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10 Jun 17:49

Nintendo reveals Wii U Zelda sequel, coming 2015

by Earnest Cavalli
During Nintendo's E3 press conference, Eiji Aonuma revealed a new entry in the fan-favorite Legend of Zelda series. Scant information was offered, but we were shown an attractive vignette, featuring Link riding his trusty steed Epona away from what...
10 Jun 16:42

Robbed Dota 2 Players Say Game's Community Saved Their Lives

by gguillotte
The players, who go by the handles SUNSfan and Sajedene online, were at home in in Tempe, Arizona early Monday morning when their apartment was broken into by two armed robbers. The break-in was documented in real time since Sajedene was streaming a game of Dota 2 on Twitch when she first heard a knock at her door.
10 Jun 16:42

Forza Horizon 2 Developer Says Manufacturer-Provided Data Is "Garbage"

by gguillotte
The CAD data they get from car companies is usually pretty unusable for the making in-game cars. And, even more telling, Forza developers never trust the manufacturer specs for HP, weight, etc. They do all their own dyno testing, and part-weighing. So turn on your Xbox One for accurate car specs.
10 Jun 16:15


10 Jun 16:15

iguanamouth: thankyoucorndog: iguanamouth: birds dont exist  if this is truee, how is it that i,...




birds dont exist 

if this is truee, how is it that i, a bird, am using laptop?




10 Jun 15:40

hammer brothers - Segagaga (Sega - Dreamcast - 2001)

hammer brothers - Segagaga (Sega - Dreamcast - 2001)

10 Jun 15:40

FAA grants first commercial drone permit for flights over land

by Kwame Opam

With more than a year left before it's expected to draft safety rules for UAVs, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given its first permit for commercial drone flights over land. BP oil and drone manufacturer AeroVironment were granted approval to use the Puma AE drone, a small, hand-launched craft originally designed for the military, to do aerial surveys of roadways, pipelines, and equipment in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The news comes as the administration gradually moves toward broader approval of drone use in US skies.

"These surveys on Alaska's North Slope are another important step toward broader commercial use of unmanned aircraft," said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx in an official statement. "The technology is quickly changing, and the opportunities are growing."

"The technology is quickly changing, and the opportunities are growing."

The FAA received a congressional mandate to give UAVs access to US airspace by September 2015, and even though this is a big step toward that goal, progress has thusfar been slow. The administration even overturned a ruling from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that lifted the six-year ban on small drones earlier this year, effectively putting their legality on hold. However, steps forward have been made. The first commercial drone test site opened in North Dakota last month for the express purpose of helping the FAA meet its deadline. Meanwhile, the administration is considering giving a fast track for businesses that want to use drones, and is working on giving permissions to seven aerial filmmaking companies that use drones for photography.

10 Jun 15:38

Amazon Kindle apps can now play Audible audiobooks

by Jacob Kastrenakes

Amazon's Whispersync service has made it easy for readers to quickly switch back and forth between an ebook and an audiobook for a couple years now, letting owners of both pick up either copy at the exact spot where they left off, and now Amazon's making the feature even more seamless. With an update to the iOS and Android Kindle apps today, it'll be possible to make the switch between ebook and audiobook right inside of the app, rather than having to jump from the Kindle app over to the Audible audiobook app, as was previously necessary.

Amazon's been pushing this integration forward for a little while, and now it's really starting to strengthen Kindle's integration with Audible, which has largely stayed separate since being purchased in 2008. Whispersync for Voice was introduced in 2012, and a year later Amazon began allowing owners of Kindle ebooks to purchase discounted copies of Audible audiobooks. Audible's CEO says that it's seen a strong response to the integration, and it's certainly a neat and convenient trick for anyone who likes switching between formats as they read.

10 Jun 15:37



built with Go


Lanyon is a simple web server, which reads directories of markdown files and converts them to HTML and serves.

