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28 Nov 06:08

chipperface: creepyseagull: hey protesters if you have an up to date android or iphone mobile...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



hey protesters if you have an up to date android or iphone mobile device you can get an app from the aclu called ‘police tape’ and when you take video of cops committing brutality against your comrades it automatically uploads to the aclu server, which means if your phone gets confiscated the police cannot delete the evidence. might be useful for some of you.


28 Nov 06:03

jointheeggvolution: wynesthesia: ashleeta: thelingerieaddict: ...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.





I cannot believe Curvy Kate’s audacity to outright steal the work of a high school student for some insipid marketing message.

Shame on you, Curvy Kate. Shame on you.

Via: The Curvy Kate Facebook Page

Original image via: Rosea Posey









28 Nov 05:35

anarcho-queer: flowers-of-rad: proteinpills: anarcho-queer: R...





Richard Haste, an NYPD officer, killed an unarmed black teen (Ramarley Graham) in front of his grandmother and 6-year-old brother at point blank range over marijuana. The landlady, Paulet Minzie, 55, ran out the shower with only a towel after hearing the gunshots. Officers then put a gun to her head and told her to put her hands up. It wasn’t until she told them that there were cameras surveilling them, that they put their guns down.

Court papers say “[He\] immediately lowered his weapon. His demeanor completely changed, and he alerted his colleague that they may be on camera,”. The footage later revealed that Graham walked calmly to his apartment followed by police barging in without a warrant, contradicting the officers original claim that the teenager was running away from him. (Source)

Haste was freed on $50,000 bail yesterday after pleading not guilty. Police cheered for him as the parents of Graham wept in the court room.



Since this post is making the rounds again, I thought I’ll post an update.

It’s been over two and half years since a white cop broke into a home in the Bronx and shot and killed unarmed Ramarley Graham.

Since then, the family and public still has not been shown the police report or the medical examiner’s report.

It’s also been one year since the Department of Justice promised to investigate the murder, but they haven’t issued a statement since.

Richard Haste was let off twice by two separate grand juries and is still working for the NYPD.

Unfortunately, justice has not been served.

28 Nov 05:32

Comics A.M. | Books-A-Million sees growth in manga sales

by Brigid Alverson

Comics A.M. | Books-A-Million sees growth in manga sales

Retailing | The Books-A-Million retail chain reported significant growth in the last quarter, due in part to strong sales of manga and strategy games. “Sales in the graphic novel category … grew nicely on the strength of a significant resurgence in the interest in several manga series, particularly Attack on Titan,” CEO Terry Finley said […]
28 Nov 05:17

Cheetamen II (Active Enterprises - NES - 1996) gamewtfs: I bet...

Cheetamen II (Active Enterprises - NES - 1996)


I bet they didn’t expect THAT!


27 Nov 21:49

design-is-fine: Eric Gill, Detail of drawing for an unreleased...


Eric Gill, Detail of drawing for an unreleased typeface, 1935. @ Monotype. Via printmag

27 Nov 21:49


26 Nov 18:35

Here's a Perfect Recreation of a 300 Fight Done By Some Random Guys

by Katharine Trendacosta

A group of guys decided to, using nothing but some gym equipment and a slow-mo setting, recreate a battle from 300. We have to admit, it looks pretty amazing.


26 Nov 18:34

Protesters Block Lincoln Tunnel Following Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

Protesters angry about the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri engaged in a standoff with police Tuesday evening, shutting down an entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel as they attempted to march through.
26 Nov 18:33

Jian Ghomeshi Drops His $55 Million Lawsuit Against The CBC

A $55-million lawsuit launched by Jian Ghomeshi against the CBC last month, after he was fired as host of the radio arts, culture and entertainment program "Q," is being withdrawn.
26 Nov 18:32

Car Runs Over Protesters In Downtown Minneapolis

At least one person was injured Tuesday evening after a car drove through a crowd of Ferguson demonstrators in downtown Minneapolis. In this video, a female protester is knocked and dragged by a vehicle before other protesters pull her to safety. According to police officials, "the driver was not in custody and has not been ticketed." The woman has been taken to an area hospital.
26 Nov 16:19

How Drugged Marshmallows Can Keep Raccoons From Spreading Disease

The masked garbage crusaders of the night can be more than just a nuisance. Raccoons also can be bad news for human health, carrying diseases such as rabies and roundworms.
26 Nov 16:18

Master Sommelier Demonstrates How to Open a Bottle of Vintage Port With a Feather

by Lori Dorn

Master Sommelier Ronan Sayburn demonstrates how to open a bottle of vintage port wine with a feather, port tongs and a bit of ice water.

