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07 Apr 10:31

The Hammer Gets Hit By A Tree

by DailyBail


Congressman Cliff Stearns leaves Henry Paulson abused and stuttering.

Everything is in here: AIG-Goldman conduit, Lehman failure, Paulson's tax-free $700 million stock sale, Geithner and AIG, TARP lies and Goldman's FDIC debt guarantee.

This is the closest we will ever see Paulson to a courtroom.




Further reading:

Paulson's Little-Known 2004 SEC Rule Change - New York Times



06 Apr 09:32

Amazing video: People are awesome

by Mark J. Perry


More than 56 million views on YouTube so far.

22 Mar 22:43

Hexagonal rocks

by Jason Kottke

This is an Icelandic waterfall called Litlanesfoss and the naturally occurring rock formation is columnar jointed basalt.


The columns form due to stress as the lava cools. The lava contracts as it cools, forming cracks. Once the crack develops it continues to grow. The growth is perpendicular to the surface of the flow. Entablature is probably the result of cooling caused by fresh lava being covered by water. The flood basalts probably damned rivers. When the rivers returned the water seeped down the cracks in the cooling lava and caused rapid cooling from the surface downward. The division of colonnade and entablature is the result of slow cooling from the base upward and rapid cooling from the top downward.

One of the coolest things I have ever seen. Looks totally fake, like they built it for Fractal Falls in Polygon Gorge at Disneyland or something. Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland looks amazing as well. Check out several similar formations from around the world.

Tags: geology