10 Jun 15:36

Purin the Beagle Practices Her Elaborate Soccer Moves

by Lori Dorn

pretty sure I shared this before but not with specific instructions to watch 0:36-0:45

Purin the Super Beagle practices her elaborate soccer moves, along with a bit of showboating, in celebration of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

via Tastefully Offensive

10 Jun 15:34

Doctor Who’s Peter Capaldi Gives The Doctor A School Report Card For Charity


can Capaldi just write the show too?

Peter Capaldi was asked to share his own school report card but felt a fictional one might be a lot more fun. We think he was right. According to the Radio Times who got this lovely sneak peek, the Doctor Who actor produced this work of art for the educational charity Cecily's Fund. It will go up for auction, along with others, on Cecily's Fund's Ebay on June 24. We think Capaldi was fairly honest in his assessment of the Doctor but perhaps a bit too harsh overall. What do you think? Previously in Doctor Who
10 Jun 15:23

Loving Father Climbs Into Crib to Comfort His Crying Baby and Realizes That He Isn’t Getting Back Out Anytime Soon

by Justin Page

In this cute video from 2009, loving Canadian father Nunzio Raso climbs into a crib to comfort his crying baby daughter Michela. Nunzio then quickly realizes that there is no way that he is getting back out anytime soon.

This is a video of my daughter Michela who for several months just can’t get to sleep without waking up every 2 hours.

via Viral Viral Videos

10 Jun 15:22

WotC Why has WotC stopped posting on ENWorld?

by Vicar In A Tutu

Morrus: "The social networks have largely supplanted small forums all across the web. The RPG segment has actually been pretty lucky and remained comparatively intact. Hopefully that will last!"

Umbran, a mod: "Also, to be frank, I think they'd be treated pretty poorly if they did come to talk."

~death to RPG forums~

I remember back in the day when people working at WoTC posted here, answering people's questions, teasing with snippets from a forthcomming book, etc. Scott Rouse (former D&D brandmanager, fondly known as "The Rouse") was especially active. Has it to do with Twitter? Or the constant edition-wars that threatened to tear the forums apart? Mike Mearls is quite active on Twitter, I've noticed. In the days of 3E I seem to recall there being more activity on ENWorld in general.

The reason I've been thinking about this is because we're on the verge of a new edition of D&D, which is always an exciting time. I've been visiting ENWorld since the days of Eric Noah's Unofficial 3rd edition news (mostly as a lurker). These past few years have been quite depressing as D&D seems to have lost some of it's vitality and presence. Fortunately, 5E looks to be amazing in many ways and I hope D&D (and ENWorld!) get rekindled.
10 Jun 15:15

Your moment of (edible) Zen

10 Jun 15:15

Journey to the center of the Earth


Russia, maybe? Not really getting a good grip on the source (

10 Jun 15:12

The Definitive Guide To Every Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory


Hillary's blood clot was faked to escape testifying on Benghazi, or was real and makes her unfit for office.

The Clintons personally killed or arranged the deaths of Vince Foster, Ron Brown, 34 people in a plane crash, James McDougal, a cat, and two teenagers.

Bill is her beard, she's "eaten more pussy than Bill", Bill is not Chelsea's father, Bill is the father but he raped Hillary, Bill used Arkansas state troopers to set up hookups, Bill fathered a son with a prostitute, Hillary decorates Christmas trees with cocks, Hillary is a "sexual pagan"

Bill ran a cocaine smuggling ring and beat up a reporter, Hillary ran a clandestine secret police force and abused FBI files, Hillary ran a kickback scheme through the White House Travel Office, and they tried to take over the United States in the name of Karl Marx, imprisoned a donor in Brazil, deployed covert helicopters against a political opponent, and started the vicious rumor that Rush Limbaugh was addicted to painkillers

Hillary and her mistress, Anthony Wiener's wife, are secret Muslims pushing Sharia law on America and shutting down Christian churches in America because Iran bribed them.

