23:00

ESPN Impressed By Mark Sanchez’s Ability To Point Out Football Field

by The Onion on Sports, shared by The Onion to The Onion

"He’s just a natural talent in the broadcast booth. We didn’t even have to ask, he just started naming things on the football field. He said grass, he said end zone. He even knew exactly what the football was."

BRISTOL, CT—Noting that the former USC quarterback’s grasp of the game and its nuances was immediately obvious, ESPN executives were impressed Tuesday by Mark Sanchez’s ability to point out the football field. “The second we brought Mark in, we just knew he was the one. He could watch a play and locate the 50-yard…


23 Jul 17:30

Electric Scooter Rider Executes Flawless Cross-Highway Lane Change During Rush Hour

by Aaron Gordon


Should electric scooters be allowed on highways? Obviously not, you might say. With a top speed somewhere in the ballpark of 15 mph, it’s a recipe for carnage to the scooter rider’s brains.


23 Jul 17:07

Report: PlayStation 5 Has Already Been Out In Japan For, Like, 20 Years

by The Onion on Onion Gamers Network, shared by The Onion to The Onion

Can’t wait to get your hands on the PlayStation 5? Then prepare to get jealous, because the cutting-edge video game console has apparently already been out in Japan for 20 years!