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05 Aug 21:00

Emoji Poop Pillow

by elssah12

emoji poop pillowThis pile of poop pillow is just too stinking cute!

05 Aug 20:28

The Batman Effect

The Batman Effect


LOL! Anyone notice a pattern here!? Batman changes everything...

The Batman Effect

Source: Imgur

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August 05 2015
05 Aug 18:34

4 Things I Buy for My Kids That Are Really For Me

by John Kinnear
Some things that I buy for my kids are actually for my kids. For instance, a talking Dora the Explorer microphone. Despite my inner “sane person” screaming “DON’T BUY THAT MICROPHONE. IT IS LOUD AND WILL KILL ME, YOUR INNER SANE PERSON, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T BUY THAT DORA THE EXPLORER MICROPHONE,” I say, “Don’t worry personification of my sanity inside my head that I talk to, which is totally normal. I may be buying this horrible, evil noise maker for our daughter, but I also buy these other things for her, that are secretly for us. And then the two of us laugh and laugh and laugh.

Goldfish Crackers

My wife thinks that our kids looooove Goldfish crackers. We go through a bag a week. When we’re at the store, she specifically reminds me to grab them and says “You know how much they LOVE Goldfish Crackers.” I play coy and pretend not to remember, then grab a bag or two… or three. What my wife doesn’t know, until she reads this, is that I have a lovely addiction to tiny baked cheese fish. I could eat an entire bag. Each little cheese fish cracker is like a taste journey for my mouth. I like the rough salt on the rounder side of the cracker. I like how I can crush the tasty hollow fish orb on the roof of my mouth. I salivate thinking about how after I finish that little guy, there is a whole bag waiting for me to eat. “Honey, the kids ate all the Goldfish Crackers. I’m running to the store. Do we need milk too?”

Goldfish Crackers

Disney Movies

Do you know how long an episode of Curious George is? 12 minutes. What the hell am I going to do with 12 minutes? Nothing. I can use the bathroom, and only if I don’t bring my phone in with me. That’s it. If I need to get the kitchen cleaned, or get some writing done, or do some laundry without the “why” patrol chasing me around asking questions and demanding snacks, Curious George is doing me no good at all. But you know what will? Frozen. Dumbo. The Little Mermaid. Sure, the deluxe, mondo, diamond encrusted, only coming out of a metaphorical vault that may or may not exist versions of these movies cost as much as my first semester of college, but I’ll take out a loan if it will give me 90 minutes to mow the lawn. They love them. I need them.

Summer Camp

Sometimes the 90 minutes isn’t enough. Sometimes I need 8 hours. There are a variety of summer day camps in our area that are both affordable and convenient. And yes, while I want my daughter to learn about science or subsistence farming or dance or gymnastics, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my wife and I enjoy the time we get to ourselves. “But John! If you are so eager to not have your kids around, why did you even have them?” Says someone, at some point, I imagine. “Shut up you. I don’t have to answer your questions,” I reply.

Classic Superhero Apparel

Sure. My daughter knows the Batman song. She knows it goes “Na na Na na Na na Na na Na na BATMAN!!” That is the extent of her Batman knowledge. She’s still a little young to know that Bruce Wayne’s parents were viciously murdered in front of him as a child causing irreparable emotional and psychological damage and leading him to dress up like an f’ing bat as an adult as he spreads his vigilante justice on a city that may or may not even want it. She’s not quite ready to process that yet. But that didn’t stop me from buying this.

Na na na na na na na na

Or this.

Na na na na na na na na

Or this.


I love Batman. I love my kid. So I buy her Batman stuff. Yes, it’s more for me than for her, but Batman is awesome and I don’t care. So there. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go distract my daughter by putting Frozen on and sneak away to eat all her cheese fish crackers.

Did you enjoy this post? Come find me on the Ask Your Dad Facebook Page. I post other funny stuff there! Really. It's lots of fun. I promise. Really. 
05 Aug 14:06

New Game

by Steve Napierski
New Game My daughters are still young. Thankfully, this is not a problem for me...yet.

source: Jim Benton

See more: New Game
05 Aug 12:59

Drunk Uncle Ben Terrorizes Spider-Man Cosplayers

by Sean Fallon

drunk uncle ben

Even alternate Spider-Men can’t cope with the loss.

