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01 Dec 13:09

The new maker toolkit: IoT, AI and Google Cloud Platform

by Vikram Tank

Voice interaction is everywhere these days—via phones, TVs, laptops and smart home devices that use technology like the Google Assistant. And with the availability of maker-friendly offerings like Google AIY’s Voice Kit, the maker community has been getting in on the action and adding voice to their Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

As avid makers ourselves, we wrote an open-source, maker-friendly tutorial to show developers how to piggyback on a Google Assistant-enabled device (Google Home, Pixel, Voice Kit, etc.) and add voice to their own projects. We also created an example application to help you connect your project with GCP-hosted web and mobile applications, or tap into sophisticated AI frameworks that can provide more natural conversational flow.

Let’s take a look at what this tutorial, and our example application, can help you do.

Particle Photon: the brains of the operation

The Photon microcontroller from Particle is an easy-to-use IoT prototyping board that comes with onboard Wi-Fi and USB support, and is compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem. It’s also a great choice for internet-enabled projects: every Photon gets its own webhook in Particle Cloud, and Particle provides a host of additional integration options with its web-based IDE, JavaScript SDK and command-line interface. Most importantly for the maker community, Particle Photons are super affordable, starting at just $19.


Connecting the Google Assistant and Photon: Actions on Google and Dialogflow

The Google Assistant (via Google Home, Pixel, Voice Kit, etc.) responds to your voice input, and the Photon (through Particle Cloud) reacts to your application’s requests (in this case, turning an LED on and off). But how do you tie the two together? Let’s take a look at all the moving parts:

  • Actions on Google is the developer platform for the Google Assistant. With Actions on Google, developers build apps to help answer specific queries and connect users to products and services. Users interact with apps for the Assistant through a conversational, natural-sounding back-and-forth exchange, and your Action passes those user requests on to your app.

  • Dialogflow (formerly API.AI) lets you build even more engaging voice and text-based conversational interfaces powered by AI, and sends out request data via a webhook.

  • A server (or service) running Node.js handles the resulting user queries.

Along with some sample applications, our guide includes a Dialogflow agent, which lets you parse queries and route actions back to users (by voice and/or text) or to other applications. Dialogflow provides a variety of interface options, from an easy-to-use web-based GUI to a robust Node.js-powered SDK for interacting with both your queries and the outside world. In addition, its powerful machine learning tools add intelligence and natural language processing. Your applications can learn queries and intents over time, exposing even more powerful options for making and providing better results along the way. (The recently announced Dialogflow Enterprise Edition offers greater flexibility and support to meet the needs of large-scale businesses.)

Backend infrastructure: GCP

It’s a no-brainer to build your IoT apps on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) backend, as you can use a single Google account to sign into your voice device, create Actions on Google apps and Dialogflow agents, and host the web services. To help get you up and running, we developed two sample web applications based on different GCP technologies that you can use as inspiration when creating a voice-powered IoT app:

  • Cloud Functions for Firebase. If your goal is quick deployment and iteration, Cloud Functions for Firebase is a simple, low-cost and powerful option—even if you don’t have much server-side development experience. It integrates quickly and easily with the other tools used here. Dialogflow, for example, now allows you to drop Cloud Functions for Firebase code directly into its graphical user interface.

  • App Engine. For those of you with more development experience and/or curiosity, App Engine is just as easy to deploy and scale, but includes more options for integrations with your other applications, additional programming language/framework choices, and a host of third-party add-ons. App Engine is a great choice if you already have a Node.js application to which you want to add voice actions, you want to tie into more of Google’s machine learning services, or you want to get deeper into device connection and management.

Next steps

As makers, we’ve only just scratched the surface of what we can do with these new tools like IoT, AI and cloud. Check out our full tutorials, and grab the code on Github. With these examples to build from, we hope we’ve made it easier for you to add voice powers to your maker project. For some extra inspiration, check out what other makers have built with AIY Voice Kit. And for even more ways to add machine learning to your maker project, check out the AIY Vision Kit, which just went on pre-sale today.

We can’t wait to see what you build!

01 Dec 13:09

Google Home now supports handling two commands at once

by Evan Selleck

Getting stuff done with a smart speaker is supposed to be easy, and in most cases, the manufacturers have done a solid job making that a reality. And now Google Home has learned a new trick to make getting stuff done even easier.

