Shared posts

06 Aug 17:46

Gin and Tonic Week: Gin and Green Tomato Tonic from Josh Streetman

by kalexander

These days the farm-to-table movement has intersected with the craft cocktail revival, and Southern mixologists are adding fresh, locally-grown vegetables to their repertoire.

Just ask Josh Streetman, the head bartender at Motor Supply Company in Columbia, South Carolina, who has been known to incorporate such things as roasted pumpkin or beet juice and fennel into his creations. He’s an avid gardener, too, and lately some of the produce from his own home patch has found its way into a few Motor Supply cocktails.

In their red-ripened state, tomatoes are the foundation of Bloody Marys, but Streeter couldn’t wait long enough for the romas in his garden to ripen. Instead, he concocted a pickled green tomato spin on the classic Gin and Tonic. “I have a really good recipe for a sweeter garam masala scented pickling spice,” Streetman says, “and I thought it would be a good accompaniment to a well crafted G&T.”

He starts with a basic cocktail recipe using Hendrick’s Gin, which has floral notes from cucumber and rose petals, and small-batch tonic from Charleston’s Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. Then, he adds a shot of the liquid from his homemade pickled green tomatoes. “The pickling spice is refreshing and gives it a good light color,” Streetman says. Garnish with a couple of slices of tangy pickled tomato, and you have a cool, complex, and refreshing beverage that's perfect for a hot Southern evening.

Pickled Green Tomatoes

Red wine vinegar
pinch garam masala
green tomatoes

In a small saucepan, combine equal parts sugar, red wine vinegar, and water. Bring to a boil and add a pinch of garam masala. Boil for 1 minute, then remove from heat and cool.

Cut green tomatoes to desired shape. Place in a jar and top with pickling liquid. Refrigerate at least two days before serving.  

Photo by Jonathan Sharpe

Green Tomato Gin and Tonic

1½ oz. Hendrick’s Gin
¾ oz. Jack Rudy tonic
¾ oz. pickling liquid from jar of pickled green tomatoes
Club soda

Fill a highball glass with ice. Add the gin, Jack Rudy tonic, and pickling liquid. Stir, then top with soda water. Garnish with two pieces of pickled green tomato.

31 Jul 16:46

Pussytown: A Film by Ken Burns: Part One: The Bluegill Sisters

Pussytown: A Film by Ken Burns: Part One: The Bluegill Sisters

08 Jul 17:17



i wonder if this is because it was mis-printed on film or if he just wanted it to look "off"?

08 Jul 14:13

For Sale: A Mickey Mantle Bat Inscribed “Merry Christmas Cocksucker”

by Sean Newell

For Sale: A Mickey Mantle Bat Inscribed “Merry Christmas Cocksucker”

It's been quite a year for Mickey Mantle bats. Earlier, we had the corked-bat auction and now we have this: a bat allegedly signed by The Mick with the note "Merry Christmas cocksucker."



06 Jul 15:43

*4TH OF JULY SPECIAL* Treasure Island - Part 1  - 55 Pages -...


click through, this rules


Treasure Island - Part 1  - 55 Pages - 2013

Read it here. PWYC

Seeking a good print publishing match♥

03 Jul 17:49

joekeatinge: James Harvey’s MASTERPLASTY is the best comic...


pretty cool

02 Jul 18:16


02 Jul 16:52

Pirate Parrot Lunges For Ball, Faceplants

by Barry Petchesky

da big burd fall down

Note 1: It's not that this video is cut short. We checked, and the Root Sports broadcast cuts away from the super slo-mo JUST before the mascot goes beak-first into the dirt, in order not to miss the next pitch. Damn it.



01 Jul 17:42

Bug Survives

by Barry Petchesky

Bug Survives




01 Jul 15:53

Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Don’t Help

by DL Cade

Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Dont Help likehelp1

When they were tasked with putting together a powerful advertising campaign for Crisis Relief Singapore, ad agency Publicis Singapore mixed heart-wrenching photos with a hard-to-swallow tagline to create something quite moving.

The campaign is based around the tag line: “Liking Isn’t Helping,” and it uses press photos of flood, earthquake and war victims surrounded by hands coming from outside the frame giving them a “thumbs up,” symbolizing the Facebook “like.”

Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Dont Help likehelp2

The thumbs ups have been Photoshopped in, but the message is clear. Since the C.R.S. is run by volunteers, they want people to understand that clicking like or share on Facebook, while it might help spread the word, doesn’t actually make a difference to a crisis victim.

Ad Campaign Uses Powerful Photographs to Explain that Facebook Likes Dont Help likehelp3

To drive the point home even further, the ad copy at the bottom right reads “Be a Volunteer. Change a Life.” To learn more about C.R.S. and how you can help their cause, head over to the organization’s website by clicking here.

(via Fstoppers)

01 Jul 15:51

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear

by Michael Zhang

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear Y8dTKYJ

For his project titled “Iridient,” Zurich, Switzerland-based photographer Fabian Oefner shot a series of beautiful high-speed photographs showing colorful soap bubbles bursting and disappearing into a cloud of tiny droplets.

The images were created with the help of high-speed flash units. Flip through the images in the series, and you’ll see bubbles go from being fully intact, to having one side start to disintegrate, to having the entire bubble shape disappear into drops of soap water.

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear o4ozaI0

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear zOfDVcN

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear GKyUOYv

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear Z8hxbZX

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear 7arMf2p

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear MXeqiKt

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear DdOCXdh

Oefner says there are two major challenges to this type of photography. The first is lighting: how do you light the soap bubbles so that their colors are visible to the camera? The photographer did this by placing lights around the bubbles from many different sides.

By illuminating panels surrounding the bubbles, light is reflected inside the bubbles and colors appear in the shot. The setup for these shots was as follows: Oefner placed flashes to one side and reflective panels on the other 3 sides. He then created bubbles using the metal part of a sugar pourer:

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear yHBOWzm

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear VKu5uuU

Photographer Captures Soap Bubbles as They Burst and Disappear lEz8HDW

The second challenge is capturing the popping bubbles at the right moment. This requires “high speed flashes and a lot of patience,” Oefner writes.

It took a couple hundred shots to finally capture the brief moment at which the soap’s film begins to pop. A lot of it is simply practice. Oefner says that “eventually one gets a sense of when the bubble bursts and the success rate of capturing the right moment starts to increase.”

Head on over to Oefner’s website and 500px page to see more of his work. Oefner is the same photographer who shot the photos of paint being flung by a drill bit and nebulae photos shot using fiber glass lamps.

28 Jun 21:59


28 Jun 21:51


28 Jun 21:44


by mdt

26 Jun 17:25

Guy Goes To Iceland And Makes Gorgeous Video Of Himself Juggling

by Sean Newell

Do yourself a favor and take two minutes out of your evening to watch this visually and sonically beautiful video of a guy juggling his way across Iceland.



26 Jun 17:24

Just finished coloring an old page.  Just started drawing a new...


apparently this is all digital, has an unusually nice feel to it.

Just finished coloring an old page.  Just started drawing a new page.


24 Jun 03:23

mercurialblonde: breccia alberto (by leon cf) Watching Breccia...




breccia alberto (by leon cf)

Watching Breccia work a razor blade is a revelation

21 Jun 23:14

TV: Newswire: And now Paula Deen has been fired

by Sean O'Neal

As it turns out, the apology that Paula Deen cooked up earlier today, though slathered in creamy publicist sentiment, still didn’t sit well with her increasingly dyspeptic employers, food pun food pun, etc., she’s fired. Deen’s longtime home The Food Network has announced that it will not renew her contract when it expires at the end of this month, ending a relationship that began in 1999 and continued to spread across several series dedicated to showcasing the myriad flavors of Deen’s home cooking, all of them starchy.

Unlike Deen’s recipes, there was no cushioning fat to the network’s statement—just a lean notice of termination, delivered without further explanation or PR sauce. Though of course, you can likely ascribe it to the Food Network not wanting their channel dedicated to the celebration of cooking to be tainted by a woman who treats it like ...

Read more
21 Jun 15:08

fuckyoulizprince: heyluchie: My comic; “Introversion” is...

by mdt

i kind of hate comics like this but it looks really pretty.



My comic; “Introversion” is finished! Please go to the main page of my blog to read it in full size (the text is kinda small)

I really hope you’ll like it!

This hits close to home

20 Jun 19:03

Page from Warren Ellis’s Secret Avengers #18, art by the...


wowww this page is cool

Page from Warren Ellis’s Secret Avengers #18, art by the always impeccable David Aja.  