(via imgur)

05 Aug 11:04

Groom ‘Sues New Wife For Fraud’ After Seeing Her Without Make Up For First Time

05 Aug 11:04

We can rebuild him: Philadelphia hackers offer brotherly love to fallen robot

Dan Jones


05 Aug 11:04

Texas man shoots armadillo, gets hit in face by bullet ricochet

05 Aug 11:04

Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out

Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out:

I’d be surprised if this was any worse than what Google already has on you.

05 Aug 11:04

Audio: Man dials 999 demanding police arrest his girlfriend’s cat for eating his bacon

03 Aug 19:31

Dangerous ingredients in vaccines

Dangerous ingredients in vaccines

03 Aug 11:35

iBed Tablet Stand

Dan Jones

That's really close to her face.

iBed, a hands-free up-high and down-low tablet stand, notes that "When lying down for a long period of time, you not only risk dropping your tablet device, but you also suffer from pain in your arms and neck and back." And, I would add, become more susceptible to obesity, antisocial personality disorder, and Benjamin Franklin's arch nemesis, gout. (Not to be a downer or anything. Personally, I'd put up with a little gout any day if it meant I could keep drinking my Capri Suns and streaming Netflix without even sitting up in bed.)

iBed's design holds a tablet in harmony with its user's natural sleep posture. Set a tablet facedown in the open circular holster overhead, slide the stand's slim base under a pillow, and lie your head down to secure. Then adjust the height and placement of your tablet with the iBed's swivel arm. iBed can also sit on the floor next to a sofa or chair, where it will serve as a more traditional device stand.

iBed's official compatibility spans from all Apple tablets to Nexus 7 and Galaxy Note 10.1, to the Kindle 7". Smaller and larger Kindle models will also fit in the iBed with a little DIY jerry-rigging.

03 Aug 11:34


Dan Jones

I would totally do that.

Sadly, it probably won't even have enough gas to make it to the first border crossing.
02 Aug 22:53

Consoles Personified

by Steve Napierski
PlayStation 4 Girl (animated)Xbox One Girl (animated)Wii U Girl (animated) This is really cool. That animation is a nice touch, too.

source: deviantART

See more: Consoles Personified
02 Aug 22:04


02 Aug 18:16

Batman V Peacock

by Sean Fallon

batman vs peacock

Batman can’t back down from a challenge, even when it’s a peacock plumage battle. Who will emerge as the alpha male?

Send your cosplay pics to

(via Reddit)

02 Aug 18:16

Imperial Spherificator - Turn Any Food Into Caviar

The Imperial Spherificator. Sounds like something you'd find alongside Mega Maid in Lord Dark Helmet's cache of planet-destroying weapons. But in fact, this superbly named device isn't meant for destruction or Mel Brooks parodies at all. The Imperial Spherificator is meant for your kitchen, and for turning nearly any food you throw at it into delicate and pristine little...balls.

Foodies, kids, geeks, people who love Dippin' Dots, here's your chance to own the world's only automatic caviar and pearl making device. The Imperial Spherificator is the brainchild of a small company out of Montreal that already makes a seaweed-based caviar substitute called Kelp Caviar. Having perfected the process of turning stringy ocean weeds into perfect spheres, I guess they figured they could replicate the process with just about anything. And they also figured, rightly so given that their Kickstarter campaign has well exceeded its funding goal, home chefs might like to do the same with their own ingredients.

Spherification is possible for anything from raw tomatoes to coffee to Tabasco sauce. The Imperial Spherificator itself is a handheld device that molds and pumps out tiny pearls from (ideally) raw ingredients or (acceptably) commercially available products fed into its top. Some foods will need to be diluted to reduce their acidity, and all will require the addition of seaweed extract to help solidify the balls and hold their structure. All caviar makers will include a basic recipe to get the balls rolling.

Pledge for your Imperial Spherificator on Kickstarter through August 21, 2015.

02 Aug 18:16

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses


Artist Lokiable created this neat series of Game of Thrones house sigils and words for pop culture characters families! Here are some of ours favs, you can see the full series here, which one is your favorite?