Hillary is in fact a blood-drinking extraterrestrial lizard in disguise, Illuminati, Contra fundraisers, harvested and sold HIV and Hep-C blood from US prisoners to China, subverted Ken Starr, changed the script of Primary Colors through John Travolta's Scientology connections, tried to help the UN take over the internet through secret taxes, and is Lady Gaga's agent.

Hillary got a face lift, hired a mentally ill woman to throw a shoe at her at a public event, is an agent of the Antichrist, forced Chelsea to get pregnant, and forced Lewinsky to publish her essay now instead of in 2016.

10 Jun 14:59

The Science Of Comic Sans


sort of

'Amare, the South Alabama scholar, included the font in one of her recent studies on the emotional effects of typeface. Whereas most fonts trigger one emotion more sharply than others, Comic Sans produced spikes across the emotional spectrum--from agitation to calm. It's basically a rollercoaster of emotions wrapped in a few playful curves. People either love it or hate it.

"Comic Sans has become sort of a cultural icon--or pariah!--in the design world," says Amare. Just for fun, she recently changed part of a website that she helps manage to Comic Sans, to observe reader response. And then received emails requesting the type be changed back immediately because it was unprofessional. Interestingly, once she switched the text to Times New Roman, other users told her they kind of missed the "fun" type, and now found the site "somehow duller, boring, and more mundane."'

It's not news that typefaces have distinct personalities. But until recently, the implications have been poorly understood. The latest evidence suggests that typefaces convey their own meanings and elicit their own emotions independent of the words they spell out.
10 Jun 14:57

T-Mobile US and Sprint customers are bingeing on cheap data

by John McDuling



Tap to expand image
T-Mobile US (pink) and Sprint (yellow) have seen soaring data usage compared with Verizon (red) and AT&T (blue).

The worst-kept secret in global business is that Sprint is about to buy T-Mobile US in a deal people expect to be worth around $50 billion. Yet there are widespread concerns that a deal between the third- and fourth-placed carriers could reduce competition in America’s wireless market.

Over the past year or so,  T-Mobile US, which is spearheaded by the unorthodox CEO John Legere, and Sprint with its “framily” packages,  have been competing aggressively to win market share away from the big two carriers, Verizon and AT&T. Their competitive plans have led to soaring data usage by customers of both companies, as the above chart from Macquarie Capital shows.

Sprint and T-Mobile are expected to argue that by uniting they will be able to provide sterner and more sustainable competition for Verizon and AT&T. They will likely have to make concessions—and Sprint may have to lower prices to match T-Mobile’s. Mayosho Son, the ambitious chief of Softbank, which owns most of Sprint, has already pledged a “massive price war.”

For the record, Macquarie predicts that the deal, if and when it is formally announced, will likely be allowed: Its analysts say that there is a 70% chance of approval by regulators.

10 Jun 14:55

maptacular: This 19th Century Map Could Have Transformed the...


This 19th Century Map Could Have Transformed the WestToo bad Congress didn’t listen

“n the decades after the Civil War, Americans rushed headlong into the west. By 1890 Kansas and Nebraska had over a million inhabitants, and over six million lived in the seventeen states and territories that made up the region. It was a moment of palpable excitement about the region’s promise.

In that moment of supreme confidence, however, one voice reminded Americans that these outsized expectations could never be realized given that west of the 100th meridian—from the Dakotas down through east Texas—there was insufficient rainfall to sustain agriculture. That voice was John Wesley Powell, a hero of the Civil War who lost an arm fighting the rebels at Shiloh before leading equally heroic expeditions in the remotest areas of the west, most notably down the Colorado River. These expeditions convinced him that the scarcity of water would become the single most important influence in western development. Outside the Pacific Northwest, the arid lands of the west could not be farmed without irrigation.”