As first reported by CNET, the smart speaker now supports handling two commands at the same time. So, instead of having to list off one command after another, you can just say something like, “Okay Google, turn on the TV and what’s the weather?” Your TV will come to life and then the smart speaker will tell you the weather.

The benefit here is that you don’t have to predetermine these commands in the Google Home app. So you can string commands together, like telling Home to turn on some lights and play some music, and the smart speaker should be able to handle that.

Don’t try three commands, though. Google Home will apparently just tell you it can’t handle that.

Google is also planning on rolling out predetermined commands, like telling Home a certain phrase to get a string of commands completed, but this should be one feature that goes a long way to making using Home more streamlined.

01 Dec 13:09

​7 Days of Free Stock Images

by Chris Coyier

(This is a sponsored post.)

Storyblocks is exploding with over 400,000 stock photos, vectors, backgrounds and more! With its user friendly site, massive library to choose from, and fresh new content, there’s no stopping what you can do. All of the content is 100% free from any royalties. Anything you download is yours to keep and use forever! Right now you can get 7 days of free downloads. Get up to 20 photos, icons, and vectors everyday for 7 days. That's 140 downloads free over the course of the 7 days. Click on over and see where your imagination takes you! Start downloading now.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

​7 Days of Free Stock Images is a post from CSS-Tricks

01 Dec 13:08

Initial Evaluation of the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Recently I had my first experiences with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), evaluating its potential as an environment for getting work done. This subsystem, introduced to Windows 10 in August 2016, allows Windows to natively run x86 and x86-64 Linux binaries. It’s essentially the counterpart to Wine, which allows Linux to natively run Windows binaries.

WSL interfaces with Linux programs only at the kernel level, servicing system calls the same way the Linux kernel would. The subsystem’s main job is translating Linux system calls into NT requests. There’s a series of articles about its internals if you’re interested in learning more.

I was honestly impressed by how well this all works, especially since Microsoft has long had an affinity for producing flimsy imitations (Windows console, PowerShell, Arial, etc.). WSL’s design allows Microsoft to dump an Ubuntu system wholesale inside Windows — and, more recently, other Linux distributions — bypassing a bunch of annoying issues, particularly in regards to glibc.

WSL processes can exec(2) Windows binaries, which then run in under their appropriate subsystem, similar to binfmt on Linux. In theory this nice interop should allow for some automation Linux-style even for Windows’ services and programs. More on that later.

There are some notable issues, though.

Lack of device emulation

No soundcard devices are exposed to the subsystem, so Linux programs can’t play sound. There’s a hack to talk PulseAudio with a Windows’ process that can access, but that’s about it. Generally there’s not much reason to be playing media or games under WSL, but this can be an annoyance if you’re, say, writing software that synthesizes audio.

Really, there’s almost no device emulation at all and /proc is pretty empty. You won’t see hard drives or removable media under /dev, nor will you see USB devices like webcams and joysticks. A lot of the useful things you might do on a Linux system aren’t available under WSL.

No Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE)

Microsoft hasn’t implemented any of the system calls for FUSE, so don’t expect to use your favorite userspace filesystems. The biggest loss for me is sshfs, which I use frequently.

If FUSE was supported, it would be interesting to see how the rest of Windows interacts with these mounted filesystems, if at all.

Fragile services

Services running under WSL are flaky. The big issue is that when the initial WSL shell process exits, all WSL processes are killed and the entire subsystem is torn down. This includes any services that are running. That’s certainly surprising to anyone with experience running services on any kind of unix system. This is probably the worst part of WSL.

While systemd is the standard for Linux these days and may even be “installed” in the WSL virtual filesystem, it’s not actually running and you can’t use systemctl to interact with services. Services can only be controlled the old fashioned way, and, per above, that initial WSL console window has to remain open while services are running.

That’s a bit of a damper if you’re intending to spend a lot of time remotely SSHing into your Windows 10 system. So yes, it’s trivial to run an OpenSSH server under WSL, but it won’t feel like a proper system service.

Limited graphics support

WSL doesn’t come with an X server, so you have to supply one separately (Xming, etc.) that runs outside WSL, as a normal Windows process. WSL processes can connect to that server (DISPLAY) allowing you to run most Linux graphical software.

