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17 Jul 04:44

Flower Girls

by Part Nouveau

Norman Parkinson and Tim WalkerIn 1955, English photographer Norman Parkinson, who documented the glamorous Golden Age of Couture in his postwar images, photographed Audrey Hepburn in a light pink day dress, positioned in front of a background of fuchsia-colored flowers. Perhaps referencing the Parkinson image, with or without the intent of positioning Natalie Portman as a modern day Hepburn, Tim Walker photographed Portman similarly dressed in a pale pink Dior dress, standing in front of a wall composed of flowers in various hues of pinks for Miss Dior Cherie’s 2013 fragrance campaign.


Audrey Hepburn by Norman Parkinson, 1955

Audrey Hepburn by Norman Parkinson, 1955



Natalie Portman by Tim Walker for Miss Dior Cherie, 2013

Natalie Portman by Tim Walker for Miss Dior Cherie, 2013


The post Flower Girls appeared first on Part Nouveau.

17 Jul 04:42

Twin Triplets

by Part Nouveau

Horst P Horst and Norman Jean Roy

In 1939, Horst P. Horst photographed models Bettina Bolegard, Helen Bennett and Muriel Maxwell for Vogue‘s November 1st Vanity Issue. Horst would often infuse his imagery with elements of surrealism, playing with perspectives and proportions, as seen in his 1939 birds-eye-view-style cover. In photographing a trio of Twilight stars, photographer Norman Jean Roy paid homage to the Horst cover with his own version featuring Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene and Bryce Dallas Howard for Vanity Fair UK’s July 2010 issue.

Horst P. Horst's November 1, 1939 cover of Vogue

Horst P. Horst’s November 1, 1939 cover of Vogue


Norman Jean Roy for Vanity Fair UK July, 2010

Norman Jean Roy for Vanity Fair UK July, 2010

The post Twin Triplets appeared first on Part Nouveau.

13 Jul 03:03

An Illustrated Take On Jay-Z's "99 Problems"

The Tumblr 99 Problems is a daily illustration of how artist Ali Graham imagines Jay-Z’s life . Some reference his lyrics, some are just silly, but they’re all delightful.





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12 Jul 16:55

Drying the baby after a bath when he’s super awake.

He’s like:

Forgetting Sarah Marshall gif

11 Jul 23:30

A Michelin-Starred Sandwich from Delifrance?

by bma
Le Paris-Singapore

Yep - you read that right. That's from the Delifrance chain from across the island that has used things like fake bacon bits in their food. Now they've hired some Michelin-starred chefs to create a sandwich in recognition of their 30 years in Asia.

The description sounded pretty nasty, featuring a puzzling combination of ingredients like oyster sauce, pineapple, and wakame. And while my first few bites elicted expressions of disgust (especially with that pineapple!), I have to admit that it eventually grew on me.

See, the oyster sauce description was a bit misleading. It was actually more of a Thai chili sauce. And once my brain got adjusted to how sweet it was, it actually kind worked with that pickled wakame, as strange as it might be. That pineapple was still really disturbing though.
06 Jul 16:00


by bri

i’ve been trying to take more pictures lately and develop my photography skills, but i know i really just need to carry my camera around with me more (which is why all the photos i take seem to be with my iphone) i had a hard time finding a bag that really blends form and function, so when ONA suggested this saffiano leather chelsea bag, i knew i wanted to give one away to a reader who would really need and appreciate it! they make bags that look stylish but with dividers for all your equipment inside.


this week we’re giving one reader the ONA bag of their choice!

here’s how to win… (CLOSED)

1) visit the ONA site and take a look around.

2) leave a comment below with a link to your favorite bag!

one winner will be chosen on wednesday, july 10th at 10am PST (open to US readers only, the retail value is up to $419+) 

UPDATE: winner is #842 sarah!

05 Jul 19:43

I Just Ate a Bowl of Bull Penis Soup by Accident

by bma

Just in case you ever see this on the menu and thought, hey, I'll try that fun sounding thing.