Learn more at The New Republic

10 Jun 14:54

omgthatdress: Can with concealed umbrella 1880s The...


who needs a sword cane when you can have an umbrella cane


Can with concealed umbrella


The Metropolitan Museum of Art

10 Jun 14:53

Linked: Hershey Vs. Hershey

by Armin

"Hershey Co. has sued Maryland State Senator Stephen Hershey because look at it"

Hershey Vs. Hershey
After seeing his campaign materials, Hershey Co. has sued Maryland State Senator Stephen Hershey because look at it. Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
10 Jun 14:53

Did the Las Vegas Shooting Suspects Obtain Their Guns on Facebook? - Mother Jones


'On May 8, Miller posted the following on Facebook: "Need rifle. Can anyone help?"

Facebook users soon chimed in to help Miller with his request. One person replied, "ak47." A second asked, "What happened to urs?" A third offered, "What are you looking for."

Miller replied, "Doesn't matter, bolt action, semi, anything that can reach out and touch evil tyrant bastards. Idc [I don't care] if its a hundred dollar pink 22 rifle lol."

A fourth person chimed in that the "Gun store has plenty of rifles." Miller replied, "We broke bro, believe me if we had the money we would be at some of the best gun stores in the country buying what we need. Idc if its a ww2 m4 lol. something for when they call us terrorists, we can defend ourselves."

A fifth person recognized that the conversation was entering potentially illegal territory, and recommended that Miller hide his identity. "You and I both know that you shouldn't be using Facebook for this. Get yourself a tor router and be anonymous like the constitution always intended," the person wrote. Miller replied, "lol im just fucking around."'

Did the Las Vegas Shooting Suspects Obtain Their Guns on Facebook?
Mother Jones
This meme shared on Facebook by Las Vegas shooting suspect Amanda Miller reads, "Best coffee table ever?" A month before a married couple allegedly gunned down two police officers and a bystander in Las Vegas, suspect Jerad Miller went on Facebook ...

and more »
10 Jun 14:50

Police: Shooters had radical views -


'The couple suspected in Sunday's Las Vegas shopping center shooting tried to join the armed standoff against federal agents at Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch in April, but they were asked to leave for being "too radical," Bundy's son said.'


Police: Shooters had radical views
Murder suspects Jerad Miller, left, and wife Amanda Miller. Two LVMPD police officers, Alyn Beck, 42, and Igor Soldo, 31 were shot and killed by two assailants at a pizza restaurant on June 8, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two suspects, married couple ...
Nevada cop killers told to leave Bundy ranch due to 'aggressive nature'Reuters

all 1,039 news articles »
10 Jun 14:49

Apple clamps down on apps that reward social sharing

by Tom Warren

Apple is once again cracking down on applications that offer rewards to people for social sharing or video viewing. TechCrunch reports that some app developers are receiving rejection notices from Apple’s review team specifically noting their apps are encouraging users to share to Facebook excessively to receive hints or incentives like free game lives. It’s a practice that has been used for years, and even top games like Candy Crush encourage players to connect to Facebook to gain in-game rewards.

Promoting other apps can also result in rejection

Alongside the social sharing aspects, Apple is also rejecting applications that promote other apps. One particular developer only updated the user interface of his application, but Apple rejected the app because it promotes other apps with ads and offers free in-game credits for watching video ads of apps. Like many App Store rejections, it’s a bit of a lottery for developers whether they will pass the guidelines or not. TechCrunch suggests Apple may be looking to enforce some of its guidelines retroactively to apps that aren’t compliant. In an email to an anonymous developer, Apple states "We work hard to ensure that the apps on the App Store are in compliance and we try to identify any apps currently on the App Store that may not be. It takes time to identify these occurrences but another app being out of compliance is not a reason for your app to be."

It’s not yet clear if this is a more broader push than previous attempts by Apple to enforce its guidelines. We’ve reached out to Apple for comment, and we’ll update you accordingly.

10 Jun 14:49

Hacker jailed for revealing George W. Bush’s bizarre bathroom art

by Tom Warren


A hacker who revealed George W. Bush’s bizarre experiments with art has been sentenced to four years in jail. Marcel Lazar Lehel, a former cab driver from Romania, was known under the alias "Guccifer," and rose to fame last year after he hacked into the former US president Bush’s AOL email account. Guccifer managed to snag photos, private emails, security codes, and information on George H.W. Bush's declining health, but Bush’s awkward bathroom self-portraits made the headlines.

