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19 Oct 16:02

How we could teach our bodies to heal faster | Kaitlyn Sadtler

by TED
Mallory Solis

What?! Yes. All the T Helper Cells!!!

What if we could help our bodies heal faster and without scars, like Wolverine in X-Men? TED Fellow Kaitlyn Sadtler is working to make this dream a reality by developing new biomaterials that could change how our immune system responds to injuries. In this quick talk, she shows the different ways these products could help the body regenerate.

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The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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17 Aug 14:42

TIL that the Whataburger logo was trademarked BEFORE the Wonder Woman logo.

by /u/dfunkt_jestr
Mallory Solis

Wat. No, they definitely copied Wonder Woman.

15 Aug 18:23

TIL that 90% of the plastic in the oceans come from just 10 rivers. 8 are in Asia and 2 are in Africa.There are the Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai He, Ganges, Pearl, Amur and Mekong in Asia and the Nile and the Niger in Africa

by /u/WSchultz
14 Aug 21:52

TIL that Keanu Reeves struggled with dyslexia, dad left when he was 3, best friend died of overdose, baby was still-born, mom of baby died in a crash and he still managed to be Keanu Reeves.

by /u/TallAssFuker
Mallory Solis

What a guy. Amiright, Emily?

09 Aug 20:20

TIL about a dialect quiz that attempts to figure out where you grew up in the United States. It asks 25 multiple choices questions asking things like “what do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage?”. It then will try to triangulate where you are from.

by /u/yupyup98765
Mallory Solis

San Antonio, Austin or Brownsville. Exactly.

07 Aug 18:45

How we'll become cyborgs and extend human potential | Hugh Herr

by TED
Mallory Solis

I want to be a cyborg!!!!

Humans will soon have new bodies that forever blur the line between the natural and synthetic worlds, says bionics designer Hugh Herr. In an unforgettable talk, he details "NeuroEmbodied Design," a methodology for creating cyborg function that he's developing at MIT, and shows us a future where we've augmented our bodies in a way that will redefine human potential -- and, maybe, turn us into superheroes. "During the twilight years of this century, I believe humans will be unrecognizable in morphology and dynamics from what we are today," Herr says. "Humanity will take flight and soar."

Check out more TED Talks:

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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07 Aug 18:42

TIL about Hell, a village in Norway that has a grocery store, gas station, a fast food shop, and a retirement home. Until late 1995, the European route E6 highway went through Hell and across the Hell bridge, so you were literally able to drive on the Highway to Hell.

by /u/hydr0mant1c
Mallory Solis

@Molly - Does Hell mean something in Norwegian?

07 Aug 14:30

TIL an Ethiopian girl was being brutally beaten by 7 men when a pride of lions chased them away. They even stayed with her until help arrived.

by /u/Vexxer232
Mallory Solis

Queen of the Lions now.

07 Aug 14:06

TIL that Einstein's brain has been dissected and found to be no bigger than average but has significantly more astrocytes, which are poorly-understood neural connectors that anyone can increase by continuing to learn new things, and with a good diet, exercise, and love.

by /u/TequillaShotz
Mallory Solis

Keep learning, people! <3

07 Aug 12:59

TIL Netherlands closed 19 prisons last year due to the lack of criminals

by /u/hjalmar111
25 Jul 18:37

Which Are Healthier: Pancakes or Waffles?

by kbragg
Mallory Solis

Pancakes FTW

Pancake vs Waffle
Rita Maas / Yagi Studio / Getty

Waffles and pancakes don't usually rank high on any healthy-breakfast list—especially if a waitress named Marge is bringing you stack after butter-and-syrup drenched stack at the local greasy spoon. But if you prepare them at home, neither has to be such a guilty pleasure.

So which one should you whip up if you're looking for better choice to power you through a workout? While they have similar ingredients—they're both made up mostly of eggs, flour, milk, and butter or oil—you'll have better luck turning pancakes into a nutrient dynamo.

"There are a lot more ways you can tweak a pancake," says Amy Goodson, a Dallas-based sports dietitian who has worked with the dallas Cowboys. For more fiber, skip refined flour and use a quality flour source like oat, buckwheat, or chickpea, recommends Goodson. Also, sub in a nonflavored whey protein for half the flour to amp up the protein and make it a more complete meal.


For toppings on either pancakes or waffles, try adding a protein-and-fat combo like peanut butter and banana. Or, for a lower-calorie protein-and-fiber option, go with Greek yogurt and berries. And if you just can't fathom your slapjacks without maple syrup, Goodson says go for it—but only if you're pouring it on the healthy version. "If you switched out the base and made the pancakes nutrient-rich, adding a little bit of sugar doesn't seem as bad." 

