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22 Jul 21:01

CHA + michaels exclusive core kits

by Becky Higgins

Well, we are officially done announcing all the new products that are launching at the CHA – Summer (Craft & Hobby Association) trade show in Las Vegas next week. They’re now calling this show Create -n- Connect … but regardless of what they’re calling it, we will be there.

I will personally be there at the show, and delighted to speak with anyone that pops in the booth and wants to learn more about the easiest scrapbooking ever (*wink*). And I will be sharing behind-the-scenes and from-the-booth pictures via facebook, twitter, and instagram all week. I want you all to feel like you could be there, since unfortunately it’s not open to the public.

These trade shows are for manufacturers, retailers, designers, and other professionals in the industry. I’ll do my best to share all sorts of fun photos. Should be a good time, ya’ll.



And just when you thought we were done with new product announcements … I do have 2 more things to tell you about. But these aren’t just part of the “Summer line-up” of products that will be available late August/early September, or in some cases … this Fall.

No. These are special in an “exclusive” kind of way.

We have designed 2 brand-new Project Life® editions exclusively for Michaels. As America’s largest craft retail chain, this is a real treat for us. So far, many (but not all) of the Michaels locations are already carrying our products, which is fantastic. But what’s even better is that come August 2 (two weeks from now), I am told that you should be able to find Project Life® in all Michaels locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Hooray!

Let’s get right to it. Here are the 2 exclusive editions you can find only at Michaels as of August 2 (or around that time). Rumors tell me there are a few locations where the product has already been seen – wow! This is merely a sneak peek. Stay tuned next week for sample pages and more pictures of the product. If you get your hands on either one (or both) of these, be sure to share your finds on social media. Tag me – @BeckyHigginsLLC – or add the hashtag #PLatMichaels – so we can see!


Vintage Travel Edition by Crate Paper

PL_Michaels_Travel_Group (1)

Project Life SAMPLING - VintageTravel


5th & Frolic Edition by Dear Lizzy

Project Life 5th and Frolic Exclusive

Project Life SAMPLING - 5th&Frolic


I know, right!? We’re excited too.  : )