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Pop Culture Characters Game of Thrones Houses

Artist: Lokiable - Source

(via: Geek Tyrant)

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August 01 2015
02 Aug 12:48

Dear Daughter, It’s OK to Be Wrong

by John Kinnear

Earlier this year you were bounding through the living room, doing your usual jump and land, jump and land routine when the “land” portion put your right foot directly on top of a very pointy plastic dragon named Toothless. I didn’t see it happen, but I heard the howl.

You cut your foot pretty badly. There was lots of blood and tears and sobbing. Your mom and I sat with you and put pressure on the wound until the bleeding stopped. We all took deep breaths together and told you it was ok to cry as loud as you wanted. Eventually the throbbing of your foot subsided with the stutters of your breath and the three of us put a Doc McStuffin Band-Aid on it. Then you hopped up and continued your bounding… with a little bit of a limp.

Ever since that day, any time that little plastic dragon has been left out you have been the first person to run and put it away. “We need to put this away or someone will break themselves... like I did.”

I love this story. I don't love the pain you went through, and the sound of your sobbing will always be with me. But I love that you learned from your pain. Not only did you learn. It made you stronger. And it gave you empathy for others. 

You're going to hurt a lot in your life. Some of it is going to by physical. You are a jump-and-land girl. Sometimes those landings are going to be harder than others, and often they are going to hurt. But you are going to learn to land better. 

Sometimes the hurt is going to be inside. Sometimes people are going to hurt your feelings, which, in large part, is outside of your control. Sometimes you're going to make a bad decision and it is going to hurt you or others. Sometimes you are going to be wrong. 

Being wrong is ok as long as you are willing to see it. With physical pain it is easy to see where you went wrong. "I shouldn't jump on top of plastic dragons because it makes my foot bleed." Easy peasy. 

With the other kind of wrong it is harder to see. You need to look both inward and outward. You need to look at how your actions make you feel inside, and how they make others feel. And then comes the most important part. You have to ask yourself, "Could I be wrong?"

Sometimes you will be. And not only is that ok; that is awesome. Not that you are wrong, but that you are able to see it. 

I have learned far more from admitting I was wrong than I ever have from insisting I was right.

There is no shame in admitting that you are wrong, because that moment is a moment of growth, and there is nothing shameful about growth. Sometimes we are oblivious to the dragons we are stepping on until they stab us in the foot. 

So be more wrong. Move quick. Break things. Take in the world around you, snap it in two, and put it back together again. There's no script to life. 

You have to find your way through, and than means messing up. 

I promise you this. You will always have me. Not only my forgiveness, but my praise and my pride. When you are wrong, I will acknowledge it and celebrate you for seeing it. And when you are really, really wrong. When the pain is too much. I'll sit with you and we will take deep breaths and it will be ok to cry as loud as you want.

Sometimes growing hurts. A lot. 

I love you, and I am proud of you,


Did you enjoy this post? I would be honored if you would come join the fun on the Ask Your Dad Facebook Page!  

Thank you so much to the sponsor of this post, Plum Organics. They are more than a sponsor. They are a patron. Too often, brands that want to work with bloggers insist on controlling the message. Campaigns end up being a group of bloggers all essentially writing the same post. Plum's Parenting Unfiltered campaign has been different. Instead of asking me to pitch their product, they merely said that they wanted to sponsor my writing and however I could apply it to their #ParentingUnfiltered campaign. It has been a joy working with them, and I am honored to be associated with their brand. 

And, for what it is worth, we have been eating Plum Organic products in our house for the last three months, and the kids are nuts about them. You can check out their whole line of products on ther website,

01 Aug 16:56

Internet Explorer vs. Edge

Internet Explorer vs. Edge

01 Aug 04:33

@kid_md looking for a new job?

@kid_md looking for a new job?

31 Jul 19:07

Comic for 2015.07.31

31 Jul 16:35

Darth Vader USB Car Charger

by elssah12

darth-vader-usbDon’t underestimate the power of The Dark Side!


31 Jul 16:16

Cobra Block

by Steve Napierski
Cobra Block This is the last time Indie will ever ask Short Round to fix him up with someone.

See more: Cobra Block
31 Jul 16:16

Every time i leave the...

Every time i leave the house

31 Jul 16:16

These Cat And Dog Business Socks Are Super Professional

by Rielly


Get ready for your next interview in serious style with Business Dog Socks. Dressed in a fashionable argyle sweater and tie, this dog has one thing on his mind: promotion.

