Shared posts

25 Jun 18:06

9gag: There is always a downside.


There is always a downside.

25 Jun 18:04

fantagraphics: mkupperman: Mandate the Magician. As seen in...



Mandate the Magician.

As seen in Tales Designed to Thrizzle Vol. 2.

21 Jun 12:26


'I'm here to return what Prometheus stole.' would be a good thing to say if you were a fighter pilot in a Michael Bay movie where for some reason the world's militaries had to team up to defeat every god from human mythology, and you'd just broken through the perimeter and gotten a missile lock on Mount Olympus.
18 Jun 19:24

Tirinha 0351 - Facebook? Que nada!

by Marcos Noel

Galera, querem saber do que essa tirinha está falando? Deem uma olhadinha nesse video que fiz da Gi!

Ah! Essa tirinha foi inspirada nesse outro video do Cadu Dias que está bonbando no Face e no Youtube! Eu e a Gi morremos de rir quando vimos! Isso virou uma febre!

03 Jun 20:14

Ilustríssima, Folha de S. Paulo

Julio JotaBê

Penso isso quando vejo esses cartazes bobos.

Ilustríssima, Folha de S. Paulo