Why would we want to do something like that? Well, with the old vintage bottles of port, maybe something that’s fifty, sixty or a hundred-years-old, what happens is that the cork over time starts to degrade, starts to crumble and if we attempt to use our corkscrew on that, it’s going to fall apart, it’s going to get into the Port and it’s going to make a bit of a mess.

Sommelier Caleb Ganzer from Eleven Madison Park demonstrates a similar process, using a shaving brush in place of the feather.

Adrian Bridge, CEO of The Fladgate Partnership, explains to Potluck Video the process by which Port is made, the numerous pairings with Port and the various types of Port available.

26 Nov 16:18

The El Nino That Was So Severe, It Stunted the Growth of Children

by Katharine Trendacosta

The El Nino That Was So Severe, It Stunted the Growth of Children

In 1997-1998, there was a particularly severe El Niño. Seventeen years later, researches have produced evidence that the areas in Peru most affected by the weather event also ended up with shorter children.


26 Nov 15:26

Some Twitter Users Are Mad About Gamergate Block Bots. Too Bad We Can’t Hear Them - "But why can't I talk to people who don't want to hear me!? Unfair!"

by Dan Van Winkle


In the wake of Gamergate and all the harassment that has gone with it, some intrepid Twitter users have set up auto-blocking apps to free your timeline of harassment, and everything is rainbows and unicorns again! Just kidding. Now people are mad they’ve been blocked with… varying degrees of validity.

The services use shared lists of accounts that have been labeled as harassers either by user-submitted lists or by auto-generated scripts. They can even block accounts that were recently created or have a low number of followers if a user is concerned with people who use fake accounts to get around blocks and continue harassment.

There are varying reasons for accounts to be added to the lists and different levels of blocking severity, but it seems there is a lot of outcry simply over the idea of mass-blocking people with an app as Gamergate supporters scour Twitter’s Terms of Service for reasons that shouldn’t be allowed.

Its time, #GamerGate @_icze4r @TheRalphRetort Email @Twitter @Support abt @freebsdgirl, @oolon, @IGDA_ED & blockbots.

— R O G U E ▵ ☆ (@RogueStarGamez) November 24, 2014

Yes. Looks like it 2 me RT @RogueStarGamez: “Are @vex0rian, @oolon, @freebsdgirl abusing Twitter API?

— TheRalph (@TheRalphRetort) November 23, 2014

However, the passages in question only pertain to following and unfollowing as opposed to blocking. While some have pointed out that blocking a user automatically unfollows them and thus technically falls under these clauses, at least two of the three prominent mass blocking services (Block Together and The Block Bot) won’t block anyone you follow, so the TOS clauses are irrelevant. It’s not clear if the third follows the same rules, but that one has some other problems we’ll get to.

Also, even if it did technically fall under the “no mass unfollowing” stipulation in Twitter’s TOS, do you really want to stop people from blocking you based on a technicality? Wouldn’t it be easier to just be nice and not try to argue with random people you don’t even know who already weren’t following you anyway?

Beyond that, it’s not as though the services are forcing themselves upon people. If someone is feeling harassed to the point that they feel the need to use a shared block list, it’s probably best to just leave them alone. It’s their choice to use the list and trust the other users’ definitions of “harassers.”

But that’s where one of the services gets into a little bit of trouble. Part of ggautoblocker‘s block criteria is whether or not a user follows two or more of prominent Gamergate “leader” Twitter accounts. Roberto Rosario, a regional International Game Developers Association president, was extremely unhappy to be labeled as a harasser just for following certain Twitter accounts.

Have you heard about @siloraptor? The @IGDA @IGDABoard chaiman who is on the #GamerGate block list? — Laurel Lieb (@laureldlieb) November 22, 2014

A misogynist?! I’m a primary sponsor of @IncludeGirls group that seeks to increase women roles in tech! #gamergate

— Roberto Rosario (@siloraptor) November 22, 2014

I’m chairman of @IGDA_PuertoRico and have been tagged as a harasser by the @IGDA itself for using #GamerGate hashtag

— Roberto Rosario (@siloraptor) November 22, 2014

He’s taken issue with the idea that following a Twitter account means supporting that person’s ideas, and I’d have to agree. I follow a certain political figure who sometimes tweets about space programs and once suggested that NASA could f*** right off and use a trampoline to get to space in case he says anything else hilarious. Following him means I want to be aware of the things he’s saying, but I wouldn’t want anyone thinking it meant I agree with his opinions. Let me be clear: Trampolines make for poor space ships.

