Shared posts

08 Feb 20:42

Queue’s been set for 25 posts per day, good until Monday night.


So when are you guys going to see Episode VII?

Star Wars social media blackout beginning…

05 Jan 16:48

ekjohnston: OR He is sensing something. Something he has not...



He is sensing something. Something he has not felt since…

05 Jan 05:37



Perhaps the thing I love about the new Star Wars is the dramatic increase in Star Wars-related memes.

04 Jan 18:47

Judge Okays Gun & Ammo Tax After Legal Challenge From NRA, Gun Rights Groups

by Kelly Phillips Erb

When it doubt, use the taxing power.

MONA, UT – MARCH 5: An AR-15, .233 or 5.56 caliber bullet is shown here at Barnes Bullets on March 5, 2015 in Mona, Utah. The ATF is considering a controversial ban on some bullets of this caliber which is commonly used in AR-15 rifles. (Photo Illustration by George Frey/Getty Images)

The city of Seattle has the authority to impose a tax on guns and bullets according to Judge Palmer Robinson of King County Superior Court. Judge Robinson ruled in favor of the City of Seattle this week after the National Rifle Association (NRA), the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Second Amendment Foundation, and others filed suit to protest the city’s tax on guns and bullets. The groups argued that the city did not have the authority to pass the law.

Under the law, called the “gun violence tax,” gun and ammo sales in Seattle are subject to a tax of $25 per firearm at sale and $0.05 for every round of ammunition at sale ($0.02 for every round of .22 caliber ammunition and smaller). Seattle’s City Budget Office estimates that the gun violence tax will raise between $300,000 and $500,000 per year: revenue raised under the tax will be used for education as well as violence prevention.

[tweet_quote display=”Judge Robinson ruled that the law is permitted as a tax measure to raise revenue and not gun control.”]Judge Robinson ruled that the law is permitted as a tax measure to raise revenue and not gun control[/tweet_quote] – a slight distinction but one that matters in this case. As in other matters (including the health care law which was challenged in the Supreme Court), whether a measure is considered a tax has a significant impact on whether it may be enforceable.

In his ruling, the judge relied heavily on the primary purpose of the law, as stated, as well as how the revenue would be spent. Judge Robinson ruled that the funds raised were for broad purposes and not regulatory in nature – that, he says, made it a tax. And, the judge ruled, Seattle has the right to impose certain kinds of taxes, including this one. He dismissed the case against the city, clearing the way for the tax to become effective, as planned, on January 1, 2016.

A related law which requires gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm within 24 hours is already in effect in Seattle. Gun owners in Seattle who fail to report lost or stolen firearms can be slapped with a $500 civil penalty. Under federal law, firearms businesses holding a federal license, must report lost or stolen guns but not individual gun owners.

A similar law is already in place in Cook County, Illinois, the nation’s second-largest county. Cook County imposes a $25 tax on the sale of firearms; an additional tax on gun cartridges is slated to take effect on firearm cartridges on June 1, 2016. One of the goals of those measures, according to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, was to reduce gun violence in the county. However, according to reports in the Chicago Tribune, gun violence continues to escalate in the city of Chicago with the numbers of persons shot in 2015 already eclipsing the numbers of those shot in 2014 by more than 10%.

The Second Amendment Foundation has vowed to appeal the ruling in Seattle and other groups are mounting challenges to stop Cook County’s ammo tax from taking effect this summer.

You can read the Seattle opinion here.

24 Dec 22:07

lemondropcosplay: In celebration of the new Star Wars movie,...




In celebration of the new Star Wars movie, I made a transforming dress. My love of R2-D2 and BB-8 is strong~! :D

~ Xana

What sorcery is this?

01 Dec 14:47

authors insulting other authors


This stuff is just gold.


Oscar Wilde on Alexander Pope

“There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope.”

Evelyn Waugh on Marcel Proust 

“I am reading Proust for the first time. Very poor stuff. I think he was mentally defective.”

Mark Twain on Jane Austen

“I haven’t any right to criticize books, and I don’t do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ I want to dig her up and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”

Virginia Woolf on James Joyce

“[Ulysses is] the work of a queasy undergraduate scratching his pimples.”

William Faulkner on Mark Twain 

“A hack writer who would not have been considered fourth rate in Europe, who tricked out a few of the old proven sure fire literary skeletons with sufficient local color to intrigue the superficial and the lazy.”

Henry James on Edgar Allan Poe 

“An enthusiasm for Poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive stage of reflection.”

W. H. Auden on Robert Browning

“I don’t think Robert Browning was very good in bed. His wife probably didn’t care for him very much. He snored and had fantasies about twelve-year-old girls.”

William Faulkner on Ernest Hemingway

“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.”

Ernest Hemingway on William Faulkner

“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?”

Virginia Woolf on Aldous Huxley

“All raw, uncooked, protesting.”

H. G. Wells on George Bernard Shaw

“An idiot child screaming in a hospital.”