The two unfinished paintings showed Bush in a bathroom with a view of his toes and the other painted from over his shoulder looking into a mirror. Guccifer’s antics may have embarrassed George W. Bush, but the former president decided to showcase more than two dozen portraits in April, along with artifacts and photos from his presidency. Guccifer didn’t just target Bush though: a long list of alleged victims include government and military officials, journalists, diplomats, academics, and even Hillary Clinton's email exchanges after the Benghazi attack. Guccifer used a variety of ways to gain access to email accounts, but one popular method allowed him to guess security answers using publicly available information.

10 Jun 14:42

Richard Sherman wants teammates to join him on Madden 15 cover

by Jeff Gray

christ, he wants to bring the whole Legion down with him. way to be selfish and destructive, Sherman

The Seahawks corner says EA Sports won't put his secondary mates on the cover with him.

When Madden NFL 15 drops in stores later this summer, it will feature Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman on the cover. If he has his way, the rest of the Legion of Boom will be joining him.

The All-Pro defender told that he's been lobbying the creators of the football video game series to allow his secondary mates, Earl Thomas, Kam Chancellor and Byron Maxwell, to appear on the cover with him.

"I've been trying to get the Legion of Boom on the cover, and EA (Sports) has been fighting me," Sherman said. "So if everybody wants to start a petition to get the Legion of Boom on the cover, here it is, here's an open invitation."

The most likely reason for EA's refusal is that it means it would have to pay four front men instead of one. Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk offered the following solution:

If Sherman really wants to do it, here's how to make it happen. First, he should persuade the members of the Legion of Boom to accept as compensation for being on the cover 1/4th of what Sherman will receive. Second, he should tell EA that whatever he's getting paid will be divided equally among himself, Thomas, Chancellor, and Maxwell.

EA has put multiple athletes on the same cover before -- both Troy Polamalu and Larry Fitzgerald were featured on Madden NFL 10. But those were players on different teams and brought different fan markets to the table. Forking up money for players with the same general fan group doesn't add much to marketability.

10 Jun 14:40

hell-kettle, n.


"He [sc. Lewis Carroll] also knew of a system of holes called ‘Hell's kettles’, which were described by locals as bottomless pits."

10 Jun 14:40

Portland's economy, lifestyle, government featured in GQ Japan

10 Jun 14:39

Google Translate

by klisanor (


$ translate () {lang="ru"; text=$*; wget -U "Mozilla/5.0" -qO - "$text&sl=auto&tl=$lang" | sed 's/\[\[\[\"//' | cut -d \" -f 1}
translate some text

Change lang from ru to something else.

by David Winterbottom (

10 Jun 14:37

Bogus Broadband Astroturf Organizations Always Have Names Pretending They Represent The Consumers They're Working To Screw Over

by Mike Masnick

via Arnvidr
all carriers suck forever

Astroturfing in the broadband space is big business. You may recall last summer when we uncovered evidence of significant astroturfing in the Amazon reviews to Susan Crawford's Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age, a book that seriously challenges many of the big broadband players' key talking points. It seemed fairly obvious from what we presented that someone had gone out and faked a bunch of negative reviews (and not made much of an effort to hide it).

