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24 Jun 13:31

What Happens When You Cancel Your Auto Insurance?

by Anais Tadlaoui

Times are tough. We’re all under financial pressure, especially now many of us are under lockdown and unable to go to work.

Auto insurance is a big bill that goes out every month, and if you’re hardly driving, why pay for it?

Unfortunately, there are two problems. First, driving without auto insurance is illegal in almost every US state. Second, you may have an auto loan that requires you to maintain auto insurance.

The consequences for driving without insurance can be severe. In Arizona, you could end up with a $500 fine, your license being suspended, and higher insurance rates for years to come. Saving $120 this month might end up costing you thousands down the road.

Fortunately, you have two options if you want to save on your insurance bill and stay legal. You can call your auto insurance company and ask them for a discount. Many of them will say “yes”, and you could cut your payment by $20 or more a month — not much but better than nothing.

Or, you could move to a pure usage based insurance policy like Just Auto Insurance and save hundreds of dollars every month. Usage based means you only pay when you drive — nothing more, nothing less. If your car is parked, you don’t pay a cent.

But your car still has the liability auto insurance required by the State of Arizona. And if you only drive a little, you only pay a little.

Most drivers in Arizona pay less than 10 cents per mile with a Just Auto Insurance’s policy. This means if you only drive 100 miles in the month, you’ll pay less than $10 for your auto insurance.

Just Auto Insurance is all app based, and signing up takes less than a minute. What are you waiting for? Download the app here and start saving.

What Happens When You Cancel Your Auto Insurance? was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

Slow Down: Save Gas, Money & The Environment

by Anais Tadlaoui
Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

Time is Money” is a universal way of life. We all want to get our destinations as fast as possible. (Trevor Noah’s Daily Show segment “ain’t nobody got time for that” comes to mind). Anyways, back on track, because ain’t nobody got time for tangents. Our speedy hyper-productive culture permeates every facet of our lives, including on the roads with aggressive driving. We wish the other cars weren’t around and wonder “What is everyone doing on the freeway at 1:30pm on Tuesday?!” when you’re hoping to beat traffic — without luck.(Ludacris’ “Move B**** Get Out Da Way” comes to mind).

It turns out “Time is money” on the roads, but not in the way we’d like. If you’re speeding, you’re burning holes in your wallet. It’s not only dangerous but costly to the environment as you emit more CO2 gases and to your bank account as you burn more gas per mile travelled. We’ve done the math for you so that you can see how much money you’ve been flushing down the toilet by pressing too hard on the gas pedal.

We’ve all heard it: “Life is a journey, not a destination”. Now apply it behind the wheel. Slow down and you’ll be safe, save money and minimize your carbon footprint. Talk about three birds with one stone.

Slow Down: Save Gas, Money & The Environment was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

Cuánto le Cuesta Conducir Distraído por Celular

by Anais Tadlaoui

No es ningún secreto que nuestros teléfonos han cambiado drásticamente nuestras vidas (para bien o para mal.) Nos hacen la vida más conveniente, claro, ¿pero a qué costo? La adicción a la pantalla, la disminución de la capacidad de atención y el insomnio, entre otros, son solo algunos efectos secundarios. La mayoría de nosotros no podemos estar sin mirar nuestros teléfonos por más de un par de horas o minutos, y el fenómeno está tan extendido que existe una palabra para esto: es Nomofobia. El temor de estar sin su teléfono celular. Los Estados Unidos ocupan el tercer lugar después de Brasil y China en el uso de teléfonos celulares.

Uno de los resultados de esto es que las personas siguen usando sus teléfonos incluso cuando es peligroso, ilegal, y potencialmente mortal. ¿Ves a dónde voy con esto? El uso del teléfono celular mientras conduces no sólo está mal para usted sino también para todos los que lo rodean. Sin embargo, muchos conductores no pueden dejar de hacerlo. Es una epidemia trágica con consecuencias fatales. Si esto aún no es suficiente, aquí le presentamos algunas estadísticas sobre manejar cuando está distraído por teléfonos celulares. Con suerte, lo convencerán de que deje de usar su teléfono cuando esté detrás del volante.