However, this means there’s no hardware acceleration. There will be no GLX extensions available. If your goal is to run the Emacs or Vim GUIs, that’s not a big deal, but it might matter if you were interested in running a browser under WSL. It also means it’s not a suitable environment for developing software using OpenGL.

Filesystem woes

The filesystem manages to be both one of the smallest issues as well as one of the biggest.

Filename translation

On the small issue side is filename translation. Under most Linux filesystems — and even more broadly for unix — a filename is just a bytestring. They’re not necessarily UTF-8 or any other particular encoding, and that’s partly why filenames are case-sensitive — the meaning of case depends on the encoding.

However, Windows uses a pseudo-UTF-16 scheme for filenames, incompatible with bytestrings. Since WSL lives within a Windows’ filesystem, there must be some bijection between bytestring filenames and pseudo-UTF-16 filenames. It will also have to reject filenames that can’t be mapped. WSL does both.

I couldn’t find any formal documentation about how filename translation works, but most of it can be reverse engineered through experimentation. In practice, Linux filenames are UTF-8 encoded strings, and WSL’s translation takes advantage of this. Filenames are decoded as UTF-8 and re-encoded as UTF-16 for Windows. Any byte that doesn’t decode as valid UTF-8 is silently converted to REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD), and decoding continues from the next byte.

I wonder if there are security consequences for different filenames silently mapping to the same underlying file.

Exercise for the reader: How is an unmatched surrogate half from Windows translated to WSL, where it doesn’t have a UTF-8 equivalent? I haven’t tried this yet.

Even for valid UTF-8, there are many bytes that most Linux filesystems allow in filenames that Windows does not. This ranges from simple things like ASCII backslash and colon — special components of Windows’ paths — to unusual characters like newlines, escape, and other ASCII control characters. There are two different ways these are handled:

  1. The C drive is available under /mnt/c, and WSL processes can access regular Windows files under this “mountpoint.” Attempting to access filenames with invalid characters under this mountpoint always results in ENOENT: “No such file or directory.”

  2. Outside of /mnt/c is WSL territory, and Windows processes aren’t supposed to touch these files. This allows for more freedom when translating filenames. REPLACEMENT CHARACTER is still used for invalid UTF-8 sequences, but the forbidden characters, including backslashes, are all permitted. They’re translated to #XXXX where X is hexadecimal for the normally invalid character. For example, a:b becomes a#003Ab.

While WSL doesn’t let you get away with all the crazy, ill-advised filenames that Linux allows, it’s still quite reasonable. Since Windows and Linux filenames aren’t entirely compatible, there’s going to be some trade-off no matter how this translation is done.

Filesystem performance

On the other hand, filesystem performance is abysmal, and I doubt the subsystem is to blame. This isn’t a surprise to anyone who’s used moderately-sized Git repositories on Windows, where the large numbers of loose files brings things to a crawl. This has been a Windows issue for years, and that’s even before you start plugging in the typically “security” services — virus scanners, whitelists, etc. — that are typically present on a Windows system and make this even worse.

To test out WSL, I went around my normal business compiling tools and making myself at home, just as I would on Linux. Doing nearly anything in WSL was noticably slower than doing the same on Linux on the exact same hardware. I didn’t run any benchmarks, but I’d expect to see around an order of magnitude difference on average for filesystem operations. Building LLVM and Clang took a couple hours rather than the typical 20 minutes.

I don’t expect this issue to get fixed anytime soon, and it’s probably always going to be a notable limitation of WSL.

So is WSL useful?

One of my hopes for WSL appears to be unfeasible. I thought it might be a way to avoid porting software from POSIX to Win32. I could just supply Windows users with the same Linux binary and they’d be fine. However, WSL requires switching Windows into a special “developer mode,” putting it well out of reach of the vast majority of users, especially considering the typical corporate computing environment that will lock this down. In practice, WSL is only useful to developers. I’m sure this is no accident. (Developer mode is no longer required as of October 2017.)

Mostly I see WSL as a Cygwin killer. Unix is my IDE and, on Windows, Cygwin has been my preferred go to for getting a solid unix environment for software development. Unlike WSL, Cygwin processes can make direct Win32 calls, which is occasionally useful. But, in exchange, WSL will overall be better equipped. It has native Linux tools, including a better suite of debugging tools — even better than you get in Windows itself — Valgrind, strace, and properly-working GDB (always been flaky in Cygwin). WSL is not nearly as good as actual Linux, but it’s better than Cygwin if you can get access to it.

