Shared posts

28 Mar 22:46


by Dan Jones
19 Dec 13:39

Amazon Digital Day happening Dec. 29, will offer deals on movies, apps, and more

by Alex Wagner

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are big days for getting deals on physical goods. Amazon’s got its own day for digital specials, too, and today the date for those sales has been confirmed.

Amazon’s second Digital Day will happen on December 29th but some preview deals will be available staring December 26th. On that day, Amazon will offer more than 5,000 discounts on digital movies, TV shows, mobile games, apps, and more.

Some of the deals that’ll be available during Amazon’s Digital Day include 60 percent off Wonder Woman on Amazon Video, a $10 credit when you subscribe to HBO NOW, and up to 33 percent off games like Sonic Forces and NBA 2K18. There will be discounts for fans of reading, too, like up to 75 percent off Kindle best-selling books and up to 80 percent off best-selling Marvel graphic novels.

Lots of people have moved on to digital goods, opting for them over physical media because for reasons like they’re easier to move and take up less space. If you’re one of those people that prefers digital movies, books, and more, then it may be worth checking out Amazon’s Digital Day later this month.

19 Dec 13:39


by Reza

18 Dec 21:23

Calendar Facts

While it may seem like trivia, it (causes huge headaches for software developers / is taken advantage of by high-speed traders / triggered the 2003 Northeast Blackout / has to be corrected for by GPS satellites / is now recognized as a major cause of World War I).
18 Dec 21:03

No, Facebook Mom, Your Child Was Not About to Be Sex Trafficked from the Store

by Lenore Skenazy

The New Fear of Sex Traffickers Echoes a Medieval Fear of Child Murderers   They keep on coming, those stories on Facebook by moms that start out, “I never thought it would happen to me. But it did.” Here’s what I wrote in the magazine Reason: We are in the midst of a massive mommy

The post No, Facebook Mom, Your Child Was Not About to Be Sex Trafficked from the Store appeared first on Let Grow.

18 Dec 19:48

The “Let Grow” Resolution: Pass This In Your Town or State!

by Lenore Skenazy
Dan Jones

Some of you may have read on Facebook ( about a recent experience when my parenting was called into question because I allowed my daughter to go to the playground by herself.

The main purpose of laws should be to protect citizens. I understand why we have child endangerment laws, and it doesn't bother me when an adult simply wants to make sure a kid is safe. But when I've decided that my child is safe, and there is no imminent danger, that's where the questioning should end.

TX Child Protective Services has another category called "neglectful supervision". Their guidelines ( state:

> Neglectful supervision means "placing a child in or failing to remove a child from a situation that a reasonable person would realize requires judgment or actions beyond the child's level of maturity, physical condition, or mental abilities and that results in bodily injury or substantial risk of immediate harm to the child."

The problem with this wording is "a reasonable person". Unfortunately, a lot of things that I think are reasonable are not considered reasonable by others nowadays.

I think it's terrible that parents feel that they may need a law specifically written that guarantees them the right to let their children play and grow the way they feel their children should play and grow. But, based on my recent experience, I'm worried that may be exactly what is needed. I'm considering writing to my state legislators to encourage them to write such a bill, as has been outlined in this post. I'm not for sure decided that I'm going to do it, but definitely considering it.

The “Let Grow” Resolution:  Our children have the right to some unsupervised time, and we have the right to give it to them without getting arrested. Statement of findings It is good, healthy and normal for kids to walk and play outside, and run some errands on their own. Violent crime is at a 50 year

The post The “Let Grow” Resolution: Pass This In Your Town or State! appeared first on Let Grow.

18 Dec 19:40

#1656 – Rumors

by Chris

#1656 – Rumors

18 Dec 12:52

Bad Lip Reading of Stranger Things

by Dan Jones
18 Dec 12:52


18 Dec 12:52

Menorahsaurus Rex

by elssah12
Dan Jones

Were I Jewish, I would definitely insist on this menorah.

menorasaurus rex
Menorahsaurus Rex!

15 Dec 14:44

One Little Snowflake

One Little Snowflake

You might think today's Friday 4Koma is similar to this previous strip, because they both contain things being sliced in half, but you would be wrong. This comic is about snowflakes and that comic was about a butter knife and a slice of bread. Two completely different things.

See more: One Little Snowflake
14 Dec 15:16

Seven Years

Dan Jones

Major feels in this one.

14 Dec 15:16

Cube-Works Self-Destruct USB 3.0 Hub

by Erin Carstens
14 Dec 15:16

Bird and Cage

by Reza

14 Dec 15:15

14 Dec 15:15

Stop Playing Video Games!!!

Stop Playing Video Games!!! He makes a valid point.

See more: Stop Playing Video Games!!!
14 Dec 14:59

Goodbye, old friend

by Dan Jones


13 Dec 21:48


by The Awkward Yeti


13 Dec 14:15

The code is always better on the other side

by CommitStrip

12 Dec 18:02

The trailer for Spielberg’s Ready Player One

by Jason Kottke

The first full-length trailer for Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ready Player One is out. I enjoyed the book, but the teaser trailer was awful. This trailer’s much better and it’ll be interesting to see late Spielberg’s remix of early Spielberg in action.

Tags: books   movies   Ready Player One   remix   Steven Spielberg   trailers   video
12 Dec 18:02


People keep telling me to use the radio but I really hate making voice calls.
12 Dec 18:02

Comic for 2017.12.11

12 Dec 18:01

Ninja Batman Fan Art

Ninja Batman Fan Art


Takumi drew this epic fan art of Ninja Batman, Harley Quinn, Joker and Penguin...

Ninja Batman Fan Art

Ninja Batman Fan Art

Ninja Batman Fan Art

Ninja Batman Fan Art

Artist: Takumi

Follow us on:

December 11 2017
12 Dec 15:27

#1653 – Grow up

by Chris

#1653 – Grow up

12 Dec 15:27

Been There

by Reza

12 Dec 15:27

Javascript: The Good Parts

by Dan Jones

What are the other parts?

11 Dec 14:49


PvD You can consider him away from keyboard, but all I see is a free kill.

See more: PvD
11 Dec 12:40

Comic for 2017.12.08

11 Dec 12:40

3D Chocolate T-Rex Mold

by Erin Carstens
11 Dec 01:59

Safari Technology Preview Now Allows Animated-GIF-Like Videos Using ‘img’ Tag

by John Gruber
Dan Jones

This is bad news, IMO. This is going to lead to abuse of the img tag. I hope no other browsers adopt this approach, and instead work to fix the issues with the video tag.

Colin Bendell on a new feature in Safari Technology Preview:

  • Now you can <img src=".mp4"> in Safari Technology Preview
  • Early results show mp4s in <img> tags display 20x faster and decode 7x faster than the GIF equivalent — in addition to being 1/14th the file size!
  • Background CSS video & Responsive Video can now be a “thing”.
  • Finally cinemagraphs without the downsides of GIFs!
  • Now we wait for the other browsers to catch-up: This post is 46 MB on Chrome but 2 MB in Safari TP

It’ll take a few years for this to catch on web-wide, but the benefits are massive. It’s really rather ridiculous how popular the GIF format is in 2017.