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03 Nov 05:53

The Urinator Kit Review- Does It works?

by urinewarmer

We spent hours researching the urinator kit to find out does it work? This review we talked about everything you need to know about the Urinator drug test kit.

If you’re applying for a new job, you may be required to take a drug test before you can be hired for a job.

If you have used drugs or any other type of prohibited substance in the last few months, a drug test could put you at risk. If you fail to pass a test, you could miss out on job opportunities or even be fired from your current job.

Thankfully, there is a way to avoid these kinds of problems without giving up the substances you enjoy. There are numerous solutions available, such as purchasing rapid clear clean pee or taking clean pee from another person.

You might think that asking someone to provide you with a clean urine substance is the best course of action. However, there are many problems for this.

There are many substances that remain present in the body for a long period of time. Unless you’ve actively monitored someone for months or more, you can’t assume that their urine is clean. Beyond that, there’s a strong chance that you’ll be caught using another person’s urine. The hormones in one person’s urine may be different from the hormones expected to be in your own pee.

That’s why it’s best to use a urinator kit with powdered urine. It can be costly, but if it can save your job — or help you to get hired — it’s worth the price.

Urinalysis test

Why Use the Urinator?

Urine tests have gone through many advancements, which means it’s harder for people to pass a test with fake urine. For example, many tests look at the temperature of the urine. If a person’s urine isn’t at the appropriate temperature, they may fail to pass the test. Thankfully, this is an issue that the urinator electronic urine-warming device is designed to address. Urinator can keep urine at the right temperature so that you won’t trigger any red flags when you take your test.

The urinator consists of a pouch, which is connected to a heater and a tube. It’s designed to allow you to provide a piss sample without drawing any attention. Even if you’re supervised while you take your test, the Urinator will allow you to use synthetic urine discreetly.

When you use the urinator electronic urine-warming device, you simply need to place your synthetic urine in the iv bag. You can use the tube to empty the pouch and provide a synthetic urine sample. Thanks to the heater, the pee will always be at the right temperature. The urinator is suitable for both men and women. It contains stainless steel sensor rod that regulate the testing temperature.

In order to power the heater, you’ll need to use two 9-volt batteries. These batteries are not shipped with the device, which means you will need to purchase them separately.

Detail review of urinator kit, including what does it offer, where to buy a urinator and every other information that you should know before using urinator for a drug test.

>> Click Here To Buy Urinator (3 Free Packs of Powdered Urine) 100$ Bonus <<



How It All Works

If you’ve never used a device like urinator before, it might sound overwhelming. Thankfully using the urinator urine testing device kit is much easier than you’d think. All you need to do is fill your iv bag pouch with the pee of your choosing. The port vinyl iv bag can be filled with pee via the syringe that it comes with.

Once the port vinyl iv bag has been filled, all you need to do is head to your test. You’ll empty the pouch with your urine sample, and the powdered urine will provide you with a clean test result. In order to properly conceal the pouch, you may want to wear thicker clothing.

Save for the 9 volt batteries, the urinator kit comes with everything that you need to pass your  test. Your first step will be to fill the pouch with pee. After that, you should secure the 9 volt batteries to the heater so that the synthetic urine can reach the appropriate temperature. The urinator urine testing device comes with test strips and sensor rod that allow you to confirm the testing temperature is correct. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to take your test!

How Long Will Your Urine Stay Warm?

Once your synthetic urine has reached the right temperature (98 degrees), the heater will be able to keep it warm for the next four hours. This can be very helpful if you wind up having to wait in line before you take your piss sample for test.

There are other products on the market that can heat synthetic urine, but unfortunately, many of these devices won’t keep urine warm for long. The urinator will heat your pouch and ensure that your synthetic urine remains at the correct temperature until you provide your sample.


***Checkout Urinator Kit ( BONUS COMES WITH OVER $100.00 OF URINE)***

If your employer regularly asks you to take drug tests, a device like The Urinator can be a great investment. While you may need to purchase more rapid clear clean pee or powdered urine, it’s possible to use The kit more than once.