01 Dec 13:07

Announcing Google Play’s “Best of 2017”

by Brett Bouchard

To close out another great year for Google Play, we’re sharing the best and most popular apps, games, music, movies, TV shows and books in 2017.

No one knows how far she can go better than “Moana,” as she landed the most popular movie of the year on Google Play. Strong female characters dominated this year’s movies chart with “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” and “Wonder Woman” rounding out the top three. “Game of Thrones” kept “Rick and Morty” and “The Walking Dead” at bay to claim the Iron Throne for the second year in a row as the most popular TV show. Elsewhere, Kendrick Lamar may no longer be so “HUMBLE.” after beating out Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You,” as Google Play’s most streamed song of 2017. Kendrick’s “DNA” also holds the number three spot on this list.

Nintendo’s “Super Mario Run” was the most downloaded new game of the year, but not all bubbles were burst, as “Bubble Witch 3 Saga” was closely behind at number two. And this year, we also have curated lists from our editors to help you find the best apps and games of 2017, such as “Socratic - Math Answers & Homework Help” and “CATS: Crash Area Turbo Stars,” respectively.

Check out Google Play’s top five lists below for this year’s most popular content in the U.S. You can also discover the most popular lists around the world and all our editors’ choices on the Best of 2017 section of the Play Store.

30 Nov 15:42


by Reza

30 Nov 15:22

Google has fixed the hamburger emoji in Android 8.1

by Evan Selleck
Dan Jones

Working on the important stuff

Before the end of October, Google found itself embroiled in a huge controversy about hamburgers. More specifically, hamburger emoji.

After the release of Android 8.0 Oreo, it became known that Google had a very interesting idea for where the cheese should be located on a hamburger: on the bottom, below the meat patty. Above the meat was the lettuce and tomato, which many wouldn’t argue with. But that cheese location sent many people decrying Google via social media networks.

Seeing how it was so obviously important to so many people, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai confirmed to the world that he would “drop everything” and fix the issue as quickly as he could. And sure enough, it looks like Pichai has kept his word.

As noted today by Emojipedia, Google has fixed the burger emoji in the recent Android 8.1 Oreo beta update. As you can see from the image above, the cheese has been moved to above the meat patty, sitting just under the tomato and below the piece of lettuce.

All is right with the world again.

Google has also “fixed” the beer emojis. In Android 8.0, the stein of beer was only half full and yet the top of the big glass was covered in froth, which didn’t make any sense at all. In Android 8.1 Oreo, those beer steins are completely full of liquid so the froth makes more sense.

Android 8.1 beer emoji

The updated emoji will be available in Android 8.1, which Google just released the last developer preview for and will see a public launch in December.

30 Nov 11:51

Meet Datally, a new way to understand, control and save mobile data

by Caesar Sengupta

Mobile data is expensive for many people around the world. And what’s worse, it’s hard to figure out where it all goes. That means you're never just chatting, playing games or watching videos on your phone—you're also anxiously keeping an eye on how long your data will last.

That’s why we built Datally, an app that helps you understand, control and save data. With Datally, you can save more and do more with your data.

Datally lets you understand, control and and save mobile data

Understand, control and and save mobile data with Datally

Datally helps you do three things:

  • Understand your data. See your usage on a hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis and get personalized recommendations for how you can save more.

  • Control your data. Turn on the Data Saver bubble to block background data usage and track real-time data usage while using each of your apps—it’s like a speedometer for your data. You can also block data with one tap if an app’s data usage gets out of control.

  • Save your data. Sometimes you just need a little more than what you’ve got on your data plan. Datally will tell you if you’re near public Wi-Fi and help you connect. Once you’re done, don’t forget to rate the network quality to help other users.
Track and control mobile data from any app with the Data Saver bubble
Track and control mobile data from any app with the Data Saver bubble

We’ve been testing Datally in the Philippines for the past few months, and people are saving up to 30 percent on their data. So today we’re excited to make Datally globally available on the Google Play Store for all phones running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher.

Here’s to saving more so you can do more with your mobile data!

30 Nov 07:43

The Thing X

by ray

The Thing X

30 Nov 07:42

#1646 – Tired

by Chris

#1646 – Tired

30 Nov 07:32

Tactical Stocking

by admin

tactical stockingTactical Holiday Stocking – Have a holly MOLLE Christmas!


