Shared posts

30 Dec 19:07


We should really start calculating it earlier, but until the end of December we're always too busy trying to figure out which day Christmas will fall on.
30 Dec 03:45

“It’s Not Safe Like the Old Days!” Correct. It Is Safer

by Lenore Skenazy

It’s not universal, it’s not quite the end of the year, it’s not official yet — etc., etc., etc. But for New York City, at least, the New York Times Reports: Crime in New York City Plunges to a Level Not Seen Since the 1950s Yup: It would have seemed unbelievable in 1990, when there

The post “It’s Not Safe Like the Old Days!” Correct. It Is Safer appeared first on Let Grow.

29 Dec 15:50

Melon And The Question Of The Soul

Dan Jones

Greatswords of Holy Wrath!

And that does it for Patreon Bonus Strip week! These are always a ton of fun for me to draw and I'm happy I can share them with y'all. If you'd like to see them the moment they get posted, you can subscribe to my Patreon here!

Regular strips resume Monday.

29 Dec 11:09

YouTube stops working on Amazon Fire TV devices a few days early

by Evan Selleck

Earlier this month, Google confirmed that in its dispute with Amazon, it planned to pull the YouTube app from both the Echo Show and Fire TV devices.

At the time, it was expected that the YouTube app would be pulled on January 1 of next year, but it looks like Google has decided to cut the cord a bit early. As first spotted by Fast Company, a screenshot shows Amazon is already redirecting Fire TV device owners to either use the Silk or Firefox web browsers to access YouTube content.


Up to this point, it sounded like Google and Amazon were in talks that were going well, but apparently they weren’t going well enough. It’s unclear if it was Google that pulled the app four days early or if it was Amazon that just decided to stop supporting it ahead of the planned removal.

What do you think of the battle going on between Google and Amazon?

29 Dec 10:52

Android apps will soon run in the background on Chrome OS

by Evan Selleck
Dan Jones

ChromeOS really is getting more useful all the time

Android apps only recently made the jump over to Chrome OS, but for folks who might have switched to Google’s operating system from something like Windows, one drawback might have been clear right out of the gate: Apps unable to run in the background.

While there are some exceptions to that rule right now, like the music streaming app Spotify, the general rule of thumb for Android apps on Chrome OS is that they pause when they are no longer the sole focus of the user. That’s a big change from how apps work on other desktop operating systems, and it’s one that Google appears ready to set straight.

As first revealed today by Chrome Unboxed, the current beta version of Chrome OS 64 includes the ability to run Android apps in the background. This means they will no longer pause when they are no longer being used by the user, which should be a welcomed change.

Chrome OS 64 is still in the beta phase right now, but it is expected to move over to the stable channel soon. When it does, Android apps working in the background should be a solid bullet point on the new additions list.

You can see the new feature running in the video below.

If you use Chrome OS, is this one feature you have been waiting for?

27 Dec 21:51


27 Dec 21:18

Phone Security

Dan Jones

Must have all of these security features.

...wait until they type in payment information, then use it to order yourself a replacement phone.
27 Dec 12:40

A Ghostly Christmas Carol

A Ghostly Christmas Carol That's not what Q-bert would have said.

source: Maximumble

See more: A Ghostly Christmas Carol
27 Dec 12:40

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

27 Dec 02:50

The Best of The Holidays on Texts From Superheroes

27 Dec 02:50


27 Dec 02:50

While discussing christmas movies...


27 Dec 02:49

Santa Facts

We've gotten him up to 20% milk and cookies through an aggressive public campaign, but that seems to be his dietary limit. Anything above that and he starts developing nutritional deficiencies.
26 Dec 13:20

Texts From SuperheroesFacebook | Twitter | Patreon

Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

26 Dec 13:19

Developer Carols (Merry Christmas)

by Remy Porter
Árbol navideño luminoso en Madrid 02

It’s Christmas, and thus technically too late to actually go caroling. Like any good project, we’ve delivered close enough to the deadline to claim success, but late enough to actually be useless for this year!

Still, enjoy some holiday carols specifically written for our IT employees. Feel free to annoy your friends and family for the rest of the day.

Push to Prod (to the tune of Joy To the World)

Joy to the world,
We’ve pushed to prod,
Let all,
record complaints,
“This isn’t what we asked you for,”
“Who signed off on these requirements,”
“Rework it,” PMs sing,
“Rework it,” PMs sing,
“Work over break,” the PMs sing.