With that said, you’ll want to make sure you test your urinator in advance to ensure that your piss is still reaching the appropriate temperature. If the urinator doesn’t seem to be as efficient as it used to be, it’s time to invest in a replacement.


>>Checkout Urinator at<<

Is The Urinator a Good Value?

The urinator kit is currently priced around $150. That may seem like a steep price, but you should keep in mind that it can be reused. Furthermore, it comes with three samples of synthetic urine. That has an estimated value of $120.

While you will have to buy batteries, you won’t have to worry about making any other purchases when you use this kit. I found it to be a great value overall. If you’re planning on taking more than one drug test, a kit like this would be a great investment.

Is The Urinator Discreet?

the urinator

The urinator can be worn beneath your underwear, which makes it very easy to hide. While you may want to wear a thicker pair of pants, no one should be able to see that you’re wearing this pouch.

What’s especially great about the device is that the tube also makes it possible to provide a pee sample discreetly. You won’t have to panic if someone follows you into the bathroom. You’ll still be able to provide a sample without any concerns.


Being asked to take a piss test can be a frustrating experience. Luckily, the Urinator is a great way to resolve these kinds of issues.  It’s a discreet device that really works. Urinator is better than using the hand warmers for maintaing temperature for a minimum four hours.

I found that the urinator kit was very easy to use for maintain urine temperature for a minimum four hours . Thanks to the testing strips and sensor rod, I didn’t have any concerns about the temperature of my pee. I also found the pouch to be extremely secure! It’s made of a thick vinyl material that feels very resilient. Having to worry about leaks would be extremely stressful, but that’s not a concern with this device.

Overall, I would recommend the Urinator to anyone that’s planning for an upcoming test. It can heat pee to the perfect testing temperature for a minimum four hours, and it allows you to provide a pee sample in a natural way. It’s hard to deny the usefulness of a product like that!

03 Nov 05:52

How Fast Does Urine Cool

by urinewarmer

The thing that lies between you and your new job is a drug screening test. If you don’t do drugs then you won’t be worried about it, but if you do, then its something you would be fearing. All kinds of drugs can be caught in a urine drug test (UTI) and that’s why the people who do drugs try different ways to pass urine tests. The most effective way is to use powdered urine, cause its much better and reliable than others. But the main challenge is the temperature, and you would be already wondering about how fast does urine cool. Actually, human urine cools pretty fast, but not too fast.There are different types of urine test that you may know.

How Fast Does Urine Cool

On leaving the human body, urine drops to a temperature between 94°F to 96°F which is around 35°C. The first thing that is tested during a urine drug test is the temperature of the urine. So its necessary to keep the temperature around 35°C. When using an already prepared powdered urine you can make the temperature right with the heating strip. Remember, little too hot is better than little too cold and if the temperature is really really hot then you would need to shake it and let the air cool it.

There are not so many factors which can prove that the urine sample you have provided is fake. But the temperature of the urine can easily do that. So you need to make sure that the urine sample is at the right temperature. One degree more or less won’t make much difference, but if the number varies by more than three, then you might get caught.A good urine warmer kit can help you to pass the urine test.

Getting caught would simply result you in loosing your new job. So just keep the knowledge of ‘how fast does the urine cool’ in your mind and keep the temperature around 35°C. After all you wouldn’t like to loose your new job just because of temperature.

03 Nov 05:52

How To Pass Urine Test 2020

by urinewarmer

There are times when you have to give urine tests. Not for health concerns, but cause you have applied for a new job. It has become a priority, a protocol for the companies to take Urine Drug Tests of their new recruits to make sure that they don’t do drugs. Every company wants a clean and nice employee. But there are people who do recreational drugs like marijuana. So if you are someone who does any of the recreational drugs, and have applied for a new job, then we have something for you. If you have applied for a new job then you will surely need to give a urine test and that must have made you think about how to pass urine test. Yes it is possible, you can pass a urine test without doing much and get your job.Different types of urine test are conducted to catch the drug abuse.

how to pass urine test

The procedure is very simple, and all you need is a powdered urine kit. A powdered urine kit is a medical kit, that has been prepared to pass drug tests. It contains powdered urine, which is real human urine in powdered form. It is a 100% natural human urine which is dehydrated and turned into powder through a specific process. You can buy the kit from any medical store around you. Many different companies manufacture them and they are readily available at all medical stores. All kits come with powdered urine, a heater strip, urine warmer a temperature strip and instruction manual. To prepare urine, follow these steps :

* Pour the powdered urine in testing vial.