30 Nov 07:31

TriceraTaco Dinosaur Taco Holder

by elssah12

tricerataco holder

TriceraTACO Dinosaur Taco Holder

30 Nov 07:31


30 Nov 07:31

#1647 – Popped

by Chris

#1647 – Popped

30 Nov 07:30

Amazon launches Silk web browser on Fire TV

by Evan Selleck

Set-top boxes are designed to give owners a one-stop shop for most of the things they would want to do on their TV, including apps to games. And now for Amazon Fire TV owners, that also includes browsing the web.

Today Amazon officially launched its Silk web browser for select Fire TV models as well as the Fire TV streaming stick and the Westinghouse/Element 4K television that has Amazon’s Fire TV software built in. The new app is available to download through the app stores on those devices.

It’s worth noting here that only the first- and second-generation Fire TV set-top boxes support the Silk browser, but that the newest model does not support the web browser yet. Amazon says an update coming in December will address that issue, so if you’ve got the newest Fire TV set-top box, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get this functionality.

The Silk web browser will let you navigate the internet right from your TV, and according to AFTVnews, the in-browser video playback is pretty solid. Otherwise it sounds like a pretty straightforward web browser. You’ll even be able to add bookmarks for quick navigation.

Is web browsing on your TV something you want to do?

30 Nov 07:30


29 Nov 16:35

How to Make a Blockbuster Movie Trailer

by Dan Jones
28 Nov 18:47

Each night, Walmart’s parking lots turn into America’s largest campground

by Jason Kottke

Walmart Camping

Walmart is an example of a commercial third place…a place people go to socialize that isn’t home or the workplace. But like Starbucks and McDonald’s, Walmart also functions as a replacement home for some people. Across America, Walmart parking lots fill up with the vans, RVs, and cars of nomads, vacationers, and the homeless. The NY Times sent a pair of photographers out to capture some of these parking lots at night.

There are standards of etiquette — do not, for instance, sit in the parking lot in lawn chairs — and also online rosters of no-go Walmarts. There is an expectation that you should buy something, but there is no parking fee. There is a measure of solitary privacy, even in a place that is deliberately accessible. Still that doesn’t prevent some people from leaving skid marks in the parking lot.

El Monte RV provides a short guide to Walmart camping and Allstays has a list of Walmarts that allow overnight parking.

Tags: photography   Walmart
27 Nov 19:32

#1645 – A mess

by Chris

#1645 – A mess

27 Nov 19:32

Security vs Business

by CommitStrip

27 Nov 19:32

The joy of comic collecting...


27 Nov 17:04

Not Worried

by Reza

27 Nov 17:04

Toying with Our Emotions

Toying with Our Emotions

Steve Rogers is a very fickle lad. Apparently it doesn't take that much to get under his superhuman skin nor his chain-mail armor.

See more: Toying with Our Emotions
27 Nov 15:29

Firefox 57

by CommitStrip
Dan Jones

I've been thinking about switching back to Firefox, but it seems the upgrade to Firefox Quantum made a lot of add-ons no longer work (devs didn't pay attention when Mozilla warned them a year ago).

And there are a bunch of Chrome add-ons I use that I can now no longer find suitable Firefox substitutes.

27 Nov 14:42

Comic for 2017.11.26

26 Nov 22:17

Are You Sure Though?

Yeah, but, for real... you actually, honestly like it??
26 Nov 22:17

Garfield - 2017-11-26

26 Nov 22:17


by Lunarbaboon
24 Nov 17:51

Monsters from British Mythology

Monsters from British Mythology


Britain has a diverse and rich culture which stretches back thousands of years. Most of us are aware of the main mythological creatures shared throughout history, but some can be a lot less generic. The ?Black Dog?, for example, is a ghostly apparition often described to have glowing red eyes and a growl that can wake the undead. The C? S?th, which shares origins in both Scottish and Irish mythology, is described as being bright green, and if you hear its three barks you are doomed.

There are also some lesser known and more gruesome creatures in British mythology, such as the Nuckelavee, which is often described as being one of the most malevolent of the demons surrounding the Scottish Isles. It?s portrayed as a conjoined rider and horse-like demon with skinless flesh, rippled with muscle, and is thought to be responsible for droughts and epidemics on land.

Monsters from British Mythology

Source: MyOffers

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24 Nov 17:51

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