The only problem is Cat and Bear are ambitious and will stop at nothing to keep your feet cozier than the competition.

Check out more styles after the break…




Product Page: Dog Socks ($11.99), Cat Socks ($11.99), Bear Socks ($11.99)

31 Jul 13:50

iStabilizer Dolly

Get the iStabilizer Dolly and create cinematic videos and panning shots with your smartphone! Offered as a Dude Exclusive for 34% off for a limited time!

Don't you love how anymore any jackass can take professional-quality photos and shoot cinematic masterpieces with the same device they use to call their mamas? Even tricky tricks of the trade, such as panning and tracking, are becoming more accessible with portable, relatively inexpensive equipment like the iStabilizer Dolly. This Beetlejuice sculpture on wheels from photography gear manufacturer iStabilizer pairs with most cameras capable of shooting HD video to create smooth tracking sequences on any flat surface.

No more having to incorporate an earthquake storyline into every video you shoot to account for an unsteady hand. iStabilizer Dolly screws into almost any smartphone or case up to 2.75" wide, and turns the shakes into the steady and polished. Its adjustable arm enables shooting at all angles and its quad of chunky, rugged wheels protect from tremors and bounce so that tracking remains even during filming, and audiences won't need complimentary barf bags to watch your reel of skate tricks. Unless your grand finale is biting it and ending scene gushing blood with a tib/fib jutting out of your shin.

31 Jul 13:50

Volo Hammock Rocker

Dan Jones

This looks great

Rough life this guy has. Timing the tides. Towing his Sveglio Volo all the way across the beach and into the water. Settling into its hammock and getting a gentle rock going just as the sun starts to set. I bet it's a Thursday night or something too. And he's completely spent from a long week of stand up paddleboarding and checking the Internet to confirm how many tens of thousands of dollars his stocks and real estate investments made that morning.

Sveglio operates out of Big Sur, California, where it makes all of its Volo hammock rockers to order according to buyer color and fabric specifications. The Italian "Volo" translates to "I fly" in English, and though this lounger is neither suspended from the ground, nor able to lift off and leave it, the smooth design and easy motion of its frame are going for a weightless sensation. Settle in and you'll feel like you're floating. The Volo is also big enough for two, so in the right company floating might even elevate to soaring.

Volo frames are made of chromium-molybdenum alloy tubes, CNC-formed and TIG-welded by Sveglio's master welder. Electrostatic powder coatings come in the buyer's choice of Stardust Silver, Architectural Bronze, Sky White, and Black. Hammocks are fashioned from a double layer of Sunbrella outdoor fabric, or an exotic indoor textile or leather upon request. Build time is 6 to 8 weeks.

Muchas danke to Bless This Stuff.

30 Jul 21:02


Dan Jones

I think I kind of remember that.

30 Jul 21:02

The Queen’s Latin.

by languagehat

Ben Yagoda has a Lingua Franca post on an often-discussed phenomenon, “why, in American movies and TV shows set in foreign or imagined lands, the characters almost invariably speak in British accents, especially if they’re bad guys”:

The invaluable website TV Tropes dubs the custom “the Queen’s Latin” and has this explanation for its use in historical dramas:

Britain’s long history causes British accents to seem somehow “older” — they are used to suggest a sense of antiquity. This is actually inaccurate from a linguistic perspective; the modern British accents actually represent a more evolved form of English. Older English accents were closer to modern Irish and American accents.

In any case, using the Queen’s Latin makes a series or film commercially viable in the U.S. It alleviates the need for subtitles, while maintaining the appearance of historical authenticity. It’s just foreign and exotic enough. (Many British actors already Play Great Ethnics.) It’s also no doubt inspired by productions of Shakespeare‘s plays set in Ancient Rome. Remember: Romeo might have been Italian, but he’s not realistic unless he talks like a proper British toff.

(That last link mentions “the exaggerated smack of a boxing glove” and notes: “Real-life fistfights tend to be eerily silent, which obviously wouldn’t be very dramatic or exciting.” I never knew that.) And it’s not just movies and TV; Yagoda discusses a book that “is set in France and Germany during World War II, yet the author, Anthony Doerr — an American — continually uses British terms: crisps instead of potato chips, lift instead of elevator, and biscuits.” The sun may have set on the Empire, but this silly tradition shows no sign of going away.