The cleverness of this page is that it is really six panels in one, a inspired twist on the six-panel layout that’s standard for mainstream superhero comics.  Your eye is first drawn to Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers, then follows Shang-Chi doing his kung-fu thing in his own four panels that’s self-contained sequence, but bleeds into the larger image of the page as a whole.  It gives a strong kinetic energy as befitting an action sequence of the “world’s greatest martial artist," yet also makes sense within the narrative of the story, as the Secret Avengers are in a Escher Stairway-esque room where the laws of physics don’t apply. 

A perfect illustration of the sort of dynamic visual storytelling that only comics are capable of doing.

*EDITOR’S NOTE: This is from a friend of mine, who’s way smarter than me, had this to add via Facebook.

"I also like how it implies the speed of his actions, since the background is the same in all the frames, and Carter and Rogers are stationary and Shang-Chi is in four different places. Which also makes the page’s presentation of time Wonky in a real fascinating way. It’s like…modernist or something."

20 Jun 16:15

noahvansciver: R.I.P. Kim Thompson. (drawing by Chris Ware)


R.I.P. Kim Thompson. (drawing by Chris Ware)

20 Jun 15:37

This Target Tracking Camera Keeps Fast Objects Centered in the Frame

by Eric Calouro

Under development in the Ishikawa Oku Lab at the University of Tokyo is a dynamic target tracking camera capable of keeping fast-moving objects centered in frame.

This Target Tracking Camera Keeps Fast Objects Centered in the Frame image tracker uot 3

It works by essentially bouncing the target into the lens using mirrors moving very rapidly. What you get is a stable image of a fast-moving object. In the video demo, a fast-moving ball tied to a string is tracked — and the accuracy may surprise you.

“This system does very fast image processing to recognize the subject. It captures and processes an image every 1/1000th of a second. In this way, it can track the subject stably and continuously, simply by feeding back the subject’s position, without particularly predicting its behavior.”

This Target Tracking Camera Keeps Fast Objects Centered in the Frame image tracker uot 1

Uses for such a system seem limitless. From tracking a race car to following a baseball at a major league game, this type of technology could soon become the norm in sports broadcasting and other industries. In fact, the Lab says it may be useable for broadcasting in about two years.

This Target Tracking Camera Keeps Fast Objects Centered in the Frame image tracker uot 2

Other uses for this system allow for the connecting of a projection device instead of a camera, which allows for projected images on moving objects — a potentially useful solution for augmented reality applications.

(via DigInfo via Gizmodo)


19 Jun 22:15

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding

by Michael Zhang

the video!

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 3

Alexandre Buisse is a professional mountain photographer who also has a huge passion for paragliding. Beautiful things happen when those two interests come together. Buisse has captured some remarkable aerial photographs of landscapes in France and Italy while soaring high above the ground.

There are several paragliding locations close to where Buisse lives, so the photographer finds himself up in the sky on a very regular basis — he estimates he goes about twice a week on average.

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 7

Getting into the sport of paragliding is not cheap. In addition to 1.5+ weeks of instruction, you may have to shell out over $1,500 for training and over $2,000 for (used) gear.

In terms of camera gear, Buisse uses a Nikon D4/D800, Nikon 16-35mm f/4 VR lens, and a Peak Design Leash around his neck.

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 2

While in the air, Buisse says he often lets go of his paragliding wing controls when he needs to take a picture, which means the wing flies at top speed. Other times he will grab both wing controls in his left hand while snapping photographs with his right.

Buisse captures sharp shots from his vantage point by using a smaller aperture (f/8 or f/11) and a shutter speed of at least 1/500s or 1/1000s. He also tends to shoot multiple shots at once using burst mode, since the resulting photographs often come out blurry or badly framed (he’s zipping around in the sky, after all).

Here are some of the incredible shots Buisse has captured for his paragliding photography portfolio:

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 1

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 5

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 6

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 8

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 9

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 10

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 4

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 11

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 12

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 13

Photographer Captures Incredible Aerial Shots While Paragliding paragliding 14

To see what Buisse gets to see on a regular basis, check out this video that contains aerial footage captured by the photographer while in the air:

You can find Buisse’s paragliding photographs in this gallery on his website. His site also contains a bunch of other outdoor adventure photography collections you should definitely check out.

