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29 Oct 19:43

CoTO: A novel approach for fuzzy aggregation of semantic similarity measures - Semantic Scholar

Semantic similarity measurement aims to determine the likeness between two text expressions that use different lexicographies for representing the same real object or idea. There are a lot of semantic similarity measures for addressing this problem. However, the best results have been achieved when aggregating a number of simple similarity measures. This means that after the various similarity values have been calculated, the overall similarity for a pair of text expressions is computed using an aggregation function of these individual semantic similarity values. This aggregation is often computed by means of statistical functions. In this work, we present CoTO (Consensus or Trade-Off) a solution based on fuzzy logic that is able to outperform these traditional approaches.

29 Oct 19:42

Evolutionary algorithm based on different semantic similarity functions for synonym recognition in the biomedical domain - Semantic Scholar

One of the most challenging problems in the semantic web field consists of computing the semantic similarity between different terms. The problem here is the lack of accurate domain-specific dictionaries, such as biomedical, financial or any other particular and dynamic field. In this article we propose a new approach which uses different existing semantic similarity methods to obtain precise results in the biomedical domain. Specifically, we have developed an evolutionary algorithm which uses information provided by different semantic similarity metrics. Our results have been validated against a variety of biomedical datasets and different collections of similarity functions. The proposed system provides very high quality results when compared against similarity ratings provided by human experts (in terms of Pearson correlation coefficient) surpassing the results of other relevant works previously published in the literature.

29 Oct 19:42

Extending Knowledge-Based Profile Matching in the Human Resources Domain - Semantic Scholar

In the Human Resources domain the accurate matching between job positions and job applicants profiles is crucial for job seekers and recruiters. The use of recruitment taxonomies has proven to be of significant advantage in the area by enabling semantic matching and reasoning. Hence, the development of Knowledge Bases (KB) where curricula vitae and job offers can be uploaded and queried in order to obtain the best matches by both, applicants and recruiters is highly important. We introduce an approach to improve matching of profiles, starting by expressing jobs and applicants profiles by filters representing skills and competencies. Filters are used to calculate the similarity between concepts in the subsumption hierarchy of a KB. This is enhanced by adding weights and aggregates on filters. Moreover, we present an approach to evaluate over-qualification and introduce blow-up operators that transform certain role relations such that matching of filters can be applied.

29 Oct 19:42

Top-k Matching Queries for Filter-Based Profile Matching in Knowledge Bases - Semantic Scholar

Finding the best matching job offers for a candidate profile or, the best candidates profiles for a particular job offer, respectively constitutes the most common and most relevant type of queries in the Human Resources (HR) sector. This technically requires to investigate top-k queries on top of knowledge bases and relational databases. We propose in this paper a top-k query algorithm on relational databases able to produce effective and efficient results. The approach is to consider the partial order of matching relations between jobs and candidates profiles together with an efficient design of the data involved. In particular, the focus on a single relation, the matching relation, is crucial to achieve the expectations.

29 Oct 19:42

A Smart Approach for Matching, Learning and Querying Information from the Human Resources Domain - Semantic Scholar

We face the complex problem of timely, accurate and mutually satisfactory mediation between job offers and suitable applicant profiles by means of semantic processing techniques. In fact, this problem has become a major challenge for all public and private recruitment agencies around the world as well as for employers and job seekers. It is widely agreed that smart algorithms for automatically matching, learning, and querying job offers and candidate profiles will provide a key technology of high importance and impact and will help to counter the lack of skilled labor and/or appropriate job positions for unemployed people. Additionally, such a framework can support global matching aiming at finding an optimal allocation of job seekers to available jobs, which is relevant for independent employment agencies, e.g. in order to reduce unemployment.

29 Oct 19:42

Automated knowledge base management: A survey - Semantic Scholar

A fundamental challenge in the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Databases consists of developing methods to automatically manage Knowledge Bases which can serve as a knowledge source for computer systems trying to replicate the decision-making ability of human experts. Despite of most of tasks involved in the building, exploitation and maintenance of KBs are far from being trivial, significant progress has been made during the last years. However, there are still a number of challenges that remain open. In fact, there are some issues to be addressed in order to empirically prove the technology for systems of this kind to be mature and reliable.

29 Oct 19:42

An overview of textual semantic similarity measures based on web intelligence - Semantic Scholar

Computing the semantic similarity between terms (or short text expressions) that have the same meaning but which are not lexicographically similar is a key challenge in many computer related fields. The problem is that traditional approaches to semantic similarity measurement are not suitable for all situations, for example, many of them often fail to deal with terms not covered by synonym dictionaries or are not able to cope with acronyms, abbreviations, buzzwords, brand names, proper nouns, and so on. In this paper, we present and evaluate a collection of emerging techniques developed to avoid this problem. These techniques use some kinds of web intelligence to determine the degree of similarity between text expressions. These techniques implement a variety of paradigms including the study of co-occurrence, text snippet comparison, frequent pattern finding, or search log analysis. The goal is to substitute the traditional techniques where necessary.

29 Oct 19:42

Semantic similarity measurement using historical google search patterns - Semantic Scholar

Computing the similarity between terms (or short text expressions) that have the same meaning but which are not lexicographically similar is a key challenge in the information integration field. The problem is that techniques for textual semantic similarity measurement often fail to deal with words not covered by synonym dictionaries. In this paper, we try to solve this problem by determining the semantic similarity for terms using the knowledge inherent in the search history logs from the Google search engine. To do that, we have designed and evaluated four algorithmic methods for measuring the semantic similarity between terms using their associated history search patterns. These algorithmic methods are: a) frequent co-occurrence of terms in search patterns, b) computation of the relationship between search patterns, c) outlier coincidence on search patterns, and d) forecasting comparisons. We have shown experimentally that some of these methods correlate well with respect to human judgment when evaluating general purpose benchmark datasets, and significantly outperform existing methods when evaluating datasets containing terms that do not usually appear in dictionaries.

29 Oct 19:42

[PDF] An overview of current ontology meta-matching solutions - Semantic Scholar

Nowadays there are a lot of techniques and tools for addressing the ontology matching problem, however, the complex nature of this problem means that the existing solutions are unsatisfactory. This work intends to shed some light on a more flexible way of matching ontologies using ontology meta-matching. This emerging technique selects appropriate algorithms and their associated weights and thresholds in scenarios where accurate ontology matching is necessary. We think that an overview of the problem and an analysis of the existing state-of-the-art solutions will help researchers and practitioners to identify the most appropriate specific features and global strategies in order to build more accurate and dynamic systems following this paradigm.