The Nutrient Breakdown: 3.5-oz Waffle vs. 3.5-oz Pancake


  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbs: 49g
  • Protein: 7g
  • Calories: 310


  • Fat: 5g
  • Carbs: 39g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Calories: 225

An the Winner Is: Pancakes


24 Jul 15:39

How to Buy and Sharpen a Quality Knife

by eyun
How to Buy and Sharpen a Quality Knife

Israeli-born chef Michael Solomonov spends his time outside the kitchen working up a sweat in the squared circle. Inside the kitchen, he’s a culinary heavyweight. A recipient of multiple James Beard awards (including 2017’s Outstanding Chef), the no-nonsense chef and restaurateur put Israeli cuisine on the map in the U.S. thanks to his Philadelphia restaurant Zahav, where he produces a modern yet soulful take on Israeli dishes.

And just as boxers rely on high-end gloves for their craft, Solomonov notes the importance of high-quality knives when it comes to whipping up solid cuisine. To help sharpen your knife skills, Solomonov lays out what types of blades you need and how to best take care of them.


“I look for a multipurpose knife that can be easily sharpened on a whetstone,” he explains. And while you’ll probably have to shell out some dough for a top-notch chef’s knife, not every slice-and-dice apparatus you own needs to cost a fortune. “I never buy fancy paring knives,” he says. “Inexpensive ones work just fine.”


For most of your kitchen work, you need only three knives, says Solomonov: “a good slicing knife, a good boning knife, and a good chef’s knife.” Whether you’re carving a juicy sirloin, chopping onions, or deboning a pork shoulder, this trio will have you covered.



“My Kramer knife is the jam,” Solomonov says. Made in America, “Kramer knives have supersturdy blades, hold an edge well, and have the perfect balance of grip and weight.” ($400;

The Sword and the Stone

title 2017 Olympia Fitness &amp; Performance Weekend

You got the knife—now you need to keep it sharp. Solomonov’s three tips for using a whetstone:

  1. Meet Your Match: “Do the research about which type of whetstone is the best fit for your particular knife,” Solomonov says. Generally, lower-grit stones are best for forming a hard edge; finer-grit stones are ideal for polishing.
  2. Take the Plunge: “I soak the whetstone in cold water until there are no more air bubbles and it has absorbed enough water—but not too much—about five to 10 minutes.”
  3. Find the Right Angle: More delicate knives are best sharpened close to the stone (10 to 14 degrees); workhorse knives can be sharpened higher (20 to 22 degrees). For an even edge, “always hold the same angle.”


19 Jul 21:25

An Apple for a Dollar

I'd like 0.4608 apples, please.
05 Jul 20:31

Let's turn the high seas into the world's largest nature reserve | Enric Sala

by TED
Mallory Solis

GTFO trawlers.

What if we could save the fishing industry and protect the ocean at the same time? Marine ecologist Enric Sala shares his bold plan to safeguard the high seas -- some of the last wild places on earth, which fall outside the jurisdiction of any single country -- by creating a giant marine reserve that covers two-thirds of the world's ocean. By protecting the high seas, Sala believes we will restore the ecological, economic and social benefits of the ocean. "When we can align economic needs with conservation, miracles can happen," Sala says.

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The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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02 Jul 18:34

TIL Iceland has more writers, more books published and more books read, per head, than anywhere else in the world

by /u/JorWat
25 Jun 01:31

How we can turn the cold of outer space into a renewable resource | Aaswath Raman

by TED
Mallory Solis

Unlimited AC!!!

What if we could use the cold darkness of outer space to cool buildings on earth? In this mind-blowing talk, physicist Aaswath Raman details the technology he's developing to harness "night-sky cooling" -- a natural phenomenon where infrared light escapes earth and heads to space, carrying heat along with it -- which could dramatically reduce the energy used by our cooling systems (and the pollution they cause). Learn more about how this approach could lead us towards a future where we intelligently tap into the energy of the universe.

Check out more TED Talks:

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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21 Jun 17:07

TIL According to a study by Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Medical University Graz, vegetarians suffer significantly more often from anxiety disorder and/or depression, have a poorer quality of life in terms of physical health, social relationships, and environmental factors.

by /u/Bluerecyclecan
20 Jun 20:19

TIL that the lethal dose of chocolate for a human is 22 lbs, or 40 Hershey Bars.

by /u/psiddy42
Mallory Solis

@emilymcdaniel challenged posed....

