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13 May 15:17

New book: Thing Explainer

by randallpmunroe

A while ago, I posted the comic Up Goer Five, an annotated blueprint of the Saturn V rocket with all the parts described using only the thousand most common English words.

Today, I’m excited to announce that I’m publishing a collection of large-format (9″x13″) Up Goer Five-style blueprints. The book is full of detailed diagrams of interesting objects, along with explanations of what all the parts are and how they work.

The titles, labels, and descriptions are all written using only the thousand most common English words. Since this book explains things, I’ve called it Thing Explainer.


The diagrams in Thing Explainer cover all kinds of neat stuff—including computer buildings (datacenters), the flat rocks we live on (tectonic plates), the stuff you use to steer a plane (airliner cockpit controls), and the little bags of water you’re made of (cells).

Thing Explainer will be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on November 24th. You can preorder it now (AmazonBarnes & Noble, Indie Bound, Hudson); click here for links to more information and options.

Or, in the spirit of the book:

I had a good time drawing Up Goer Five, so I decided to draw more pictures like that and make a book of them. The book explains things, so it’s called Thing Explainer.

You can’t have Thing Explainer yet, but if you want, you can order it now, and you’ll get it about a month before the end of the year.

Touch these blue words to learn how to get Thing Explainer.

13 May 02:21

All joking aside, I would pay actual money to see this. Full...

All joking aside, I would pay actual money to see this.

Full Image Facebook Twitter

12 May 22:55

SasuHina 2016image | twitter | facebook

SasuHina 2016

image | twitter | facebook

12 May 20:50

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar


Those of you who are dog owners and Lord of the Rings fans are going to love this epic handmade glow in the dark leather dog collar with The One Ring Elvish script by Saluki Feathers aka "The One Collar"! There's also a golden leather version if you want it to look more like the Great Ring of Power...

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

Glow in the Dark Lord of the Rings One Ring Dog Collar

By: Saluki Feathers

(via: Fashionably Geek)

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May 13 2015
12 May 15:56


by Lunarbaboon

12 May 12:35

you’re not worthy today

you’re not worthy today

12 May 12:35

Google temporarily suspends Map Maker submissions after peeing Android incident

by Dima Aryeh

Not long ago, an image was found in Google Maps of our favorite mascot urinating onto an Apple logo. This of course wasn’t an official Google Easter egg, but a joke put into Maps using Map Maker. It was a tool for users to help improve Google Maps, and it was guaranteed it would eventually be abused in some way. That joke wasn’t alone, as the tool was used for spam frequently.

In response to this, Google had to manually approve each edit made, which became a big problem as the amounts of edits quickly grew. Thus edit submissions will be shut down starting tomorrow while Google works on a better way to auto approve edits without such problems happening. The shut down is temporary, but we have no idea for how long.

It’s a shame that a good thing had to be shut down because of a few bad apples, but Google Maps is a public product and can’t have such images or other spam integrated. So for now, we wait.

11 May 20:18

Anime-rican President

by Sarah Yoshimura

Artist's Note:

Today's comic was incredibly frustrating to create. First off, trying to draw the President in two anime styles is hard, especially when one of them is incredibly... lacking in features. Raito Yagami literally has no "interesting" features, except for that dome of helmet hair he wears. I was beyond burned out upon finishing this strip.

Thankfully the last panel made this worth it. There's nothing cuter than a Chibi Obama enjoying anime. Gah! 


Writer's Note:


11 May 13:15

New Menu for Desktop Google Maps

by Alex Chitu

If you like Google Maps' mobile apps for Android and iOS, there's a good news: the desktop site now has a similar interface. The search box has a small icon for directions and another icon for the navigation menu, which lets you enable layers for satellite imagery, traffic, transit, bicycling, terrain, use My Maps, share maps, print maps and more.

The new hamburger-style menu adds features that were previously scattered in at least 4 other places: 2 menus at the bottom of the page, a satellite thumbnail and the search box.

Here's the old interface: the "getting around" card for layers, a small thumbnail for switching to satellite imagery (still available in the new UI), a help menu and a gear menu for sharing maps, Google Web History and search settings.

Another change is that you can switch to the lite mode, which replaces the old Google Maps:

11 May 13:15

Nymphs Coconut Shell Projection Lamps

Forget the magic mushrooms, someone get me a coupla coconut shells and a drill. That's all Vainius Kubilius needs anyway to take us on this fantastically lit journey through space and time. His Nymphs, table and floor lamps made of snaking bases and drilled coconut shell heads, project their light in surreal, hypnotizing patterns across any surface they touch. If you like mood lighting, you won't want to miss a browse through these veritable atmospheric trips.