Sup Torpedo Lembu

I was still hungry after eating that plate at Line Clear, so I walked up the street to see what else I could find, stopping at this string of stalls called Sup Hameed that seemed like they might have some promise (48 Penang Road, 261-8007). There was one guy selling sup kambing, featuring a long menu with a bunch of things that I didn't recognize. Maybe it was just because both Crimson Tide and The Hunt for Red October were on TV the other day, but somehow the name sup torpedo lembu sounded like it might have some promise. It couldn't have been more than just a few seconds after I placed my order did the thought dawn on me: "Wait a minute - these guys sell soup with various cuts of torpedo what I think it is?"

Leftover Slices of Dick

I quickly Googled it to be sure, and yep - I just ordered a bowl of bull penis soup. The good thing was that the soup was indeed just like normal kambing soup, and a pretty good one at that; I graciously dipped my bread in the broth and slurped it up. But the penis was...well, there wasn't much taste, but the texture was a bit like stale gummi bears: it was chewy. While it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it wasn't exactly something that I was excited about either, making me leave a half-eaten bowl of sliced-up dick sitting by the streets of Georgetown. Now where is Andrew Zimmern when you need him??
04 Jul 06:17

When a child is being hyper and wild near the stroller, which is holding our sleeping son, and their parents are nowhere in sight.

It takes every ounce of control in my body to not be like:

Smack kid gif

01 Jul 13:43

Food Huggers

by Joanna Goddard
Everyone's been there: You have half a lemon (or onion, apple, tomato, cucumber...) in the fridge, and by the time you're ready to use it, it's dry and shriveled. Food waste is a big problem, needless to say. Well, these Food Huggers might be here to save the day. The round silicone caps fit onto the ends of sliced fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh. Here's the Kickstarter campaign, where $18 gets you a set of four. It's good for both the pocketbook and environment not to have to throw away as much stuff.
Thoughts? Would you use them? Any other smart ways to store cut fruits and veggies?

(Via The Kitchn)
28 Jun 05:59

What British people say vs. what they really mean

by Joanna Goddard
This translation chart made me laugh out loud...
My dad is English, and when we were in high school, my sister asked him if she could drive into Detroit with her boyfriend to see a band. He said, "I'd rather you not." She went anyway. When he got mad later, she was confused: "But you never said I couldn't go; you said you'd rather I not, while I decided I'd rather."

P.S. British words that Americans use, and what English sounds like to foreigners.

(Via Today I Learned)
26 Jun 13:30

A trick to feeling pretty

by Joanna Goddard


You know those mornings when you look in the mirror and start analyzing every flaw? Well, I heard a great trick a while back: Pretend you’re a friend instead. Suddenly, you look in the mirror and see yourself as others see you. You'll look much prettier and won't be nearly as critical. Now, instead of stressing about my old-lady under-eye wrinkles, I'll suddenly think, oh, she looks friendly, her hair is pretty nice, let's hang out!

Honestly, go try it and report back! I've been amazed by how well that little trick works in changing your perspective.

P.S. You're gorgeous. :)

(Illustration by Gemma Correll for Cup of Jo)
20 Jun 04:28

How a standard key lock actually works

by Joanna Goddard

This is one of the more random posts on Cup of Jo (along with this and this), but this gif of a standard lock is really cool. Did you know it worked like this?! Definitely going to be impressed by my key when I go home tonight.

(Via Today I Learned)
19 Jun 02:08

When one of my single, child-less guy friends holds our son.

They’re like:

Ryan Goseling gif

19 Jun 02:08

When my wife comes home after being out for a few hours and I tell her that I was able to feed and change the baby and he didn’t cry once.

She’s like:

Anchorman gif

11 Jun 23:16

Impressive iPad Finger Painting

by swissmiss

Watch Seikou Yamaoka reproduce the “Girl With A Pearl Earring” on an iPad mini. Stunning, right? In case you’re wondering, he seems to be using the $2.99 app, Art Studio.


11 Jun 23:14


by swissmiss

Snore Stopper

The Snore-Stopper made me giggle. “One brief, yet resolute punch and you again reign over nighttime peace.”

01 Jun 22:54

Girlfriend Syncs Phone To Xbox With LOLCat Results

by Geek Girl Diva

need to teach me how to do this.

girlfriend hacked my xbox

(Reddit via Cheezburger)


01 Jun 08:29

Conversations with a two-year-old

by Joanna Goddard

Have you seen this hilarious video? Matthew Clarke, the dad who created the video, says: "If you take the words of a two-year-old and put them in the mouth of a grown man, suddenly the malevolence and intimidation really shine through." Made me laugh.