Backups (to the tune of Deck the Halls)

Back the system up to tape drives,
Fa la la la la la la la la,
TAR will make the tape archives,
Fa la la la la la la la la,
Recov'ry don't need no testing,
Fa la la la la la la la la la,
Pray it works upon requesting,
Fa la la la la la la la la

Ode to CSS (to the tune of Silent Night)

Vertical height,
Align to the right,
Aid my fight,
Round the corners,
Flattened design,
Please work this time,
It won't work in IE,
Never in goddamn IE

The Twelve Days of The Holiday Shift (to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas)

On my nth day of helpdesk, the ticket sent to me:
12 write arms leaping
11 Trojans dancing
10 bosses griping
9 fans not humming
8 RAIDs not striping
7 WANs a-failing
6 cables fraying
5 broken things
4 calling users
3 missing pens
2 turtled drives
and a toner cartridge that is empty.

(Contributed by Charles Robinson)

Here Comes a Crash Bug (to the tune of Here Comes Santa Claus)

Here comes a crash bug,
Here comes a crash bug,
Find th’ culprit with git blame,
Oh it was my fault,
It’s always my fault,
Patch and push again.

Issues raisin‘, users ‘plainin’,
Builds are failin’ tonight,
So hang your head and say your prayers,
For a crash bug comes tonight.

WCry the Malware (to the tune of Frosty the Snowman)

WCry the Malware, was a nasty ugly worm,
With a cryptolock and a bitcoin bribe,
Spread over SMB

WCry the Malware, is a Korean hack they say,
But the NSA covered up the vuln,
To use on us one day

There must have been some magic in that old kill-switch they found,
For when they register’d a domain,
The hack gained no more ground

WCry the Malware, was as alive as he could be,
Till Microsoft released a patch,
To fix up SMB

(Suggested by Mark Bowytz)

Oh Come All Ye Web Devs (to the tune of Oh Come All Ye Faithful)

Oh come, all ye web devs,
Joyful and triumphant,
Oh come ye to witness,
JavaScript's heir:

Come behold TypeScript,
It’s just JavaScript,
But we can conceal that,
But we can conceal that,
But we can conceal that,
With our toolchain

Thanks to Jane Bailey for help with scansion. Where it's right, thank her, where it's wrong, blame me.

As per usual, most of this week will be a retrospective of our “Best Of 2017”, but keep your eyes open- there will be a bit of a special “holiday treat” article to close out the year. I’m excited about it.

[Advertisement] Otter, ProGet, BuildMaster – robust, powerful, scalable, and reliable additions to your existing DevOps toolchain.
23 Dec 19:56

Zanco tiny t1 - World's Smallest Mobile Phone

by Erin Carstens

The tiny t1 is a mobile phone smaller than just one of the thumbs I'm holding up right now to show my approval of it. Creator Zanco has crowned it the World's Smallest Mobile Phone and, unlike the World's Smallest Violin, I think the tiny t1's title...

23 Dec 19:56

When Wizards Level Up

When Wizards Level Up Makes you wonder if there are other possible color alignments for wizards. Hmm...

See more: When Wizards Level Up
22 Dec 20:27

Brontosaurus Paper Towel Holder

by madmin

Brontosaurus Paper Towel Holder


22 Dec 17:32

The True Meaning of Christmas

They all made fun of Autometalogolex, but someday there will be a problem with Christmas that can only be solved if Santa somehow gets a serious headache, and then they'll see.
22 Dec 17:32

Super Mario Post-it Mural

Super Mario Post-it Mural


Viking made this incredible mural in their office using 6,223 post-it notes to recreate Super Mario level 1-1! Here's what they had to say...

"Our office is filled with gamers, so in celebration of the release of the new Super Mario Odyssey game, 10 employees decided to decorate our office games room recreating the iconic level 1-1 from the original Super Mario Bros. It took 10 people 7 hours to build the mural and we used 6,223 post-it notes!"

Mario Post-it Mural

Mario Post-it Mural

Mario Post-it Mural

Mario Post-it Mural

Mario Post-it Mural

Mario Post-it Mural

22 Dec 17:32

Cookies and Milk

Cookies and Milk

They roofied Santa just so they could mess with his sack. Think about that.

See more: Cookies and Milk
22 Dec 14:11

Late Shopping

by alex

Late Shopping

21 Dec 13:08

Comic for 2017.12.20

20 Dec 19:27

Gravitational Displacemats

by Erin Carstens
20 Dec 15:52

Comic for 2017.12.19

20 Dec 15:52

STAR WARS related social stress disorder...

20 Dec 15:52

No git blame

by CommitStrip

Inspired by a story from our friends at Toucan Toco
20 Dec 15:52


20 Dec 13:11


by Brian Russell

This is based on a true story…where I simply corrected my daughter in the pronunciation of gif. If you don’t know how to pronounce it, it’s gif. Not gif.

The post gif appeared first on Underfold Comics.

19 Dec 13:39