Like most great spectacles, the inner workings of Nymphs Lamps remain hidden. Kubilius solders together their wires, plugs, switches, bulb sockets, and transformers in complete containment, wrapping the Nymphs' metal wire bodies in suede and varnished corks to give them a mysterious, snakelike look, and sensual feel. To complete the lamp heads he drills about a thousand small holes in his coconut shell medium, creating ornate designs that go from exquisite at their origin to dramatic and downright Alice in Wonderland at their projected landing points.

Kubilius says, "I�d love to think that my lamps are some sort of aphrodisiac that will create more passion in peoples lives." I think we'd all love to think that, dude. And I also think if it's actually true you're going to sell big fat Santa Claus sack of lamps.

11 May 13:15

#1097 – Full (7 Comments)

by Chris

#1097 – Full

11 May 10:46

How Osama bin Laden really died

by Jason Kottke

Seymour Hersh, writing for the London Review of Books, says that the American account of how Osama bin Laden was located, captured, and killed is not entirely true. In particular, he alleges that bin Laden was being held in Pakistan since 2006 and that members of the Pakistani military knew of and supported the raid.

It's been four years since a group of US Navy Seals assassinated Osama bin Laden in a night raid on a high-walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The killing was the high point of Obama's first term, and a major factor in his re-election. The White House still maintains that the mission was an all-American affair, and that the senior generals of Pakistan's army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) were not told of the raid in advance. This is false, as are many other elements of the Obama administration's account. The White House's story might have been written by Lewis Carroll: would bin Laden, target of a massive international manhunt, really decide that a resort town forty miles from Islamabad would be the safest place to live and command al-Qaida's operations? He was hiding in the open. So America said.

And the plan all along was to kill bin Laden...the Pakistanis insisted on it.

It was clear to all by this point, the retired official said, that bin Laden would not survive: 'Pasha told us at a meeting in April that he could not risk leaving bin Laden in the compound now that we know he's there. Too many people in the Pakistani chain of command know about the mission. He and Kayani had to tell the whole story to the directors of the air defence command and to a few local commanders.

'Of course the guys knew the target was bin Laden and he was there under Pakistani control,' the retired official said. 'Otherwise, they would not have done the mission without air cover. It was clearly and absolutely a premeditated murder.' A former Seal commander, who has led and participated in dozens of similar missions over the past decade, assured me that 'we were not going to keep bin Laden alive - to allow the terrorist to live. By law, we know what we're doing inside Pakistan is a homicide. We've come to grips with that. Each one of us, when we do these missions, say to ourselves, "Let's face it. We're going to commit a murder."' The White House's initial account claimed that bin Laden had been brandishing a weapon; the story was aimed at deflecting those who questioned the legality of the US administration's targeted assassination programme. The US has consistently maintained, despite widely reported remarks by people involved with the mission, that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had immediately surrendered.

Hersh is a regular contributor to the New Yorker -- he broke the Abu Ghraib story in the pages of the magazine -- so I wonder why this story didn't appear there? Perhaps because it goes against the grain of their own reporting on the subject?

Update: Max Fisher writes in Vox that Hersh's story has many problems -- inconsistencies and thin sourcing to start -- and is indicative of Hersh's "slide off the rails" from investigative journalism to conspiracy theories.

On Sunday, the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh finally released a story that he has been rumored to have been working on for years: the truth about the killing of Osama bin Laden. According to Hersh's 10,000-word story in the London Review of Books, the official history of bin Laden's death -- in which the US tracked him to a compound in Abottabad, Pakistan; killed him a secret raid that infuriated Pakistan; and then buried him at sea --- is a lie.

Hersh's story is amazing to read, alleging a vast American-Pakistani conspiracy to stage the raid and even to fake high-level diplomatic incidents as a sort of cover. But his allegations are largely supported only by two sources, neither of whom has direct knowledge of what happened, both of whom are retired, and one of whom is anonymous. The story is riven with internal contradictions and inconsistencies.

The story simply does not hold up to scrutiny -- and, sadly, is in line with Hersh's recent turn away from the investigative reporting that made him famous into unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

The single source for most of the juiciest details in the piece was the most glaring issue. My Spidey Sense started tingling as I read the latter sounded like Hersh was quoting some dude in a bar who "had a friend who told me this story". I wonder how much of this was fact-checked and corroborated?

And on Hersh's affiliation with the New Yorker, they repeatedly rejected the story:

(Indeed, when I first heard about Hersh's bin Laden story a few years from a New Yorker editor -- the magazine, the editor said, had rejected it repeatedly, to the point of creating bad blood between Hersh and editor-in-chief David Remnick -- this was the version Hersh was said to favor.)

If you look at Hersh's page at the NYer, his contributions have dropped off. His only piece in the past two years was a revisiting of his earlier reporting on My Lai. (via @tskjockey)

Update: From Gabriel Sherman at New York Magazine, Why Seymour Hersh's 'Alternative' bin Laden History Did Not Appear in The New Yorker.