Cuánto le Cuesta Conducir Distraído por Celular was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

Por que el Seguro de Auto Necesita Cambiar

by Anais Tadlaoui

La industria de seguros de automóviles no funciona. Los seguros están carísimos y desafortunadamente cuando un cliente necesita presentar un reclamo, la atención y la ayuda que le brindan es despreciable. No hay muchos incentivos para que las compañías de seguros automotrices tradicionales cambien su forma de hacer negocios porque los conductores deben tener un seguro de auto: es la ley.

Sin embargo, las cosas están a punto de cambiar. Hay una ola de nuevas empresas de seguros de autos que implementan nuevos modelos de precios, por ejemplo, solo paga cuando manejas. Similar a cómo funcionan las compañías de teléfono donde no tienes que pagar mensualmente sino agregar crédito cada vez y cuando necesitas. Una de estas nuevas empresas es Just Auto Insurance: está en una misión para hacer que las carreteras sean más seguras 1) asegurando a conductores sin seguro, como los inmigrantes indocumentados, y haciendo que el seguro sea accesible y económico y 2) Ayudando a los conductores con un incentivo financiero para conducir de manera responsable. Cuando manejan bien, pagan menos.

En pocas palabras, aquí les presentamos algunas estadísticas que nos impulsan, día a día, a que en Just Auto Insurance logremos tener éxito en impulsar un cambio real.

Por que el Seguro de Auto Necesita Cambiar was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

How Much Speedy Driving Actually Costs You

by Anais Tadlaoui
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

You know that feeling when in an instant you see your life flash by, your stomach sinks and after coming down from an adrenaline rush, you promise yourself you’ll never be this reckless again or — you thank yourself for having gone slow “Thank God I was driving slowly otherwise …” After which, you take a deep breath and press on the gas pedal again.

We all speed and most of us don’t think twice about going 5 to 10 miles per hour above the speed limit. Yet, we all know speeding is dangerous and can have disastrous fatal consequences. We know it’s not worth it — to risk everything to arrive a few seconds (more often than a few minutes) earlier. But we keep going for it, trying and pushing our luck. Perhaps, unless we have been personally affected by a speeding accident, it’s easy to forget about the dangers of driving too fast. So, I hope that breaking down how much speedy driving is costing you in a few easy-to-remember statistics will dissuade you from speeding next time you’re in a hurry.

And remember, “rather be safe than sorry” is the way to go when you’re on the road.

How Much Speedy Driving Actually Costs You was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

How Much Text & Drive Actually Costs You

by Anais Tadlaoui

It’s no secret that our smartphones have drastically changed our habits and lives - for better or worse. They make our lives more convenient that’s for sure but at what cost? Screen addiction, shorter attention spans and insomnia are just a few adverse side affects. Most of us are unable to go without looking at our phones for more than a couple of hours or minutes and the phenomenon is so widespread that there’s an actual word for it: it’s Nomophobia, which is a fear of not being with your phone. The USA is in third spot after Brazil and China in smartphone usage.

A result of this is that people keep using their phones even when it’s dangerous, illegal and life threatening. See where I’m going with this? Cellphone usage while driving is bad news for you and everyone around you, yet a lot of drivers can’t stop themselves. It’s a tragic epidemic with real life and death consequences. But, perhaps it’s not enough for some to know this, so here are some statistics about distracted cellphone driving that will hopefully convince you to stop using your phone when you’re behind the wheel.

How Much Text & Drive Actually Costs You was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

24 Jun 13:31

Why Auto Insurance Needs To Change

by Anais Tadlaoui

The Auto Insurance industry is broken. It’s out of this world expensive and when you unfortunately need to file a claim, the customer support and help you get from your insurance provider is nothing short of despicable. There’s not much incentive for traditional auto insurance companies to change their way of doing business because drivers have to have auto insurance — it’s the law.

Things are about to change though. There’s a new wave of auto insurance startups rolling out new pricing models such as pay as you drive and telematic usage based insurance. One of these startups is Just Auto Insurance: on a mission to make roads safer 1) by insuring uninsured drivers, such as undocumented immigrants by making insurance accessible and affordable and 2) by making drivers better by providing a financial incentive to drive responsibly, aka drive well, pay less.

In a nutshell, here are some statistics that are driving us to make sure Just Auto Insurance succeeds in driving real change.

Why Auto Insurance Needs To Change was originally published in Just Auto Insurance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.