P.S. Your might recognize Buisse’s name from the guest post he shared here back in 2012 after dropping his Nikon D700 down a mountain.

Image credits: Photographs by Alexandre Buisse and used with permission

19 Jun 22:06

Today in History: The First American woman in space, 1983 In...

Today in History: The First American woman in space, 1983

In 1983 the space shuttle Challenger was launched into space on its second mission. Sally Kristen Ride was an American physicist and astronaut. Ride joined NASA in 1978 and at the age of 32, became the first American woman to enter into low Earth orbit in 1983, she was also the youngest astronaut to be launched into space. 

During the six-day mission, Ride, an astrophysicist from Stanford University, operated the shuttle’s robot arm, which she had helped design.

Her historic journey was preceded almost 20 years to the day by cosmonaut Valentina V. Tereshkova of the Soviet Union, who on June 16, 1963, became the first woman ever to travel into space. The United States had screened a group of female pilots in 1959 and 1960 for possible astronaut training but later decided to restrict astronaut qualification to men. In 1978, NASA changed its policy and announced that it had approved six women to become the first female astronauts in the U.S. space program.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

19 Jun 18:44

liquidnight: Katsuhiro Otomo “Hansel and...


Katsuhiro Otomo

“Hansel and Gretel”

From KABA: Otomo Katsuhiro Artwork: 1971-1989 Illustration Collection

19 Jun 17:56

A Tour of Paolo Rivera’s NYC Studio

by comicadmin

to watch later

SSMTEAM2013002-colWell, what used to be his studio. Before moving out to San Francisco Paolo took some time to document what he uses in his studio. And he is very thorough. Paolo has one of the coolest studios I have had the privilege of seeing, mostly on account of how he uses magnets. You heard me right, MAGNETS. Check out the video and then follow the link to his blog post which lists out many of the tools he uses so you can get them yourself.

For a sense of history here is what his studio was like in his Brooklyn days. part one & part two

via Paolo Rivera’s blog

19 Jun 17:08

grantbridgestreet: Alex Raymond.


click through for pretty brushstrokes


Alex Raymond.

19 Jun 16:43

orano: Moebius/Jean Giraud - Blueberry  “Soldat bleu” (Blue...


Moebius/Jean Giraud - Blueberry  “Soldat bleu” (Blue Soldier) 2004 - Pencils  50 x 65 cm - For Ozoire exhibition

19 Jun 16:34

Obama Sent Tornadoes to Oklahoma, Is Literally X-Men's Storm Says Conspiracy Theorists

by mattbinder

Did you know President Obama is actually Storm from the X-Men?

Wait. YOU DIDN’T?! Then you must not know about HAARP!

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It’s a government research effort up in Alaska “to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance."

HOWEVER, if you’re a conspiracy theorist (or informed non-brainwashed genius WAKE UP SHEEPLE, if you ask them), then you would know HAARP is actually a weather controlling machine that Obama used to create the devastating tornadoes that hit Oklahoma over the past few weeks!








"I’m not a crazy conspiracy theorist, I swear…but I fully believe that *insert the looniest conspiracy theory possible*"



Oh look, it’s former SNL cast member turned Tea Party crazy Victoria Jackson!


"I’m NOT a lunatic. I am speaking like Alex Jones." So, you are a lunatic.



lmao at people running to America’s most beloved conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and Glenn Beck for the “answer" to a natural disaster.

And, when you think of natural weather disaster, what other event comes to mind? Hurricane Sandy? Yeah, sure…



But, how about, the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut? Of course…


Now, let’s take a look at this next tweet:


"NO WAY global warming exists! But a freaking giant machine where a human being can create weather and send a tornado wherever he’d like? THIS IS TOTALLY 100% REAL."

And, like all of these tweets, here are a few more who don’t quite get weather and science:





One minute, Obama’s sending tornadoes to Oklahoma and the next, he’s taking our guns and arming tsunamis and earthquakes. So, WAKE UP SHEEPLE.

18 Jun 22:44

The Padres' Will Venable Made One Of The Best Catches Of The Season

by Dom Cosentino


The Padres' Will Venable Made One Of The Best Catches Of The Season

Bear with our hyperbole on this one. Because there was what Will Venable did—sprinting back toward the wall and laying out to make a backhanded catch over his head, à la Jim Edmonds—and there was the situation in which he did it.