When I spoke to Hersh earlier today, it was clear that there is tension. Hersh told me that he published the piece in the LRB because Remnick was not interested in having him write a magazine piece on the bin Laden raid. Hersh explained that, days after the May 2, 2011 SEAL operation, he told Remnick that his intelligence sources were saying Obama's account was fiction. "I knew right away that there were problems with the story," Hersh told me. "I just happen to have sources. I'm sorry, but I do." Hersh told Remnick he wanted to write a piece for the magazine.

"David said, 'Do a blog,'" Hersh recalled. "I said, 'I don't want to do a blog.' It's about money. I get paid a lot more writing a piece for The New Yorker [magazine] ... I'm old and cranky." (Remnick declined to comment).

Through reporting of its own, NBC News has confirmed parts of Hersh's story.

The NBC News sources who confirm that a Pakistani intelligence official became a "walk in" asset include the special operations officer and a CIA officer who had served in Pakistan. These two sources and a third source, a very senior former U.S. intelligence official, also say that elements of the ISI were aware of bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad. The former official was emphatic about the ISI's awareness, saying twice, "They knew."

R.J. Hillhouse claims she should get credit for breaking this story because of two pieces she wrote in 2011, using information from "clearly different" sources.

Tags: Barack Obama   David Remnick   Gabriel Sherman   Osama bin Laden   Pakistan   politics   R.J. Hillhouse   Seymour Hersh
11 May 10:46

Sites with High Quality Photos You Can Use for Free

Sites with High Quality Photos You Can Use for Free:

This is a huge list of photo resources

11 May 02:50

Step by Step Instructions for Drawing Pikachu

by Steve Napierski
How to Draw Pikachu So you pretty much follow the same general guidelines for drawing a pikachu as you would for drawing a combusken. Difference being that pikachu requires more penises.

On a side not, I offer you an alternative version of How to Draw Pikachu.

source: Twitter

See more: Step by Step Instructions for Drawing Pikachu
10 May 21:55

Keeping Up Appearances

Keeping Up Appearances

You know what they say: If you cannot make good memories, then make up good memories.

See more: Keeping Up Appearances
10 May 21:55

Love & War

by Steve Napierski
Love & War This comic could have been titled: Ray Rice's Guide to Romance.

source: Kye Cheng

See more: Love & War
10 May 21:55

OrbitKey Organizer & Bottle Opener

Dan Jones

Looks useful

Cows make good milk and cowhides make good keychains. The OribitKey is a genuine cowhide leather strap that stores up to 7 standard keys behind its simple black design. Edges are coated and leather double sided for extra strength, and a bottle is also included with the keychain for extra fun on Friday afternoon at the office.

The OrbitKey keychain and bottle opener bundle is available for 26% off for a limited time from Dude Exclusives.

10 May 21:55

Chain Chomp Cat Bed

Dan Jones

I wonder if they have a dog-sized one.

According to Catastrophic Creations, this Chain Chomp Cat Bed "took and incredibly long amount of time to make." Good thing cats are so appreciative of their owners' gifts and love, and reciprocate in kind by never missing the litter box, clawing them, or acting superior and aloof at all times except when someone pops open a can of tuna fish. A cat definitely deserves the most awesome Super Mario-themed pet bed of all time.


At least it's fashioned in the likeness of something evil that's making to eat its inhabitant.

The Chain Chomp bed's Chain and Chomp portions are made from hardened styrofoam that's then coated in multiple layers of Epoxy, plus a solution with a cement texture to achieve the metal look. In addition to space for Kitteh's bed, the inside contains a hinged wooden box for storing all the rest of the fancy food and gifts you've bought his ungrateful tail.

10 May 21:54

101 Ways To Use A Unicorn Book

by elssah12

101 ways to use a unicornAnd to think, you only thought there were 5 uses for a unicorn! Don’t you feel dumb.

10 May 21:54

Pearls Before Swine: Friday, May 08, 2015

Pearls Before Swine
10 May 21:54

Batman Dog Costume

by elssah12
Dan Jones

I think I need this for my dog

batman dog costume Batman Dog Costume – Introducing The Dog Knight!

10 May 21:54

Android may soon offer more granular privacy controls

by Sean Riley
Dan Jones

About time

“Why does this app need access to that?” This question comes up pretty commonly when users are installing or updating an app and looking at iTwitter permissions list. While the answer to that question is invariably something completely innocuous, it can lead to unease for users with dozens of apps wanting access to their camera, microphone, location, photos and contacts.

According to Bloomberg Business, users may finally be getting more choice in these matters. Not surprisingly, Bloomberg’s sources indicate that this announcement will be made at Google I/O later this month, possibly part of Android M.

The source reports that users will have new settings options that allow them to select for themselves which permissions an app may have. With privacy concerns running rampant in recent years, it is easy to see how this would be a desirable feature for many users.