Martin Amis on Miguel Cervantes

“Reading Don Quixote can be compared to an indefinite visit from your most impossible senior relative, with all his pranks, dirty habits, unstoppable reminiscences, and terrible cronies. When the experience is over, and the old boy checks out at last (on page 846 — the prose wedged tight, with no breaks for dialogue), you will shed tears all right; not tears of relief or regret but tears of pride. You made it, despite all that ‘Don Quixote’ could do.”

Gore Vidal on Truman Capote

“He’s a full-fledged housewife from Kansas with all the prejudices.”

Dylan Thomas on Rudyard Kipling

“Mr Kipling … stands for everything in this cankered world which I would wish were otherwise.”

So many of these feel like they were written in the twitter era. Especially the Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway quotes.

30 Nov 18:17

I’ve said before that I’m fairly interested in entomophagy or...


Eating insects you cultivate at home. Thoughts?

I’ve said before that I’m fairly interested in entomophagy or the eating of insects. Here’s an interesting kickstarter from Livin Farms to bring mealworm production to your countertop. 

24 Nov 05:14

Phantom Menace Minute 1: The Phantom Menaissance » Star Wars Minute


So these two guys go through the Star Wars movies minute by minute and do like twenty to forty minute podcasts on them. And they JUST started Phantom Menace (They've already done the Orig. Trilogy, and then did hour long specials on the Christmas Special and the first Ewok movie). It's a great little podcast and I recommend it to everyone.

19 Oct 05:21

Someone is trolling Kellogg's with brutal fake Frosted Flakes ads


Guys...these are horrifying. And amazing. I don't know, I might be a bad person for laughing at seem of these.

Someone is trolling Kellogg's with brutal fake Frosted Flakes ads:

There are some horrifically dark fake ads in there…

03 Oct 14:56

popculturebrain: beerburritowhiskey: darlenealderson: madmaxri...


Did you guys watch Mr. Robot? I really, really liked it. Great show.






a carefully planned out sketch of the fsoc team 😀😀

darlenealderson: !!!

This needs to be a poster in my room

Yeah, this is pretty fantastic.

And that reminds me that I have to finish out the series.

Wait, now I want a ‘Mr. Robot’ animated series?

File this under things I didn’t know I wanted but now desperately must have? Like Darlene and Trenton are perfect.

22 Sep 15:21

First Listen: Chvrches, 'Every Open Eye'


I like this music. It's fun and 80s-ish.

First Listen: Chvrches, 'Every Open Eye':


I think almost everyone I follow on this here website is a fan of Chvrches - here’s a first play of their new album, via NPR.

I’m listening to it right now. I’m definitely digging the new album.

21 Sep 19:49

This is so cool. Here’s a Behind-the-Scenes:And here’s them...


This is so cool and creative.

This is so cool. Here’s a Behind-the-Scenes:

And here’s them testing their Nerf “rocket launcher”:

21 Sep 19:39

Wait...David Cameron did WHAT?


It's days like today that I wish The Bugle still came out with some form of regularity...

08 Sep 23:05

qweety: rainbrolly: i am at the hospital today with my mom and...





i am at the hospital today with my mom and there is this little robot that just boops around and makes cute noises and says excuse me when it passes. when it delivers the medicine it’s carrying, it chirrs and says little things like, “hi, do you want to take a selfie?”

basically, i eagerly await the arrival of our adorable robot overlords.


My brain is weird because I saw this little logistics robot and found the company’s youtube page. Look at all the interesting automated logistics systems they make!

The cute transport robot!

An automated dispensary for individual pills! 

An automated pharmacy for bulk medicines!

05 Sep 05:47



You know, I really regret never using a Mimic in a D&D campaign.

20 Aug 17:34

At the Giants game. In honor of the visiting ex-Montreal Expos...


Poutine by itself? Strangely compelling. Poutine in a burger with a really hard Italian bun so the gravy softens up the bread? Amazing. May be better than garlic fries, which is the staple french fry of bay area baseball games.

Also the Giants beat the Nationals 12-6. So a fantastic time was had by all.

At the Giants game. In honor of the visiting ex-Montreal Expos (aka the Washington Nationals) I’m eating some poutine fries.

16 Aug 07:54

Somebody built a hovercraft deloreon and is boating around...


Seriously this was the coolest.

Somebody built a hovercraft deloreon and is boating around McCovey Cove. When the gullwing doors opened the stadium exploded in cheers. Then they played a clip from Back to the Future!

10 Aug 06:52

scruboffame: swan2swan: natsumiakio33: hope-for-snow: patronu...


I don't understand. How?






Elsa (frozen) by Jiyu-Kaze

I fucking died. I’m dead.
Goodbye my friends I’m gone.








07 Aug 13:30

edwardspoonhands: ellethinthewoods: mistress-maya: danejuanret...

Chris.d.woo do the legs work?