* Take some water (as instructed in the manual) and pour it in the vial.

* Now add the heating strip to the liquid to bring it up to an optimal temperature.Make sure you read how fast does urine cool for the complete information.

Follow the above steps and your answer to how to pass urine test is ready. Send it to the laboratory and get a clean report.


03 Nov 05:52

What Does A Urine Test Show

by urinewarmer

If you have given a urine test recently and are wondering what does a urine test show, then read this article for the answer. A urine test is a series of tests done on your urine to check the traces of diseases and common health conditions. A urine test can tell so much about your health condition.Urine test can also used for drug test.synthetic urine can help you to pass the different urine tests.Make sure you keep urine warm for drug test if you are using powdered or synthetic urine.It is very important to maintain the urine temperature.

Urine is tested in three stages, which are :

What Does A Urine Test Show

1>Visual Examination – The laboratory worker checks the colour and clarity of your urine at this stage. Urine is supposed to be whitish or yellowish. A dark yellowish urine shows that you are drinking less water than what you need. A reddish or brownish urine indicates blood infections. A foamy urine would mean kidney diseases and a cloudy urine means infections.

2> Microscopic test – There are many substances in your urine which can’t be seen with naked eyes and that’s what the laboratory checks at this stage. So they are checked with microscopes. The substances that shouldn’t be a part of your urine are bacteria, crystals, RBCs, WBCs. All of these indicate infections and diseases.

3>Dipstick test – A plastic strip treated with different types of chemicals is dipped in the urine. The strip has different divisions which react and change colour if the levels in your urine are abnormal.

If you are still thinking that what does a urine test show other than these, then know that it can show a few other things too. Urine tests can show if you take recreational drugs like marijuana or not.You should clear the urine drug test conducted in your office.

It can also show if you have STIs or STDs. Urine tests can show the diabetes levels in your body. They can tell exactly about many infections like kidney, liver, urinary tract infection (UTI). Urine tests are good for telling about so many diseases and thus you should take them at least thrice a year.


03 Nov 05:52

Types Of Urine Tests

by urinewarmer

The process of doing a series of tests on your urine is known as Urinalysis or commonly urine test. Such tests are done to check for signs of diseases. It is the best way to find out some diseases in their early stages and thus it is a part of most of the regular monthly checkups. The diseases which can be traced though urine tests are Diabetes, Kidney disease and Liver disease. There are many different types of urine tests that are done to trace the diseases and a few common health conditions. Urine tests are also done to check if the person does any kind of drug. Such tests are called Urine Drug Test (UDT).

types of urine tests

Urine is analyzed in three different ways, and all of them are used one after another. They are :

1> Visual Examination – The colour and clarity of the urine is checked. Blood is seen in a reddish or brownish urine. Kidney diseases are indicated in a foamy urine and cloudy urine depicts an infection.

2>Microscopic test – The substances which can’t be seen with naked eyes are checked with microscope. RBCs, WBCs, bacteria and crystals in urine indicate diseases and infections.

3>Dipstick test – A medical strip treated with chemicals is dipped in the urine. The strip has different parts which change colour if the levels are abnormal.

There are many different types of urine tests, some of the most important ones are noted below :

1> Urine test for confirming pregnancy

2> Urine test for diagnosing urinary tract infection (UTI)

3>Urine test for monitoring bladder cancer, diabetes, bladder cancer and STIs and STDs

4>Urine test for checking kidney functioning

5>Urine test for monitoring drug use.Companies conduct drug test to prevent drug abuse.You should pass urine drug test if you want to get job.Powdered urine,synthetic urine is a popular way to clear the drug test.Use urine warmer for drug test to maintain urine temperature.Keep the urine temperature around 35°C so that it does not get cool.

6>Urine test for drug test

Though Urine tests tell so much, it is really advised to take them at least three times in a year.