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28 Jul 17:08

Quickly Unclog a Ketchup Bottle with a Straw

by Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Andy Orin to Lifehacker

Nothing dampens French fry-related enthusiasm more quickly than a clogged ketchup bottle. Beating the bottle into submission works about half the time, but to really get things flowing again, you need to introduce a little air. Real Simple shows us how using a tool available at near every diner: a plastic straw.


07 Dec 09:22

Dustin Adamson "Rolling in the Deep" video series

by Leonard Ho

Click through to see the images.

Dustin Adamson has quickly become one of our favorite underwater videographers, especially when it comes to macos.  You'll see why soon enough.  Our planet is crazy beautiful.

Milne Bay

Papua New Guinea

Komodo (Wide Angle)

Bonus Emperor Shrimp Video

Emperor Shrimps (Periclimenes imperator) are neat little crustaceans that live their whole lives commensally on a variety of hosts such as sea cucumbers and nudibranches.  Their most gnarly trick is changing their pigmentation to best match their chosen host!

11 Aug 21:21

A missing CH sticker can be expensive

Those driving a car abroad without a CH sticker risk getting fined. Depending on the country, there may be additional rules on what must be contained in the car.