Either I’m tripping or that’s a dinosaur


Instantly turning everyone nearby into a 10 year old.

that person telling their kid to be gentle with all seriousness tho

Can we please have this dinosaur at next year’s VidCon?

That is cooler than it has any right to be.

06 Aug 19:35

positive post


Have a happy day!

25 Jul 06:25

This is amazing.


Spider-Gwen is another fun comic. A great little "What If?" universe where Gwen Stacy became Spider-Woman instead of Peter Parker becoming Spider-Man. Lots of crazy changes happens as a result.

Also Spider-Ham shows up and eats a corn dog.

This is amazing.

22 Jul 12:57

Also this is the best gag ever.


There is nothing I do not love about the Ms. Marvel comic book.

Also this is the best gag ever.

21 Jul 15:33

thewildcardarcana: They’ve been waiting to make this joke since...


Seriously guys, Ms. Marvel is an awesome comic. I really recommend it, and you guys can pick it up on the cheap right now (the first eleven issues are on sale for $0.99/ish for today only). It's fun, diverse, and makes me smile which is more than I can say for a lot of comics these days.


They’ve been waiting to make this joke since issue #1. 

There’s a Ms. Marvel sale on Comixology right now (issues #1-11). So I bought them. I read them. I then proceeded to buy issues 12-16. AND NOW I WANT MORE!

30 Jun 21:47

think-progress: California Lawmakers Crack Down On...


I'm really happy about this.


California Lawmakers Crack Down On Anti-Vaxxers

Seven months after a measles outbreak at a theme park infected more than 100 people, California may be well on its way to strengthening vaccination requirements for children — an policy that pediatricians say would boost immunization rates and stop the spread of disease.

30 Jun 18:58

space-pics: It’s a long...


It's really too bad that the Falcon 9 exploded, but I suppose it had to happen eventually. At the moment it has a 17-1-1 success rate, which is still better than a lot of space program's rockets (the heavy-lift Proton family used by the Russians has a 13% failure rate). The most interesting thing, though to me is that apparently the Dragon capsule could have survived had they been able to deploy the parachutes on-the-fly (all the available data also suggests that the Dragon 2's escape system would have allowed the manned variant to have escaped this explosion).


It’s a long way.


19 Jun 21:21

There was some Mad Max shit going on too.


I don't think I can explain how strange the Golden State Warriors Champions parade was. Those two people on the snail? That's the Mayor of Oakland and MC Hammer. So weird.

There was some Mad Max shit going on too.

16 Jun 19:40

New 'Peanuts Movie' trailer puts the little red-haired girl at center of plot



New 'Peanuts Movie' trailer puts the little red-haired girl at center of plot:

I absolutely love the CG art style on the new Peanuts movie.  I also love that the Peanuts characters are going to be voiced by children.  And the new trailer looks absolutely fun.

13 Jun 03:33

edwardspoonhands: narkotischedysfunktion: Titansgrave: The...


A tabletop roleplaying game run by Wil Wheaton and some kind of famous Internet celebrities! Could be fun.



Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana - The Journey Begins! (x)


I have some pretty high hopes for this.

10 Jun 15:42

Ambidextrous Venditte hurls two shutout frames


Switch pitchers! And the interesting thing is that Venditte pitches INCREDIBLY different as a lefty than as a righty. I forget which is which, but with one arm he pitches over the shoulder and the other he pitches side-armed. He has vastly different pitches for the different arms. It's crazy.

One of the crazy benefits people are talking up for Venditte is the idea that because he's using both arms he could have higher total pitch counts and last longer than his non-ambidextrous competition. I actually have no idea if official scorers at the stadiums he plays at end up splitting his pitch count up by arm, but they probably should. Right now Oakland is testing the waters with the guy and he's got an ERA of 0.00 as a closer. But if he has the longevity and is a real knockout pitcher he could be an intense long-reliever or even starter.

And finally: on tumblr I joked that over-involved parents should start forcing their kids to be ambidextrous so they'd have this toolkit to set them apart. My uncle actually did try to force my cousin to throw left handed but it never worked out. Instead he ended up in hockey, where he plays for RIT's Division I hockey team.

Ambidextrous Venditte hurls two shutout frames:

This happened a couple of days ago, but I only came across it now. Switch pitching, man. Absolutely crazy. Pat Venditte is now the subject of a baseball rule, resulting from this insane series of events in minor league ball where Venditte, a switch pitcher, faced Ralph Henriquez, a switch hitter:

01 Jun 18:51

So I’ve finished installing OS X on the updated machine (though...


Woohoo! Upgraded MacBook Pro!



All components installed!

System Info




So I’ve finished installing OS X on the updated machine (though I still have a few files and applications to install). A dramatic increase in performance has resulted; previously it took ~212 seconds to turn on the computer now it takes less than 20. I still haven’t tested the Blu-Ray player functionality — that will require finding a program to play the disks — but the drive does work (though it is a bit of a noisy son of a bitch).