Of course, astroturfing takes on many forms, and the folks over at Vice have done an excellent job highlighting how a bunch of "consumer groups" that seem to repeat big broadband talking points on net neutrality are, of course, not actual consumer groups, but mostly funded by the big broadband players themselves. And some of them have fairly massive budgets. Having at least some familiarity with the budgets of actual consumer rights/public interest organizations, there's a lot of money being dumped into the astroturfing groups which are often fighting against consumer interests, but always seem to have names that are exactly the opposite of their true position, with these two being the most prominent:
  • Broadband for America seems to be pretty focused on making sure that broadband only comes from the oligopolists.
  • American Consumer Institute may be the most amusing, since it's controlled and funded by lobbyists for the mobile operators.
This isn't a huge surprise. Last time there was a big net neutrality fight, there was a front group called "Hands Off the Internet", funded by the big telcos, which conveniently ignored all of the subsidies and tax-breaks the government gave them to install their networks in the first place. They had no problem with government "hands on the internet" when it saved them money (at the expense of taxpayers), but suddenly pretended that it would somehow magically be different if net neutrality rules were put on them.

And of course, the big broadband players have long histories with astroturfing, even for something as pointless as what channels will be included in TV bundles. On other things, such as fights over munibroadband, Comcast has been known to flood money into so-called "consumer" activist groups, only to watch them disappear the day after key votes happen. Verizon just successfully astroturfed New Jersey officials, to get out of fiber deployment promises. AT&T, of course, is also no stranger to astroturf efforts as well -- going back decades, including hilarious attempts to "fill seats" at public hearings with employees (this still happens today).
It was 1976, and a House subcommittee was considering a bill called the Consumer Communications Reform Act. The proposed law, heavily backed by AT&T, would have made the then monopoly even more of one by effectively declaring its long distance system America's "official" service. The bill clearly targeted a competitor: MCI's new microwave tower network, just being rolled out across the country. For days, Capitol Hill had been deluged by workers, priests, police chiefs, mayors, and anybody else Ma Bell could round up to support the legislation.

Then Representative Tim Wirth of Colorado walked into the hearing room. He saw that it was packed with people. Wirth asked the first panelist, an AT&T executive, to identify his colleagues. Five minutes later the man was still reading out names.

"Will everyone associated with AT&T just stand up?" an exasperated Wirth finally asked. The entire room rose. Everyone started laughing.
So, really, take with a serious grain of salt any claims you see from groups you've never heard from before that have names like the two listed above. As Vice's article points out, while it's not always easy, a little digging will show you who's really involved:

Take this opinion column by former Republican Senator John Sununu and former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford in the San Francisco Chronicle. The pair argues that reclassification would lead to "chronic underinvestment" in broadband services while threatening job loss. The disclaimer running under their byline says they are honorary co-chairs of Broadband for America, which the paper describes as "a coalition of 300 internet consumer advocates, content providers, and engineers."

A disclosure obtained by VICE from the National Cable and Telecom Association (NCTA), a trade group for ISPs, shows that the bulk of Broadband for America's recent $3.5 million budget is funded through a $2 million donation from NCTA. Last month, Broadband for America wrote a letter to the FCC bluntly demanding that the agency “categorically reject” any effort toward designating broadband as a public utility. It wasn't signed by any internet consumer advocates, as the Sununu-Ford letter suggests. The signatures on the letter reads like a who's who of ISP industry presidents and CEOs, including AT&T's Randall Stephenson, Cox Communications' Patrick Esser, NCTA president (and former FCC commissioner) Michael Powell, Verizon's Lowell McAdam, and Comcast's Brian Roberts.


Another group leading the charge is the American Consumer Institute. The organization recently filed a letter with the FCC opposing reclassification, and argues that ISPs should be left alone. "The fact is that the broadband market is competitive and becoming more so," wrote ACI, which claims that consumers currently enjoy "increased choice." In January, ACI called the Verizon lawsuit that struck down the original FCC net-neutrality guidelines, "a victory for consumers."

Why would a self-professed consumer advocacy group not only oppose moving toward net neutrality but claim that America's broadband market—one of the slowest, most expensive in the industrialized world with fewer than three choices in many parts of the country—is so great?

Perhaps because ACI, like Broadband for America, is financed by an ISP lobby group. Annual tax returns show that a foundation controlled by lobbyists from the cell phone industry, called, has contributed to ACI since 2010.

Apparently, "consumers" means something rather different to this group.

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