To make things worse, the initial response from ggautoblocker’s developer, Randi Harper, wasn’t great.

If the Puerto Rico chairman of IGDF didn’t want to be on the blocklist, he probably shouldn’t have followed known harassers of women. — Literally Blue (@freebsdgirl) November 22, 2014

However, for Rosario and others who wound up on the list that way and don’t think they deserve to be labeled “harassers,” she also mentioned users can get themselves removed from the block lists on a case-by-case basis.

I’ve responded to his github issue politely and informed him on how he can get whitelisted. — Literally Blue (@freebsdgirl) November 22, 2014

Most of Rasario’s anger, though, seems to have come from IGDA’s apparent support and endorsement of a bot that uses a questionable method of determining who is guilty of harassment as part of the organization’s harassment resource for game developers. TechRaptor reports IGDA has since removed the tool from the links in its harassment guide, and the introduction prominently reads, “The IGDA provides the information on this site as a service and makes no warranties regarding the same, nor has IGDA necessarily vetted any particular resource. The presence of links does not constitute a referral or endorsement by the IGDA.”

So with that resolved, most of the remaining complaints about the block bots will likely go unanswered, which is a good thing. While there may be flaws in the process, the people using the block bots are likely much better off with them than without them, and those on the lists aren’t likely to notice unless they try to engage someone in conversation who has made a deliberate choice to limit the kind of conversation they’re exposed to on Twitter.

It is not an inalienable right to be able to contact people you disagree with on Twitter in the name of making sure both sides of an argument are heard. Individuals have every right to have control over who they interact with, and if they’re missing out by blocking you, please prove it by respecting their choices.

(image via Zdorov Kirill Vladimirovich on Shutterstock)

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26 Nov 15:26

Unorthodox Police Procedures Emerge In Grand Jury Documents

When Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself.
26 Nov 15:20

New Snowden Docs Show GCHQ Paid Telcos For Cable Taps

by Soulskill
Advocatus Diaboli sends word of a new release of documents made available by Edward Snowden. The documents show British intelligence agency GCHQ had a deep partnership with telecommunications company Cable & Wireless (acquired later by Vodafone). The company allowed GCHQ to tap submarine cables around the world, and was paid millions of British pounds as compensation. The relationship was so extensive that a GCHQ employee was assigned to work full time at Cable & Wireless (referred to by the code name “Gerontic” in NSA documents) to manage cable-tap projects in February of 2009. By July of 2009, Cable & Wireless provided access to 29 out of the 63 cables on the list, accounting for nearly 70 percent of the data capacity available to surveillance programs. ... As of July of 2009, relationships with three telecom companies provided access to 592 10-gigabit-per-second pipes on the cables collectively and 69 10-gbps “egress” pipes through which data could be pulled back. The July 2009 documents included a shopping list for additional cable access—GCHQ sought to more than triple its reach, upping access to 1,693 10-gigabit connections and increasing egress capacity to 390. The documents revealed a much shorter list of "cables we do not currently have good access [to]."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

26 Nov 15:19

Solar Powered Jacket for Rainy Days #WearableWednesday

by Leslie Birch


This solar jacket, found on ForbesLife, actually gets me excited about the combo of fashion and function. Notice how the plaid pattern mixes nicely with the solar shields on the storm flap. The jacket is new in Tommy Hilfiger’s line and is an attempt to combine classic style with modern tech. Writer, Rachel Arthur, explains the details of the coat, which she tested on the streets of New York.

We’ve all been in those scenarios where the battery on our phone dies and we don’t have access to a port to power them up again – why couldn’t we carry our own energy-generating source around with us? A subtle cord in the lining of this jacket connects the solar panels on its back to a removable battery pack in the front right pocket. From there, you’re able to charge as you go.


At first glance, the solar panels, although they have been segmented, look like they would not be very flexible. Rachel speaks to the comfort level of the coat.

The first thing to say, is that the solar panels on the back snap easily on and off, meaning you can detach the technology and be left with a genuinely nice-looking jacket too.