Hope you're having a good long weekend!

P.S. Toby in conversation, and how to talk to little girls.
30 May 22:18

Wake alarm

by Joanna Goddard
When you're bleary eyed in the morning, it's so annoying to fiddle with buttons on your phone, don't you think? Well, Wake is an iPhone alarm clock app that is totally intuitive: You just slap it to snooze, and you flip it to turn it off. Thumbs up.
P.S. The funniest app for peeing during movies.

(Photo of sleepy Lucy by ©Bob Rosinsky, with permission. Alarm via Swissmiss)
27 May 03:24

Rain room

by Joanna Goddard
This week, the new interactive exhibit Rain Room opened at the Museum of Modern Art. Heavy rain pours down in an enormous room, but when you step into the rain, the area directly over your head dries up. So you can walk, dance and kiss in the rain without getting wet!

"The overall effect is mesmerizing," reported Gothamist. "A semi-blinding white klieg light at the back of the room disorients your field of vision while highlighting the millions of individual raindrops showering down around you on all sides. The motion sensors are so sensitive that you can sweep your arm through the deluge and still keep your shirt dry. Move too quickly, however, and you can get good and soaked if want."

The lines are going to be insane, especially since only 10 people are admitted at a time, but it would be worth waiting. Since MoMA members get priority access and exclusive viewing hours, it might even be worth joining.

How cool is that?!

P.S. Cool art exhibits: Swings, slides and marrying Prince William.

(Photos by Random International, MoMA and Katie Sokoler/Gothamist)
27 May 03:23

Felt App

by swissmiss

@vickiho i thought of you

I just received a ‘handwritten’ card that was sent via an app called Felt. I could not tell that it was written on an iPad. Oddly impressive.

22 May 02:36

Method Ocean Plastic

by swissmiss


I just discovered Method’s Ocean Plastic Soap Bottle. It’s the world’s first bottle made with a blend of recovered ocean plastic and post-consumer recycled plastic, a combination that results in a uniquely gray resin.

How fantastic is this? How much do I love this brand?

11 May 06:05

The Ramen Rater's Top 10 Instant Noodles of 2013

by The Ramen Rater


I've been a fan of instant noodles all my life and in 2002, decided to turn this passion into a blog. While living in Seattle, I've found Asian grocery stores aplenty and my love affair with the instant noodle has only increased. Over the years, I've found some pretty amazing varieties; this list represents the best of the best.

#10 Mama Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavor (Thailand)


I had tried this ages back and wasn't very fond of it. But at the request of readers, I gave it another try and found it to be the best Thai variety I've eaten thus far. The strong bite of the heat and the crisp citrus flavors actually resemble authentic Tom Yum. The noodles are thin, and a very different texture from any others on the list. The creaminess is not of dairy but a cream-like color from boiling shrimp.

#9: Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor (South Korea)


It all started with a South Korean comedian in a TV show cooking contest. Kokomen is the result. The South Korean "white broth" instant ramyun has a jalapeno chicken flavor which has taken South Korea by storm.

#8: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup (United States)


Many people have tried Nongshim's Shin Ramyun before. It's spicy and full of noodles. Shin Ramyun Black is Nongshim's premium version of Shin Ramyun, containing nice big pieces of mushroom and free-dried beef that springs to life. Truly excellent ramyun.

#7: Sapporo Ichiban Chow Mein (United States)


This one has held a spot on past Top 10 lists. Why? First off, great noodles. They suck up all the water as they cook and once you open the seasoning packet and stir in the flavor, the aroma is pretty tantalizing. The best bonus here is the little packet of seaweed powder.

#6: Myojo Ippei-chan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles (Japan)


The tray, which you fill with boiling water, also acts as a strainer! Great noodles, top-notch veggies, and a bonus: mayonnaise! Makes for a well-balanced meal.

#5: Indomie Curly Noodle with Grilled Chicken Flavor (Indonesia)


They got it right when they said these noodles are special. Broad and thin with such an enjoyable texture, plus the flavor of the broth achieves that sweet-spicy balance.

