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06 Feb 23:22

This isn't the Friendly Table at MCL*--okay?

Dear fellow library patrons at the next computer terminal:

I get it: the past is a different country; as seniors, you find yourself inhabiting the present as immigrants, In A World where everyday life relies upon proficiency with all this stuff that only Dick Tracy and the crew of the Enterprise used to use. I'm willing to help you, to the extent of my own modest understanding, with your computer questions.

But, now that you know how to copy and paste or whatever, could you please proceed with your business and leave me to mine? Please?

(Psst--wanna know another fun thing about the Internet? You can find a whole blogosphere full of people who will be delighted to share your opinions about President Obama at length, and length, and bloody interminable length.)

*MCL is an Indiana and western Ohio restaurant chain with an older-skewing clientele; the "Friendly Table" is a table designated for diners who may have arrived alone but will welcome the company of strangers.