If this report is accurate, it will be very interesting to see how Google handles it with developers and with the exact implementation for the users. Will you be given the option to tweak permissions right when you are installing an app for the first time or making an update? Will there be options to set something as restricted globally? Certainly many apps would be broken if permissions are restricted, so will developers be able to identify only some permissions as optional?

Again, assuming this report proves true at all, we have less than a month until we will have all the answers at Google I/O.

Would you like to have the option of restriction permissions on certain apps or do you trust in developers to not abuse that access?

10 May 21:53

You can now pre-register for an app on Google Play and be notified when it’s released

by Alex Wagner

Google Play has a new feature that’ll make sure you’re made aware of a new app’s release the second that it arrives on the store’s digital shelves.

Pre-registration for apps is now live on Google Play, and the first app to feature it is Terminator Genisys: Revolution. When you pre-register, you’ll get a notification on your devices when the app actually launches. If you change your mind and decide that you no longer want to be alerted upon the app’s release, you can unregister as well.


Usually when an app maker reveals or launches a new app, they make announcements just like Glu Mobile and Terminator did for Terminator Genisys: Revolution. What makes Google Play’s pre-registration feature notable is that it allows developers to gauge early interest in their apps and then have a user be directly notified of an app’s release without any added effort from the dev. Because of this added benefit, we’re betting that we’ll see pre-registration become a popular feature for Android devs in the future.

10 May 21:53

Gwen Stacy Cosplays as Marvel Heroes in 20 Variant Covers

Gwen Stacy Cosplays as Marvel Heroes in 20 Variant Covers


Gwen Stacy is taking over these 20 Marvel comics next month with her own series of variant covers where she cosplays as all the other Marvel heroes! I am ok with Spider-Gwen as every Marvel hero... ;)

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
SECRET WARS #4 by Chris Samnee

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
THORS #1 by Kris Anka

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
FUTURE IMPERFECT #1 by Nick Bradshaw

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
OLD MAN LOGAN #3 by Chris Samnee

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
SECRET WARS #3 by Nick Bradshaw

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
MAGNETO #19 by Declan Shalvey

Spider-Gwen Marvel Variant Covers
X-MEN ?92 #1 by Ryan Stegman

Here?s the full list...

? 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA #1 by John Tyler Christopher
? ARMOR WARS #1 by David Lafuente
? BLACK WIDOW #19 by Dan Hipp
? FUTURE IMPERFECT #1 by Nick Bradshaw
? GROOT #1 by Giuseppe Camuncoli
? GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE #1 by Rob Guillory
? HOWARD THE DUCK #4 by Jason Latour
? MAGNETO #19 by Declan Shalvey
? OLD MAN LOGAN #3 by Chris Samnee
? S.H.I.E.L.D. #7 by Robbi Rodriguez
? SECRET WARS #3 by Nick Bradshaw
? SECRET WARS #4 by Chris Samnee
? SECRET WARS 2099 #2 by Jason Latour
? SQUADRON SINISTER #1 by Greg Smallwood
? THORS #1 by Kris Anka
? ULTIMATE END #2 by Chip Zdarsky
? X-MEN ?92 #1 by Ryan Stegman

(via: The Mary Sue)

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May 08 2015
10 May 21:52

Stephen Colbert

"There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but it's good."

10 May 21:52

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father


Jeffrey Brown wrote and drew these adorable books Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess that show what it would be like if Darth Vader was actually a good dad! ♥ Here's a few of our favorite illustrations from the books...

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

If Darth Vader Was a Good Father

10 May 21:52

Domo Toaster

Domo Toaster


WANT! This adorable officially licensed Domo Toaster toasts an adorable Domo on your toast...

Domo Toaster

Domo Toaster

Domo Toaster

Domo Toaster available here!

07 May 20:01

The Washington Post: How to Pray Like a Mormon

by Bridget Kreis
Dan Jones

That's my Stake Relief Society President.

In honor of the National Day of Prayer, May 7, 2015, The Washington Post featured leaders from different faiths demonstrating

07 May 20:01

Life Advice from 50 Beloved Characters in Kid's Entertainment

Life Advice from 50 Beloved Characters in Kid's Entertainment


via AAA State of Play: "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~ George Bernard Shaw

Life can be tough for us adults! There are bills to pay, decisions to make, and jobs to do. While raising a family is a wonderful blessing, it can be a never-ending source of stress! That is why we need to take a moment to breathe. Play. Marvel at life. No matter your age or responsibility, you can experience the wonder of childhood again! So take these quotes to heart; they may seem simple, but deep wisdom often lies in whimsy and fun.

Life Advice from 50 Beloved Characters in Kid's Entertainment

Source: AAA State of Play

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May 07 2015
07 May 19:03