#4: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja Flamin' Hot & Nutty Noodle Soup (United States)


I've enjoyed this one multiple times. Jinjja Jinjja's quality noodles plus the strong heat and unique pork with peanut and black sesame notes makes this one a real stand-out in the South Korean ramyun market, and now here in the United States.

#3: Indomie Mi Instan Mi Goreng Rendang (Indonesia)


This 'stir noodle' variety is superb with its deep and rich curry flavor and just the right amount of spiciness. The noodles have a nice texture and consistency too.

#2: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian (Singapore)


If you love curry as much as I do, you have to try this one. It comes with a pair of flavor packets, one of coconut powder and one of curry paste. Simple and great.

#1: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa La Mian (Singapore)


Pair steamed la mian noodles with a packet of coconut powder and a packet of paste, and you've got a real game changer in the world of instant noodles. The broth is actually luxuriant, light in color with beads of chili oil floating in there.

For more info about these and the over 1,000 different other varieties, check out The Ramen Rater.

06 May 17:22


by (Shoko)
Emily Blincoe's "This & That" is a photographic tribute to the ampersand. I love it all, especially the mac and cheese, and that perfect little waffle.

I also love this recent self-portrait of Emily, posted on her blog last month:

Further ampersandic (just made that word up) reading and viewing: its fascinating history, and a pair of earrings I've considered buying on more occasions than one. See more from Emily's series, here.
06 May 16:21

Organize Tasks by Effort to Budget Time Better

by Thorin Klosowski

Time management is one of the harder parts of productivity. A to-do list might show you what needs to get done, but figuring out how long you need to spend on each task is tough. Harvard Business Review recommends dividing your tasks into three categories based on effort.



06 May 16:21

Peddler’s Creamery

by freutcake

There is no shortage of small artisanal ice cream shops popping up left and right in Los Angeles these days (not that I’m complaining) but here’s something I’ve never seen before: bicycle churned ice cream. You heard me right! When the owner of Peddler’s Creamery in downtown LA decided to combine two of his passions, bicycling and ice cream, Peddler’s small batch ice cream was created.

 Peddlers Creamery Los Angeles Freutcake Peddlers Creamery

Just opened last week, Peddler’s is definitely a must stop cool and refreshing shop to visit.

Peddlers Creamery Los Angeles Freutcake 2 Peddlers Creamery You can watch the ice cream churn, peddle-powered, right there in the store old school style in wooden ice cream buckets.

Peddlers Creamery Los Angeles Freutcake 3 Peddlers Creamery

I probably should have hopped on one of the bikes myself to peddle off the creamy calories…but my scoop of peanut butter ice cream was too tasty and I just couldn’t be bothered.

Peddlers Creamery Los Angeles Freutcake 4 Peddlers Creamery

Maybe next time!

Peddlers Creamery Los Angeles Freutcake 5 Peddlers Creamery

Peddler’s Creamery
458 S. Main Street
Downtown, Los Angeles

Photos by Joanne Pio

What I wore:
Pants- Forever 21, similar
T-shirt- J.Crew, old
Hair bow- vintage scarf
Ring- Jewel Mint

21 Apr 21:10

Durex Releases New iPhone App-Controlled Vibrating Underwear

by Cheryl Wischhover

Screen Shot 2013-04-19 at 11.22.48 AM

Durex has just announced the launch of a new line of vibrating underwear for both men and women, the New York Daily News is reporting. The best part? Your partner controls the vibrations via an iPhone app. Wait, no. The real best part? It’s called “Fundawear.”

Continue reading »

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20 Apr 03:07

26 Reasons Joey Tribbiani Is An Incredible Role Model

Want to live a simple, happy life? Look no further than Joey.

He has a healthy relationship with food.

He has a healthy relationship with food.


He knows what he wants from life.

He knows what he wants from life.


He's proud of who he is.

He's proud of who he is.


He knows when to say no.

He knows when to say no.


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20 Apr 03:03

Pentatonix Does An Evolution Of Music

Who says a capella isn't cool?

20 Apr 03:02

22 Babies Who Have Discovered The Magic Of Flight




Via: Roy Hsu / Getty Images










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