That’s also a bonus considering carrying both the battery and the solar panels around does make the jacket somewhat weighty. Not unbearably so, mind you, as the rest of the jacket is reasonably lightweight, with a removable insulation layer inside making it even more so.

A little bit of weight seems to be a nice trade off for clean energy for a phone. The flexible solar cells store energy in a battery pack which can supply four full charges to a mobile device. There’s even additional USB ports so you can have multiple units plugged in. The only real limitation is the price tag on the coat, which is a steep $599. However, you know as makers we always have options. We’ve got a great tutorial on a Solar Boost Bag that you can work into your own jacket design. So, go create something fabulous and then send us some pics from the streets.

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

26 Nov 15:19

Victoria’s Secret launches heart rate monitor bra #WearableWednesday

by Jessica


Via Wearable Tech Insider.

We apparently missed this when it was annouced — and from a search of the web, so did everyone else — but Victoria’s Secret is selling a bra with a heart-rate sensors built in.

The intimate apparel store has an entire line of sports bras, but the “Incredible by Victoria’s Secret Heart-Rate Monitor Compatible Sport Bra” includes sensors and technology from the Finnish fabric maker Clothing+. You still need to clip on your favorite communications module, but the sensors are built into the fabric itself. No belt needed.

Read more.

Flora breadboard is Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!

26 Nov 05:18

From the protests tonight: "Open Carry" guy. Is it a little incendiary?


at a protest over Mike Brown, a white guy shows up with an assault rifle to do nothing but annoy everybody on all sides

26 Nov 04:34

Protesters in tense stand-off - South China Morning Post (subscription)


Hong Kong

South China Morning Post (subscription)

Protesters in tense stand-off
South China Morning Post (subscription)
As one road opened in Mong Kok yesterday another closed, with protesters declaring they would not give up until there was a political solution to their grievances. After more than 50 days encamped in Mong Kok, they were not about to give up so easily.

and more »
26 Nov 04:29

Space station's 3-D printer pops out 1st creation - Palm Beach Post


'Some of the plastic piece stuck to the print tray, said NASA spokesman Dan Huot. He noted it's part of the learning process and will be further investigated.'

Palm Beach Post

Space station's 3-D printer pops out 1st creation
Palm Beach Post
The 3-D printer delivered to the International Space Station two months ago made a sample replacement part for itself this week. It churned out a new faceplate for the print head casing. Space station's 3-D printer pops out 1st creation photo. In this undated ...

and more »
26 Nov 04:27



Despite going to community college, String doesn't look kindly upon education

26 Nov 04:26

Strange thrust: the unproven science that could propel our children into space - Boing Boing


'We tend to think of mass as a fixed quantity, but this is not necessarily so. We certainly know that mass is convertible into energy, as this happens on a daily basis in fission reactors. The general theory of relativity also describes an increase in mass that occurs with velocity, although the effect is negligible in everyday life.

More to the point, according to the late Ernst Mach (1838-1916), inertial mass depends on an interrelationship with other objects in the universe.

Mach was an Austrian physicist whose name is used as a measurement of speed, as in "Mach 1," the speed of sound at sea level. He was a contemporary of Einstein, to whom he suggested a thought experiment: What if there was only one object in the universe? Mach argued that it could not have a velocity, because according to the theory of relativity, you need at least two objects before you can measure their velocity relative to each other.

Taking this thought experiment a step further, if an object was alone in the universe, and it had no velocity, it could not have a measurable mass, because mass varies with velocity.

Mach concluded that inertial mass only exists because the universe contains multiple objects. When a gyroscope is spinning, it resists being pushed around because it is interacting with the Earth, the stars, and distant galaxies. If those objects didn't exist, the gyroscope would have no inertia.

Einstein was intrigued by this concept, and named it "Mach's principle." It has never been disproven, but it seemed to have no application until James Woodward became convinced that under certain circumstances, mass could change momentarily.
Why should this enable a space drive? Here's another thought experiment. If two boxes on wheels are connected with a rod, and one of the boxes contains a motor which turns a crank that pushes and pulls the rod, the boxes will move away from each other and then back toward each other. If they weigh an equal amount, the pushing and pulling will move the boxes equally, and they won't go anywhere. This sequence of events is shown here:

Suppose, however, that when the box containing the motor is pulling the other box, the weight of the box with the motor is briefly reduced. Now it is momentarily lighter, it moves farther toward the second box, and the pair of them end up slightly displaced from where they started. This is shown here:

Finally, imagine that the boxes are inside a space ship, where the second box is bolted to the floor. The result is a drive that exerts an intermittent net force in one direction.