20 Jun 19:22

TIL: Iowa has a law that prevents new roads from being constructed diagonally. They want every road to be in a cardinal direction.

by /u/secondnameIA
20 Jun 13:42

TIL that the femur can support 30 times the weight of your body; ounce for ounce, it is stronger than steel.

by /u/spooky_fellow
18 Jun 14:37

TIL that Keanu Reeves gave approximately $80 million of his $114 million earnings from The Matrix sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, to the special effects and makeup staff.

by /u/SuitablePerspective
Mallory Solis

Anything Keanu Reeves will automatically be shared. #emilymcdaniel

15 Jun 15:58

TIL that tomorrow, June 15th, is unofficially known as "Cheer-Up Keanu Day". So let's all do something to cheer up Keanu Reeves.

by /u/Johnnygunnz
Mallory Solis

For Emily. ;)

13 Jun 18:43

Customer Rewards

We'll pay you $1.47 to post on social media about our products, $2.05 to mention it in any group chats you're in, and 11 cents per passenger each time you drive your office carpool past one of our billboards.
11 Jun 19:51

Where joy hides and how to find it | Ingrid Fetell Lee

by TED

Cherry blossoms and rainbows, bubbles and googly eyes: Why do some things seem to create such universal joy? In this captivating talk, Ingrid Fetell Lee reveals the surprisingly tangible roots of joy and shows how we all can find -- and create -- more of it in the world around us.

Check out more TED Talks:

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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07 Jun 03:50

Presidential Succession

Mallory Solis

Kate McKinnon, yes.

Ties are broken by whoever was closest to the surface of Europa when they were born.
10 May 18:58

Only In Russia

by /u/Alpha2749
Mallory Solis

What is this food?!

10 May 18:54

TIL In Japan, there is a belief that your blood type determines your personality and compatibility similar to Zodiac sign or Astrology.

by /u/Kingflares
08 May 19:39

A printable, flexible, organic solar cell | Hannah Bürckstümmer

by TED
Mallory Solis

The FUTURE is (almost) here!!!

Unlike the solar cells you're used to seeing, organic photovoltaics are made of compounds that are dissolved in ink and can be printed and molded using simple techniques. The result is a low-weight, flexible, semi-transparent film that turns the energy of the sun into electricity. Hannah Bürckstümmer shows us how they're made -- and they how could change the way we power the world.

Check out more TED Talks:

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

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08 May 14:43

4 Inspiring Women Who Battled Chronic Illness With Fitness

by kbragg
Mallory Solis

Lil' inspiration.

26 Apr 18:21

How to Get Hit by a Car and Live

by Patrick Allan
Mallory Solis



You step into a street you thought was empty—then you hear it. A car is careening toward you, tires squealing as the driver slams on the breaks. You have less than a second to react and save your life. Here’s what you do.

Before we get into it, know that your survivability when being hit by any vehicle greatly depends on the speed of that vehicle. If they’re going fast enough—45 mph or more—you won’t have time to react, and the blunt force will be too great for any human bone structure to overcome. That said, there’s no harm in trying to dodge a speeding car headed your way.


The trick is to lift, leap, protect, and roll. The most important thing, according to professional stuntwoman Tammie Baird, is that you try to get up on the hood of the car. Otherwise, you’ll bounce off the bumper or grill and back into the road—where you’ll land hard on the asphalt, and possibly be flattened onto it. So, lift the leg closest to the car, so there’s absolutely no weight on it. This positioning will ensure you get swooped up instead of knocked down, says Baird.


Once you’re in a lifted leg stance, it’s time to leap. Propel yourself up with your weight-bearing leg so your butt or hip lands on the hood of the car first. As you come down on the vehicle’s hood, bring your arms and hands up to protect your head. If possible, spread yourself out as you hit the hood to reduce the force of impact.


After that, it’s time to roll. Prepare for the momentum of the car to either roll you up onto the windshield and over the vehicle, or roll you back down the hood of the car because they’ve stopped. Whichever direction you go, don’t stop protecting your head. Remember: lift, leap, protect, and roll.


When you’ve stopped moving, get up immediately if you’re able to. You don’t want to stay in the street and risk being hit again. Ask the driver to stay there (note their plates and take photos of the car anyway), call the police to report the incident, then go directly to a hospital. Just because you don’t feel any pain right then doesn’t mean you’re not hurt. Don’t let the adrenaline rush fool you. Seek medical attention and get yourself thoroughly checked out.