This doesn't violate Newton's Third Law; it simply adjusts the consequences by varying inertial mass. Nor does it violate the principle of conservation of energy, because the system requires power for its operation. It could acquire that power from solar panels or a small onboard nuclear reactor.'

Strange thrust: the unproven science that could propel our children into space - Boing Boing:

Ever since I was old enough to read science fiction, I’ve wanted to visit Mars. Even the Moon would be better than nothing. Alas, rocket technology is unlikely to take me there within my lifetime.

The problem is that rockets are a poor tool for the job. Even if their safety record improves, they are inherently limited by the basic concept of reaction mass. Hot gases must blast out of the rear in order to move a space vehicle forward, and this entails carrying a fuel load that is hundreds of times heavier than the payload.

Ever since H. G. Wells imagined a gravity-shielding material in “The First Men in the Moon,” space enthusiasts have fantasized about ways to achieve thrust without any need for reaction mass. Unfortunately, it seems impossible.

Or is it?

26 Nov 04:21

A Hero Rides Forth [1]

by Brandon Bird

Brandon Bird beat

The 2014 T-mas cards are here! The inspiration for this design comes from a set of Western-themed Christmas cards by the painter Jack Sorenson purchased in an Oregon truck stop during Sears Trip 2013. I discuss the origins of T-mas on my pal Tony Thaxton’s year-round Christmas podcast, Feliz Navipod.

26 Nov 04:19

Is Jurassic World Violating CITES Protections?

by RickMac

I love Deep Sea News

'Let’s assume that Jurassic World is still set on one of the fictional islands off Costa Rica. Costa Rica is party to the UN Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (or CITES for short). As I’ve reported before, CITES works by subjecting international trade in specimens of selected species to certain controls. All import, export, re-export and introduction of species covered by the Convention has to be authorized through a licensing system. The species covered by CITES are listed in three Appendices, according to the degree of protection they need. Great white sharks are currently CITES Appendix II listed, which includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival. As of March 2010, the species has also been included in Annex I of the CMS Migratory Sharks MoU, which strives for increased international understanding and coordination for the protection of certain migratory sharks.

Parties wishing to continue international trade in any of these listed species must demonstrate a non-detriment finding in order to be provided permits for international trade. A non-detriment finding represents a comprehensive stock assessment of the target species that considers an analysis of population status, distribution, populations trajectories, current harvest rates, ecosystem roles and implications, and existing trade data. In total, a non-detriment finding demonstrates that (in the case of white sharks) fishing for and international trade in these species will not cause the collapse or critical depletion of the species nor loss of any ecosystem functions those species provide.

I presume that InGen (if they are still the IP and share holders for Jurassic World), as a US-based company doing business in Costa Rica is obligated to operate within parameters dictated by Costa Rican law. I’m not aware of a white shark fishery in Costa Rica, so I presume that Jurassic World buys their sharks from foreign fleets. In which case I would like to see Jurassic World produce their non-detriment finding for the great whites they are sourcing for prehistoric wildlife food. Until such time I cannot endorse anyone planning to holiday in Jurassic Park this summer.'

Have you seen the new Jurassic World trailer?  As if I even have to ask…  Of course you have.  And of course you are amazed by the scene featuring what appears to be either a short-necked species of pliosaur (maybe a Kronosaurus?) or a super-sized version of a mosasaur, (an extinct marine reptile, not a […]
26 Nov 04:18

Nearly a thousand people marching in response to the grand jury's decision. Blocked traffic on broadway


meanwhile, in Portland
I saw the lines of cops with crowd-control gear on while picking up saucie

26 Nov 04:17



hi clara

26 Nov 04:17

​Acclaimed Anime Director Satoshi Kon's Magnum Opus Is Here!

by Rob Bricken

​Acclaimed Anime Director Satoshi Kon's Magnum Opus Is Here!

When Satoshi Kon died in 2010 at the age of 46, he left behind a small but brilliant legacy of anime masterpieces like Paprika and Perfect Blue. But before he was a filmmaker, he was a manga artist, and finally Dark Horse is bringing Kon's comic Opus to America for the first time!


26 Nov 04:17

Darren Wilson Speaks Publicly For The First Time Since The Grand Jury Decision


it's like he doesn't realize he's still under investigation

“I saw his head and fired my gun and that’s where it went."